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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use DataSet
oracle.odi.domain.project This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Project implementation. 
oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces This package contains Oracle Data Integrator Interface implementation. 
oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive Provides interfaces for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package and its sub-packages provide the implementations for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator interface action implementation classes Classes in this package allow modification to the ODI interface object, when used in conjunction with the helper class. This package contains the implementations for computing the default alias of objects when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the implementations for auto mapping handling when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package contains the implementations, when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces, for choosing one of the target mapping expression across multiple datasets if the execution location of the target expression is changed to target. Contains classes which handles the computation of source sets of an Oracle Data Integrator interface. This package contains the implementations of text holder for various types of objects, such as joins, filters, target columns and target mappings, in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. This package provides the implementation for expression contexts of data sets and target expressions in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. 


Uses of DataSet in oracle.odi.domain.project


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project that return types with arguments of type DataSet
 java.util.List<DataSet> OdiInterface.getDataSets()
          Returns a list of data sets of this interface, sorted by its position.


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project with parameters of type DataSet
 void OdiInterface.addDataSet(DataSet pDataSet)
          For internal use only Add a new data set to the interface.
 void OdiInterface.addDataSet(DataSet pDataSet, int pPosition)
          For internal use only Add a new data set to the interface at the specified location.
static java.lang.String OdiInterface.computeSQLWithHeaders(Expression pExpression, DataSet pDataSet)
          Returns a String representing a more functional representation of pExpression.
 SourceDataStore OdiInterface.getJournalizedDataStore(DataSet pDataSet)
          Return the source datastore that is set to be journalized in the specified data set.
 void OdiInterface.removeDataSet(DataSet pDataSet)
          For internal use only Remove the specified data set from this interface.


Uses of DataSet in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces that return DataSet
 DataSet GenericClause.getDataSet()
          Returns the parent dataset of this clause.
 DataSet SourceDataStore.getDataSet()
          Get the DataSet object that contains this source in the interface.
 DataSet SourceSet.getDataSet()
          Returns the data set for which this source set is attached to.
 DataSet TargetMapping.getParentDataSet()
          Returns the parent DataSet of this mapping.


Methods in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces with parameters of type DataSet
 boolean DataSet.internalPersistenceEquals(DataSet d2)


Constructors in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces with parameters of type DataSet
Filter(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pSql, Filter.FilterType pFilterType, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Builds a filter clause in the parent dataset using the specified SQL expression text, clause type (normal or journalized) and the desired execution location.
GenericClause(DataSet pDataSet, Expression pSql, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Create a new dataset in the specified parent dataset.
GenericClause(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pSql, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Create a new dataset in the specified parent dataset.
Join(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pSql, boolean pOrdered, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Builds a join clause in the parent dataset using the specified SQL expression text, clause type (ordered, non-ordered or cross join) and the desired execution location.
SourceDataStore(DataSet pDataSet, boolean pJournalized, java.lang.String pAlias, int pOrder, OdiDataStore pUnderlyingOdiDataStore)
          For internal use only.
To add a source data store to an interface, do not use this constructor.
SourceDataStore(DataSet pDataSet, boolean pJournalized, java.lang.String pAlias, int pOrder, OdiInterface pUnderlyingOdiInterface)
          For internal use only.
To add a source data store to an interface, do not use this constructor.
SourceSet(java.lang.String pName, DataSet pDataSet)
          Creates a source set with a name, attached to a dataset which must not be null.
TargetMapping(DataSet pParentDataSet, TargetColumn pTargetColumn, Expression pSqlExpression, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Builds a TargetMapping for a TargetColumn on a DataSet with a given SQL String expression.
TargetMapping(DataSet pParentDataSet, TargetColumn pTargetColumn, java.lang.String pSql, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Internal use only Builds a TargetMapping for a TargetColumn on a DataSet with a given SQL String expression.


Uses of DataSet in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive


Methods in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive with parameters of type DataSet
 java.lang.String IAliasComputer.computeAliasForDataStore(IDataStore<?,?> pDataStore, DataSet pDataSet)
          Computes the alias name for a source or target data store.
 Expression IActionHelper.computeExpression(java.lang.String pSql, IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation, DataSet pDataSet)
          Computes the expression of the SQL text.
Note that pDataSet is optional (can be null when pExecutionLocation is TARGET.
 void ISourceSetComputer.computeSourceSets(DataSet pDataSet, IInterfaceActionListener pActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          Computes the new source sets in the interface and updates them directly in the interface.
 TargetMapping IActionHelper.createTargetMapping(DataSet pDataSet, TargetColumn pColumn, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pLocation, java.lang.Object pText)
          For internal use only Create a new target mapping.
 java.util.Collection<IExecutionArea> IActionHelper.getExecutionAreas(DataSet pDataSet)
          Returns a collection of IExecutionArea instances that represent the locations where all interface sub-components belonging to the specified data set are located.


Uses of DataSet in


Methods in that return DataSet
 DataSet IExecutableTextHolder.getDataSet()
          Basic getter.


Methods in with parameters of type DataSet
 Expression InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.computeExpression(java.lang.String pSql, IExecutableTextHolder pExecutableTextHolder, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation, DataSet pDataSet)
          For internal use only Computes the expression object of the specified SQL expression text for the given text holder in the desired data set and execution location.
 Expression InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.computeExpression(java.lang.String pSql, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation, DataSet pDataSet, IExpressionContext pExpressionContext)
          This method computes an expression from a Sql text that would be executed on a DataSet and in the specified Location.
 TargetMapping InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.createTargetMapping(DataSet pDataSet, TargetColumn pColumn, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pLocation, java.lang.Object pText)
          For internal use only Create a new target mapping.
 java.util.Collection<IExecutionArea> InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.getExecutionAreas(DataSet pDataSet)
          Returns a collection of IExecutionArea instances that represent the locations where all interface sub-components belonging to the specified data set are located.
 void IAutoMappingComputer.performAutoMapping(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pTargetColumnName, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          This method is called when a change occurs on the interface so that we can generate the mapping on the corresponding column.
It is supposed to possibly generate an automapping on the column whose name is pTargetColumnName.
This should use actions to generate mappings, and if the TargetMappings need to be created, it should use the method pActionHelper.createTargetMapping() instead of creating a new TargetMapping().


Uses of DataSet in


Methods in that return DataSet
 DataSet InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingAbstract.getDataSet()
          Gets the data set for this target mapping.


Constructors in with parameters of type DataSet
InterfaceActionAddFilter(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pSql, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Constructor to create an action class instance which will create a filter on a data sources in an interface, when performAction is called.
InterfaceActionAddJoin(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pSql, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation)
          Constructor to create an action class instance which will create a join between two sources in an interface, when performAction is called.
InterfaceActionAddLookup(DataSet pDataSet, OdiDataStore pOdiDataStore, java.lang.String pAlias, java.lang.String pLookupSql, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation, boolean pSelectLookup)
          A constructor to create the lookup creation action, to do a lookup of rows from a data source.
InterfaceActionAddLookup(DataSet pDataSet, OdiInterface pOdiInterface, java.lang.String pAlias, java.lang.String pLookupSql, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation, boolean pSelectLookup)
          A constructor to create the lookup creation action, to do a lookup of rows from another interface result.
InterfaceActionAddSourceDataStore(IDataStore<?,?> pDataStore, DataSet pDataSet, IAliasComputer pAliasComputer, IClauseImporter pClauseImporter, IAutoMappingComputer pAutoMappingComputer)
          Deprecated. use other public constructors instead
InterfaceActionAddSourceDataStore(OdiDataStore pDataStore, DataSet pDataSet, IAliasComputer pAliasComputer, IClauseImporter pClauseImporter, IAutoMappingComputer pAutoMappingComputer)
          Creates an action to add an OdiDataStore as source in a DataSet.
InterfaceActionAddSourceDataStore(OdiInterface.TargetDataStore pDataStore, DataSet pDataSet, IAliasComputer pAliasComputer, IClauseImporter pClauseImporter, IAutoMappingComputer pAutoMappingComputer)
          Creates an action to add a temporary target datastore of an interface as source in a DataSet
InterfaceActionAddSourceDataStore(OdiInterface pInterface, DataSet pDataSet, IAliasComputer pAliasComputer, IClauseImporter pClauseImporter, IAutoMappingComputer pAutoMappingComputer)
          Creates an action to add a temporary target datastore of an interface as source in a DataSet
InterfaceActionAddSourceDataStore(SourceDataStore pDataStore, DataSet pDataSet, IAliasComputer pAliasComputer, IClauseImporter pClauseImporter, IAutoMappingComputer pAutoMappingComputer)
          For internal use only. Creates an action to add a SourceDataStore as source in a DataSet.
InterfaceActionOnDataSetSetName(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pName)
          Constructor for the action class used to set a DataSet name.
InterfaceActionOnDataSetSetOperator(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pOperator)
          The constructor for the action class.
InterfaceActionOnDataSetSetOrder(DataSet pDataSet, int pOrder)
          The constructor for the action class.
InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreComputeAutoMapping(DataSet pDataSet)
          Creates an action class instance which sets auto mapping for a target data store, when performAction is called.
InterfaceActionOnTargetDataStoreComputeAutoMapping(DataSet pDataSet, IAutoMappingComputer pComputer)
          Constructor to create an action class instance which computes auto mapping for a target data store, when performAction is called.
InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingAbstract(java.lang.String pColumnName, DataSet pDataSet)
          Sets a column name and data set for the mapping.
InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetAttachedDataStore(java.lang.String pColumnName, DataSet pDataSet, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore)
          Creates an action class instance which will set an attached data store on a target mapping, when performAction is called.
InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetLocation(java.lang.String pColumnName, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation pExecutionLocation, DataSet pDataSet)
          Creates an action class instance which will set the location on a target mapping, when performAction is called.
InterfaceActionOnTargetMappingSetSql(java.lang.String pColumnName, java.lang.String pSql, DataSet pDataSet)
          Creates an action class instance which will set the expression for a target mapping, when performAction is called.
InterfaceActionRemoveDataSet(DataSet pDataSet)
          Creates an action class instance which will remove a data set from the interface, when performAction is called.
InterfaceActionSwitchDataSetOrders(DataSet pDataSet1, DataSet pDataSet2)
          Creates an action class instance which will switch the ordering of two data sets, when performAction is called.


Uses of DataSet in


Methods in with parameters of type DataSet
 java.lang.String AliasComputerDoubleChecker.computeAliasForDataStore(IDataStore<?,?> pDataStore, DataSet pDataSet)
 java.lang.String AliasComputerFixed.computeAliasForDataStore(IDataStore<?,?> pDataStore, DataSet pDataSet)
 java.lang.String BasicAliasComputer.computeAliasForDataStore(IDataStore<?,?> pDataStore, DataSet pDataSet)
          This implementation bases the alias computation on the value of OdiDataStore.getDefaultAlias() or the name of the OdiInterface.TargetDataStore if pDataStore is a OdiInterface.TargetDataStore.


Uses of DataSet in


Methods in with parameters of type DataSet
 void AutoMappingComputerColumnName.performAutoMapping(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pTargetColumnName, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
 void AutoMappingComputerLazy.performAutoMapping(DataSet pDataSet, java.lang.String pTargetColumnName, SourceDataStore pSourceDataStore, IInterfaceActionListener pInterfaceActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pInterfaceUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)


Uses of DataSet in


Constructors in with parameters of type DataSet
MappingChooserDataSet(DataSet pDataSet)
          Creates a mapping chooser based on the dataset pDataSet.


Uses of DataSet in


Methods in with parameters of type DataSet
 void SourceSetComputerEraser.computeSourceSets(DataSet pDataSet, IInterfaceActionListener pActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          Computes the source sets in the interface, creates new source set objects, and updates them directly in the interface.
 void SourceSetComputerLazy.computeSourceSets(DataSet pDataSet, IInterfaceActionListener pActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
 void SourceSetComputerOneTable.computeSourceSets(DataSet pDataSet, IInterfaceActionListener pActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          Computes the source sets in the interface, creates new source set objects, and updates them directly in the interface.
 void SourceSetComputerRetainer.computeSourceSets(DataSet pDataSet, IInterfaceActionListener pActionListener, IInterfaceUndoListener pUndoListener, IActionHelper pActionHelper)
          Computes the source sets in the interface, reuses existing source set objects when possible and updates the KM or creates new source set objects, and updates them directly in the interface.


Uses of DataSet in


Methods in that return DataSet
 DataSet ExecutableTextHolderGenericClause.getDataSet()
          Gets the attached source datastores of this TextHolder.
 DataSet ExecutableTextHolderTargetColumn.getDataSet()
 DataSet ExecutableTextHolderTargetMapping.getDataSet()


Uses of DataSet in


Methods in with parameters of type DataSet
 void ContextManager.dataSetRemoved(DataSet pDataSet)
          This method must be called by the user when a <@link DataSet> is removed from the current interface, so that the cache can be cleaned up.
Note that there is no need for a dataSetAdded method, as the cache will be automatically populated when the context for the new <@link DataSet> is requested using the giveContext method.
 IExpressionContext ContextManager.giveContext(DataSet pDataSet)
          Return an IExpressionContext for a given DataSet.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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