(14635286) Running Oracle ATG Web Commerce on JBoss Application Server version 5.1.2 may result in java.lang.OutOfMemoryError errors. The errors relate to PermGen space. This is caused by a syntax problem in the run.bat file provided with JBoss Application Server version 5.1.2. See information about the problem in https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBPAPP-6920.

Workaround: Edit the JBoss run.bat file as described by the JBoss documentation for this problem. Change "DIRNAME=!~dp0!" to "DIRNAME=%~dp0%".

(13301400) Inclusion of a welcome file on WAS yields an error.
For example, a JSP that contains this dsp:include tag:

<dsp:include src="/" otherContext="/somecontext"/>

yields an error, as the dsp:include tag first flushes the response output stream, then WAS tries to resolve the welcome file by performing a forward, but the servlet spec prohibits performing a forward after output has been committed to the client.

Workaround: Specify the exact welcome file resource rather than just the directory.

(13287159) runAssembler -run-in-place option no longer accesses WAR files in the ATG installation.
The runAssembler -run-in-place option now requires that any WAR files in an application be deployed to the JBoss directory structure, rather than being accessed directly from the ATG installation. This means that if you make changes to a WAR file in the ATG installation, those changes are no longer immediately available.

Workaround: To make your changes available, call runAssembler -run-in-place again, so that the modified WAR file is redeployed.

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