DSP tags that invoke other application components can reference those components with Relative URLs or Absolute URLs. The following DSP tags support both URL types:

Relative URLs

The src and page attributes of DSP tags such as dsp:include and dsp:a lets you specify relative URLs. The ATG platform rewrites all relative links to embedded JSP files before including the contents of the file in the parent page. Relative links are resolved as relative to the page where they are defined. This allows entire directories of the document tree to be designed independently, so they can be reused by pages in separate directories or moved to another portion of the tree.

For example, the following file tree describes the relationship between the parent JSP foyer.jsp and two embedded files: header.jsp and headerimage.gif:


foyer.jsp embeds header.jsp, which in turn embeds the graphic file logo.gif:

You can implement this presentation with two DSP tags that reference the embedded files with relative paths, as follows:

The header file header.jsp includes the image in logo.gif, which is in the same directory. Because the header file is likely to be included by other files in various locations, the reference in header.jsp to the image always to be relative to header.jsp itself.

In this example, when the ATG platform compiles foyer.jsp and resolves its links, it rewrites the img tag so it is embedded within foyer.jsp as follows:

<dsp:img src="/testPages/parts/headerimage.gif"/>

Absolute URLs

Tags that invoke other files such as dsp:include can set their page attribute to an absolute path. Absolute paths typically begin in the Web application’s root directory (war file); however, they can begin in any location that is specified in the war file’s web.xml. During page compilation, the ATG platform retrieves the request object’s context root and adds it to the supplied page attribute value. Thus, the tag is rewritten to include the complete URL so the page holding the URL is not limited by complex hierarchies.

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