Logic Tags
Tag concat

This tag concatenates up to ten values into one and sets the new value in a variable with a specified name. The first two values are required in order to perform a concatenation.

<pt:logic.variable pt:key="somepageid" pt:value="2000"/>
<pt:logic.concat pt:key="target" pt:value1="pageid" pt:value2="$somepageid" />
<pt:logic.value pt:value="$target"/>

Tag Information
Tag Nameconcat

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
value1stringtruenullValue added to the front in the final concatenated value.
value2stringtruenullValue added to the back of value1 in the final concatenated value.
value3stringfalseN/AValue added to the back of value2 in the final concatenated value.
value4stringfalseN/AValue added to the back of value3 in the final concatenated value.
value5stringfalseN/AValue added to the back of value4 in the final concatenated value.
value6stringfalseN/AValue added to the back of value5 in the final concatenated value.
value7stringfalseN/AValue added to the back of value6 in the final concatenated value.
value8stringfalseN/AValue added to the back of value7 in the final concatenated value.
value9stringfalseN/AValue added to the back of value8 in the final concatenated value.
value10stringfalseN/AValue added to the back of value9 in the final concatenated value.
scopestringfalseportlet requestThe scope used to store the result in memory. See the Logic tag library description for details about valid scope arguments.
keystringtruenullName of the resulting concatenated values.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.