The browse algorithm begins at the starting item set, and recursively descends to its children and their children. At each item set, the algorithm computes the total unique index items with the set and its descendents. Normally, ATG Search uses the static size stored in the index structure, which is fast and efficient. However, these sizes do not reflect the constraints that are included in the browse request. For example, security metadata constraints might limit a user to see only a portion of the collection, and ideally, the item set size should reflect that subset. However, computing dynamic sizes of all returned item sets is expensive and slow, and is controlled by the following attribute:

<browse constrDocCounts="N"

The N value of 0 means that static sizes will be returned and the effect of constraints ignored. A positive N value represents the maximum (static) size of an item set that will have its dynamic (constraint-based) size computed. For example, a value of 100 means that only item sets whose static size is less than 100 items will have constraint-based sizes computed; all other returned item sets will return their static size. The logic of this attribute is that the exact size of very large sets is less important than small sets, so ATG Search will pay the cost of computation only on small sets.

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