Managing Item Lots

This chapter provides an overview of lot management and the process flow for lot-controlled items and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Lot Management

In PeopleSoft Inventory, the term lot refers to a quantity of inventory items produced as a group or otherwise collected into an identifiable unit. Lots enable your business to identify and monitor batch materials that might have specific restrictions—for example, items that become available or expire on particular dates. To facilitate identification, each group of lot-controlled items is assigned a lot ID number.

Lot control is the process of using procedures such as assigning lot IDs, and tracking parameters such as status and expiration date, for each lot (batch) as it moves through the system. You can track:

Tracking covers the entire life cycle of the lot, from creation to expiration.

To ensure that lot-controlled items are acceptable for fulfillment processing, you must be able to capture accurate information about the various lot control parameters at any given time. The lot management business process in PeopleSoft Inventory enables you to track an item's lot status, availability date, retest date, and expiration date.

When you define an item in the Define Item component, you specify whether it is lot-controlled and enter default lot information for the setID. You can modify this information for individual business units on the Define Business Unit Item - General: Common page. You maintain more specific information for individual lots on the Lot Control Information page. If you select Allow Auto-Add of New Lots (allow automatic addition of new lots) on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page, the Complete Putaway process (INPPPTWY), the Express Putaway page, the Stock Quantity Update process (INPOPOST), and the Manufacturing Completions process add the necessary information to the Lot Control Information page automatically. If you do not use the automatic option, you must enter information manually before initiating any inventory transactions involving the lot.

Note. Determine whether an item is lot controlled before processing inventory transactions. Once a non-lot-controlled item has been put away, the lot control information is not available for modification. When working with non-lot-controlled items, PeopleSoft Inventory populates the Lot ID field on pages with the defaults established in the installation options but keeps this field hidden.

If you select the Allow Lot Allocation option on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options page, you can allocate specific lots for sales orders that you entered in PeopleSoft Order Management or for material stock requests that you entered in PeopleSoft Inventory.

See Also

Allocating Orders in Demand Fulfillment

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Process Flow for Lot-Controlled Items

When you receive a lot in PeopleSoft Purchasing, you assign it a lot ID and a lot creation date, plus a lot expiration date (if known). The lot ID is also assigned when you complete a lot in PeopleSoft Manufacturing or receive it in PeopleSoft Inventory. During the Complete Putaway process, PeopleSoft Inventory automatically stores the lot creation date on the Lot Control Information table. If you have defined values for shelf life, availability lead time, and retest lead time on the Define Business Unit Item - Inventory: Shipping/Handling page, the Complete Putaway process calculates the lot's availability, retest, and (if not already assigned) expiration dates.

PeopleSoft Inventory also calculates availability, expiration, and retest dates when you save the Express Putaway page, when you run the Stock Quantity Update process and include new lots, and when you run the Manufacturing Batch and Online Completion processes. These dates are not calculated if they already exist in the system or if there is no value at the business unit level for shelf life, availability lead time, or retest lead time.

For items received through interunit transfer, the Complete Putaway process extracts the following primary lot control attributes from the source business unit: description, lot creation date, retest date, expiration date, status, status type, reason code, warning message, purchase lot, grade, and comments. Items can inherit these attributes under the following conditions:

Note. When putting away interunit transfers, retest and expiration dates are handled differently than when putting away other stock. Interunit transfer attributes are extracted rather than calculated.

You can update a lot's status and availability, retest, and expiration dates at any time on the Lot Control Information page. You can also view these parameters on the Lot Control Information Inquiry page.

PeopleSoft Inventory offers both automated and manual controls to help you manage expiring lots. The two primary resources used for this purpose are:

Another control mechanism built into PeopleSoft Inventory is the generation of a warning message at key points during fulfillment processing if you attempt a transaction involving a lot-controlled item before the lot has become available or after it has expired. The following table indicates where and under what circumstances this warning appears.

Important! The warning message is intended to prevent you from shipping unavailable or expired products. The system does not physically prevent you from completing the transactions, even if a lot has expired.

Where Warning Appears

When Warning Appears

Create/Update Stock Request component

Upon saving the component after a lot allocation is performed, if the scheduled ship date is before the availability date or after the expiration date.

Allocate Lots page

Upon saving the page, if the scheduled ship date is before the availability date or after the expiration date.

Picking Plan report

The relevant date appears on the printed report:

  • Availability date: If the scheduled ship date is before the availability date.

  • Expiration date: If the scheduled ship date is after the expiration date.

Note. If you are using an electronic data collection system, these dates (as well as the retest date) are included in the picking extract file. However, the logic to check these lot control parameters during picking, or during acceptance of the picking transactions, does not occur.

Material Picking Feedback page

For push pick plans: Upon saving the page, if the scheduled ship date is before the availability date or after the expiration date.

For pull pick plans: Upon entry of a lot ID, if the scheduled ship date is before the availability date or after the expiration date.

Shipping/Issues component

Upon saving the page, if the scheduled ship date is before the availability date or after the expiration date of a picked lot.

Express Issue page

Upon entry of a lot ID (if using the lookup, the expiration date appears), if the scheduled ship date is before the availability date or after the expiration date when adding a line or saving the page.

Transfers page

Upon saving the page (when transferring lot-controlled stock from a non-WIP to a WIP location), if the current date is before the availability date or after the expiration date.

EZ Transfers page

Upon saving the page (when transferring lot-controlled stock from a non-WIP to a WIP location), if the current date is before the availability date or after the expiration date.

Container Management page

Upon saving the page (when transferring lot-controlled stock from a non-WIP to a WIP location), if the current date is before the availability date or after the expiration date.

See Also

Generating Lot Retest and Expiration Reports

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Workflow Technology

Click to jump to parent topicInspecting Item Lots

This section discusses how to:

  1. Establish or update control parameters for a specific lot.

  2. Enter a warning message for restricted lots.

  3. Generate Lot Retest and Expiration reports.

  4. View lot expiration information for lot-controlled items.

  5. View detailed inventory information for item-lot combinations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Inspect Item Lots

Page Name

Definition Name



Lot Control Information


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Lot Control Information

Establish or update control parameters for a specific lot.

Lot Detail


Click the Details link on the Lot Control Information page.

View additional lot information, including quantities and the dates on which lot attributes were last changed. You can view or enter comments about the lot.

Restricted Lot Warning Message


Click the Message link on the Lot Control Information page.

Enter a warning message for restricted lots.

Lot Retest/Expiration


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Reports, Lot Retest/Expiration, Lot Retest/Expire

Generate a report indicating which lots are about to expire or are due for retesting within a specified date range.

Review Lot Control Information (inquiry)


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Lot Control Information, Lot Control Information

View lot control information for the inventory business units.

Lot Detail (inquiry)


Click the Details link on the Lot Control Information inquiry page.

View lot information (including quantity information and when lot attributes were last changed) and any comments about the lot.

Review Lot Expiration


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Lot Expiration, Lot Expiration

View lot expiration information.

Lot Details


Click the Lot ID link on the Review Lot Expiration page.

View additional information about the lot.

Inventory Inquiry by Lot


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Inventory Balance Info, Inventory by Lot, Inventory Inquiry by Lot

View detailed inventory information for an item-lot combination.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing or Updating Control Parameters for a Specific Lot

To establish or update control parameters for a specific lot, use the Lot Control Information (INV_LOT_CONTROL) component.

Access the Lot Control Information page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Lot Control Information).


Click to access the Lot Detail page, where you can view additional lot information, including quantities, attribute changes, and comments.

Lot Creation Date

The date the lot was originally created.

Expiration Date

The date the lot exceeds its shelf life and is no longer acceptable for fulfillment or consumption. (Expiration Date = Creation Date + Shelf Life)

Retest Date

The date the lot should be inspected to determine whether it is still acceptable for fulfillment or consumption. (Retest Date = Creation Date + Retest Lead Time)

Note. If the business unit requires closure-calendar validation and processing for material management activities as defined on the Closure Calendar page, and if you enter a retest date that is a defined closure date, you receive an error message. Either accept the closure date by clicking No, or reschedule by clicking Yes. If you click Yes, the system returns the first previous valid date defined for the function.

Availability Date

The date the lot becomes acceptable for fulfillment in PeopleSoft Inventory or for consumption in PeopleSoft Manufacturing. (Availability Date = Creation Date + Availability Lead Time)

Grade and Purchase Lot

Specify the grade and the purchase lot information. Establish item grades on the Grades page; purchase lot information is included in the receiving paperwork.


To change the default lot status that you established on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page, or to define a status for a new lot, select one of the following:

Hold: Select to prevent material transactions temporarily for the lot. As lots on hold are not available for picking plans or for lot allocations, the available quantity for the lot is considered to be 0.

Open: Select to allow regular processing of the lot. You cannot change an Open lot status if quantity for the item-lot combination has been allocated to a demand line.

Rejected: Select to prevent material transactions for the lot. As rejected lots are not available for picking plans or for lot allocations, the available quantity for the lot is considered to be 0.

Restricted: Select to provide a warning when the lot is used in an inventory transaction. As restricted lots are not available on the picking plan or for lot allocations, the available quantity for the lot is considered to be 0. You can use these lots to pick transactions on the Material Picking Feedback page. If you select the Restricted status, click the Message link to access the Restricted Lot Warning Message page, where you can enter a warning message that appears whenever the restricted lot is used in an inventory transaction.

Status Type and Reason Code

If you define a lot status other than Open, you can enter a status type and reason code to explain why the lot has been assigned this particular status.

For example, if you have defective material, you might set up a status type called DEF (defective) and a reason code specifying why the lot is defective. Establish status types on the Inventory Status Types page and reason codes on the Reason Codes page.

Note. If you select the Use External Warehouse Control option for the business unit, you should not make status changes on this page. The system does not send any status changes that you make here to the external warehouse application, and as a result the available and unavailable balances in PeopleSoft and the external warehouse application are no longer synchronized.

See Also

Managing Inventory Status

Working With Configuration Codes

Understanding Warehouse Management Systems

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering a Warning Message for Restricted Lots

Access the Restricted Lot Warning Message page (Click the Message link on the Lot Control Information page).


Enter a warning message, using up to 80 characters. If you do not enter a specific warning for a lot, a standard system warning message appears when you enter the restricted lot for a transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Lot Retest and Expiration Reports

Access the Lot Retest/Expiration process page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Reports, Lot Retest/Expiration, Lot Retest/Expire).

Identify lot-controlled items to reinspect or to remove from circulation. You can display retest dates or expiration dates, and you can view information for a particular date or for a specified range of dates.

Note. Enter at least one of the following fields: Item ID, expiration Date Range, or As of Date; or retest Date Range or As of Date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Lot Expiration Information for Lot-Controlled Items

Access the Review Lot Expiration page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Lot Expiration, Lot Expiration).

The values that appear in the Lot Creation Dt (lot creation date), Expiration Date, and Status columns are the same as those found on the Lot Control Information page.

Lot ID

Click to access the Lot Details page to view detailed information about the lot.

See Also

Monitoring Inventory Quantity Balances

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Detailed Inventory Information for Item-Lot Combinations

Access the Inventory Inquiry by Lot page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Inventory Balance Info, Inventory by Lot, Inventory Inquiry by Lot).


The default status for the item-lot combination comes from the Lot Control Information page.

Last Trans (last transaction) and Last Issue

The last transactions that modified item quantity balances at the storage location. If the item is stored in a container, the container ID also appears.

Lot Control Information

Click to transfer to the Lot Control Information Inquiry page to view additional information about the item-lot combination.

See Also

Monitoring Inventory Quantity Balances

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Lot Trace and Lot Composition Inquiries and Reports

This section discusses how to:

  1. View receiving transaction history detail.

  2. View information for the parent item-lot combination and its controlled components.

  3. View more information about component item-lot combinations.

  4. View where a specific item-lot combination has been used, shipped, or issued.

  5. View information for the component item-lot combination and its lot-controlled parent items.

  6. View more information about a lot-controlled parent item on the Lot Trace page.

  7. View production details for all output item IDs and the parent product IDs.

Lot Trace/Lot Composition Functionality

You can print reports showing the full transaction history detail.

Depending upon the installation, this feature accesses different data sources and displays data relevant to the transactions.

Note. You cannot track internal material transfers (such as bin-to-bin transfers) with the Review Lot Trace/Composition component. Use the Transaction History Inquiry page to view bin-to-bin transfers for an item-lot combination.

See Understanding Lot Management.

Lot Trace/Lot Composition in a Distribution Environment

In a standalone PeopleSoft Inventory installation, the Lot Trace/Lot Composition feature is used to track receipt, issue, and shipment activity for lot-controlled items—specifically, all vendor receipts, interunit transfer receipts, customer and internal returned material authorization (RMA) receipts, customer shipments, internal issues, interunit transfers, and return-to-vendor shipments.

Lot Trace/Lot Composition in a Manufacturing Environment

If the installation includes PeopleSoft Manufacturing, the Lot Trace/Lot Composition feature is used to track the same receipt, issue, and shipment activity as in a distribution enterprise, with additional visibility into manufacturing assembly transactions. Specific transactions include work-in-process (WIP) receipts and production ID, schedule, and kit issues, in addition to all vendor receipts, interunit transfer receipts, customer and internal RMA receipts, customer shipments, internal issues, interunit transfers, and return-to-vendor shipments.

Process manufacturing activity sometimes results in multiple outputs of by-products or co-products from a primary lot-controlled item ID. Using lot trace inquiries, you can view the production details for these multiple output IDs.

The inquiry process pulls data from the assembly's production ID and transaction history rather than from the bill of materials (BOM) to ensure the most accurate, up-to-date transaction information.

Lot Trace/Lot Composition Search

After you enter the required criteria on either of the inquiry pages and click the Search button, the system populates both the Lot Composition and Lot Trace page grids with relevant data, in effect performing a concurrent lot composition and lot trace inquiry. As with other searches performed in PeopleSoft Inventory, the system populates both inquiry pages with uniform data matching the search criteria. However, the search capabilities of this component enable you to populate the pages with different data.

The lot trace and lot composition inquiries search up or down one level at a time. To drill deeper into the item's composition or its movement, perform another search. You have two choices at this point:

Blank fields in the grid indicate that the column attributes are not relevant to the transaction. If a search cannot return any data to either page in the component to fulfill the request, the system displays this message: Sorry, No Records Found.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Section

Expiration Date

Expiration date for the item-lot combination.

From Date and To Date

Range of dates for the transactions that you want to view. The system returns all transactions between these dates.

Lot ID

The ID assigned to the item on the Lot Control Information page. The lot's description appears beneath its ID.

Purchase Lot

The ID that the original manufacturer or vendor assigned to an item. This field only pertains to purchased item-lot combinations.

Qty Available (quantity available)

The quantity available to be picked in the business unit.

Retest Date

The lot retesting date defined on the Lot Control Information page.

Source Code

The source of the item (Make, Buy, or Floor Stock), which you established on the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing: General page in the Maintaining Items menu.


The item-lot status assigned on the Lot Control Information page.

Transaction Group

The data source for the lot trace or lot composition inquiry.


Click the button next to the Item ID field to access the Item Search Criteria page, where you can perform a more detailed item search.

Click the button in a specific row in the grid to access other pages where you can view additional information for the item-lot combination.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Lot Trace and Lot Composition Inquiries and Reports

Page Name

Definition Name



Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Composition (inquiry)


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Lot Trace/Composition, Lot Composition

View receiving transaction history detail for a specific item-lot combination across the inventory and manufacturing business units. If the installation includes PeopleSoft Manufacturing, the components that make up a specific lot-controlled assembly item appear.

Lot Composition Transfer


Click the Page Links button on the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Composition page.

Access associated inquiry pages where you can view additional information for the parent item-lot combination and its lot-controlled components.

Lot Composition - Item Lot Information


Click the Page Links button on the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Composition page and then click the Item Lot Information link on the Lot Composition Transfer page.

View basic details about the item-lot combination on the Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Composition page.

Component Lot Information (inquiry)


Click the Page Links button on the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Composition page, and then click the Component Lot Information link on the Lot Composition Transfer page.

View additional information about a component item-lot combination in a selected business unit.

Lot Composition (report)


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Reports, Lot Composition

Set up run control parameters and run the Lot Composition report.

Review Lot Trace/Composition- Lot Trace (inquiry)


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Lot Trace/Composition, Lot Trace

View where a specific item-lot combination has been used, shipped, or issued across all of the inventory and manufacturing business units. If the installation includes PeopleSoft Manufacturing, you can display the parent item information for a specific lot-controlled component item.

Lot Trace Transfer


Click the Page Links button on the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Trace page.

Access associated inquiry pages to view additional information for the component item-lot combination and for its lot-controlled parent items.

Lot Trace - Item Lot Information


Click the Page Links button on the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Trace page and then click the Item Lot Information link on the Lot Trace Transfer page.

View basic details about the item-lot combination on the Lot Trace page.

Multiple Output Information


Click the Page Links button on the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Trace page and then click the Multiple Output Information link on the Lot Trace Transfer page.

View the production details for all output item IDs for the parent product ID. The information that appears on this page is defined using the BOM Maintenance component in the Maintain BOMs and REVs menu.

Lot Trace (report)


Inventory, Manage Inventory, Reports, Lot Trace

Set up run control parameters and run the Lot Trace report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing All Receiving Transaction History Detail

Access the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Composition inquiry page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Lot Trace/Composition, Lot Composition).

The grids display data from all of the receipts across your enterprise, including stocking transactions generated by purchasing receipts, interunit transfer receipts, RMA receipts, manufacturing production ID and completions, and WIP receipts.

If a search from this page returns data that includes lot-controlled components, you can click the component's lot ID link to access the Lot Trace page (without losing the original lot composition search results) and perform a concurrent lot trace search that displays one level of parent item information. The Lot Trace page is populated with parent item data for the lot-controlled component. To return to the original composition search results, select the Lot Composition tab or click the Lot Composition link. Alternatively, you can perform a lot composition search for another item-lot combination row, and the previous search results are discarded.

The transaction group name appears for each tab on this page. The following table lists the transaction groups that are included as data sources for lot composition inquiries:


Transaction Group

Receipt to Inspection




Receipts from Production


IBU Transfer Receipts


Customer Returns


InterCompany Receipts



Production ID

Identifies a specific production or work order for production tracking purposes or for managing discrete orders or batches. This identifier appears if the component was manufactured or assembled using PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

Note. When an item is manufactured or assembled using a production schedule (rather than a production ID), the Production ID field is blank. Adjustments made to a component list for a given production ID after the completion process has run are not included in the lot composition inquiry's search results.

Production Area, Prdn DueDt (production due date), and Prdn Due Shift (production due shift)

Use to identify production completed on a schedule rather than on a production ID.

From Production ID

Indicates that system routed the production ID from another production ID rather than taking it from inventory.

Component ID

Indicates that the item is a component and might be used to build other parent items; perform a lot trace inquiry on the component to determine any additional where used locations. A blank field indicates that the parent item was received (not produced as a result of a production ID or schedule).


Appears by default from the Define Item - General: Common page. A blank field indicates an end item; its description appears in the header.

Comp Lot ID (component lot ID)

Appears for lot-controlled items that are also components of a parent item. Click the value in this column to perform a lot trace inquiry for the component lot ID.

Comp Qty (component quantity)

The number of components used in each parent item.

UOM (unit of measure)

The UOM for the component quantity.

Source Bus Unit (source business unit) and InterUnit ID

Appears if the receipt is the result of an interunit transfer.

RMA No (return material authorization number) and RMA Line No

Display receipt information if the item is a return item.

See Also

Managing Inventory by Item Status

Receiving Shipments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Information for the Parent Item-Lot Combination and Its Controlled Components

Access the Lot Composition Transfer page (Click the Page Links button on the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Composition page).

Primary Access Links

These links return information relating to the parent item for which you are searching on the header of the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Composition page or relating to the component item in the grid, depending on which link you click.

Item Lot Information

Click to access the Lot Composition - Item Lot Information page to view additional information about a lot-controlled parent item in a selected business unit.

Component Lot Information

Click to access the Component Lot Information page, where you can view detailed information about the component item-lot combination in a selected business unit. The Component Lot Information page is only available if the row being selected has a component listed with a lot ID.

Navigational Links

Inventory Inquiry by Lot

Click to access the Inventory Inquiry by Lot page to view current inventory information by component item and lot.

Component List Inquiry

Click to access the Production Selection page to view component list details for the production ID or schedule.

Transaction History

Click to access the Transaction History inquiry page to view all inventory transactions for the lot-controlled component item at the business unit level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing More Information About Component Item-Lot Combinations

Access the Component Lot Information page (Click the Page Links button on the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Composition page, and then click the Component Lot Information link on the Lot Composition Transfer page).

Note. This page displays information for lot-controlled component items. If the component item in the grid is not lot controlled, only the business unit, item ID, and description appear. If the row does not have a component ID (indicating the inquiry item was received and not produced), only the business unit appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Where a Specific Item-Lot Combination Has Been Used, Shipped, or Issued

Access the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Trace inquiry page (Inventory, Manage Inventory, Review Lot Trace/Composition, Lot Trace).

The grid displays data from all of the inventory shipment and issue transactions across your enterprise, including; customer, interunit, VMI, work order, and return-to-vendor shipments, plus material issued to the shop floor.

If a search from this page returns data that includes lot-controlled parent items, you can click the parent's lot ID link to access the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Composition page (without losing the original lot trace search results) and perform a concurrent lot composition search that displays one level of component item information. The Lot Composition page is populated with component item data for the lot-controlled parent item. To return to the original lot trace search results, select the Lot Trace tab or click the Lot Trace link. Alternatively, you can perform a new lot trace search for another item-lot combination row and the system discards the previous search results.

The transaction group name appears for each tab on this page. The following table lists which transaction groups are included as data sources for lot trace inquiries:


Transaction Group

Return to Vendor


Return to Vendor From Inspection


Usages & Shipments


InterBU Transfer Shipments


Ship on Behalf of Other BU


InterCompany Transfers


VMI Interunit shipment


Component Kit


Component Consumption


Work Order Usage



Production ID

Identifies a specific production or work order for production tracking purposes or for managing discrete orders or batches. This ID appears if the component is manufactured or assembled using PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

To Production ID

Indicates that the production ID was routed to another production ID rather than being put away into inventory.

Multi O/P Flg (multiple output flag)

Indicates that the component item that you are tracing has either a co-product or a by-product associated with it. You can view further details when you click the Transfer button on the same line to access the Lot Trace Transfer page, where you can access the Multiple Output Information page.

Note. When an item is manufactured or assembled using a production schedule (rather than a production ID), the Production ID field is blank. Adjustments made to a component list for a given production ID after the completion process has run are not included in the lot trace inquiry's search results.

Note. When a component is part of a multiple output for a parent production ID, the quantity for the parent production ID reflects the total quantity output related to the component. To view the actual breakdown of item output quantities, use the Multiple Output Item Lot Detail page.

Parent Item ID

Populated when the item-lot combination for which you searched is a component, indicating another level for inquiry.

Parent Lot ID

Lot-controlled items that are also parent item assemblies display a parent lot ID. Click the value in this column to perform a lot composition inquiry for the parent lot ID.

Parent/Routed Quantity

The number of parent items completed.


The UOM for the parent item completions.

See Also

Managing Vendor Returns

Introduction to Sales Order Entry

Managing Inventory by Item Status

Defining the Accounting Structure

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Information for the Component Item-Lot Combination and Its Lot-Controlled Parent Items

Access the Lot Trace Transfer page (Click the Page Links button on the Review Lot Trace/Composition - Lot Trace page).

Primary Access Links

Item Lot Information

Because lot trace functionality searches up one level at a time, when you are tracing where a component is used or shipped, you are viewing its end-use or parent-item details—no further component information is visible at this level. However, you can click this link to access the Lot Trace - Item Lot Information page, where you can view basic information for the lot-controlled parent or end item in a selected business unit.

Parent Lot Information

Click to access the Parent Lot Information page to view more information about a lot-controlled parent item in a selected business unit.

Multiple Output Information

Click to access the Multiple Output Information page to view production details for all output for the production ID.

Navigation Links

Inventory Inquiry by Lot

Click to access the Inventory Inquiry by Lot page to view current inventory information by parent item and lot.

Component List Inquiry

Click to access the Production Selection page to view component list details for the parent item-lot combination.

Output List Inquiry

Click to access the Displaying Production Output Mix Information page to view output list details for the production ID.

Transaction History

Click to access the Transaction History inquiry page to view all inventory transactions for the lot-controlled parent item at the business unit level.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing More Information About a Lot-Controlled Parent Item on the Lot Trace Page

Access the Parent Lot Information page (Click the Parent Lot Information link on the Lot Trace Transfer page).

Note. This page displays information for lot-controlled parent items. If the parent item in the grid is not lot controlled, only the business unit, item ID, and description appear. If the row does not have a parent ID (indicating the inquiry item is an end item), only the business unit appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Production Details for All Output Item IDs and the Parent Product ID

Access the Multiple Output Information page.

Output Type

A multiple output item type can be either a co-product or a recycle or waste by-product.

Output Item

The output item ID.

Op Seq (operations sequence)

The operations sequence number for the by-product item. This field is blank for co-product items, which can only be completed at the last operation.

Output Quantity

The quantity of the multiple output item produced for the primary output (parent item-lot combination).


The quantity produced per assembly or order. This is for by-products only.

Output Schd Qty (output scheduled quantity)

The output scheduled quantity for the multiple output item.

Qty Compl to Date (quantity completed to date)

The total batch quantity completed against the co-products.

Res % (resource allocation percentage)

Determines how much of the batch quantity each co-product represents.

See Also

Defining BOM Outputs