8 Creating Vouchers from the Purchase Card Management System

This chapter contains these topics:

Although generating vouchers form the PCard system is an optional task, it streamlines your process to pay the bank and it provides an audit trail back to the purchase card transactions.

8.1 Understanding Create A/P Vouchers (P01P510)

You run the Create A/P Vouchers program (P01P510) to generate vouchers in the Accounts Payable Ledger file (F0411) to pay the bank for purchases made by your employees. You can generate vouchers before or after you generate journal entries; however, if you process statements you should not generate vouchers until the statement is reconciled. Using data selection, you can specify to generate vouchers only for PCard transactions that have a statement number. This ensures that you do not generate vouchers for transactions that are not due.

Processing vouchers from the PCard system provides offset accounting entries to correspond with those the system generates when you create journal entries:

  • When you create journal entries, the system debits an expense account for the purchased item and credits a suspense distribution account that the system retrieves using the CCP automatic accounting instructions (AAIs).

  • When you create vouchers, the system retrieves the same account from the CCP AAIs to use as the suspense distribution account, which offsets it.

Ultimately, if you generate journal entries and vouchers for all outstanding purchase card transactions, the balance in the suspense distribution account is zero.

This is an example of the journal entries that the system writes when you create journal entries and vouchers from the PCard system:

Journal Entry Creation
Voucher Creation
Account Explanation Amount Account Explanation Amount
1.8330 Meal 52.68 1.4115 Suspense Acct 437.08
1.8650 Computer Supplies 266.14      
1.8120 Postage 118.26      
1.4115 Suspense Acct 437.08-      

Depending on whether you track merchants, the system assigns the payee differently:

  • If you track merchants, the system uses the merchant as the supplier and the bank as the alternate payee when you generate vouchers, unless you use a one-time-payment (OTP) supplier, in which case the system uses the bank as both.

  • If you do not track merchants, the system uses the bank as both the supplier and alternate payee.

Regardless of whether you track merchants, the system updates the subledger field in the Account Payable Ledger file (F0411) with the address book number of the cardholder. If you process statements, the system updates the Statement Date field (RPFKD3) on the voucher regardless of whether you generate the statements prior to or after you generate vouchers.

8.1.1 Programs Used to Create Vouchers from the PCard System

Program Name Program Number Navigation Usage
A/P Functional Server XT0411Z1 From DREAM Writer (G81), choose Versions List.

On Versions List enter XT0411Z1 in the Form field.

To specify default processing for voucher creation.
Create A/P Vouchers P01P510 From Purchase Card Processing (G01P), choose Transaction Processing.

From Transaction Processing (G01P11), choose Create A/P Vouchers

Generate vouchers to pay the bank for purchase card expenses.

8.1.2 Setting Processing Options for A/P Functional Server (XT0411Z1)

The following processing option directly affects Purchase Card processing. Verify the setting of this processing option and all other processing options for the version of XT0411Z1 that you specify in the processing option of the Create Vouchers program.

Default Processing

3a. Document Type

Specify the document type to assign to vouchers that the system generates from the PCard system. JD Edwards World recommends that you assign a unique document type to vouchers generated from the PCard so that you can exclude them from Merchant Activity using the Allowed Doc Types Categories program (P0060).

8.1.3 Setting Processing Options for Create Vouchers (P01P510)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Proof or Final Mode

1. Specify whether to run the program in proof or final mode:

  • Blank - Proof Mode The system creates the Create Vouchers report (R01P510), which is an exception report that includes errors and warning messages but does not update files or create vouchers.

  • 1 - Final Mode The system does the following:

    • Updates the following fields in the Transaction File (F01P11) with the voucher document information:

      • Document Number (DOC)

      • Document Type (DCT)

      • Document Company (KCO)

      • Voucher Create Date field (CRTV) The system updates this field with the system date.

    • If you receive receipt item details and process the purchase card transaction in detail mode, as well as generate the voucher in detail mode, then the system updates the Pay Item field (SFX) in the Transaction Distribution File (F01P111).

    • Updates the RP3 field to P on the A/P Ledger record (F0411) to indicate that the voucher originated from the Purchase Card Management system.

Automatic Post

2. Use this processing option to specify whether to submit the post program (P09800) after successfully creating vouchers.

  • Blank - Do not submit the post program.

  • 1 - Submit version ZJDE0003 of the post program.

Voucher Creation

3. Use this processing option to specify the type of voucher to create. You must coordinate the setting of this processing option with the setting of the processing option for Create Journal Entries (P01P520) that specifies whether to create an offsetting entry by company and business unit; otherwise, the offset accounts will not balance to zero when you post the corresponding vouchers.

  • Blank - Standard Voucher

    Use this processing option setting if you specify to generate one offset entry in the Create Journal Entries program. The system uses the following hierarchy to locate the CCP AAI to use to retrieve the G/L distribution account to assign to the voucher:

    • CCP + Currency + Employee Company

    • CCP + Currency + Company 00000

    • CCP + Employee Company

    • CCP + Company 00000

    The system uses the employee company from the F01P11 record to locate the CCP AAI to use. If you do not specify a business unit on the CCP AAI, the system uses the employee business unit from the F01P11 record and concatenates it to the object/subsidiary to derive the offset account to use.

  • 1 - Logged Voucher

    Use this processing option setting when you assign purchase order information to the PCard transaction for encumbrance or inventory processing. The system uses the standard voucher logging AAIs (PP and PQ) for the G/L distribution and updates the Create Journal Entries Date field (CRTJ) with the system date to prevent journal entries from being generated. See Appendix F, "How to Redistribute Purchase Card Logged Vouchers with Purchase Order Matching" for further details.

  • 2 - Multicompany Single Supplier

    Use this processing option setting if you specify to generate multiple offset entries in the Create Journal Entries program. The system uses the following hierarchy to locate the CCP AAI to use:

    • CCP + Currency + Expense Distribution Company

    • CCP + Currency + Company 00000

    • CCP + Expense Distribution Company

    • CCP + Company 00000

    The system derives the expense distribution company based on the business unit of the expense account from the F01P111 record and uses that to locate the CCP AAI to use. If the business unit is blank on the CCP AAI, the system uses the business unit from the expense distribution account and concatenates it to the object/subsidiary account specified in the AAI to derive the offset account.

Transaction Processing

Use the processing options under this heading to specify how to generate vouchers:

4. Summary or Detail

Specify whether to generate vouchers based on the receipt (summary) or the receipt pay item (detail):

  • Blank - Summary

    The system generates voucher one pay item for each receipt from the F01P11 file.

  • 1 - Detail

    The system generates a separate pay item for each receipt detail record from the F01P111 file.

Results of Setting Based on Process Mode

If you receive PCard transactions with receipt details and you process them in detail mode, then the transactions in the F01P11 are the same as those in F01P111. If no further G/L distribution has been made to allocate the entries to more than the original transmitted account, then the detail and the receipt information are the same and the setting of this processing option is moot. The system generates voucher pay items for receipt details.

Similarly, if you do not receive PCard transactions with receipt details, then regardless of your process mode the transactions in the F01P11 are the same as those in F01P111. If no further G/L distribution has been made to allocate the entries to more than the original transmitted account, then the detail and the receipt information are the same and the setting of this processing option is moot. The system generates one voucher pay item that represents the receipt total.

If you receive PCard transactions with receipt details and you process them in summary mode, the system summarizes the receipt details from F01P111 into one receipt total in F01P11. Similarly, if you do not receive PCard transactions with receipt details, but you add detail entries by further allocating the expenses across multiple G/L accounts, then you would have a single F01P11 receipt total with multiple F01P111 detail records. Therefore, setting this processing option affects whether you generate one or more pay items on the voucher.

5. Summarizing Transactions and Assigning the G/L Date

When you generate vouchers, the system uses the following criteria to determine when to create a separate voucher:

  • Employee Company The system derives the employee company based on the business unit that you assign in the Employee/Card Revisions program (P01P01). The system uses this company as the company on the voucher. If you generate vouchers for employees in different companies, the system generates a voucher for each company.

  • Merchant ID (if tracking merchants) If you track merchants, then the system generates a separate voucher for each merchant ID.

  • Bank Number (if not tracking merchants) If you do not track merchants, the system generates a separate voucher for each unique bank number.

  • Purchase Date or Statement Date Use this processing option to specify whether to use the purchase date or statement date as the criteria for generating a separate voucher.

  • Number of Detail lines in the Voucher The system limits the pay items in one voucher to 999. After the system creates 999 pay items for one voucher, it creates a new voucher for additional transactions.

In addition to specifying the date criteria (purchase or statement), you also use this processing option to specify whether to summarize vouchers by fiscal period and the date to use as the G/L date of the voucher. Valid values are:

  • Blank - Summarize by Purchase Date

    The system creates a separate voucher for each unique purchase date and assigns the purchase date as the G/L date.

  • 1 - Summarize Purchase Dates by Fiscal Period and Assign Last Day as G/L Date

    The system creates a summarized voucher for all purchase dates within the same fiscal period and assigns the last day of the fiscal period as the G/L date.

  • 2 - Summarize by Statement Date

    The system creates a separate voucher for each unique statement date and assigns the statement date as the G/L date.

  • 3 - Summarize Statement Dates by Fiscal Period and Assign Last Day as G/L Date

    The system uses the statement date to determine the fiscal period and creates a summarized voucher for all purchase dates within that fiscal period and assigns the last day of the fiscal period as the G/L date.


If you use either of the Statement Date options (2 or 3), you must use the data sequence from either ZJDE0006 (if you track merchants) or ZJDE0007 (if you do not track merchants). Copy one of those versions for generating vouchers by statement date.

Bypass Tax Defaults

6. Use this processing option to specify whether to process the default tax information set up for the supplier that would normally be included on the voucher.

  • Blank - Use the standard tax defaults.

    The system includes tax information on the voucher if it is set up in the Supplier Master and is not bypassed according to the setting of the corresponding processing option in the in the Accounts Payable Functional Server (XT0411Z1)

  • 1 - Do not use the standard tax defaults.

    The system does not include tax information on the voucher regardless of the tax information set up for the supplier or the tax functionality specified by Accounts Payable Functional Server (XT0411Z1).

Remark or Description

7. Use this processing option to specify how to assign the wording to the Payment Remark field (RMK) on the voucher. This processing option works in conjunction with the Transaction Processing processing option that you use to specify how to create the voucher pay items.

  • Blank or 1 - Summary Mode

    The system uses the Description (EXR) from the F01P11 record to assign to the Payment Remark field.

  • Blank - Detail Mode The system uses the Description (EXR) from the F01P111 record to assign to the Payment Remark field.

  • 1 - Detail Mode

    The system uses the Remark field (RMK) from the F01P111 record to assign to the Payment Remark field.

Vendor Invoice Number

8. Use this processing option to specify whether to assign an invoice number (VINV) to the voucher that the system generates. The system generates the invoice number by retrieving the value of the employee's Card Type (CARD) from the Employee Card Information file (F01P01) and concatenating it to the value of Unique Key ID (UKID) from the PCard Transaction File (F01P11).

  • Blank - Generate and assign the voucher invoice number.

    You should use this processing option setting only if the Duplicate Invoice Number Edit field (DUIN) is set to Y or N.

  • 1 - Do not generate and assign the voucher invoice number.

Report Processing

Use the processing options under this heading to specify the information to print on the error report (R01P520).

9. Warning Message

Use this processing option to specify whether to print warning messages, in addition to error messages, on the report (R01P520) the system generates:

  • Blank - Print the warning messages.

  • 1 - Do not print warning messages.

10. Successfully Processed Notification

Use this processing option to specify whether to print additional account information and text when the system successfully generates the journal entry:

  • Blank- Print additional account information and text when the system successfully generates the journal entry.

  • 1 - Do not print additional account information and text when the system successfully generates the journal entry

DW Version for A/P Voucher Processor

11. Use this processing option to specify the version of the Accounts Payable Functional Server (XT0411Z1) that you want the system to use to provide default processing.

For example, you might want to set up a new version to assign a different document type to vouchers generated from the PCard system or you might want to assign a different payment status, and so forth.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

DW Version for Journal Entry Processor

12. Use this processing option to specify the version of the Journal Entry Functional Server (XT0911Z1) that you want the system to use to provide default processing. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses version ZJDE0001.

8.1.4 Setting Data Selection for Create A/P Vouchers (P01P510)

The data selection for this DREAM Writer includes the following mandatory values that you should not change:

  • Create Voucher Date EQ *ZEROS

  • Transaction Status EQ 1

You can add additional data selection as desired:

  • To generate vouchers only for transactions that have been reconciled, add the following data selection: Statement Number NE *BLANK.

  • To generate vouchers only for transactions for which you have generated journal entries, add the following data selection: Create Journal Entry Date NE *ZERO.

8.1.5 Setting Data Sequence for Create A/P Vouchers (P01P510)

Depending on the processing option setting that you use to assign the G/L date and whether you track merchants, the data sequence for the DREAM Writer version varies. Review each ZJDE000x DEMO version and copy the version that corresponds to your business process to ensure that you use the correct data sequence.

8.2 Reviewing Voucher and Related PCard Journal Entries

After you generate vouchers, you can review them using Supplier Ledger Inquiry (P042003). Additionally, you can view the corresponding journal entries generated for the expense portion of the PCard transaction using Option 10 (PCard Voucher to Journal Entry Window).

8.2.1 Programs Used to Review Vouchers and Related PCard Journal Entries

Program Name Program Number Navigation Usage
Supplier Ledger Inquiry P042003 From Accounts Payable (G04), choose Supplier and Voucher Entry.

From Supplier and Voucher Entry, choose Supplier Ledger Inquiry.

Inquire on the bank or financial institution that process the purchase card transactions.
Additional Selections P042003W From Supplier Ledger Inquiry, press F6. Enter P in the Voucher Type field to display only vouchers generated from the PCard system.
PCard Voucher to Journal P01P24W From Supplier Ledger Inquiry, use Option 10 (PCard Voucher to Journal Entry Window) Display the journal entries that comprise the expense portion of the corresponding voucher.
Journal Entries P09101 From PCard Voucher to Journal, choose Option 2 (Journal Entry). Display all journal entries associated with the voucher.

To review PCard journal entries related to the voucher

  1. Access the PCard Voucher to Journal window (P01P24W).

    Figure 8-1 PCard Voucher to Journal

    Description of Figure 8-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-1 PCard Voucher to Journal "

  2. Use Option 2 (Journal Entry) to review all journal entry line items for the document.

    Figure 8-2 Journal Entries screen

    Description of Figure 8-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 8-2 Journal Entries screen"