Class DynamicContentTargeter

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by atg.targeting.DynamicContentTargeter
All Implemented Interfaces:
atg.naming.AbsoluteNameable, NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, atg.naming.NameContextParentable, NameResolver, AdminableService, atg.nucleus.Configured, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener, atg.targeting.ContentHistoryManager, atg.targeting.PCCEditableComponent, atg.targeting.RepositoryTargeter, Targeter, java.util.EventListener
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DynamicContentTargeter
extends GenericService
implements Targeter, atg.targeting.RepositoryTargeter, atg.targeting.ContentHistoryManager, atg.targeting.PCCEditableComponent

This implementation of Targeter exists primarily for use with the Dynamo Personalization Control Center (aka PCC, the business user's interface to targeting in the Dynamo 4 personalization system).

It is like RuleBasedRepositoryTargeter in that it performs rule-based targeting over a Repository, but it adds a number of additional features including "rule breaks" (the ability to cascade through multiple rulesets and stop when any one of them returns content) and the ability to say that this targeter should suppress repository items that have already been seen during this session.

To keep the UI manageable, DynamicContentTargeters generally specify a restricted subset of rules that are easy to parse and easy to display and edit in a graphical user interface. This restriction is enforced only at the GUI level, not in the targeter implementation, but if you construct a DynamicContentTargeter by hand whose rules don't fit the expected pattern, the UI will be unable to cope with it. Caveat emptor.

See Also:
Targeter, RuleBasedRepositoryTargeter, ContentHistoryManager, ContentHistory

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
protected  java.lang.String mContentHistoryPath
          Nucleus component path that points to ContentHistory object
protected  java.lang.String mDescription
          Description of this targeter's behavior for use in a GUI
protected  int mImpressionLimit
          How many times can this targeter show each time in a session?
protected  boolean mImpressionLimitPerTargeter
          Are impression limits local to this targeter, or global?
protected  Repository mRepository
          The repository from which to select items
protected  java.lang.String mRepositoryViewName
          The name of the repository view from which to select items
protected  StringList mRulesets
          Definitions of all the rulesets used by this targeter
protected  StringList mRuleStrings
          Array of strings representing an anglicized version of the rules
protected  java.util.Map mSiteRulesets
          Definition of all rulesets for site overrides
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryTargeter[]> mSiteTargeters
          Map of site override targeters
protected  java.lang.String mSortBy
          The criteria used to sort results in this targeter
protected  SortDirectives mSortDirectives
          The SortDirectives object that corresponds to mSortBy
protected  atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryTargeter[] mTargeters
          The set of RuleBasedRepositoryTargeters to use for targeting
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.targeting.Targeter
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  java.lang.Object[] atMost(int pMaxNumber, java.lang.Object[] pItems)
          Return at most N items from an array.
static SortDirectives buildSortDirectives(java.lang.String pSortBy)
          Build a SortDirectives object from a ...
 atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryTargeter[] buildTargeters(Repository pRepository, java.lang.String pRepositoryViewName, StringList pRulesets, SortDirectives pSortDirectives)
          Build an array of targeters from an array of rule specifications.
 int countContentShown(NameResolver pNameResolver, RepositoryItem pItem)
          Query how many times some repository item has been shown in this session.
static atg.nucleus.ConfigurationState createTargeterConfiguration()
          Return a configuration object describing a new, uninitialized instance of DynamicContentTargeter.
 void doStartService()
          Start this dynamic content targeting service.
 void doStopService()
          Stop this dynamic content targeting service.
protected  java.lang.Object[] filter(NameResolver pNameResolver, java.lang.Object[] pItems)
          Filter an array of items to remove any that have reached their impression limit.
 atg.targeting.ContentHistory getContentHistory(NameResolver pNameResolver)
          Get the content history object associated with this targeter in a given name context.
 java.lang.Object getContentHistoryContext()
          Get the correct context in which to record content history information
 java.lang.String getContentHistoryPath()
          Get the path to use when looking up the content history object
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Get this targeter's description
 java.lang.String[] getDisplayRuleStrings()
          Get the display form of the rule strings.
 java.lang.String[] getDisplayRuleStrings(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest)
          Get the display form of the rule strings using the context of the given request.
 java.lang.String[] getDisplayRuleStringsUsingCurrentRequest()
          Get the display form of the rule strings using the context of the current request.
 int getImpressionLimit()
          Get the maximum number of times this targeter can return the same item
 ApplicationLogging getLogger()
          Get the object that performs application logging on our behalf.
 int getNumRulesets()
          Return the number of rulesets used by this targeter
 Repository getRepository()
          Get the repository from which to select items
 RepositoryView getRepositoryView()
          Get the repositoryView from which to select items
 java.lang.String getRepositoryViewName()
          Get the name of the repository view from which to select items
 StringList getRulesets()
          Get the definitions for all rulesets used by this targeter
 StringList getRuleStrings()
          Get the StringList representing the rules used by this targeter.
 java.util.Map getSiteRulesets()
          Gets a map of site override rules.
 Targeter[] getSiteTargeters(java.lang.String pSiteId)
 java.lang.String getSortBy()
          Get the criteria used to sort results in this targeter.
 Targeter[] getTargeters()
 boolean isContentShown(NameResolver pNameResolver, RepositoryItem pItem)
          Query whether some repository item has been shown in this session.
 boolean isImpressionLimitPerTargeter()
          Query whether impression limits are per-targeter or global.
 boolean isLoggingDebug()
          This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isLoggingError()
          This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isLoggingInfo()
          This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.
 boolean isLoggingWarning()
          This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.
 void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an debug event with the specified message
 void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logDebug(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable
 void logError(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an error event with the specified message
 void logError(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logError(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an error event with the specified Throwable
 void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an info event with the specified message
 void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logInfo(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an info event with the specified Throwable
 void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage)
          Logs an warning event with the specified message
 void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage, java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable
 void logWarning(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
          Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable
 void registerContentShown(NameResolver pNameResolver, RepositoryItem pItem)
          Register the fact that some repository item was shown in this session.
 void setContentHistoryPath(java.lang.String pContentHistoryPath)
          Set the component path of the object used to record what content items have been displayed from each repository.
 void setDescription(java.lang.String pDescription)
          Set this targeter's description
 void setImpressionLimit(int pImpressionLimit)
          Set the maximum number of times this targeter can return the same item
 void setImpressionLimitPerTargeter(boolean pImpressionLimitPerTargeter)
          Specify whether impression limits are per-targeter, or global.
 void setLogger(ApplicationLogging pLogger)
          Set the object that performs application logging on our behalf.
 void setLoggingDebug(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not debug log events should be logged.
 void setLoggingError(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.
 void setLoggingInfo(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.
 void setLoggingWarning(boolean pLogging)
          Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.
 void setRepository(Repository pRepository)
          Set the repository from which to select items
 void setRepositoryViewName(java.lang.String pRepositoryViewName)
          Set the name of the repository view from which to select items
 void setRulesets(StringList pRulesets)
          Set the definitions for all rulesets used by this targeter
 void setRuleStrings(StringList pRuleStrings)
          Set the StringList representing the rules used by this targeter.
 void setSiteRulesets(java.util.Map pSiteReulsets)
          Sets a map of site override rules.
 void setSortBy(java.lang.String pSortBy)
          Set the criteria used to sort results in this targeter.
 void start()
          Prepare this targeter for use.
 void stop()
          Mark this targeter inactive and clear its internal list of sub-targeters.
 java.lang.Object[] target(NameResolver pNameResolver)
          Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects.
 java.lang.Object[] target(NameResolver pNameResolver, int pMaxNumber)
          Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects containing at most pMaxNumber entries.
 java.lang.Object[] target(NameResolver pNameResolver, int pStartIndex, int pMaxNumber)
          Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects, beginning at the starting index of the entire result set, and containing at most pMaxNumber elements.
protected  void updateTargeters(boolean pCreate)
          Rebuild all targeters.
protected  void zapTargeters()
          Zap all targeters to indicate that this object needs to be reinitialized.
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getAdminServletOutputStreamEncoding, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isAdminServletUseServletOutputStream, isLoggingTrace, isRunning, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, reResolveThis, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setAdminServletOutputStreamEncoding, setAdminServletUseServletOutputStream, setLoggingTrace, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebugTrace, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string


protected Repository mRepository
The repository from which to select items


protected java.lang.String mRepositoryViewName
The name of the repository view from which to select items


protected StringList mRulesets
Definitions of all the rulesets used by this targeter


protected StringList mRuleStrings
Array of strings representing an anglicized version of the rules


protected java.lang.String mSortBy
The criteria used to sort results in this targeter


protected SortDirectives mSortDirectives
The SortDirectives object that corresponds to mSortBy


protected atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryTargeter[] mTargeters
The set of RuleBasedRepositoryTargeters to use for targeting


protected int mImpressionLimit
How many times can this targeter show each time in a session?


protected boolean mImpressionLimitPerTargeter
Are impression limits local to this targeter, or global?


protected java.lang.String mDescription
Description of this targeter's behavior for use in a GUI


protected java.lang.String mContentHistoryPath
Nucleus component path that points to ContentHistory object


protected java.util.Map mSiteRulesets
Definition of all rulesets for site overrides


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryTargeter[]> mSiteTargeters
Map of site override targeters

Constructor Detail


public DynamicContentTargeter()
Method Detail


public void setRepository(Repository pRepository)
                   throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Set the repository from which to select items



public Repository getRepository()
Get the repository from which to select items

Specified by:
getRepository in interface atg.targeting.RepositoryTargeter


public void setRepositoryViewName(java.lang.String pRepositoryViewName)
                           throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Set the name of the repository view from which to select items



public java.lang.String getRepositoryViewName()
Get the name of the repository view from which to select items


public RepositoryView getRepositoryView()
                                 throws RepositoryException
Get the repositoryView from which to select items

Specified by:
getRepositoryView in interface atg.targeting.RepositoryTargeter


public void setRulesets(StringList pRulesets)
                 throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Set the definitions for all rulesets used by this targeter

pRulesets - A StringList, each of whose elements is a complete ruleset as defined in the targeting documentation for Dynamo, including the <ruleset> and </ruleset> tags.

These rulesets should not include sorting directives since they will be overridden by any sort criteria specified in the targeter's sortBy property.



public StringList getRulesets()
Get the definitions for all rulesets used by this targeter


public void setRuleStrings(StringList pRuleStrings)
Set the StringList representing the rules used by this targeter. Used to store an anglicized version of the rules for display, printing, etc.


public StringList getRuleStrings()
Get the StringList representing the rules used by this targeter.


public java.lang.String[] getDisplayRuleStrings()
Get the display form of the rule strings.


public java.lang.String[] getDisplayRuleStringsUsingCurrentRequest()
Get the display form of the rule strings using the context of the current request.


public java.lang.String[] getDisplayRuleStrings(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest)
Get the display form of the rule strings using the context of the given request.

pRequest - the request context to use. May be null.


public int getNumRulesets()
Return the number of rulesets used by this targeter


public void setSortBy(java.lang.String pSortBy)
               throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Set the criteria used to sort results in this targeter.

pSortBy - The stringified version of a set of targeter sorting rules. This should be a string of the form:
      <sortbyvalue value=property [dir=direction]>

Note that the value may not use the src= attribute to incorporate another set of sort criteria by reference.



public java.lang.String getSortBy()
Get the criteria used to sort results in this targeter.

The stringified version of a set of targeter sorting rules. This will return a string of the form:
      <sortbyvalue value=property [dir=direction]>


public void setImpressionLimit(int pImpressionLimit)
Set the maximum number of times this targeter can return the same item


public int getImpressionLimit()
Get the maximum number of times this targeter can return the same item


public void setContentHistoryPath(java.lang.String pContentHistoryPath)
Set the component path of the object used to record what content items have been displayed from each repository. The intent is that this path will point to a session scoped object that implements the atg.repository.ContentHistory interface. Targeters that specify the oncePerSession property will use this object to implement once-per-session" semantics on the items they return.


public java.lang.String getContentHistoryPath()
Get the path to use when looking up the content history object


public void setImpressionLimitPerTargeter(boolean pImpressionLimitPerTargeter)
Specify whether impression limits are per-targeter, or global. content history.

If a per-targeter limit is used, then impressionLimit will only count impressions that come from this targeter. If a global limit is used, then impressionLimit will count impressions from any similarly configured targeter. .


public boolean isImpressionLimitPerTargeter()
Query whether impression limits are per-targeter or global.


public void setDescription(java.lang.String pDescription)
Set this targeter's description


public java.lang.String getDescription()
Get this targeter's description


public void setLogger(ApplicationLogging pLogger)
Set the object that performs application logging on our behalf. If null, the service will perform its own logging.


public ApplicationLogging getLogger()
Get the object that performs application logging on our behalf.


public void setSiteRulesets(java.util.Map pSiteReulsets)
                     throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Sets a map of site override rules. The key is a comma separated string of site ids. The value is a comma separated string of rulesets.



public java.util.Map getSiteRulesets()
Gets a map of site override rules. The key is a comma separated string of site ids. The value is a comma separated string of rulesets.


public java.lang.Object[] target(NameResolver pNameResolver)
                          throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects. The NameResolver argument carries information about the source objects associated with the targeting operation - the "context" of the targeting operation.

Returns null if no items are found matching the targeting criteria.

This method automatically cascades down rulesets. If a ruleset returns no suitable items or if all items returned have passed their impression limits, then the targeting operation will automatically try subsequent rulesets. It returns null only after all rulesets have been exhausted.

Specified by:
target in interface Targeter
TargetingException - if a problem was encountered during the targeting operation


public java.lang.Object[] target(NameResolver pNameResolver,
                                 int pMaxNumber)
                          throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects containing at most pMaxNumber entries. The NameResolver argument carries information about the source objects associated with the targeting operation - the "context" of the targeting operation.

Returns null if no items are found matching the targeting criteria.

This method automatically cascades down rulesets. If a ruleset returns no suitable items or if all items returned have passed their impression limits, then the targeting operation will automatically try subsequent rulesets. It returns null only after all rulesets have been exhausted.

Specified by:
target in interface Targeter
pMaxNumber - the maximum number of elements to return; if -1, the entire result set will be retrieved
TargetingException - if a problem was encountered during the targeting operation


public java.lang.Object[] target(NameResolver pNameResolver,
                                 int pStartIndex,
                                 int pMaxNumber)
                          throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Performs a targeting operation, returning an array of "target" objects, beginning at the starting index of the entire result set, and containing at most pMaxNumber elements. The NameResolver argument carries information about the source objects associated with the targeting operation - the "context" of the targeting operation.

This method performs cascading differently from the other target methods of this class. In particular, it does not use impression limits to trigger cascading behavior.

Rulesets are tried in turn until one of them produces a non-empty set of items. That set is then filtered by impression limit, and the result is immediately returned.

If the filtering process removes all items from the initial result set this method immediately returns null, where the other targeting methods would automatically try the next available ruleset. Keep this difference in mind when deciding which form of target to call.

Specified by:
target in interface Targeter
pStartIndex - the starting index; must be >= 0
pMaxNumber - the maximum number of elements to return; if -1, the entire result set starting at index pStartIndex will be retrieved
TargetingException - if a problem was encountered during the targeting operation


public void registerContentShown(NameResolver pNameResolver,
                                 RepositoryItem pItem)
Register the fact that some repository item was shown in this session.

Specified by:
registerContentShown in interface atg.targeting.ContentHistoryManager


public boolean isContentShown(NameResolver pNameResolver,
                              RepositoryItem pItem)
Query whether some repository item has been shown in this session.

Specified by:
isContentShown in interface atg.targeting.ContentHistoryManager


public int countContentShown(NameResolver pNameResolver,
                             RepositoryItem pItem)
Query how many times some repository item has been shown in this session.

Specified by:
countContentShown in interface atg.targeting.ContentHistoryManager


public void doStartService()
                    throws ServiceException
Start this dynamic content targeting service.

doStartService in class GenericService
ServiceException - if the Service had a problem starting up


public void doStopService()
Stop this dynamic content targeting service.

doStopService in class GenericService


public void start()
           throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Prepare this targeter for use. This method is called by doStartService to perform any generic initialization required by this service. Any initialization that depends on this object actually being a Nucleus component should be done directly in doStartService.

This allows the object to be instantiated either as a Nucleus component or stand-alone. For example, one could instantiate a DynamicContentTargeter as follows:

DynamicContentTargeter t = new DynamicContentTargeter(); t.setRepository(...); t.setRepositoryViewName(...); t.setRulesets(...); t.start();

TargetingException - if the object had a problem starting up


public void stop()
Mark this targeter inactive and clear its internal list of sub-targeters.


public atg.targeting.ContentHistory getContentHistory(NameResolver pNameResolver)
Get the content history object associated with this targeter in a given name context. The return value may be null.


public java.lang.Object getContentHistoryContext()
Get the correct context in which to record content history information


protected void updateTargeters(boolean pCreate)
                        throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Rebuild all targeters. Updates mTargeters to contain a new list.



protected void zapTargeters()
Zap all targeters to indicate that this object needs to be reinitialized.


public Targeter[] getTargeters()


public Targeter[] getSiteTargeters(java.lang.String pSiteId)


protected java.lang.Object[] filter(NameResolver pNameResolver,
                                    java.lang.Object[] pItems)
Filter an array of items to remove any that have reached their impression limit.

pNameResolver - An object (usually an HTTP request) used to find the session-scoped ContentHistory object.
pItems - An array of RepositoryItems to filter.
pItems if impression limits are not in use or if no items need to be removed, otherwise a newly allocated array containing those items that have not reached their impression limits. Returns null if no unfiltered items remain.


protected java.lang.Object[] atMost(int pMaxNumber,
                                    java.lang.Object[] pItems)
Return at most N items from an array. Returns the original array if it contains pMaxNumber or fewer elements, or if pMaxNumber is not set; otherwise returns a newly allocated array containing the first pMaxNumber elements of the original array.


public atg.targeting.RuleBasedRepositoryTargeter[] buildTargeters(Repository pRepository,
                                                                  java.lang.String pRepositoryViewName,
                                                                  StringList pRulesets,
                                                                  SortDirectives pSortDirectives)
                                                           throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Build an array of targeters from an array of rule specifications.

pRepository - The repository from which these targeters will select content
pRepositoryViewName - The repository view from which these targeters will select content
pRulesets - An array of strings specifying rulesets. These rulesets should not include sorting directives since they will be overridden by pSortDirectives.
pSortDirectives - Sorting directives these targeters will use to sort results.
An array of targeters, one per ruleset specification in pRulesets. If no rulesets are specified, an empty array is returned.
TargetingException - if anything goes wrong when creating the targeters. In cases where the error involved unparseable rule specifications or other ruleset-related problems, the rootCause of the TargetingException will contain the original exception.


public static SortDirectives buildSortDirectives(java.lang.String pSortBy)
                                          throws atg.targeting.TargetingException
Build a SortDirectives object from a ... string.



public boolean isLoggingInfo()
Description copied from class: GenericService
This method returns whether or not an info log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingInfo in interface ApplicationLogging
isLoggingInfo in class GenericService
boolean true if info log events should be logged
false if info log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingInfo(boolean pLogging)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Sets whether or not info log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingInfo in interface ApplicationLogging
setLoggingInfo in class GenericService


public boolean isLoggingWarning()
Description copied from class: GenericService
This method returns whether or not an warning log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingWarning in interface ApplicationLogging
isLoggingWarning in class GenericService
boolean true if warning log events should be logged
false if warning log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingWarning(boolean pLogging)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Sets whether or not warning log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingWarning in interface ApplicationLogging
setLoggingWarning in class GenericService


public boolean isLoggingError()
Description copied from class: GenericService
This method returns whether or not an error log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingError in interface ApplicationLogging
isLoggingError in class GenericService
boolean true if error log events should be logged
false if error log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingError(boolean pLogging)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Sets whether or not error log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingError in interface ApplicationLogging
setLoggingError in class GenericService


public boolean isLoggingDebug()
Description copied from class: GenericService
This method returns whether or not an debug log event should be broadcast.

Specified by:
isLoggingDebug in interface ApplicationLogging
isLoggingDebug in class GenericService
boolean true if debug log events should be logged
false if debug log events should not be logged


public void setLoggingDebug(boolean pLogging)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Sets whether or not debug log events should be logged.

Specified by:
setLoggingDebug in interface ApplicationLogging
setLoggingDebug in class GenericService


public void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an info event with the specified message

Specified by:
logInfo in interface ApplicationLogging
logInfo in class GenericService


public void logInfo(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an info event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logInfo in interface ApplicationLogging
logInfo in class GenericService


public void logInfo(java.lang.String pMessage,
                    java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an info event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logInfo in interface ApplicationLogging
logInfo in class GenericService


public void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an warning event with the specified message

Specified by:
logWarning in interface ApplicationLogging
logWarning in class GenericService


public void logWarning(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an warning event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logWarning in interface ApplicationLogging
logWarning in class GenericService


public void logWarning(java.lang.String pMessage,
                       java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an warning event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logWarning in interface ApplicationLogging
logWarning in class GenericService


public void logError(java.lang.String pMessage)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an error event with the specified message

Specified by:
logError in interface ApplicationLogging
logError in class GenericService


public void logError(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an error event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logError in interface ApplicationLogging
logError in class GenericService


public void logError(java.lang.String pMessage,
                     java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an error event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logError in interface ApplicationLogging
logError in class GenericService


public void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an debug event with the specified message

Specified by:
logDebug in interface ApplicationLogging
logDebug in class GenericService


public void logDebug(java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an debug event with the specified Throwable

Specified by:
logDebug in interface ApplicationLogging
logDebug in class GenericService


public void logDebug(java.lang.String pMessage,
                     java.lang.Throwable pThrowable)
Description copied from class: GenericService
Logs an debug event with the specified message and Throwable

Specified by:
logDebug in interface ApplicationLogging
logDebug in class GenericService


public static atg.nucleus.ConfigurationState createTargeterConfiguration()
                                                                  throws java.beans.IntrospectionException
Return a configuration object describing a new, uninitialized instance of DynamicContentTargeter. At the very least, the repository property of the configuration must be set before the targeter is editable. In addition, the repositoryView property may need to be set if the targeter selects content from any view other than the default.

java.beans.IntrospectionException - If any error occurs while creating the configuration.