dsp:link lets you reference files such as stylesheets or formatting pages and makes them available to the parent page in much the same way as the HTML link tag.

Note:dsp:link uses the iclass attribute in place of the cascading stylesheet class attribute to avoid using a Java reserved word in Java code.



The rel attribute describes the kind of item that is referenced.


The type attribute contains the MIME type that represents the referenced page. The MIME type must be a recognized MIME type, supported by the MIMETyper and MIMETypeDispatcher components.


You must use one of these attributes to specify the page to be referenced in the parent page.




Path and file name. Resolves relative paths using the current page as a starting point. Resolves absolute paths using the Web server doc root as a starting point.


Path and file name. Resolves relative paths using the current page as a starting point. Resolves absolute paths using the Web application root as a starting point by prepending the request object’s context root to the specified value.


The title attribute contains the title as it appears on the referenced page.


<dsp:link rel="stylesheet"
  title="Jefferson High School StyleSheet"/>

This example creates a link from the current page to a stylesheet called style.css that is located in the same directory. The linked page uses the standard MIMETYPE for stylesheets (text/css) and is titled Jefferson High School Stylesheet.

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