The Dynamo Administration UI includes a JDBC Browser (http://hostname:port/dyn/admin/atg/dynamo/admin/en/jdbcbrowser/) that enables you to examine the metadata of a database, including a listing of the tables, columns, and supported data types. The JDBC Browser also allows you to create tables, drop tables, execute queries, and examine the results of those queries.

All these operations are performed on a generic JDBC driver connection, meaning that the JDBC Browser should work with all databases for which a JDBC driver exists.

Configuring the JDBC Browser

The JDBC Browser obtains its JDBC connections from a JDBC connection pool service. By default, the service is set to the standard connection pool at /atg/dynamo/service/jdbc/JTDataSouce. This connection pool determines which JDBC driver and database to use. You can change the JDBC driver or database settings using the Configuration Manager. See the Configuring a Connection Pool through the Admin UI section for details.

If you want the JDBC Browser to use a different connection pool, modify the connectionPool property of /atg/dynamo/admin/en/jdbcbrowser/ConnectionPoolPointer so that it points to the desired connection pool service, using the following form:

Create Table Operation

The Create table page provides a simple way for you to define a table and create it in the database. You can fill in the names and types of up to 10 columns in the table (any columns you leave blank will not be put into the table). The column types are expressed in JDBC types, which may or may not correspond directly to your database’s data types.

The Nullable, Unique, and Primary Key flags indicate properties of the column. You’ll have to be careful to avoid illegal combinations; for example, most databases do not allow a primary key to be nullable.

The Additional Constraints are passed straight through to the CREATE TABLE statement. This allows you to enter additional constraints, such as foreign keys or indices.

Drop Table Operation

The Drop table page drops the table you name.

Execute Query Operation

The Execute query page allows you to enter an arbitrary SQL statement that is passed through the driver to the database. The results of the statement are displayed in response. If the statement generates multiple result sets and update counts, all of those result sets and update counts will be displayed.

The flag marked Show resulting column headings in long form indicates whether extra result set metadata should be shown with each column. This tends to be rather extensive and is probably not necessary for most operations.

When you submit the query, you can submit with a commit or submit with a rollback. These options are only meaningful if autoCommit is false. If autoCommit is true, then the query will always be followed by a commit. The autoCommit property is set in the connection pool service.

Metadata Operations

All JDBC drivers provide metadata about the database that can be accessed through the JDBC interface. This metadata includes runtime information such as a listing of the tables and columns in the database. The metadata can also include information about the specific dialect of SQL that is understood by the database.

The JDBC Browser allows you to access all the metadata provided by the JDBC driver. Each of the metadata operations will first ask you to provide parameters for the requested metadata. For example, the List tables operation will ask for a Catalog Name, Schema Name, and Table Name. You can leave these fields blank, in which case all the appropriate metadata will be returned.

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