Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Interface LayoutAccess2

All Superinterfaces:

public interface LayoutAccess2
extends LayoutAccess

Methods that layout panels call to work on the layout before applying the layout to an actual query. The implementation of this interface should provide a representation of the layout part of a query that will be manipulated by layout panels.

See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface oracle.dss.util.LayoutAccess
Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] getDataItems(java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves the list of data items the user has chosen for the query.
 int getItemEdge(java.lang.String item)
          Return the edge on which the given item is found.
 int getItemLayer(java.lang.String item, int edge)
          Return the layer on which the given item is found within a given edge.
 java.lang.String[] getItems(java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves the list of items the user has chosen for the query.
 java.lang.String[][] getLayout()
          Return the current item layout.
 int getMaxEdge()
          Return the current maximum (used as the layer hiding ???edge???) by the Query Builder, if supported by the DataDirector/DataAccess implementation in use by the current Query.
 void resetItems(java.lang.String[] dataItems, java.lang.String[] items)
          Reinitialize the copy of the Query tracked by the LayoutAccess implementation with a new set of data items.
 void setItems(java.lang.String[] dataItems, java.lang.String[] items)
          Specifies the list of dataItems and items that should be considered in the layout of the query.
Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.util.LayoutAccess
getDataSource, getMeasureEdge, getMeasureLayer, getMeasures, isSpecialDimension, release, setCursorEvaluation, setLayout, setMeasures

Method Detail


int getItemEdge(java.lang.String item)
Return the edge on which the given item is found.

item - Item to find in the current layout.
edge on which the item was found, or -1 if not found.


int getItemLayer(java.lang.String item,
                 int edge)
Return the layer on which the given item is found within a given edge.

item - Item to find in the current layout.
layer on which the item was found, or -1 if not found.


void setItems(java.lang.String[] dataItems,
              java.lang.String[] items)
              throws java.lang.Exception
Specifies the list of dataItems and items that should be considered in the layout of the query.

dataItems - The data items to use in the query.
items - The items to use in the query. Optional and ignored if dataItems are measures.
java.lang.Exception - if an error occurs.


java.lang.String[] getItems(java.lang.String type)
Retrieves the list of items the user has chosen for the query. These items are all items available for layout.

type - A MetadataMap constant indicating the type of data item names desired. If null return the default MetadataMap.METADATA_VALUE IDs.
the list of items in the query.


java.lang.String[] getDataItems(java.lang.String type)
Retrieves the list of data items the user has chosen for the query. These items are the data items available for layout.

type - A MetadataMap constant indicating the type of data item names desired. If null return the default MetadataMap.METADATA_VALUE IDs.
the list of data items in the query.


int getMaxEdge()
Return the current maximum (used as the layer hiding ???edge???) by the Query Builder, if supported by the DataDirector/DataAccess implementation in use by the current Query.

maximum hiding edge.


java.lang.String[][] getLayout()
Return the current item layout.

The first dimension of the array represents edges. The second dimension of the array represents layers within the edges. Each element in the array represents a LayerMetadataMap.LAYER_METADATA_NAME ID. Empty edges are represented by a zero-element sub array at the edge location.


void resetItems(java.lang.String[] dataItems,
                java.lang.String[] items)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Reinitialize the copy of the Query tracked by the LayoutAccess implementation with a new set of data items.

dataItems - The data items to use in the query.
items - The item IDs to use to reinitialize the Query. Optional and ignored for measures.
java.lang.Exception - if an error occurs.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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