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Public Member Functions
EMViewConfiguration Class Reference

Inherits NSObject.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(EMSearchTableCell *) - listCellForRecord:reuseIdentifier:
(NSInteger) - listCellHeight
(EMSearchTableCell *) - breadcrumbCellForFacetValueSelection:reuseIdentifier:
(EMSearchTableCell *) - reviewCellForReview:reuseIdentifier:
(UITableViewCell *) - shoppingCartCellForCartItem:reuseIdentifier:
(TTTableViewCell *) - loadingCellWithReuseIdentifier:
(MKAnnotationView *) - viewForAnnotation:
< EMStoreCellProtocol > *) 
- storeListCellForStore:reuseIdentifier:
(EMGridViewCell *) - productGridViewCellWithReuseIdentifier:
(EMGridViewCell *) - navStateItemBannerGridViewCellWithReuseIdentifier:
(EMGridViewCell *) - navStateItemGridViewCellWithReuseIdentifier:
(NSInteger) - productRowsPerPageInLandscape
(NSInteger) - productColumnsPerPageInLandscape
(NSInteger) - categoryRowsPerPageInLandscape
(NSInteger) - categoryColumnsPerPageInLandscape

Member Function Documentation

- (EMSearchTableCell *) breadcrumbCellForFacetValueSelection: (EMFacetValueSelection *)  facetValueSelection
reuseIdentifier: (NSString *)  reuseIdentifier 

Returns an instance of the breadcrumb UITableViewCell to the EMSearchQueryInfiniteScrollController. The EMSearchQueryInfiniteScrollController will call setObject on the cell, so this does not need to be called by this method.

- (EMSearchTableCell *) listCellForRecord: (EMRecord *)  record
reuseIdentifier: (NSString *)  reuseIdentifier 

Returns an instance of the main product UITableViewCell to the EMSearchQueryInfiniteScrollController. The EMSearchQueryInfiniteScrollController will call setObject on the cell, so this does not need to be called by this method.

- (NSInteger) listCellHeight

Returns the cell of the list cell

- (TTTableViewCell *) loadingCellWithReuseIdentifier: (NSString *)  reuseIdentifier

Returns an instance of a TTTableViewCell to be used a loading indicator for infinite scroll views.

- (EMGridViewCell *) productGridViewCellWithReuseIdentifier: (NSString *)  reuseIdentifier

Returns an instance of the main product EMGridViewCell to the EMInfiniteScrollGridController.

- (EMSearchTableCell *) reviewCellForReview: (EMReview *)  review
reuseIdentifier: (NSString *)  reuseIdentifier 

Returns an instance of a UITableViewCell to the EMProductReviewsController. The EMProductReviewsController will call setObject on the cell, so this does not need to be called by this method.

- (UITableViewCell *) shoppingCartCellForCartItem: (EMCartItem *)  cartItem
reuseIdentifier: (NSString *)  reuseIdentifier 

This is meant to be used by the ShoppingCartController in the refapp project

- (TTTableViewCell< EMStoreCellProtocol > *) storeListCellForStore: (EMStore *)  store
reuseIdentifier: (NSString *)  reuseIdentifier 

Returns a new instance of a store list table view cell. This method is used by the EMStoreListTableView within the EMStoreLocatorViewController.

- (MKAnnotationView *) viewForAnnotation: (id <MKAnnotation>)  annotation

If you want to use a custom image this should return a MKAnnotationView or a custom MKAnnotationView subclass To use a standard iPhone pin return a MKPinAnnotationView. This method is used by the EMStoreLocatorViewController

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