dsp:include lets you designate a target page in any J2EE Web application. You can do this in three ways:

Use the WebAppRegistry

You can access a page in another Web application by setting the src attribute to a string that starts with the name of a Web application registered in the WebAppRegistry, as follows:


where the application’s WebAppRegistry maps webAppName to a context root. The path-specified page is searched within that context root.

Use the src attribute

To access a page in another Web application, set the src attribute to a full path that starts with a context path defined in web.xml. For example, this tag might appear in a JSP:

<dsp:include src="/QuincyFunds/en/guesthome.jsp">

where /QuincyFunds is a context path that is defined in web.xml.

You can configure the ATG platform to support multiple context paths. For example, the following fragment from web.xml defines two context paths delimited by colons: /QuincyFunds and /dyn:


Note: If you modify web.xml, you must reassemble, redeploy and restart the ATG platform application before changes take effect.

Use attributes src and otherContext

Used together, the src and otherContext attributes let you access pages in other Web application by identifying a context path that is not specified in the application’s web.xml. For example:

<dsp:include otherContext="/QuincyFunds" src="/en/guesthome.jsp">

This tag should resolve correctly to the desired JSP whether or not the including application’s web.xml defines the context path /QuincyFunds.

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