WCI Data Tags
Tag pagelink

This tag will display a link back to the current page or to the base URL of the current page (without the ?). The HTTP entry point portion of the link can be modified.

This tag does not display the contents of the tag and should only be used as a singleton tag (i.e. <pt:ptdata.pagelink/>), rather than as a tag with both an open and close tag.

<pt:ptdata.pagelink pt:usebaseurl="true"/>
<pt:logic.value pt:value="$pagelink"/>
<pt:ptdata.pagelink pt:entrypoint="/portal/test.pt"/>
<pt:logic.value pt:value="$pagelink"/>If the "parseurl" attribute is specified, a DataObject will be returned. When used in conjunction with the "entrypoint" attribute, it will parse the URL with the modified entry point.The DataObject contains the following variables:

Tag Information
Tag Namepagelink

NameTypeRequiredDefault ValueDescription
keystringfalsepagelinkThe key used to store the variable in memory.
scopestringfalseportlet requestThe scope used to store the variable. See the Logic Tag Library description for more details about valid scope arguments.
entrypointstringfalseN/AThe new HTTP entry point of the URL that will replace the main HTTP entry point (i.e. /portal/server.pt).
usebaseurlbooleanfalsefalseUse the normalized base URL of the current page, rather than the full URL. This will cause the query string, and any portion of the URL after the entry point (i.e. friendly URL sections) to be removed.
controlstringfalsenullThis optional atttribute takes the name of the control and returns the base url that has current activity space and points to the controlthe generated url can be used to invoke the control with in the current activity space.
parseurlbooleanfalsefalseThis optional atttribute parses the link of the current page and generates a data collection that includes the hostname, baseurl (URL up to the entry point), HTTP entry point, and query string.

Copyright 2005 Plumtree Software, Inc.