Securing Systems and Attached Devices in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: September 2014

Device Allocation

Device allocation can protect your site from loss of data, computer viruses, and other security breaches. Unlike device policy, device allocation is optional. Device allocation uses authorizations to limit access to allocatable devices.

Components of Device Allocation

    The components of the device allocation mechanism are as follows:

  • The svc:/system/device/allocate service. For more information, see the smf (5) man page and the man pages for the device allocation commands.

  • The allocate, deallocate, dminfo, and list_devices commands. For more information, see Device Allocation Commands.

  • The Device Management and Device Security rights profiles. For more information, see Device Allocation Rights Profiles.

  • Device-clean scripts for each allocatable device.

    These commands and scripts use the following local files to implement device allocation:

  • The /etc/security/device_allocate file. For more information, see the device_allocate (4) man page.

  • The /etc/security/device_maps file. For more information, see the device_maps (4) man page.

  • A lock file, in the /etc/security/dev directory, for each allocatable device.

  • The changed attributes of the lock files that are associated with each allocatable device.

Device Allocation Service

The svc:/system/device/allocate service controls device allocation. This service is disabled by default.

Device Allocation Rights Profiles

The Device Management and Device Security rights profiles are required to manage devices and device allocation.

    These rights profiles include the following authorizations:

  • solaris.device.allocate – Required to allocate a device

  • solaris.device.cdrw – Required to read and write a CD-ROM

  • solaris.device.config – Required to configure the attributes of a device

  • solaris.device.mount.alloptions.fixed – Required to specify mount options when mounting a fixed device

  • solaris.device.mount.alloptions.removable – Required to specify mount options when mounting a removable device

  • solaris.device.mount.fixed – Required to mount a fixed device

  • solaris.device.mount.removable – Required to mount a removable device

  • solaris.device.revoke – Required to revoke or reclaim a device

Device Allocation Commands

With uppercase options, the allocate, deallocate, and list_devices commands are administrative commands. Otherwise, these commands are user commands. The following table lists the device allocation commands.

Table 4-4  Device Allocation Commands
Man Page for Command
Reserves an allocatable device for use by one user.
By default, a user must have the solaris.device.allocate authorization to allocate a device. You can modify the device_allocate file to not require user authorization. Then, any user on the system can request the device to be allocated for use.
Removes the allocation reservation from a device.
Searches for an allocatable device by device type, by device name, and by full path name.
Lists the status of allocatable devices.
Lists all the device-special files that are associated with any device that is listed in the device_maps file.
With the –U option, lists the devices that are allocatable or allocated to the specified user ID. This option allows you to check which devices are allocatable or allocated to another user. You must have the solaris.device.revoke authorization.
Authorizations for the Allocation Commands

By default, users must have the solaris.device.allocate authorization to reserve an allocatable device. To create a rights profile to include the solaris.device.allocate authorization, see How to Authorize Users to Allocate a Device.

Administrators must have the solaris.device.revoke authorization to change the allocation state of any device. For example, the –U option of the allocate and list_devices commands, and the –F option of the deallocate command require the solaris.device.revoke authorization.

For more information, see Selected Commands That Require Authorizations in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

Allocate Error State

A device is put in an allocate error state when the deallocate command fails to deallocate, or when the allocate command fails to allocate. When an allocatable device is in an allocate error state, then the device must be forcibly deallocated. Only a user or role with the Device Management rights profile or the Device Security rights profile can handle an allocate error state.

The deallocate command with the –F option forces deallocation. Or, you can use allocate -U to assign the device to a user. Once the device is allocated, you can investigate any error messages that appear. After any problems with the device are corrected, you can forcibly deallocate it.

device_maps File

Device maps are created when you set up device allocation. The /etc/security/device_maps file includes the device names, device types, and device-special files that are associated with each allocatable device.

The device_maps file defines the device-special file mappings for each device, which in many cases is not intuitive. This file allows programs to discover which device-special files map to which devices. You can use the dminfo command, for example, to retrieve the device name, the device type, and the device-special files to specify when you set up an allocatable device. The dminfo command uses the device_maps file to report this information.

Each device is represented by a one-line entry in the following format:

Example 4-11  Sample device_maps Entry

The following example shows an entry in a device_maps file.

/dev/audio /dev/audioctl /dev/dsp /dev/dsp0 /dev/mixer0 /dev/sound/0 
/dev/sound/0ctl /dev/sound/audio810\:0mixer /dev/sound/audio810\:0dsp 
/dev/sound/audio810\:0 /dev/sound/audio810\:0ctl

Lines in the device_maps file can end with a backslash (\) to continue an entry on the next line. Comments can also be included. A pound sign (#) comments all subsequent text until the next newline that is not immediately preceded by a backslash. Leading and trailing blanks are allowed in any field. The fields are defined as follows:


Specifies the name of the device. For a list of current device names, see How to View Allocation Information About a Device.


Specifies the generic device type. The generic name is the name for the class of devices, such as st, fd, rmdisk, or audio. The device-type field logically groups related devices.


Lists the device-special files that are associated with the physical device. The device-list must contain all of the special files that allow access to a particular device. If the list is incomplete, a malevolent user can still obtain or modify private information. Valid entries for the device-list field reflect the device files that are located in the /dev directory.

device_allocate File

You can modify the /etc/security/device_allocate file to change devices from allocatable to nonallocatable, or to add new devices.

An entry in the device_allocate file does not mean that the device is allocatable, unless the entry specifically states that the device is allocatable.

In the device_allocate file, each device is represented by a one-line entry in the following format:


The following example shows a sample device_allocate file.


Note the asterisk (*) in the fifth field of the audio device entry.

Lines in the device_allocate file can end with a backslash (\) to continue an entry on the next line. Comments can also be included. A pound sign (#) comments all subsequent text until the next newline that is not immediately preceded by a backslash. Leading and trailing blanks are allowed in any field. The fields are defined as follows:


Specifies the name of the device. For a list of current device names, see How to View Allocation Information About a Device.


Specifies the generic device type. The generic name is the name for the class of devices, such as st, fd, and sr. The device-type field logically groups related devices. When you make a device allocatable, retrieve the device name from the device-type field in the device_maps file.


Oracle reserves the two fields that are marked reserved for future use.


Specifies whether the device is allocatable. An asterisk (*) in this field indicates that the device is not allocatable. An authorization string, or an empty field, indicates that the device is allocatable. For example, the string solaris.device.allocate in the auths field indicates that the solaris.device.allocate authorization is required to allocate the device. An at sign (@) in this file indicates that the device is allocatable by any user.


Supplies the path name of a script to be invoked for special handling, such as cleanup and object reuse protection during the allocation process. The device-exec script is run any time that the device is acted on by the deallocate command.

For example, the following entry for the sr0 device indicates that the CD-ROM drive is allocatable by a user with the solaris.device.allocate authorization:


You can decide to accept the default devices and their defined characteristics. After you install a new device, you can modify the entries. Any device that needs to be allocated before use must be defined in the device_allocate and device_maps files for that device's system. Currently, cartridge tape drives, diskette drives, CD-ROM drives, removable media devices, and audio chips are considered allocatable. These device types have device-clean scripts.

Note -  Xylogics and Archive tape drives also use the st_clean script that is supplied for SCSI devices. You need to create your own device-clean scripts for other devices, such as terminals, graphics tablets, and other allocatable devices. The script must fulfill object reuse requirements for that type of device.

Device-Clean Scripts

Device allocation satisfies part of what security auditors call the object reuse requirement. The device-clean scripts address the security requirement that all usable data be purged from a physical device before reuse. The data is cleared before the device is allocatable by another user. By default, cartridge tape drives, diskette drives, CD-ROM drives, and audio devices require device-clean scripts, which Oracle Solaris provides. This section describes what device-clean scripts do.

Device-Clean Script for Tapes

    The st_clean device-clean script supports three tape devices:

  • SCSI ¼-inch tape

  • Archive ¼-inch tape

  • Open-reel ½-inch tape

The st_clean script uses the –rewoffl option to the mt command to clean up the device. For more information, see the mt (1) man page. If the script runs during system boot, the script queries the device to determine whether the device is online. If the device is online, the script determines whether the device has media in it. The ¼-inch tape devices that have media in them are placed in the allocate error state. The allocate error state forces the administrator to manually clean up the device.

During normal system operation, when the deallocate command is executed in interactive mode, the user is prompted to remove the media. Deallocation is delayed until the media is removed from the device.

Device-Clean Scripts for Diskettes and CD-ROM Drives

    The following device-clean scripts are provided for diskettes and CD-ROM drives:

  • fd_clean script – Device-clean script for diskettes.

  • sr_clean script – Device-clean script for CD-ROM drives.

The scripts use the eject command to remove the media from the drive. If the eject command fails, the device is placed in the allocate error state. For more information, see the eject (1) man page.

Device-Clean Script for Audio

Audio devices are cleaned up with an audio_clean script. The script performs an AUDIO_GETINFO ioctl system call to read the device. The script then performs an AUDIO_SETINFO ioctl system call to reset the device configuration to the default.

Writing New Device-Clean Scripts

If you add more allocatable devices to the system, you might need to create your own device-clean scripts. The deallocate command passes a parameter to the device-clean scripts. The parameter, which is shown here, is a string that contains the device name. For more information, see the device_allocate (4) man page.

clean-script -[I|i|f|S] device-name

Device-clean scripts must return “0” for success and greater than “0” for failure. The options –I, –f, and –S determine the running mode of the script:


Needed during system boot only. All output must go to the system console. Failure or inability to forcibly eject the media must put the device in the allocate error state.


Similar to the –I option, except that output is suppressed.


For forced cleanup. The option is interactive and assumes that the user is available to respond to prompts. A script with this option must attempt to complete the cleanup if one part of the cleanup fails.


Standard cleanup. The option is interactive and assumes that the user is available to respond to prompts.