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Packaging and Delivering Software With the Image Packaging System in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020

Packaging the Directory Separately

To keep the unpackaged content where it is, even though all packaged content is uninstalled from that directory, package and install the directory separately. The directory remains installed as long as the package that installed the directory remains installed, even if all other packaged content is uninstalled from that directory.

For example, if you perform the following steps, and if no other installed IPS package delivers content to dir, the content of the dir directory is salvaged to /var/pkg/lost+found, including the application that was not delivered by IPS:

  1. Install an application that is not delivered as an IPS package into dir.

  2. Install an IPS package that installs content into dir.

  3. Uninstall the IPS package that installs content into dir.

To maintain the unpackaged software you installed in dir, package the dir directory in its own IPS package.

Create an IPS package that delivers the directory or directory structure that you want. Install that package. That directory structure remains in place until you uninstall that package. Uninstalling a different package that delivers content to that directory will not remove the directory.

You should not create a package that delivers a directory that IPS already delivers. If an update would install the directory with different ownership, permissions, or other attributes, the update might not succeed. See the pkgmogrify step in the following procedure.

How to Preserve a Directory After Content Uninstall

  1. Create the directory structure you want to deliver.

    This example shows /usr/local. You can easily expand this to include /usr/local/bin or different directory structures that are not delivered by IPS packages.

    $ mkdir -p usrlocal/usr/local
  2. Create the initial package manifest.
    $ pkgsend generate usrlocal | pkgfmt > usrlocal.p5m.1
    $ cat usrlocal.p5m.1
    dir path=usr owner=root group=bin mode=0755
    dir path=usr/local owner=root group=bin mode=0755
  3. Exclude directories already delivered by IPS.

    Create a pkgmogrify input file to add metadata and to exclude delivering /usr since that directory is already delivered by Oracle Solaris. You might also want to add transforms to change directory ownership or permissions from the default.

    $ cat usrlocal.mog
    set name=pkg.fmri value=pkg://site/usrlocal@1.0
    set name=pkg.summary value="Create the /usr/local directory."
    set name=pkg.description value="This package installs the /usr/local \
    directory so that /usr/local remains available for unpackaged files."
    set name=variant.arch value=$(ARCH)
    <transform dir path=usr$->drop>
  4. Apply the changes to the initial manifest.
    $ pkgmogrify -DARCH=`uname -p` usrlocal.p5m.1 usrlocal.mog | \
    pkgfmt > usrlocal.p5m.2
    $ cat usrlocal.p5m.2
    set name=pkg.fmri value=pkg://site/usrlocal@1.0
    set name=pkg.summary value="Create the /usr/local directory."
    set name=pkg.description \
        value="This package installs the /usr/local directory so that /usr/local
    remains available for unpackaged files."
    set name=variant.arch value=i386
    dir path=usr/local owner=root group=bin mode=0755
  5. Check your work.
    $ pkglint usrlocal.p5m.2
    Lint engine setup...
    Starting lint run...
  6. Publish the package to your repository.

    In this example, the default publisher for the yourlocalrepo repository has already been set to site.

    $ pkgsend -s yourlocalrepo publish -d usrlocal usrlocal.p5m.2
  7. Make sure you can see the new package that you want to install.
    $ pkg refresh site
    $ pkg list -a usrlocal
    usrlocal (site)       1.0          ---
  8. Install the package.
    $ pkg install -v usrlocal
               Packages to install:         1
         Estimated space available:  20.66 GB
    Estimated space to be consumed: 454.42 MB
           Create boot environment:        No
    Create backup boot environment:        No
              Rebuild boot archive:        No
    Changed packages:
        None -> 1.0,5.11:20140303T180555Z
    PHASE                                          ITEMS
    Installing new actions                           5/5
    Updating package state database                 Done
    Updating package cache                           0/0
    Updating image state                            Done
    Creating fast lookup database                   Done
    Reading search index                            Done
    Updating search index                            1/1
  9. Make sure the package is installed.
    $ pkg list usrlocal
    usrlocal (site)       1.0          i-- 
    $ pkg info usrlocal
              Name: usrlocal
           Summary: Create the /usr/local directory.
       Description: This package installs the /usr/local directory so that
                    /usr/local remains available for unpackaged files.
             State: Installed
         Publisher: site
           Version: 1.0
     Build Release: 5.11
            Branch: None
    Packaging Date: March  3, 2014 06:05:55 PM
              Size: 0.00 B
              FMRI: pkg://site/usrlocal@1.0,5.11:20140303T180555Z
    $ ls -ld /usr/local
    drwxr-xr-x   2 root     bin            2 Mar  3 10:17 /usr/local/