Join Community Page Editor Tags for Adaptive Layout

This library contains the Join Community Page Editor tags for the Adaptive Layout Framework. These tags are only available on the Join Community Selection Adaptive Layout, which applies to the DHTML flyout for adding portlets to a page.

Tag Library Information

Tag Summary
addcommunitiesflyoutdataURL to add Communities Selection Flyout Editor on a page. (The flyout editor allows users to join and unsubscribe communities for the current user.)
communitydataThese tags are only available on the Join Community Selection layout, which applies to the DHTML flyout for adding portlets to a page.Generates the data required to show a list of communities for the page editor and stores it in memory using the variable name specified by the id attribute. Each result is a DataObject with the following variables:
  • name - The name of the community.
  • description - The description of the community.
  • id - The community ID.
  • isalreadyjoined - True if the user has already joined the community.
  • invitationid - The ID to be used in the invitation javascript function. Invitation is disabled if this is -1.
  • lastmodified - The last modified date of the community.
  • mandatory - True if the community is mandatory for the user.
Use tags from the Logic library to iterate over the list and display the results.
NOTE: This tag must be displayed before other joincommunitypageeditor tags so that the page can be initialized properly.
communityjsGenerates the javascript functions required for community preview and invitation. These tags are only available on the Join Community Selection layout, which applies to the DHTML flyout for adding portlets to a page.
browsebreadcrumbsdataThis tag stores the breadcrumb path to the current folder in memory. Each breadcrumb data object will have the following variables: name for the breadcrumbs folder name, id for the folder ID, and url for the URL to access the folder. The current folder will not contain the URL, instead it will have the constant 'EMPTY_STRING'. This tag requires the joincommunitybrowsemode to be displayed on the page before it.These tags are only available on the Join Community Selection layout, which applies to the DHTML flyout for adding portlets to a page.
joincommunitybrowsemodeDisplays the javaScript required to switch to browse mode. The current community's folder can be opened directly by using -1 as the id argument.These tags are only available on the Join Community Selection layout, which applies to the DHTML flyout for adding portlets to a page.
joincommunitybrowsesubfoldersdataStores a list of subfolders of the current folder in memory. Each subfolder data object will have the following variables: name - the name of the subfolder, description - the subfolder description, id - the subfolder ID, and url - the URL to access the folder. This list will only be populated if the page is in browse mode. This tag requires the joincommunitybrowsemode to be displayed on the page before it.These tags are only available on the Join Community Selection layout, which applies to the DHTML flyout for adding portlets to a page.
paginationdataGenerates the data for the pagination links for the search results and stores it in memory using the variable name specified by the id attribute. The main data is stored as a DataObject with the following variables:
  • total - The total number of results.
  • numperpage - The number of results to display per page.
  • start - The first result displayed on the current page.
  • end - The last result displayed on the current page.
  • lastpage - The index of the last page.
  • previousurl - The URL to the previous page.
  • nexturl - The URL to the next page.
  • firstpageurl - The URL to the first page.
  • lastpageurl - The URL to the last page.

Additionally, the list of page links to display is stored in memory using the variable name specified by the pageslist attribute. Each result is a DataObject with the following variables:
  • number - The index of the page.
  • start - The first result displayed on the page.
  • end - The last result displayed on the page.
  • url - The URL to the page; will not be present if the page is the current page.
Use tags from the Logic tags library to iterate over the list and display the results.
joincommunitysearchformGenerates the form and hidden inputs necessary to search for communities. It does not generate the text input or search button. The text input must be named in_tx_query. These tags are only available on the Join Community Selection layout, which applies to the DHTML flyout for adding portlets to a page.

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