Standard Catalogs use batch services to perform catalog maintenance. These services are collectively referred to as the Catalog Maintenance System or CMS. The CMS will update property values that enable navigation and hierarchical search.

There are two service components that facilitate the updating of the catalog in batch mode. Both services can be run on demand or in scheduled mode. The services are: AncestorGeneratorService and CatalogMaintenanceService

Each service performs functions that can be selectively executed using the function names.

Each service keeps an in memory history of all information, warning and error level messages. They are exposed through a set of API, getWarningMessages, getErrorMessages, getInfoMessages and getCurrentMessage. They can be viewed using the View Status option on the Commerce Administration Page. For more information on accessing the Dynamo Administration UI, see the Installation and Configuration Guide for your application server.

Each service creates a global lock at the start of execution, using the ATG platform’s global lock management, and releases it upon completion. This prevents services that use the same lock name from executing simultaneously on the same server, or other servers in the cluster.

Each service has the following configurable property values:
Note: Additional properties are listed below under each specific service.




Schedule on which the service will execute. If this property is valued, the service will schedule itself accordingly when it is first instantiated.


A list of function names that the service can perform. Function names are used to identify specific processes that can be performed by the service such as, AGS_GENCATALOGS to generate ancestor catalogs. AGS_GENANCESTORS to generate ancestor categories.


This properly is used to configure a default set of function names that are executed when none are provided, such as in schedule mode, or through the Java API. It can be any of the functions exposed by the availableFunctions property.


True/False – if true the info, error and warning messages from the last execution of the service are retained in memory. These messages are used for the maintenance log display on the Commerce Administration pages. Default is true.


The number of repository items that are updated before restarting the transaction. This can be used in the case of very large catalogs to spread updates across several transactions.


The scheduler job name used when the service is scheduled


The scheduled job description


Time in milliseconds before a timeout when acquiring the global lock.


The name used for the global lock.


Component: /atg/commerce/catalog/AncestorGeneratorService

This service updates the following property values for each of the catalog item types. This service must be executed after making catalog updates in order for catalog navigation and search to work correctly.

Item Type

Property Names





Available Functions:
AGS_GENANCESTORS – generates the ancestorCategories property

AncestorGeneratorService includes the following properties as well as the properties listed for both services at the beginning of this section.




The name of the item type that functions as a category in the catalog. If the catalog has multiple category item types related by inheritance, set this property to the name of the parent type; the service will generate ancestor categories for the subtypes as well as the parent type.

Default: category


The name of the item type that functions as a product in the catalog. If the catalog has multiple product item types related by inheritance, set this property to the name of the parent type; the service will generate ancestor categories for the subtypes as well as the parent type.

Default: product


The name of the property used to store the Set of ancestor categories of the item; this must be a property of the item types specified by categoryItemName and productItemName.

Default: ancestorCategories


The name of the property used to store the Set of categories that the item is the parent category of; this must be a property of the item type specified by categoryItemName.

Default: fixedChildCategories


The name of the property used to store the Set of products that the item is the parent category of; this must be a property of the item type specified by categoryItemName.

Default: fixedChildProducts


An array of the names of the Repository objects that make up the catalog. If your site uses only a single repository for its product catalog, this property can be null.

Default: null


The CatalogMaintenanceService component is an extension of a standard batch service. It is a container of other batch maintenance services. It provides a single point of access to other batch services and a consolidated view of their processing results.

The CatalogMaintenanceService exposes the history log for each of its registered services, which can be viewed from the Commerce Administration pages. The viewable history log is maintained only in memory and is discarded after a redeployment of ATG Commerce. The ATG platform logs can be used as a historical reference to the service logs.

The CatalogMaintenanceService functions from any of the contained services can be selectively executed. Therefore, this service can be scheduled to sequentially execute other services it contains, as opposed to scheduling each service individually.

Component :

Available Functions
All contained services functions

CatalogMaintenanceService includes the following properties as well as the properties listed for both services at the beginning of this section.




An array of nucleus paths to each contained service component. Each component is resolved by path and added to the servicesMap property.


A consolidated list of all the availableFunctions provided by the contained services.


Configures a default set of function names that are executed when none are provided, such as in schedule mode, or through the Java API. It can be any of the function names exposed by the availableFunctions property. In the case of the CatalogMaintenanceService this property can contain any of the function names exposed by the contained services.

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