Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Package oracle.dss.util

Interface Summary
BaseTokenSubstitution This interface is defined in context with the Insert tab in the UI panels.
BIException Methods that are supported in all BI Beans exceptions.
CDFDataAccess DataAccess methods that must be implemented to create CDF-compliant DataControls
Collection Collection interface.
CubeDataAccess A DataAccess that gives data to cube-based OLAP views.
CubeDataDirector A DataDirector that is provided to cube-based OLAP views.
DataAccess Methods that are necessary for a presentation bean to access data from a data provider.
DataDirector Methods and fields that are necessary for a view to manipulate data in the data provider.
DataDirectorListener The listener for notification of changes to data.
DataSource Methods that views need from a data source.
DrillPathMetadata Implemented by an Object containing a collection of available Drill Targets (DrillTargetMetadata object instances).
DrillTargetMetadata Implemented by an Object containing a drill target ID and label.
ErrorHandler Interface for error handlers.
ErrorHandlerCallback Interface for beans that send messages to an error handler.
InsertableRowDataAccess Deprecated. Deprecated since
InsertableTreeDataAccess Deprecated. Deprecated since
LayoutAccess Methods that layout panels call to work on the layout before applying the layout to an actual query.
LayoutAccess2 Methods that layout panels call to work on the layout before applying the layout to an actual query.
LayoutContext Methods that provide the layout panels a way to get LayoutAccess objects and to apply them to a query.
MemberListAccess An interface to return all the unique member metadata of a given dimension
PagingControlAttributes The interface that defines paging control attributes.
QDRInterface Abstraction of very basic QDR access for transform methods
RelationalDataAccess A DataAccess that gives data to relational views.
RelationalDataDirector A DataDirector that is provided to relational views.
UpdatableBag UpdatableBag interface.
UpdatableCollection UpdatableCollection interface.
UpdatableSet UpdatableSet interface.
VectorClone Method for producing a deep copy of an object that is part of a vector.

Class Summary
AbstractMap List of the requested types of data or metadata for a cursor.
ArrayMap<K,V> A Map implementation that stores its contents in a single array.
ColumnComponentInfo Column information about a DataView component.
ColumnSortInfo Class specifying one or more sets of direction, type, and hidden dimension item sort criteria for use in the setColumnSort API.
ComponentInfo Information about a component in a DataView.
CompoundCondition CompoundCondition generated by combining 2 SimpleConditions or a combination of SimpleCondition and another CompoundCondition
DataAccessAdapter Null implementation of DataAccess and DataDirector interface.
DataAvailableEvent Describes a change in the availability of data.
DataChangedEvent Describes a change to data.
DataComponentInfo Row and column information about a DataView component.
DefaultErrorHandler Default error handler.
DimensionSortInfo Class specifying a series of dimension-based sorts for a single dimension.
DrillComponentInfo Information about the location of a drilling component in an edge.
DumpContext Class to provide a text dump of query contents and cursors.
EdgeComponentInfo Information about the location of a DataView component in an edge.
GroupComponentInfo Group information about a component in a Graph.
ImageUtils Deprecated. A utility class for working with images.
LayerSortInfo Info for header sorts
MemberSortInfo Class specifying a series of member sorts for a single dimension
ModelEvent Describes changes to data.
PageItemComponentInfo Page item information about a DataView component.
PagingControlAttributesAdapter Basic implementation of the PagingControlAttributes interface.
PollingRequiredEvent Class representing information required when polling is required of an asynchronous data source.
QDR Qualified data reference.
QDRMember A member in a QDR.
QDRSliceSortInfo Class specifying one or more sets of measure/dimension item sort criteria for use in the setQDRSort API.
QDRSortInfo Class specifying one or more sets of measure/dimension item sort criteria for use in the setQDRSort API.
RowComponentInfo Row information about a DataView component.
SeriesComponentInfo Series information about a component in a Graph.
SimpleCondition Boolean expression involving constants, and data item metadata IDs as returned by getCompatibleDataItemMetadata method in DataDirector3
SortInfo Base class for the sorting information data structures.
StatusInfo Contains information about the current status of an asynchronous data source
VersionInfo VersionInfo Support for runtime version information.
The class provides a number of method to get version information for the oracle.dss.* packages based on a provided class or package.
WaitData A substitute for data that has not been fetched locally.
WaitDataAvailableEvent Describes a fetch of data that was previously unavailable.

Exception Summary
BIBaseException Indicates a problem somewhere in a BI Beans operation.
BIBaseRuntimeException Runtime exception.
ColumnOutOfRangeException Indicates that a column parameter was out of range.
DataException Indicates a problem with data.
EdgeOutOfRangeException Indicates that an edge parameter was out of range.
InvalidDrillPathException Indicates an invalid drill path in a DataDirector2 drill call.
InvalidDrillTargetException Indicates an invalid drill target in a DataDirector2 drill call.
InvalidMeasureRuntimeException Thrown if an invalid measure is found in a step or selection.
LayerOutOfRangeException Indicates that a layer parameter was out of range.
RowOutOfRangeException Indicates that a row parameter was out of range.
SeriesOutOfRangeException Indicates that a series parameter was out of range.
SliceOutOfRangeException Indicates that a slice parameter was out of range.
TypeNotSupportedException Indicates that a data source does not support a required type of data in either the DataMap, MetadataMap, or LayerMetadataMap.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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