Join Community Page Editor Tags for Adaptive Layout
Tag joincommunitysearchform

Generates the form and hidden inputs necessary to search for communities. It does not generate the text input or search button. The text input must be named in_tx_query. These tags are only available on the Join Community Selection layout, which applies to the DHTML flyout for adding portlets to a page.

Tag Information
Tag Namejoincommunitysearchform

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
namestringfalsecommunitySearchThe name to use for the search form.
idstringfalsecommunitySearchThe ID to use for the search form.
validatestringfalsecheckCommunitySearchThe name to use for the javascript search validation function used in the form.
submitstringfalsesubmitCommunitySearchThe name to use for the javascript submit function. This function will need to be called when the user searches for communities.
keydownstringfalsehandleSearchEventThe name to use for the javascript key down event handler function. This function should be added to the 'onkeydown' attribute of the search text input box. The function takes the key down event as an argument (i.e. onkeydown='handleSearchEvent(event);').
flyoutIDstringtruenullSpecifies the ID of the div that will have the flyout effect.
defaulttextstringtruenullThe default text displayed in the search box. This will be used by the search validation javascript to convert the default text to a wildcard query (i.e. *) if the user searches for it.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.