(14248657) On OJBDC drivers, errors may occur when using SqlPassthroughQuery bind variables syntax.
When creating a service that uses the SqlPassthroughQuery bind variables, using the following syntax will create an error:

select * from dcspp_order where ?0 = 1

Workaround: Use one of the following instead:

select * from dcspp_order where ? = 1
select * from dcspp_order where :0 = 1

(13276779) When you add an existing scenario to a new project from the ACC, the scenario files are not added to the project. Instead the root directory ‘/atg’ is added as a fileFolder asset.

Workaround: Change the scenario in the ACC, then save it.

(13274112) Preview of session-scoped slots show changes only once within a given session.

Workaround: In order to preview changes more than once within the same project, temporarily set the slot’s scope to request; reset the scope to session when it is ready for deployment.

(13284078) Deployment of standalone EAR file on an WebSphere asset management server strips VFS version numbers from filenames.

Workaround: Copy the versionFileStore directory that contains all filenames and version numbers to the WebSphere’s deployed EAR file on the WAS server location.

(13283769) In the BCC, attempts to add a site returns user to existing site configuration.
This problem occurs when navigating as follows:

Workaround: Before trying to add a site, do one of the following:

(13277154) While a one-off deployment is in progress, attempts to perform any action within the project where the one-off deployment was initiated yield an error message .

Workaround: Wait until the one-off deployment is complete.

(13276781) When you save a new or modified scenario in the ACC, the folder asset /atg is added to the project along with the scenario files.

Workaround: Remove the folder asset from the project.

(13276524) Unable to recover deployment that fails due to file ownership conflict.

(13274544) A project’s Assets page does not display conflicts between properties whose expert attribute is set to true.

Workaround: Set the property’s expert attribute to false.

(13274142) Content Administration allows users to advance the workflow for an asset after its parent folder is deleted by another project.

The Assets page incorrectly displays the asset’s path as root (/).

(13274106) Errors occur when you deploy personalization assets (such as slots) whose scope is not set to global—for example, request or session.
The deployment executes as expected, and these error messages can be safely ignored.

(PUBLISHING-131860) Running more than one instance of ATG Content Administration on the same machine causes port conflicts.
If your environment includes a cluster of ATG Content Administration servers on the same machine, the following error appears when you start the second server:

Service /atg/epub/file/synchronization/
FileSynchronizationDeployServer found port 8815 is already in use

Workaround: For each additional ATG Content Administration server, create an /atg/epub/file/synchronization/
file and change the localport property value from 8815 to any unused port number. Make sure the new file is in your ATG Content Administration config layer.

Note that changing the port through the /atg/dynamo/Configuration.properties file does not work correctly in this situation.

(13275484, 13277610) DB2 deadlocks occur during deployments over multiple Content Administration threads.

This problem is due to IBM’s locking strategy (see PMR #42831,756,000), which constrains ATG deployments to a single thread.

Workaround: Deploy from Content Administration via a single thread/server. Set the following DeploymentManager component properties (/atg):

(13295756) Deployment failures occur if you use ATG Content Administration to delete sites.
It is possible to delete sites through the ATG Content Administration user interface. However, doing so is not supported (in any UI). If you attempt to deploy a project containing deleted sites, deployment fails and SQL Integrity Constraint errors may occur.

Workaround: Disable the sites through Site Administration rather than deleting them.

(13452451) Error occurs if replicationTransactionBatchSize is less than 200.
A “Too many DB shared Links” error occurs if you set the value of VersionManagerService.replicationTransactionBatchSize to less than 200.

Workaround: A smaller batch size requires more database links. If you change replicationTransactionBatchSize to less than 200, change your database parameters to accommodate more database links.

(13613773) Searching for repository assets in the Content Administration Browse function may result in database errors if you are using IBM DB2 database software.

Workaround: Set the localeSensitiveSorting properties of each repository component in which you need to search to true.

(14037115) If you are using a MySQL database for a development installation, your initial deployment may fail. This failure may be caused by the MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException exception.

Workaround: Configure your server data sources to use the com.mysql.jdbc.Driver driver class and use the EmulateTwoPhaseCommit global transaction protocol. The following example Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) XML file makes these configurations.


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