Phase II: Managing Resources

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Managing Resources

Implementing Resource Manager takes place in two phases. In the first phase, you set up Resource Manager by defining and configuring required components. In the second phase, you use Resource Manager to manage your resources. This chapter provides detailed instructions for Phase II: Managing Resources. This section contains a summary of the steps for managing resources with Resource Manager. Detailed instructions for these steps are provided in the subsequent sections.

Finding and Viewing Resources

After importing a resource into Resource Manager, you can find and view the resource and manage it by performing any of the actions described in the remainder of this chapter. Instructions for finding and viewing resources are contained in the following sections:

Modifying Resources

You can modify resources by configuring resource fields for updates in HTML, assigning additional attributes to resources in Forms, or synchronizing end dates for partner relationship resources in Forms. You can also modify some resource information by searching for a resource and then changing the resource's data as required.

Configuring Resource Fields for Updates

If you are using the HTML version of Resource Manager, then the appropriate users or system administrators with the Resource Self Service Administrator responsibility must set up the Define Resource Fields for Update window. This is used to determine which fields for the resource's personal information can be updated and how the update should occur. Instructions for performing this step are contained in the Configuring Resource Fields for Updates section.

Assigning Additional Resource Attributes

In the Forms-based version of Resource Manager, you can add additional attribute information if the resource is used by one of the following e-Business applications:

Instructions for performing this step are contained in the Assigning Additional Resource Attributes section.

Synchronizing End Dates for Partner Relationship Resources

Resource Manager enables you to synchronize the end date of an imported partner relationship resource with the end date of the partner relationship resource from which it was imported. For instance, if you import a partnership resource from an application such as OSO and the end date for that partnership resource is subsequently changed in OSO, you must reflect this change in the imported resource. Instructions for pilfering this step are contained in the Synchronizing End Dates for Partner Relationship Resources section.

Defining Groups

You can organize and manage your resources by defining groups to which they can be assigned. You can create groups in the Forms-based or HTML versions of Resource Manager, define dynamic groups, and view group hierarchy.

Creating Groups in Forms

The Forms-based version of Resource Manager enables you to create groups, to assign them roles, and to use the exclusive flag feature. You can only assign existing roles to a resource group in Forms. Instructions for this step are contained in the Creating Groups in Forms section.

Creating Groups in HTML

The HTML version of Resource Manager enables you to create groups and to assign new or existing roles to those groups. You cannot, however use the exclusive flag feature in HTML. Instructions for this step are contained in the Creating Groups in HTML section.

Defining Dynamic Groups

You can define a dynamic group based on criteria specified in a SQL statement. Instructions for this step are contained in the Defining Dynamic Groups section.

Viewing Group Hierarchy

Resource Manager enables you to view group hierarchy including managers and subordinates for a group or resource. Instructions for this step are contained in the Viewing Group Hierarchy section.

Managing Roles and Groups

You can manage roles and groups by viewing role details, assigning roles and group membership to resources, and setting up group member notification.

Viewing Role Details

Instructions for this step are contained in the Viewing Role Details section.

Assigning Roles to Resources

In HTML, you can attach a roles to resources. A Role is comprised of a Role Type, a Role, and a start and end date. Instructions for this step are contained in the Assigning Roles to Resources section.

Assigning Resources to Groups

In HTML, you can assign resources to a Group. Group membership is comprised of a Group, Role Type, Role, and a start and end date. Instructions for this step are contained in the Assigning Resources to Groups section.

Defining Teams

You can organize resource and groups by organizing them in teams. A team is a collection of groups and resources that is organized to accomplish a specific task or objective. Instructions for this step are contained in the Defining Teams section.

Running Reports

Resource Manager enables you to obtain a variety of information about resources, groups and skills by running the following reports:

Finding a Resource in Forms

In Forms, use the Find Resources window to perform the following actions:

You can search for a resource on any single or combination of fields. Perform the following steps to find one or more resource summaries.


Create or Import a Resource


  1. Log on to the system with the CRM Administrator or CRM Resource Manager responsibility and in the navigator, navigate to the Navigator - CRM (or CRM Resource Manager) Administrator window.

  2. Select Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Resources.

  3. Search for the resource using any required parameters including the following. You can search for resources using partial characters such as "johnso" instead of "johnson":

    • Number

    • Category

    • Transaction Number

    • Name

  4. (Optional) Enter the required dates for the resource in the Start Date and End Date fields.

  5. Click Find.

    The Resource Search Results window opens with a list of resources that met your criteria.

  6. Select your resource and click Resource Details.

    The Resource window opens. From here, you can select the appropriate tab to view more details for the selected resource.

Finding and Changing a Resource in HTML

You can use the HTML version of Resource Manager to find and modify resources whose category is Employee, Party, Partner or Supplier Contact.



  1. Navigate to the Resources tab and click the appropriate subtab depending on the type of resource you wish to locate. Resource categories include:

    • Employees

    • Parties

    • Partners

    • Supplier Contacts

  2. Enter the resource name in the Resource Name field and click the Go button.

  3. In the search results page, you can optionally view the resource's manager, organization information, and skills, or Update information by clicking the appropriate icon next to the resource.

  4. To view resource details click the resource in the search results page. Resource details include:

    • The resource's picture (if available)

    • Phone/Email

    • Work Address

    • Compensation Related Details

    • Sales Related Details

    • Service Related Details

    • Active Roles

    • Group Membership

    • Team Membership

  5. You can optionally modify some resource information such as Personal Details, Compensation Related Details, Sales Related Details, and Service Related Details. You can also assign or revoke resource roles, add resource to or remove them from groups and add or remove teams. Some resource information such as Phone, Fax, Email, and Address is imported from HRMS and cannot be modified.

Configuring Resource Fields for Updates

Administrators can set up resource fields for to be updated as follows:

By using the previous four update options, administrators can define the following specific fields that can and cannot be changed, as well as how those fields can be modified (with approval or with notification only):

Perform the following steps to add or modify field updates for a resource.


You must have the Resource Self Service Administrator responsibility.


Resource Self Service Administrator


  1. Navigate to the Setup tab and click the Resources subtab.

  2. Modify preferences for each field by selecting the option button for the type of update you want to define.

  3. Click the Update button and then click the Edit Details to return to the Define Resource Fields for Update window.


Users with the Resource Self Service Administrator responsibility can determine which fields (preferred name, resource address, work phone number, and e-mail address) can be updated and how the update should occur, such as full update, update with notification, update with approval, or no update.

Assigning Additional Resource Attributes

In Forms, you can assign or view additional resource information if the resource is used by other applications. In the following tabs you can add additional information:

You can view only personal information about the resource in the Miscellaneous tab.

You can search for a resource on any single or combination of fields. Perform the following steps to find one or more resource summaries.


A Resource has been created or imported.



Navigate to the Navigator - CRM (or CRM Resource Manager) Administrator window.


  1. Select Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Resources.

  2. Choose one or more parameters upon which to search.

  3. Click Find.

    The Resource Search Results window opens with a list of resources that met your criteria.

  4. Select your resource and Click Resource Details.

    The Resource window opens. From here, you can select the appropriate tab to add more details for the selected resource.

  5. Save your work.


For complete instructions, refer to Configuring Agent Telephony Parameters, Oracle Advanced Inbound Telephony Implementation Guide.

Synchronizing End Dates for Partner and Employee Resources

This section provides instructions for synchronizing the end date of an imported partnership or employee resource in Resource Manager with the original partnership or employee resource in the application from which it was imported. The synchronization process also enables you to augment the end date with a unit of time specified in the appropriate profile option. This provides additional time to process the termination of the partnership or employee resource instead of doing so on the end date.


A partner or employee relationship must be created in an environment such as OSO and imported by Resource Manager. The partner or employee relationship must subsequently be end dated in the application from which it was imported, either by specifying an end date or by making the partner relationship resource inactive.


CRM Administrator

Resource Self Service Administrator


Log in to the Forms interface and access the navigator.


  1. Navigate to Resource Manager > Others > Profile and select the "Resource active days after termination of relationship" profile option.

  2. Specify the number of days after the end date that you want to terminate the partner or employee relationship, and save your work.

  3. Navigate to Resource Manager > Others > Requests > Run and select the option for running a single request.

  4. Locate and run the appropriate concurrent program:

    • For partnership resources run the "Synchronize Parties and Partners" concurrent program.

    • For employee resources, run the "Synchronize Employees" concurrent program.

  5. Check the partner or employee relationship resource to ensure that the end date has been synchronized according.

See Also

Creating Groups in Forms

In this Forms-based procedure, an individual or group resource can belong to more than one group. Either search for an existing group or create a new group; then define the group's members, roles, usages, and relations. Perform the following steps to define a resource group.

Note: To view a group in HTML that was created in Forms, you must specify a member role.


  1. Navigate to the Navigator - CRM (or CRM Resource Manager) Administrator window. using either the CRM Administrator or CRM Resource Manager responsibility.

  2. Select Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Groups.

  3. (Optional) To find an existing resource group, use this procedure.

    1. On the application tool bar, click View > Find.

    2. In the Find Group window, select a group name from the list of values (LOV) in the Group Name field and click Find.

      The application populates the Results region with the group name search results.

    3. Select a group name in the Results table and click OK.

  4. To create a new resource group, then use this procedure.

    1. Enter a group name in the Name field.

    2. . Select a time zone for the group.

    3. Enter a brief description of the group in the Description field.

    4. Enter the effective dates for the team in the Start and End fields.

  5. (Optional) Select the Exclusive Flag check box to assign resources to this group with a particular member role and usage that is not assigned to any other exclusive group with the same member role and usage, in the same time frame.

  6. In the Members tab, select a resource category and member number from the LOV in the Category and Number fields.

    The application populates the Name field with the member's name and affiliated organization.

  7. (Optional) Select a member name and click one of the available buttons.

    For a detailed description of the group member button options, see the Resource Group Member Buttons table in the Guidelines section.

  8. In the Roles tab, select a role type and role name from the LOV in the Role Type and Role fields.

    The roles relationship to its category is indicated by the role attributes check box selections.

  9. In the Used In tab, select one or more usage descriptions from the LOV in the Usage field.

  10. Choose File > Save.

  11. Select either the Parent Group or Child Group tab depending on the relation type.

  12. Select a group number from the LOV in the Group Number field of the selected tab.

    The application populates the Group Name field of the Parent Group or Child Group tab.

  13. Select effective dates for the relation from the LOV in the Start and End Date fields. If the group contains group member, group roles, or parent/child group hierarchies whose end date exceeds the group's expiration date, you can optionally select Yes when prompted to update all active roles and parent/child group hierarchies with the group's end date. Selecting No reverts the end date for members, roles, or group hierarchies to their previous value and requires you to manually end date them when you end date the group.

  14. Choose File > Save to save the group definition.

    The new group is accessible from the Group tab in the Resource window.

    Note: If the reporting hierarchy needs to be changed, it is better to delete a group member role rather than end dating it.


The following table describes the Resource Group member buttons.

Resource Group Member UI Components
Button or checkbox Action
Member Details button Opens the main Resource window and record of the member.
Move Member button Opens the Move Member window, where you can assign the member to another group and can move member roles to another group.
Member Roles Opens the Member Roles window, where you can define the member role type, name, and effective dates.

The following table describes the Define Group tabs.

Define Group Tab Descriptions
Tab Description
Members Use this tab to define the member category and member number of the group.You can also view a members details, assign the member to another group, and view a members role type in this tab.
Roles Use this tab to define roles and role types for the group.
Usages Use this tab to determine what CRM modules use the group.
Parent Group Use this tab to define a group as a parent group.
Child Group Use this tab to define a group as a child group.

Creating Groups in HTML

A group is a collection of resources or other groups that is based on the similar functionality or roles of its members.


Vision Motor Corporation has several sales groups for different models. Linda, as a sales manager, leads the Vision Model A Sales Group. She has three sales representatives, John, Mark, and Carol, directly working for her. This Vision Model A Sales Group can also consist of another resource group, Key Accounts West Group, to handle sales in the west region for model A. A resource can belong to multiple groups. For example, as a sales manager for model A, Linda may belong to another sales group to provide model A information.

You can then create a new resource group, identify parent group name and group usage, as well as assign group member information. Perform the following steps in HTML to create a Group resource.


The JTFRS: Group Update Access profile must be set to "None."


Resource Self Service Administrator


  1. Navigate to the Resources tab, click the Groups subtab and then click the Create button.

  2. Enter the required information in the Create Groups window including the name of the group and the date from which it becomes active.

  3. Optionally enter the following information for the group:

    • Description. A description of the group.

    • Email. The group's email address.

    • Time Zone. Select the time zone for the group.

    • Parent Group. If you are creating a child group, use the search tool to locate the parent group to which it belongs.

    • Active To. The date on which the group is no longer active.

  4. Optionally configure group membership information:

    • Add members. To add group members, click the Members icon, click the Add Members button and use the search window to locate and select the desired resources.

    • Assign roles to members. Click the search icon next to each group member to locate and assign it the appropriate role.

    • Dates active. Use the Active To and Active From fields next to each member to optionally specify when it is active. The Active To field is required.

    • Remove members. Click the Remove icon next to each group member that you wish to remove.

  5. Optionally specify the applications in which the group is used by clicking the Used In icon and entering the required information.

  6. Optionally specify any child groups that belong to this group by clicking the Child Group icon and entering the required information. A child group cannot have overlapping date ranges with its parent group.

Defining Dynamic Groups in Forms

You can create dynamic groups in the Forms-based and HTML versions of Resource Manager. Dynamic groups use SQL statements to derive group members based on specific requirements and cannot be hierarchical. Dynamic groups can have the same name as resource groups and can contain the same members. With dynamic groups, however, membership is derived exclusively from the SQL statement and members cannot be added in the same manner as they are to resource groups.

After entering group name and usage information, you can then enter SQL statements in the SQL Statement field. Click the Check Syntax button to check your code for syntax errors before saving your work. This action creates a dynamic group, but not an actual group which you would find in the list of values.


Interaction Center's Telephony Manager uses Dynamic Groups for skill-based routing. In active mode, Oracle Telephony Manager routes calls according to defined rules. The active mode is the default mode of operation. In active mode, Oracle Telephony Manager uses skill-based routing, a dynamic call routing intelligence that delivers inbound calls to an agent who is appropriately skilled to meet the needs of the caller. When inbound calls arrive at the switch, the switch issues a routing request. Oracle Telephony Manager monitors the routing request, then applies skill-based routing rules, and identifies suitably skilled agents. Meanwhile, a representation of the call waits in the virtual queue within Oracle Telephony Manager. When a suitable agent becomes available, Oracle Telephony Manager responds to the routing request and instructs the switch to deliver the call to the agent's extension through the Universal Work Queue, where more specific pre-defined rules may apply in directing the call. In a dynamic group, the database automatically updates information about individual group members.

The following code example shows how a dynamic group is created and the type of information returned, which is the dynamic routing executes the workflow/procedure to get an agent list.

          Select Resource_ID from 
          where Party_ID=:CUSTOMER_ID 
          order by Last_update_date desc

Note: Oracle Interaction Center's Telephony Manager commonly uses dynamic groups for skill-based routing.

Perform the following steps to define a dynamic group.


Resource Manager must be configured with Call Center usage.



Navigate to the Navigator - CRM (or CRM Resource Manager) Administrator window.


  1. Select Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Dynamic Groups.

  2. In the Dynamic Groups window, enter a group name in the Name field.

  3. Select a group usage from the Usage field.

  4. Select the effective dates for the group from the list of values (LOV) in the Start and End fields.

  5. Enter a brief description of the group name and usage in the Description field.

  6. Enter the SQL statement to define a group.

  7. Click Check Syntax to check the code for syntax errors.

  8. Choose File > Save to save the group.

    The new group name registers in the Group Name field in Resource Manager.

Defining Dynamic Groups in HTML

You can create dynamic groups in the Forms-based and HTML versions of Resource Manager. Dynamic groups use SQL statements to derive group members based on specific requirements and cannot be hierarchical. Dynamic groups can have the same name as resource groups and can contain the same members. With dynamic groups, however, membership is derived exclusively from the SQL statement and members cannot be added in the same manner as they are to resource groups.

Additional Information: This feature is not exposed for the Resource Manager and Resource Self Service Administrator responsibilities.

Steps for Defining Dynamic Groups in HTML

  1. In the Dynamic Groups window, click Create.

  2. Enter required information such as Name, Used In, and Active Dates. and click Apply.

Steps for Modifying Dynamic Groups in HTML

  1. Select Dynamic Groups from the Quick Find menu, enter the name of the dynamic group you wish to locate and click Go.

  2. Select the dynamic group you wish to modify from list of search results.

Modify the resource information as required and click Update.

Viewing Group Hierarchy in Forms

You can use the group hierarchy feature in Forms to view the reporting structure for a resource as well as the placement of a group within a group hierarchy. The first feature enables you to view resources that are direct reports, or those that report to a specific individual, however it does not identify a resource's manager or subordinates. You can restrict your view by resource category. The second feature enables you to obtain more detailed information about a group including its members, roles, usages, as well as hierachical information such as its parent and child groups.





In the navigator, select Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Group Hierarchy

Viewing Reporting Structure Steps

  1. In the Group Hierarchy window, select a resource from the list of values (LOV) in the Resource Name field and click View to view the groups of a particular resource member.

  2. Select a resource category from the Category LOV and click View to view the groups and members of a resource category.

  3. Select All from the Category LOV and click View if you want to view all the resource groups and members in the database.

Viewing Group Hierarchy Steps

  1. In the Group Hierarchy window, select a resource from the list of values (LOV) in the Resource Name field and click View to view the groups of a particular resource member.

  2. In the Groups area, click the hyperlinked name of the group whose hierarchy you wish to view.

  3. Click the following tabs for specific group hierarchy information:

    • Members

    • Roles

    • Usages

    • Parent Groups

    • Child Groups

Viewing Reporting Structure Guidelines

Selecting Reports Directly from the LOV in the View By field searches the database for members that report directly to a specific resource.

Viewing Role Details

The Role Details window provides information on a selected role such as the code, name, type, description, and the selected attributes.

Attributes aid in grouping different roles together when defining a resource reporting hierarchy. This hierarchy is used in sales product families, such as Oracle Sales Online and Oracle TeleSales, to control the data access privilege (customer, sales lead, and sales opportunity) as well as sales forecast rollup and incentive compensation plan. It is also used for workflow notifications and escalations. You can have more than one attribute such as Admin and Manager as each has different functions. However, you would not select Lead and Manager, for example, because Lead is a subset of Manager. Perform the following steps to view a role's details.


A role must exist before it can be viewed.


Resource Self Service Administrator


  1. Navigate to the Setup tab and click the Roles subtab.

  2. Enter the Role Name and click Go.

  3. The search results will display the requested details. Clicking Cancel will revert to the Simple Search page.

  4. Click Advanced Search to narrow your search criteria by entering values in the Role Code, Role Name, Active, Seeded, Role Type, Manager, Admin, Member, Leads field. You can search all fields, or just one. You can also use wildcards to aid your search.

  5. Click Go and then click the hyperlink of your preferred role.

  6. Clicking the Create button redirects to the Create Role page. Each row in the result has an associated Update and Remove link that can be used to update or remove an existing Role.

  7. You can Save Search for future reference.

Important: Seeded roles and their attributes cannot be modified.

Assigning Roles to Resources

Perform the following steps, in HTML, to attach a Role to a resource.


Make sure that a Role Type exists with which you can associate the new Role.


Resource Self Service Administrator


  1. Navigate to the Resources tab and click the appropriate subtab depending on the resource to which you wish to assign roles. Resource categories include:

    • Employees

    • Parties

    • Partners

    • Supplier Contacts

  2. Use the Simple Search page to locate the resource to which you want to add roles. On the search results page, click the Update icon next to the resource.

  3. Use the Active Roles section to select the role types, roles, and active dates for each and then click the Update button.

Assigning Resources to Groups

Perform the following to assign a resource to a group.


Resource Self Service Administrator


  1. Navigate to the Resources tab and click the Groups subtab.

  2. Use the Simple Search page to locate the group to which you want to add resources and then click the Update icon next to the resource in the search results page.

  3. Click the Members icon and then click the Add Members button.

  4. Search for and select the members you wish to add to the group and then click the Apply button.

Defining Teams in Forms

You can create a team in the Forms-based and HTML version of Resource Manager. For example, you can specify exclusive flag and descriptive flexfield information in the HTML version of Resource Manager but cannot do so in Forms. Perform the following steps to define a team in Forms.


You must define a resource group.



Navigate to the Navigator - CRM (or CRM Resource Manager) Administrator window.


  1. Select Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Teams.

  2. (Optional) Use the following procedure to find an existing resource team.

    1. On the application tool bar, click View > Find.

    2. In the Find Team window, select a team name from the list of values (LOV) in the Name field and click Find.

      The application populates the Results region with the team name search results.

    3. Select a team name in the Results table and click OK.

      The application populates the Define Teams window with the group information.

  3. Enter a team name in the Name field.

  4. (Optional) Select the Exclusive Flag check box to assign resources to this team with a particular member role and team usage that is not assigned to any other exclusive team with the same role and usage, in the same time frame.

  5. Enter a brief description of the team in the Description field.

  6. Enter the effective dates for the team in the Start and End fields. If the team contains team member, team roles whose end date exceeds the team's expiration date, you can optionally select Yes when prompted to update all active members and roles with the team's end date. Selecting No reverts the end date for members, or roles to their previous value and requires you to manually end date them when you end date the team.

  7. In the Members tab, select a category and member from the LOV in Category, and Number fields. For a detailed description of the group member button options, see the Resource Group Member Buttons table in the Guidelines section.

    The application populates the Name field with the member's name.

  8. (Optional) Click Member Roles to assign team member roles to a team.

  9. (Optional) Select a member name and click Member Details to view specific member information.

  10. In the Roles tab, select from the LOV in the Role Type and Role fields.

    The roles relationship to its category is indicated by the role attributes check box selections.

  11. In the Usages tab, select from the LOV in the Name field.

  12. Choose File > Save to save the team definition.

    The new team is accessible from the Team tab in the Resource window.


The following table gives a description of the tabs located in the Define Team window.

Define Team Tab Descriptions
Tab Description
Members Use this tab to define members of a team.
Roles Use this tab to define the team roles and role types.
Usages Use this tab to determine what CRM modules use the team.

Defining Teams in HTML

You can use the HTML version of Resource Manager to create and modify resource teams. You can additionally view their usage and membership details. However, creating teams in the HTLM version of Resource Manager is not as extensive as the Forms-based version. For example, you cannot specify exclusive flag or descriptive flexfield information in the HTML version of Resource Manager. Although you can provide role information for team members in the HTML version of Resource Manager, you cannot do so for teams themselves.


Resource Self Service Administrator

Steps for Creating Teams in HTML

  1. Navigate to the Resources tab, click the Teams subtab and , click the Create button.

  2. Enter required information such as Name and the date from which the team becomes active. You can optionally enter additional information such as the date at which the team is no longer active, its email address and description.

  3. Optionally specify resources that belong to the team by expanding the Members node and entering the required information.

  4. Optionally specify groups that belong to the team by expanding the Member Groups node and entering the required information.

  5. Optionally specify the applications in which the team is used by expanding the Used In node and entering the required information.

Steps for Modifying Teams in HTML

  1. Navigate to the Resources tab, click the Teams subtab and use the quick find menu to search for team you wish to modify.

  2. Click the Update icon next to the team you wish to modify, enter the required information, and click the Update button.

Configuring Group and Team Member Notifications

Resource Manager enables Workflow notifications to be sent to group and team members integrating groups, teams, and their members with workflow roles. The Synchronize Workflow Roles concurrent program must be run on a periodic basis to ensure that the group-to-membership and team-to-membership relationship information stored in Resource Manager is in sync with the data stored in the corresponding Workflow role tables.

Group Example

The integration of resources, groups, and group members with Workflow roles can be demonstrated by creating a sample group with four members. When the sample group and its members are created in Resource Manager, the Resource Manager APIs call wrapper APIs that subsequently populates the corresponding Workflow tables with the required information.

Step 1: Creating a Group

Begin by creating a sample group called My Group. Information for this group is stored in the JTF_RS_GROUPS_VL table in Resource Manager. Assume that creating this group generates a group ID number 10011 as shown in the table below.

Group Information
Group ID Group Name
10011 My Group

When you create a group with the preceding information, the wrapper APIs create new records in the Workflow WF_LOCAL_ROLES and WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES tables. These records, shown in the following tables, contain the original group information and additional data required by Workflow.

Group Information Stored in WF_LOCAL_ROLES table
Role Name Orig System Orig System
JRES_GRP:10011 JRES_GRP 10011
Group Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES table
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID
JRES_GRP:10011 JRES_GRP 10011 JRES_GRP:10011 JRES_GRP 10011

Step 2: Defining Resources to Add to the Group

Next, you must define the four resources that you will subsequently add to the group as group members, as shown in the table below. Information for these resources will be stored differently in the Workflow tables depending on their category and whether or not their user ID is null.

Resources To Be Added to My Group
Resource ID Resource Name Category User ID
10001 johnson employee 101
10002 jones employee null
10003 lewis other null
10004 smith party null

Resource Johnson. To define the resource "Johnson" as an employee first create a new record in HRMS using the Define Employee screen. Then create an FND_USER employee using the Define User screen whose user ID is 101 and user name is "johnson". Import this employee in to Resource Manager using the Import Resource form. Resource Manager will not create a corresponding record for this employee in the Workflow tables since the WF_USERS table will already contain a record corresponding to the one in FND_USER. The FND_USER information will be stored in the Workflow tables shown in the following tables:

Resource Johnson Information Stored in WF_LOCAL_ROLES table
Role Name Orig System Orig System ID
johnson FND_USER 101
Resource Johnson Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES table
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID
johnson FND_USER 101 johnson FND_USER 101

Resource Jones. To define the resource "Jones" as an employee, first create a new record in HRMS using the Define Employee screen, then import it into Resource Manager using Import Resource form. Information for the resource "jones" will be stored in the Workflow tables as shown in the following tables, since the user ID is null.

Resource Jones Information Stored in WF_LOCAL_ROLES table
Role Name Orig System Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10002 JRES_IND 10002
Resource Jones Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES table
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10002 JRES_IND 10002 JRES_IND:10002 JRES_IND 10002

Resource Lewis. To define a resource "Lewis" as a resource of type Other, create a new resource in Resource Manager using the Define Resource form. Information for the resource "lewis" will be stored in the Workflow tables as shown in the following tables since the resource is of type Other.

Resource Lewis Information Stored in WF_LOCAL_ROLES table
Role Name Orig System Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10003 JRES_IND 10003
Resource Lewis Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES table
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10003 JRES_IND 10003 JRES_IND:10003 JRES_IND 10003

Resource Smith. To define a resource "Smith" as a party, first create a new record in TCA and then import in into Resource Manager using the Import Resource form. Information for the resource "smith" will be stored in the Workflow tables as shown in the following tables since the user ID is null.

Resource Smith Information Stored in WF_LOCAL_ROLES table
Role Name Orig System Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10004 JRES_IND 10004
Resource Smith Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES table
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10004 JRES_IND 10004 JRES_IND:10004 JRES_IND 10004

Step 3: Adding Resources to the Group

After creating the required resources, you must add them to My Group. To accomplish this, query up "My Group" in the Define Groups form and add all the above members in the member region. Information for the group members will be stored in the Workflow tables as shown in the following table since the user id is null for this resource:

Group Member Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES table
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10002 JRES_IND 10002 JRES_GRP:10011 JRES_GRP 10011
JRES_IND:10003 JRES_IND 10003 JRES_GRP:10011 JRES_GRP 10011
JRES_IND:10004 JRES_IND 10004 JRES_GRP:10011 JRES_GRP 10011

Team Example

The integration of resources, teams, and team members with Workflow roles can be demonstrated by a sample team with three individual members and one group member. When the sample team and its members are created in Resource Manager, the Resource Manager APIs call wrapper APIs that subsequently populates the corresponding Workflow tables with the required information.

Step 1: Creating a Team

Begin by creating a sample team called My Team. Information for this team is stored in the JTF_RS_TEAMS_VL table in Resource Manager. Assume that creating this team generates a team ID number 10011, as shown in the tables below:

Team Information
Team ID Team Name
10011 My Team
Team Information Stored in WF_LOCAL_ROLES table
Role Name Orig System Orig System
Team Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES table
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID

Step 2: Defining Resources and a Group to Add to the Team

Next, you must define the three resources and one group that you will subsequently add to the team as team members as shown in the table below. Information for the resources and group will be stored differently in the Workflow tables depending on their category and whether or not their user ID is null.

Resources To Be Added to My Team
Resource ID Resource Name Category User ID
10001 johnson employee 101
10002 jones employee null
10003 lewis other null

Resource Johnson. To define the resource "Johnson" as an employee first create a new record in HRMS using the Define Employee screen. Then create an FND_USER employee using the Define User screen whose user ID is 101 and user name is "johnson". Import this employee in to Resource Manager using the Import Resource form. Resource Manager will not create a corresponding record for this employee in the Workflow tables since the WF_USERS table will already contain a record corresponding to the one in FND_USER. The FND_USER information will be stored in the following Workflow tables as shown in the tables below:

Resource Johnson Information Stored in WF_LOCAL_ROLES table
Role Name Orig System Orig System ID
johnson FND_USER 101
Resource Johnson Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID
johnson FND_USER 101 johnson FND_USER 101

Resource Jones. To define the resource "Jones" as an employee, first create a new record in HRMS using the Define Employee screen, then import it into Resource Manager using Import Resource form. Information for the resource "jones" will be stored in the Workflow tables as shown in the following tables since the user ID is null.

Resource Jones Information Stored in WF_LOCAL_ROLES table
Role Name Orig System Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10002 JRES_IND 10002
Resource Jones Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES table
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10002 JRES_IND 10002 JRES_IND:10002 JRES_IND 10002

Resource Lewis. To define a resource "Lewis" as a resource of type Other, create a new resource in Resource Manager using the Define Resource form. Information for the resource "lewis" will be stored in the Workflow tables as shown in the following tables since the resource is of type Other.

Resource Lewis Information Stored in WF_LOCAL_ROLES table
Role Name Orig System Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10003 JRES_IND 10003
Resource Lewis Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES table
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10003 JRES_IND 10003 JRES_IND:10003 JRES_IND 10003

Resource Smith. To define a resource "Smith" as a party, first create a new record in TCA and then import in into Resource Manager using the Import Resource form. Information for the resource "smith" will be stored in the Workflow tables, as shown in the table below, since the user ID is null.

Resource Smith Information Stored in WF_LOCAL_ROLES Table
Role Names Orig System Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10004 JRES_IND 10004

Group My Group. Next, create a sample group called "My Group". Information for this group is stored in the JTF_RS_GROUPS_VL table in Resource Manager. Assume that creating this group generates a group ID number 10012 as shown in the table below.

Group to be added to My Team
Group ID Group Name
10012 My Group

When you create a group with the preceding information, the wrapper APIs create new records in the Workflow WF_LOCAL_ROLES and WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES tables as shown in the tables below. These records contain the original group information and additional data required by Workflow.

Group Information Stored in WF_LOCAL_ROLES table
Role Name Orig System Orig System
JRES_GRP:10012 JRES_GRP 10012
Group Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES table
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID
JRES_GRP:10012 JRES_GRP 10012 JRES_GRP:10012 JRES_GRP 10012

Step 3: Adding the Group and Resources to the Team

After creating the required group and resources, you must add them to My Team. To accomplish this, query up "My Team" in the Define Teams form and add all the above members in the member region. Information for the team members will be stored in the Workflow tables, as shown in the table below, since the user ID is null for this resource:

Group Member Information Stored in the WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES table
User Name User Orig System User Orig System ID Role Name Role Orig System Role Orig System ID
JRES_IND:10002 JRES_IND 10002 JRES_TEAM:1001 JRES_TEAM 10011
JRES_IND:10003 JRES_IND 10003 JRES_TEAM:1001 JRES_TEAM 10011
JRES_GRP:10012 JRES_GRP 10012 JRES_TEAM:1001 JRES_TEAM 10011




CRM Administrator or

System Administrator


Navigate to the Navigator - CRM Administrator window, or

Navigate to the Navigator - System Administrator window


To run the following concurrent program, follow the steps listed in Resource Manager Concurrent Programs. Choose the appropriate parameter depending on whether you are synchronizing groups and group members, teams and team members or both with Workflow roles. The table below describes the parameters.

Synchronize Workflow Roles Concurrent Programs
Name Description Frequency Notes
Synchronize Workflow Roles This program synchronizes all attributes and records in the workflow wf_local_* tables with the mismatching records in Resource manager.
The Synchronize Workflow For parameter enables you specify which of the following Resource Manager entities you wish to synchronize with Workflow roles:
  • Groups and Group Members synchronizes Resource Manager groups and group members with the appropriate Workflow roles tables.

  • Teams and Team Members synchronizes Resource Manager teams and team members with the appropriate Workflow roles tables.

  • All synchronizes Resource Manager groups, group members, teams, and team members with the appropriate Workflow roles tables.

As needed This program should be run as follows:
  • The first time group or team notification functionality is implemented in Resource Manager.

  • When groups, teams, or resources that were not active at the time of their creation have become activated.

  • If online transactions encounter a Workflow error.

  • When the Synchronize Employees concurrent program is run.

  • When the Synchronize Parties and Partners concurrent program is run.

  • When the Synchronize Supplier Contact concurrent program is run.

Moving a Group of Salespersons from One Compensation Analyst to Another

The Move Salespersons window enables you to move groups of salespersons from one analyst to another. Typically, this feature is used when one analyst replaces another, and the salespeople assigned to the previous analyst must be reassigned to the new one. The Move Salespersons window provides a feature for accomplishing this task in bulk instead of querying and modifying a large number of resources on an individual basis.

Important: If you Move the salesperson from one group to another, the credit of the existing sales opportunities will be moved to the group where the salesperson is moved to.




CRM Administrator

CRM Resource Manager


In the navigator, select Maintain Rersources>Move Salespersons


  1. Select the name of the analyst from which you want to move the salespersons in the Analyst Name field.

  2. Select the checkbox adjacent to the reources you wish to move.

  3. Select the analyst to which you wish to move the salespersons in the Move to Analyst field and click Move.

Running a Group Audit Report

Use Resource Manager to run audit reports detailing changes to resources and resource groups created within a defined date. For example, any changes made to new members of a group are defined, but role change information is not. This provides an audit trail of the actions taken for specific groups and resources. Perform the following steps to run an Audit Report.

Note: Only the movement of a resource from a given group to another group is tracked. Resources changing roles within the same group are not reported in the Audit Report.




CRM Administrator


Navigate to the Navigator - CRM Administrator window.


  1. Select Resource Manager > Others > Requests > Run.

  2. Select Single Request and click OK.

  3. Use the Name list of values (LOV) to select a report.

  4. In the Reports window, select Group Audit Report from the list of reports and click OK.

  5. Enter parameters for the report.

    In order for an Audit Report to run successfully, it is necessary to define both Report Based On and Date Range/No. of Days for the report. The report runs based on the information you enter for the following criteria.

    • Report Based On

    • Group

    • Resource

    • Updated By

    • Date Range/No. of Days

    • Start Date

    • End Date

    • Number of Days for

  6. (Optional) Change the time frame the report is suppose to run by clicking Schedule.

  7. Select the time frame when you want the report to run:

    • As soon as possible

    • Once

    • Periodically

    • On specific days

  8. Click OK.

  9. (Optional) Click Options to determine who should be notified when the report is complete and where you want to print the output to.

  10. Click Submit.

  11. A dialog opens confirming your request was submitted.

Viewing an Audit Report

You can monitor the status of an audit report to verify completion. Perform the following steps to view an Audit report.


A Group Audit Report must run successfully.


CRM Administrator


Navigate to the Navigator - CRM Administrator window.


  1. Select Requests > Run > View.

  2. In the Find Requests window, select the All My Requests option button and click Find.

  3. In the Requests window, select a Group Audit Report to view.

  4. Click View Log to display the results of the report.

    The report details opens in an HTML window along with a log file for the report.

Running a Group Structure Report

Use Resource Manager to run a Group Structure report detailing any changes made to a specific Parent or Child relationship of a resource group. The report details a reliable audit trail of the actions taken for a specific group. Group name changes, or any resource changes within the same group, are not detailed in this report. Perform the following steps to run a Group Structure report.




CRM Administrator


Navigate to the Navigator - CRM Administrator window.


  1. Select Resource Manager > Others > Requests > Run.

  2. Select Single Request and click OK.

  3. Use the Name list of values (LOV) to select a report.

  4. In the Reports window, select Group Structure Report from the list of reports and click OK.

  5. Select the group you want to run the report on from the list of values (LOV) and click OK.

  6. (Optional) Change the time frame the report runs by clicking Schedule.

    The Schedule window opens.

  7. Select the time frame when you want the report to run:

    • As soon as possible

    • Once

    • Periodically

    • On specific days

  8. Click OK.

  9. (Optional) Click Options to determine who should be notified when the report is complete and where you want to print the output.

  10. Click Submit.

Viewing a Group Structure Report

You can monitor the status of an audit report to verify completion. Perform the following steps to view your Group Structure report.


You must first run a Group Structure Report successfully.


CRM Administrator


Navigate to the Navigator - CRM Administrator window.


  1. Select Requests > Run > View.

  2. Select the All My Requests option button.

  3. Click Find.

  4. In the Requests window, select the Group Structure Report.

  5. Click View Log to display the results of the report.

    The report details opens in an HTML window along with a log file for the report.

Running Resource Skills Report

This report displays the skills a resource has listed using the HTML-based Resource Manager. You can run a Skills Report either by resource or group. If you choose to run a Skills Report by resource, then any direct reports under the resource will be included in the report. If you choose to run a Skills Report by group, then the entire group's skill set will be displayed.


Your resources must have:

  1. Skills listed using the HTML-based Resource Manager

  2. Have a manager listed if you are running a report based on resource.


CRM Administrator


Navigate to the CRM Administrator window.


  1. Select Resource Manager > Others > Requests > Run.

  2. Select Single Request and click OK.

  3. Use the Name list of values (LOV) to select the Resource Skills Report and click OK.

  4. Use the LOV in the Report Type field to select either Resource or Group and click OK.

  5. Depending on your choice, use the LOV in the corresponding Resource or Group field to find your selection.

  6. (Optional) If you do not want the report to run as soon as possible, click Schedule to change the time frame when you want the report to run.

  7. (Optional) Click Options to determine who should be notified when the report is complete and where you want to print the output.

  8. Click Submit.

Viewing Resource Skills Report

You can monitor the status of an audit report to see when it has been successfully completed. Perform the following steps to view your Resource Skills report.


You must first run the Resource Skills Report successfully.


CRM Administrator


Navigate to the CRM Administrator window.


  1. Select Requests > Run > View.

  2. Select the All My Requests option button.

  3. Click Find.

  4. Select your Group Structure Report and click View Log.