7 Creating the ADF Mobile AMX User Interface

This chapter describes how to create the user interface for ADF Mobile AMX pages.

This chapter includes the following sections:

7.1 Introduction to Creating the User Interface for ADF Mobile AMX Pages

ADF Mobile provides a set of layout and field components that enable you to create ADF Mobile AMX pages that behave appropriately for both the iOS and Android user experience. While ADF Mobile AMX maintains the same development experience as ADF Faces by allowing you to drag these components into an editor from the Component palette or from the Data Control palette, these components are not identical to their ADF Faces counterparts: ADF Mobile AMX components do not support every property and behavior of ADF Faces components. In essence, ADF Mobile AMX UI components render HTML equivalents of the native components on the iOS and Android platforms, with their design-time behavior being very similar to the ADF Faces components. In addition, the UI components are integrated with ADF Mobile's controller and model for declarative navigation and data binding.


When developing interfaces for mobile devices, always be aware of the fact that screen space is very limited. In addition, touchscreen support is not available on some mobile devices.

For more information, see the following:

7.2 Designing the Page Layout

ADF Mobile AMX provides layout components (listed in Table 7-1) that let you arrange UI components in a page. Usually, you begin building pages with these components, and then add other components that provide other functionality either inside these containers, or as child components to the layout components. Some of these components provide geometry management functionality, such as the capability to stretch when placed inside a component that stretches.

Table 7-1 ADF Mobile AMX Page Management, Layout, and Spacing Components

Component Type Description


Core Page Structure Component

Creates a view element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. Automatically inserted into the file when the file is created. For more information, see Section 7.2.1, "How to Use a View Component."

Panel Page

Core Page Structure Component

Creates a panelPage element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. Defines the central area in a page that scrolls vertically between the header and footer areas. For more information, see Section 7.2.2, "How to Use a Panel Page Component."

For more information about ADF Mobile AMX files, see Section, "Creating ADF Mobile AMX Pages."


Core Page Structure Component

Creates a facet element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. Defines an arbitrarily named facet on the parent component. For more information, see Section 7.2.6, "How to Use a Facet Component."

Panel Group Layout

Page Layout Container

Creates a panelGroupLayout element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. Groups child components either vertically or horizontally. For more information, see Section 7.2.3, "How to Use a Panel Group Layout Component."

Panel Form Layout

Page Layout Container

Creates a panelFormLayout element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. Positions components, such as Input Text, so that their labels and fields line up horizontally or above each component. For more information, see Section 7.2.4, "How to Use a Panel Form Layout Component."

Panel Label And Message

Page Layout Container

Creates a panelLabelAndMessage element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. Lays out a label and its children. For more information, see Section 7.2.5, "How to Use a Panel Label And Message Component."

List View

Page Layout Container

Creates a listView element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. Represents an iteration component that provides the look and feel of a list of rows with selection capabilities. For more information, see Section 7.2.7, "How to Use List View and List Item Components."

List Item

Page Layout Component

Creates a listItem element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. For more information, see Section 7.2.7, "How to Use List View and List Item Components."


Secondary Window

Creates a popup element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. For more information, see Section 7.2.8, "How to Use a Popup Component."

Panel Splitter

Interactive Page Layout Container

Creates a panelSplitter element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. For more information, see Section 7.2.9, "How to Use a Panel Splitter Component."

Panel Item

Interactive Page Layout Component

Creates a panelItem element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. For more information, see Section 7.2.9, "How to Use a Panel Splitter Component."


Spacing Component

Creates an area of blank space represented by a spacer element in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

For more information, see the "Separating Content Using Blank Space or Lines" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Web User Interface Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

Table Layout

Page Layout Container

Creates a tableLayout element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. Represents a table consisting of rows. For more information, see Section 7.2.10, "How to Use a Table Layout Component."

Row Layout

Page Layout Container

Creates a rowLayout element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. Represents a row consisting of cells in a Table Layout component. For more information, see Section 7.2.10, "How to Use a Table Layout Component."

Cell Format

Page Layout Component

Creates a cellFormat element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. Represents a cell in a Row Layout component. For more information, see Section 7.2.10, "How to Use a Table Layout Component."

You add a layout component by dragging and dropping it onto an ADF Mobile AMX page from the Component palette (see Section, "Adding UI Components"). Then you use the Property Inspector to set the component's attributes (see Section, "Configuring UI Components"). For information on attributes of each particular component, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

Example 7-1 demonstrates several page layout elements defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.


You declare the page layout elements under the <amx> namespace.

Example 7-1 Page Layout Components Definition

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:outputText id="outputText1"
                   value="Sub-Section Title 1" 
   <amx:panelFormLayout id="panelFormLayout1" labelPosition="start">
      <amx:panelLabelAndMessage id="panelLabelAndMessage1" label="Name">
         <amx:commandLink id="commandLink1" text="Jane Don" action="editname" />
      <amx:panelLabelAndMessage id="panelLabelAndMessage2" label="Street Address">
         <amx:commandLink id="commandLink2"
                          text="123 Main Street"
                          action="editaddr" />
      <amx:panelLabelAndMessage id="panelLabelAndMessage3" label="Phone">
         <amx:outputText id="outputText2" value="212-555-0123" />
   <amx:outputText id="outputText3"
                   value="Sub-Section Title 2" 
                   styleClass="adfmf-text-sectiontitle" />
   <amx:panelFormLayout id="panelFormLayout2" labelPosition="start">
      <amx:panelLabelAndMessage id="panelLabelAndMessage4" label="Type">
         <amx:commandLink id="commandLink3" text="Personal" action="edittype" />
      <amx:panelLabelAndMessage label="Anniversary">
         <amx:outputText id="outputText4" value="November 22, 2005" />
   <amx:panelFormLayout id="panelFormLayout3" labelPosition="start">
      <amx:panelLabelAndMessage id="panelLabelAndMessage5" label="Date Created">
         <amx:outputText id="outputText5" value="June 20, 2011" />

Figure 7-1 Page Layout Components at Design Time

Page Layout Components at Design Time

You use the standard Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to manage visual presentation of your layout components. CSS are located in the Web Content/css directory of your ViewController project, with default CSS provided by the framework. For more information, see Section 7.6.1, "How to Use Component Attributes to Define Style."

The user interface created for iOS platform using ADF Mobile AMX displays correctly in both the left-to-right and right-to-left language environments. In the latter case, the components originate on the right-hand side of the screen instead of on the left-hand side. Some of the ADF Mobile AMX layout components, such as the Popup (see Section 7.2.8, "How to Use a Popup Component"), Panel Item, and Panel Splitter (see Section 7.2.9, "How to Use a Panel Splitter Component") can be configured to enable specific right-to-left behavior. For more information about right-to-left configuration of ADF Mobile AMX pages, see Section 7.4, "Enabling Gestures" and Section 6.2.11, "How to Specify the Page Transition Style."


The right-to-left text direction is not supported on Android platform.

An ADF Mobile sample application called LayoutDemo demonstrates how to use layout components in conjunction with such ADF Mobile AMX UI components as a Button, to achieve some of the typical layouts that follow common patterns. In addition, this sample application shows how to work with styles to adjust the page layout to a specific pattern. The LayoutDemo application is located in the PublicSamples.zip file within the jdev_install/jdeveloper/jdev/extensions/oracle.adf.mobile/Samples directory on your development computer.

7.2.1 How to Use a View Component

A View (view element in an ADF Mobile AMX file) is a core page structure component that is automatically inserted into an ADF Mobile AMX file when the file is created. This component provides a hierarchical representation of the page and its structure and represents a single ADF Mobile AMX page.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.2.2 How to Use a Panel Page Component

A Panel Page (panelPage element in an ADF Mobile AMX file) is a component that allows you to define a scrollable area of the screen for laying out other components.

By default, when you create an ADF Mobile AMX page, JDeveloper automatically creates and inserts a Panel Page component into the page. When you add components to the page, they will be inserted inside the Panel Page component.

To prevent scrolling of certain areas (such as a header and footer of the page) and enable stretching when orientation changes, you can specify a Facet component for your Panel Page. The Panel Page's header Facet includes the title placed in the Navigation Bar of each page. For information about other types of Facet components that the Panel Page can contain, see Section 7.2.6, "How to Use a Facet Component."

Example 7-2 shows the panelPage element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. This Panel Page contains a header Facet.

Example 7-2 Panel Page Definition

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:facet name="header">
      <amx:outputText id="ot1" value="Welcome"/>

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.2.3 How to Use a Panel Group Layout Component

The Panel Group Layout component is a basic layout component that lays out its children horizontally or vertically. To create the Panel Group Layout component, use the Component palette.

To add the Panel Group Layout component:

  1. In the Component Palette, drag and drop a Panel Group Layout to the ADF Mobile AMX page.

  2. Insert the desired child components into the Panel Group Layout component.

  3. To add spacing between adjacent child components, insert the Spacer (spacer) component.

  4. Use the Property Inspector to set the component attributes. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

Example 7-3 shows the panelGroupLayout element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-3 Panel Group Layout Definition

<amx:panelGroupLayout styleClass="prod" id="pgl1">
   <amx:outputText styleClass="prod-label" value="Screen Size:" id="ot1"/>

7.2.4 How to Use a Panel Form Layout Component

The Panel Form Layout (panelFormLayout) component positions components so that their labels and fields align horizontally. In general, the main content of the Panel Form Layout component is comprised of input components (such as Input Text) and selection components (such as Choice). If a child component with a label attribute defined is placed inside the Panel Form Layout component, the child component's label and field are aligned and sized based on the Panel Form Layout definitions. Within the Panel Form Layout, the label area can either be displayed on the start side of the field area or on a separate line above the field area. Separate lines are used if the labelPosition attribute of the Panel Form Layout is set to topStart, topCenter, or topEnd. Otherwise the label area appears on the start side of the field area. Within the label area, the labelPosition attribute controls where the label text can be aligned:

  • to the start side (labelPosition="start" or labelPosition="topStart")

  • to the center (labelPosition="center" or labelPosition="topCenter")

  • to the end side (labelPosition="end" or labelPosition="topEnd")

Within the field area, the fieldHalign attribute controls where the field content can be aligned:

  • to the start side (fieldHalign="start")

  • to the center (fieldHalign="center")

  • to the end side (fieldHalign="end")

To add the Panel Form Layout component:

  1. In the Components palette, drag and drop a Panel Form Layout component to the ADF Mobile AMX page.

  2. In the Property Inspector, set the component's attributes. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

Example 7-4 shows the panelFormLayout element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-4 Panel Form Layout Definition

<amx:panelFormLayout styleClass="prod" id="pfl1">
   <amx:panelLabelAndMessage label="Type" id="plm1">
      <amx:commandLink text="Personal" action="edittype" id="cl1"/>

7.2.5 How to Use a Panel Label And Message Component

Use the Panel Label And Message (panelLabelAndMessage) component to place a component, which does not have a label attribute, inside a Panel Form Layout. These components usually include an Output Text, Button, or Link.

To add the Panel Label And Message component:

  1. In the Components palette, drag and drop a Panel Label And Message component into a Panel Group Layout component.

  2. In the Property editor, set the component's attributes. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

Example 7-4 shows the panelLabelAndMessage element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The label attribute is used for the child component.

Example 7-5 Panel Label and Message Definition

<amx:panelLabelAndMessage label="Phone" id="plm1">
   <amx:outputText value="212-555-0123" id="ot1"/>

7.2.6 How to Use a Facet Component

You use the Facet (facet) component to define an arbitrarily named facet, such as a header or footer, on the parent layout component. The position and rendering of the Facet are determined by the parent component.

The ADF Mobile AMX page header is typically represented by the Panel Page component (see Section 7.2.2, "How to Use a Panel Page Component") in combination with the Header, Primary, and Secondary facets:

  • Header facet: contains the page title.

  • Primary Action facet: represents an area that appears in the left corner of the header bar and typically hosts Button or Link components, but can contain any component type.

  • Secondary Action facet: represents an area that appears in the right corner of the header bar and typically hosts Button or Link components, but can contain any component type.

The ADF Mobile AMX page footer is represented by the Panel Page component (see Section 7.2.2, "How to Use a Panel Page Component") in combination with the footer facet:

  • Footer facet: represents an area that appears below the content area and typically hosts Button or Link components, but can contain any component type.

Example 7-6 shows the facet element declared inside the Panel Page container. The type of the facet is always defined by its name attribute (see Table 7-2).

Example 7-6 Facet Definition

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:facet name="footer">
      <amx:commandButton id="cb2" icon="folder.png"
                         text="Move (#{myBean.mailcount})"

Table 7-2 lists Facet types that you can use with specific parent components.

Table 7-2 Facet Types and Parent Components

Parent Component Facet Type (name)

Panel Page (panelPage)

header, footer, primary, secondary

List View (listView)

header, footer

Data Visualization Components.

For more information, see Section 7.5, "Providing Data Visualization."

dataStamp, seriesStamp

To add the Facet component:

You can use the context menu displayed on the Structure pane or Source view to add a Facet component as a child of another component. The context menu displays only facets that are valid for your selected parent component. To add a Facet, first select and then right-click the parent component in the Structure pane or Source view, and then select one of the following:

  • If the parent component is a Panel Page, select Facets > Panel Page, and then choose the type of Facet from the list, as Figure 7-2 shows.

    Figure 7-2 Using Context Menu to Add Facet to Panel Page

    Using Context Menu to Add Facet
  • If the parent component is a List View, select Facets > List View, and then choose the type of Facet from the list, as Figure 7-3 shows.

    Figure 7-3 Using Context Menu to Add Facet to List View

    Using Context Menu to Add Facet to List View
  • If the parent component is one of the data visualization components, select Facets > <DVTM Component Name>, and then choose the type of Facet from the list, as Figure 7-4 shows.

    Figure 7-4 Using Context Menu to Add Facet to Data Visualization Component

    Adding Facet to DVT Component

    For more information about data visualization components and their attributes, see Section 7.5, "Providing Data Visualization."


  1. In the Components Palette, drag and drop a Facet component into another component listed in Table 7-2.

  2. In the Property Inspector, set the component's attributes. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.2.7 How to Use List View and List Item Components

Use the List View (listView) component to display data as a list of choices where the end user can select one or more options.

The List Item (listItem) component represents a single row in the List View. Typically, you place a List Item component inside the List View to lay out and style a list of data items. At run time, List Item components respond to swipe gestures (see Section 7.4, "Enabling Gestures").

The List View allows you to define one of the following:

  • A row that is replicated based on the number of items in the list (collection).

  • A static row that is produced by adding a child List Item component without specifying the List View's var and value attributes. You can add as many of these static items as necessary, which is useful when you know the contents of the list at design time. In this case, the list is not editable and behaves like a set of menu items.

You can create the following types of List View components:

  • Basic List

    Example 7-7 shows the listView element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. This definition corresponds to the basic component.

    Example 7-7 Basic List View Definition

    <amx:listView id="listView1">
       <amx:listItem id="listItem1">
          <amx:outputText id="outputText1" value="ListItem Text"/>
       <amx:listItem id="listItem2">
          <amx:outputText id="outputText3" value="ListItem Text"/>
       <amx:listItem id="listItem3">
          <amx:outputText id="outputText5" value="ListItem Text"/>
       <amx:listItem id="listItem4">
          <amx:outputText id="outputText7"
                          value="This is really long text to test how it is handled"/>

    Figure 7-5 demonstrates a basic List View component at design time.

    Figure 7-5 Basic List View at Design Time

    Basic List View at Design Time

    Example 7-8 shows another definition of the listView element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. This definition also corresponds to the basic component; however, the value of this List View is provided by a collection.

    Example 7-8 Basic List View Definition

    <amx:listView id="list1" value="#{myBean.listCollection}" var="row">
       <amx:listItem actionListener="#{myBean.selectRow}"
          <amx:outputText value="#{row.name}" id="outputText1"/>


    Currently, when a text string in an Output Text inside a List Item is too long to fit on one line, the text does not wrap at the end of the line. You can prevent this by adding "white-space: normal;" to the inlineStyle attribute of the subject Output Text child component.

  • List with icons

    Example 7-9 shows the listView element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. This definition corresponds to the component with icons.

    Example 7-9 List View with Icons Definition

    <amx:listView id="list1" value="#{myBean.listCollection}" var="row">
       <amx:listItem id="listItem1">
          <amx:tableLayout id="tl1" width="100%">
             <amx:rowLayout id="rl1">
                <amx:cellFormat id="cf11" width="40px" halign="center">
                   <amx:image id="image1" source="#{row.image}"/>
                <amx:cellFormat id="cf12" width="100%" height="43px">
                   <amx:outputText id="outputText1" value="#{row.desc}"/>

    Figure 7-6 demonstrates a List View component with icons and text at design time.

    Figure 7-6 List View with Icons at Design Time

    List View with Icons at Design Time
  • List with search

  • List with dividers. This type of list allows you to group data and show order. Attributes of the List View component define characteristics of each divider. For information about attributes, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

    ADF Mobile AMX provides a list divider that can do the following:

    • Collapse its contents independently.

    • Show a count of items in each divider.

    • Collapse at the same time.

    Example 7-10 shows the listView element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. This definition corresponds to the component with collapsible dividers and item counts.

    Example 7-10 List View with Dividers Definition

    <amx:listView id="list1" 
          <amx:outputText id="ot1" value="#{row.name}">


    Dividers are not displayed when a List View component is in edit mode (that is, its editMode attribute is specified).

  • Inset List

    Example 7-11 shows the listView element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. This definition corresponds to the inset component.

    Example 7-11 Inset List View Definition

    <amx:listView id="listView1" styleClass="adfmf-listView-insetList">
       <amx:listItem id="listItem1">
          <amx:outputText id="outputText1" value="ListItem Text"/>
       <amx:listItem id="listItem2">
          <amx:outputText id="outputText3" value="ListItem Text"/>
       <amx:listItem id="listItem3">
          <amx:outputText id="outputText5" value="ListItem Text"/>
       <amx:listItem id="listItem4">
          <amx:outputText id="outputText7"
                          value="This is really long text to test how it is handled"/>

    Figure 7-7 demonstrates an inset List View component at design time.

    Figure 7-7 Inset List View at Design Time

    Inset List View at Design Time

    Example 7-12 shows another definition of the listView element in an ADF Mobile AMX file. This definition also corresponds to the inset component, however, the value of this List View is provided by a collection.

    Example 7-12 Inset List Definition

    <amx:listView id="list1" 
       <amx:listItem id="li1" action="go">
          <amx:outputText id="ot1" value="#{row.name}"/>

There is a particular order in which ADF Mobile AMX processes the List Item component's child operations and attributes. For more information, see Section, "What You May Need to Know About the Order of Processing Operations and Attributes."

Unlike other ADF Mobile AMX components, when you drag and drop a List View onto an ADF Mobile AMX page, a dialog called ListView Gallery appears (see Figure 7-8). This dialog allows you to choose a specific layout for the List View.

Figure 7-8 ListView Gallery Dialog

ListView Gallery

Table 7-3 lists the supported List Formats that are displayed in the ListView Gallery.

Table 7-3 List Formats

Format Element Row Values


  • Text

Main-Sub Text

  • Main Text

  • Subordinate Text


  • Start Text

  • End Text


  • Upper Start Text

  • Upper End Text

  • Lower Start Text

  • Lower End Text

The Variations presented in the ListView Gallery (see Figure 7-8) for a selected list format consist of options to add either dividers, a leading image, or both:

  • Selecting a variation with a leading image adds an Image row to the List Item Content table (see Figure 7-9).

  • Selecting a variation with a divider defaults the Divider Attribute field to the first attribute in its list rather than the default No Divider value, and populates the Divider Mode field with its default value of All.

The Styles options presented in the ListView Gallery (see Figure 7-8) allow you to suppress chevrons, use an inset style list, or both:

  • The selections do not modify any state in the Edit List View dialog (see Figure 7-9). They only affect the generated ADF Mobile AMX markup.

  • Selecting a style with the inset list sets the adfmf-listView-insetList style class on the listView element in the generated ADF Mobile AMX markup.

  • Selecting a style without chevrons sets the showLinkIcon attribute on the listItem element to false in the generated ADF Mobile AMX markup.

The following is an example of the Simple format with the inset list and chevrons:

<amx:listView var="row"
   <amx:listItem id="li2">
      <amx:outputText value="#{row.employeename}" id="ot3"/>

The ListView Gallery's Description pane is updated based on the currently selected Variation. The format includes a brief description of the main style, followed by the details of the selected variation. Four main styles with four variations on each provide sixteen unique descriptions detailed in Table 7-4.

Table 7-4 List View Variations and Styles

List Format Variation Description



A text field appears at the start side of the list item.



A text field appears at the start side of the list item, with items grouped by dividers.



A text field appears at the start side of the list item, following a leading image.


Dividers and Images

A text field appears at the start side of the list item, following a leading image. The list items are grouped by dividers.

Main-Sub Text


A prominent main text field appears at the start side of the list item with subordinate text below.

Main-Sub Text


A prominent main text field appears at the start side of the list item with subordinate text below. The list items are grouped by dividers.

Main-Sub Text


A prominent main text field appears at the start side of the list item with subordinate text below, following a leading image.

Main-Sub Text

Dividers and Images

A prominent main text field appears at the start side of the list item with subordinate text below, following a leading image. The list items are grouped by dividers.



Text fields appear on each side of the list item.



Text fields appear on each side of the list item, with the items grouped by dividers.



Text fields appear on each side of the list item, following a leading image.


Dividers and Images

Text fields appear on each side of the list item, following a leading image. The list items are grouped by dividers.



Text fields appear in the four corners of the list item.



Text fields appear in the four corners of the list item, with items grouped by dividers.



Text fields appear in the four corners of the list item, following a leading image.


Dividers and Images

Text fields appear in the four corners of the list item, following a leading image. The list items are grouped by dividers.

After you make your selection from the ListView Gallery and click OK, the Edit List View wizard is invoked that lets you create either an unbound List View component that displays static text in the List Item child components (see Figure 7-9), or choose a data source for the dynamic binding (see Figure 7-10).

Figure 7-9 Creating Unbound List View

Creating Unbound List View

When completing the dialog that Figure 7-9 shows, consider the following:

  • The List Data Collection and Element Type fields are disabled when the Bind Data checkbox is in the deselected state.

  • The image on the left reflects the main content elements from the selected List View format

  • The editable cells of the Value column are populated with static text strings (see Table 7-5).

  • If the List Item Content cell contains an Image, the Value cell is defaulted to the <add path to your image> string. If this is the case, you have to replace it with the path to the image.

  • Since you cannot set the divider attribute when the List View contains List Item child components, rather than being data bound, both the Divider Attribute and the Divider Mode fields are disabled.

Table 7-5 Static Text Strings for List View

List Format Element Row Values Values for the Output Text


  • Text

  • 'ListItem Text'

Main-Sub Text

  • Main Text

  • Subordinate Text

  • 'Main Text'

  • 'This is the subordinate text.'


  • Start Text

  • End Text

  • 'Start Text'

  • 'End Text'


  • Upper Start Text

  • Upper End Text

  • Lower Start Text

  • Lower End Text

  • 'Start Text'

  • 'End Text'

  • 'Lower Start Text'

  • 'Lower End Text'

Figure 7-10 shows the Edit List View dialog when you choose to bind the List View component to data.

Figure 7-10 Creating Bound List View

Creating Bound List View

When completing the dialog that Figure 7-10 shows, consider the following:

  • When you select the Bind Data Now checkbox, the List Data Collection and Element Type fields become enabled.

  • To select a data source, click Browse. This opens the Select List View Data Collection dialog that enables you to either choose a data control definition (see Figure 7-11) or to use the EL Builder to select an appropriate EL expression (see Figure 7-12).

    Figure 7-11 Selecting Data Control Definition

    Selecting Data Control Definition

    Figure 7-12 Selecting EL Expression

    Selecting EL Expression
  • You may declare the type of the data collection using the Element Type field (see Figure 7-10).

  • After you have selected a valid data collection, the Value column in the List Item Content table changes to Value Bindings whose editable cells are populated with lists of attributes from the data collection. For a description of a special case setting, refer to Figure 7-13.

  • The image on the left reflects the main content elements from the selected List View format and provides a mapping from the schematic representation to the named elements in the underlying table.

  • The List Item is generated as either an Output Text or Image component, depending on whichever is appropriate for the particular element.

  • Since the number of elements (rows) is predetermined by the selected List View format, rows cannot be added or removed.

  • The order of elements cannot be modified.

  • The default value of the Divider Attribute field is No Divider, in which case the Divider Mode field is disabled. If you select value other than the default, then you need to specify Divider Mode parameters. In addition, if you chose a Variation in the ListView Gallery that includes dividers, the default value will be set to the first attribute in the list.

The following are special cases to consider when creating a bound List View:

  • If a Java bean method returns a list without generics, you should use the Element Type field to create the List Item content, as Figure 7-10 shows.

  • If the list data collection value provided is not collection-based, a Value column replaces the Value Bindings column with blank values, as Figure 7-13 shows.

    Figure 7-13 Providing Non-Collection-Based Values

    Providing Non-Collection-Based Values

For more information, see the following: Configuring List View Paging

You can configure the List View component to display data in a list that is arbitrarily long. This is done by appending data to the bottom of the list.

The fetchSize attribute determines how many rows the List View component should initially load. If there are more rows available than defined by the fetchSize, a clickable area is displayed after the last fetched row. Clicking within this area loads another batch of rows that equals the fetchSize. Once there are no more rows to display, the clickable area disappears.

The fetchSize attribute does not represent the number of loaded rows. Instead, it represents the value by which the number of rows is incremented. When the List View component is created, the fetchSize attribute is by default set to use an EL expression that points to the rangeSize of the PageDef iterator. For information on the PageDef file, see Section, "What You May Need to Know About Generated Drag and Drop Artifacts" and Figure 6-49, "PageDef File". Setting the fetchSize to the same value as the rangeSize improves the application performance.

Example 7-13 shows the listView element that was created from a collection called testResults of a data control (see Section, "Adding Data Controls to the View").

Example 7-13 Setting fetchSize Attribute

<amx:listView var="row" 

In the preceding example, the fetchSize attribute points to the rangeSize on bindings.testResults. Example 7-14 shows a line from the PageDef file for this ADF Mobile AMX page. This PageDef file contains an accessorIterator element called testResultsIterator to which the testResults is bound.

Example 7-14 accessorIterator in PageDef File

<accessorIterator MasterBinding="Class1Iterator"

For more information, see the "Working with Page Definition Files" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

If the fetchSize attribute is set to -1, all records are retrieved. Rearranging List View Items

Items in a List View can be rearranged. This functionality is similar on iOS and Android platforms: both show a Rearrange icon aligned along the right margin for each list item. The Rearrange operation is initiated when the end user touches and drags a list item using the Rearrange affordance as a handle. The operation is completed when the end user lifts their finger from the display screen.


If the end user touches and drags anywhere else on the list item, the list scrolls up or down.

The Rearrange Drag operation "undocks" the list item and allows the end user to move the list item up or down in the list.

For its items to be rearrangeable, the List View must not be static, must be in an edit mode, and must be able to listen to moves.

Example 7-15 shows the listView element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. This definition presents a list with an Edit and Stop Editing buttons at the top that allow switching between editable and read-only list mode.

Example 7-15 Rearrangeable List View Definition

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:commandButton id="edit" text="Edit"
      <amx:setPropertyListener from="true"
   <amx:commandButton id="stop"
                      text="Stop Editing"
      <amx:setPropertyListener from="false"
   <amx:listView id="lv1"
         <amx:outputText id= "ot1" value="#{row.description}">

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile. Configuring Layout Using Styles

To adjust the ADF Mobile AMX page layout to a specific pattern, you can combine the use of the various types of List View components and styles that are defined through the styleClass attribute (see Section 7.6, "Styling UI Components") that uses a set of predefined styles.

Figure 7-14 shows a List View component with differently styled text added to the start (left side) and end (right side) of each row. Besides the text, rows are equipped with a right-pointing arrow representing a link that expands each list item.

Figure 7-14 List View with Start and End Text at Design Time

Left right list view layout

Example 7-16 shows the listView element and its child elements defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The way each outputText child element is laid out in the list is specified by the tableLayout child element of the listItem. Alternatively, you may use the styleClass attribute to lay out and style outputText elements: setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-startText places the Output Text component to the start (left side) of the row and applies a black font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-endText places the Output Text component to the end (right side) of the row and applies a blue font to its text. Whether or not the arrow pointing to the right is visible is configured by the showLinkIcon attribute of the listItem element. Since the default value of this attribute is true, the example does not contain this setting.

Example 7-16 Definition of List View with Start and End Text

<amx:listView id="listView1" value="#{myBean.listCollection}" var="row">
   <amx:listItem id="listItema">
      <amx:tableLayout id="tl1" width="100%">
         <amx:rowLayout id="rl1">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf1s1" width="10px"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf11" width="60%" height="43px">
               <amx:outputText id="outputText11" value="#{row.name}"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf1s2" width="10px"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf12" halign="end" width="40%">
               <amx:outputText id="outputText12" value="#{row.status}"

Figure 7-15 shows a List View component with differently styled text added to the start and end of each row. The rows do not contain right-pointing arrows representing links.

Figure 7-15 List View with Start and End Text Without Expansion Links at Design Time

Left right list view without chevron

Example 7-17 shows the listView element and its child elements defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The way each outputText child element is laid out in the list is specified by the tableLayout child element of the listItem. Alternatively, you may use the styleClass attribute to lay out and style outputText elements: setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-startText places the Output Text component to the start of the row and applies a black font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-endText places the Output Text component to the end of the row and applies a blue font to its text. Whether or not the arrow pointing to the right is visible on each particular row is configured by the showLinkIcon attribute of the listItem element. Since in this example this attribute is set to false for every listItem element, arrows pointing to the right are not displayed.

Example 7-17 Definition of List View with Start and End Text Without Expansion Links

<amx:listView id="listView1" value="#{myBean.listCollection}" var="row">
   <amx:listItem id="listItema" showLinkIcon="false">
      <amx:tableLayout id="tl1" width="100%">
         <amx:rowLayout id="rl1">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf1s1" width="10px"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf11" width="60%" height="43px">
               <amx:outputText id="outputText11" value="#{row.name}"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf1s2" width="10px"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf12" halign="end" width="40%">
               <amx:outputText id="outputText12" value="#{row.status}"

Figure 7-16 shows a List View component with differently styled text added to the start and end of each row, and with a subtext added below the end text on the left.

Figure 7-16 List View with Start and End Text and Subtext at Design Time

Left right list view with sublist

Example 7-18 shows the listView element and its child elements defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. In addition to the text displayed at the start and end of each row, this List View contains subtext placed under the end text. The way each outputText child element is laid out in the list is specified by the tableLayout child element of the listItem. Alternatively, you may use the styleClass attribute to lay out and style outputText elements: setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-upperStartText places the Output Text component to the left side of the row and applies a black font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-upperEndText places the Output Text component to the right side of the row and applies a smaller grey font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-captionText places the Output Text component under the Output Text component whose styleClass attribute is set to adfmf-listItem-upperStartText and applies a smaller grey font to its text.

Example 7-18 Defining List View with Start and End Text and Subtext

<amx:listView id="listView1" value="#{myBean.listCollection}" var="row">
   <amx:listItem id="listItema">
      <amx:tableLayout id="tl1" width="100%">
         <amx:rowLayout id="rl11">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf1s1" width="10px" rowSpan="2"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf11" width="60%" height="28px">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta1" value="#{row.name}"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf1s2" width="10px"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf12" halign="end" width="40%">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta2" value="#{row.status}"
         <amx:rowLayout id="rl12">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf13" columnSpan="3" width="100%" height="12px">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta3" 

Figure 7-17 shows a List View component with differently styled text added as a main text and subtext to each row.

Figure 7-17 List View with Main Text and Subtext at Design Time

List view with sublist

Example 7-19 shows the listView element and its child elements defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. This List View is populated with rows containing a main text and subtext. The way each outputText child element is laid out in the list is specified by the tableLayout child element of the listItem. Alternatively, you may use the styleClass attribute to lay out and style outputText elements: setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-mainText places the Output Text component to the start of the row and applies a large black font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-captionText places the Output Text component under the Output Text component whose styleClass attribute is set to adfmf-listItem-mainText and applies a smaller grey font to its text.

Example 7-19 Defining List View with Main Text and Subtext

<amx:listView id="listView1" value="#{myBean.listCollection}" var="row">
   <amx:listItem id="listItema">
      <amx:tableLayout id="tla1" width="100%">
         <amx:rowLayout id="rla1">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf1s1" width="10px" rowSpan="2"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfa1" width="100%" height="28px">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta1" value="#{row.name}"/>
         <amx:rowLayout id="rla2">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfa2" width="100%" height="12px" >
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta2" value="#{row.desc}"

Figure 7-18 shows a List View component with icons and differently styled text added as a main text and subtext to each row.

Figure 7-18 List View with Icons, Main Text and Subtext at Design Time

List view with icons and with sublist

Example 7-20 shows the listView element and its child elements defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. This List View is populated with cells containing an icon, main text, and subtext. The way each outputText child element is laid out in the list is specified by the tableLayout child element of the listItem. Alternatively, you may use the styleClass attribute to lay out and style outputText elements: setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-mainText places the Output Text component to the left side of the row and applies a large black font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-captionText places the Output Text component under the Output Text component whose styleClass attribute is set to adfmf-listItem-mainText and applies a smaller grey font to its text. The position of the image element is defined by its enclosing cellFormat.

Example 7-20 Defining List View with Icons, Main Text and Subtext

<amx:listView id="listView1" value="#{myBean.listCollection}" var="row">
   <amx:listItem id="listItemd">
      <amx:tableLayout id="tld1" width="100%">
         <amx:rowLayout id="rld1">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfdi" rowSpan="2" width="40px" halign="center">
               <amx:image id="imaged1" source="#{row.image}"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfd1" width="100%" height="28px">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTextd1" value="#{row.name}"/>
         <amx:rowLayout id="rld2">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfd2" width="100%" height="12px">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTextd2" value="#{row.desc}"

Figure 7-19 shows a List View component with two types of differently styled text added to the start and end of each row. Besides the text, rows are equipped with a right-pointing arrow representing a link that expands each list item.

Figure 7-19 List View with Four Types of Text at Design Time

Quadrant list view

Example 7-21 shows the listView element and its child elements defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. In addition to the text displayed at the start and end of each row, this List View contains two different types of text placed on each side of each row. The way each outputText child element is laid out in the list is specified by the tableLayout child element of the listItem. Alternatively, you may use the styleClass attribute to lay out and style outputText elements: setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-upperStartText places the Output Text component at the top left corner of the row and applies a large black font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-upperEndText places the Output Text component at the top right corner of the row and applies a large grey font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-lowerStartText places the Output Text component at the bottom left corner of the row and applies a smaller grey font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-lowerEndText places the Output Text component at the bottom right corner of the row and applies a smaller grey font to its text. Whether or not the arrow pointing to the right is visible is configured by the showLinkIcon attribute of the listItem element. Since the default value of this attribute is true, the example does not contain this setting.

Example 7-21 Defining List View with Four Types of Text

<amx:listView id="listView1" value="#{myBean.listCollection}" var="row">
   <amx:listItem id="listItema">
      <amx:tableLayout id="tla1" width="100%">
         <amx:rowLayout id="rla1">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf1s1" width="10px" rowSpan="2"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfa1" width="60%" height="28px">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta1" value="#{row.name}"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf1s2" width="10px" rowSpan="2"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfa2" width="40%" halign="end">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta2" value=#{row.status}
         <amx:rowLayout id="rla2">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfa3" width="60%" height="12px">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta3" value="#{row.desc}"
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfa4" width="40%" halign="end">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta4" value="#{row.priority}"

Figure 7-20 shows a List View component with two types of differently styled text added to the start and end of each row.

Figure 7-20 List View with Four Types of Text and Without Expansion Links at Design Time

Quadrant list view without chevron

Example 7-22 shows the listView element and its child elements defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. In addition to the text displayed at the start and end of each row, this List View contains two different types of text placed on each side of each row. The way each outputText child element is laid out in the list is specified by the tableLayout child element of the listItem. Alternatively, you may use the styleClass attribute to lay out and style outputText elements: setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-upperStartText places the Output Text component at the top left corner of the row and applies a large black font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-upperEndText places the Output Text component at the top right corner of the row and applies a large grey font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-lowerStartTextNoChevron places the Output Text component at the bottom left corner of the row and applies a smaller grey font to its text; setting this attribute to adfmf-listItem-lowerEndTextNoChevron places the Output Text component at the bottom right corner of the row and applies a smaller grey font to its text. Whether or not the arrow pointing to the right is visible on each particular row is configured by the showLinkIcon attribute of the listItem element. Since in this example this attribute is set to false for every listItem element, arrows pointing to the right are not displayed.

Example 7-22 Defining List View with Four Types of Text and Without Expansion Links

<amx:listView id="listView1" value="#{myBean.listCollection}" var="row">
   <amx:listItem id="listItema" showLinkIcon="false">
      <amx:tableLayout id="tla1" width="100%">
         <amx:rowLayout id="rla1">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf1s1" width="10px" rowSpan="2"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfa1" width="60%" height="28px">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta1" value="#{row.name}"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cf1s2" width="10px" rowSpan="2"/>
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfa2" width="40%" halign="end">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta2" value=#{row.status}
         <amx:rowLayout id="rla2">
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfa3" width="60%" height="12px">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta3" value="#{row.desc}"
            <amx:cellFormat id="cfa4" width="40%" halign="end">
               <amx:outputText id="outputTexta4" value="#{row.priority}"
</amx:listView> What You May Need to Know About Using a Static List View

If you create a List View component that is not populated from the model but by hardcoded values, this List View becomes static resulting in some of its properties that you set at design time (for example, dividerAttribute, dividerMode, fetchSize, moveListener) ignored at run time.

ADF Mobile AMX treats a List View component as static if its value attribute is not set. Such lists cannot be editable (that is, you cannot specify its editMode attribute).

7.2.8 How to Use a Popup Component

Use the Popup (popup) component to display a popup window. You can declare this component as a child of the View component.

You can use the following operations in conjunction with the Popup component:

  • Show Popup Behavior (showPopupBehavior) operation represents a declarative way to show the Popup in response to a client-triggered event specified using the type attribute of the Show Popup Behavior.

  • Close Popup Behavior (closePopupBehavior) operation represents a declarative way to close the Popup in response to a client-triggered event.

The Popup Id attribute of the Show Popup Behavior specifies the unique identifier of the Popup component relative to its parent component. The Align Id attribute of the Show Popup Behavior specifies the unique identifier of the component relative to which the Popup is to be aligned. Since setting identifiers manually is tedious and can lead to invalid references, you set values for these two attributes using an editor that is integrated with the standard Property Inspector (see Figure 7-21). There is an Audit rule that is specifically defined to validate these identifiers (see Section, "What You May Need to Know About Element Identifiers and Their Audit").

Example 7-23 shows popup and showPopupBehavior elements defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-23 Popup and Show Popup Behavior Definition

   <amx:panelPage id="panelPage1">
      <amx:commandButton id="commandButton1">
         <amx:showPopupBehavior popupId="popup1" type="action"
                                align="before" alignId="panelPage1" />
   <amx:popup id="popup1"/>

Popup components can display validation messages when the user input errors occur. For more information, see Section 7.9, "Validating Input."

To set a Popup Id attribute:

  1. Select the showPopupBehavior element in the Source editor or Structure pane.

  2. Click the down arrow to the right of the Popup Id field to open the Popup Id dialog, as Figure 7-21 shows.

    Figure 7-21 Setting Popup Id Attribute

    Setting Popup Id Attribute
  3. Select Edit on the Popup Id dialog to open the Edit Property: Popup Id dialog that Figure 7-22 shows.

    Figure 7-22 Edit Property for Popup Id Dialog

    Edit Property for Popup Id Dialog
  4. Select the Popup component.

To set an Align Id attribute:

  1. Select the showPopupBehavior element in the Source editor or Structure pane.

  2. Click the down arrow to the right of the Align Id field to open the Align Id dialog, as Figure 7-23 shows.

    Figure 7-23 Setting Align Id Attribute

    Setting Align Id Attribute
  3. Select Edit on the Popup Id dialog to open the Edit Property: Popup Id dialog that Figure 7-24 shows.

    Figure 7-24 Edit Property for Align Id Dialog

    Edit Property for Align Id Dialog
  4. Select the parent component of the Show Popup Behavior operation.

When developing for iOS platform, you can configure the Popup to accommodate the right-to-left language environment by setting its animation attribute to either slideStart or slideEnd.

An ADF Mobile sample application called LayoutDemo demonstrates how to use the Popup component and how to apply styles to adjust the page layout to a specific pattern. The LayoutDemo application is located in the PublicSamples.zip file within the jdev_install/jdeveloper/jdev/extensions/oracle.adf.mobile/Samples directory on your development computer.

7.2.9 How to Use a Panel Splitter Component

Use the Panel Splitter (panelSplitter) component to display multiple content areas that may be controlled by a left-side navigation pane. Panel Splitter components are commonly used on tablet devices that have larger display size. These components are typically used with a list on the left and the content on the right side of the display area. Any of the following components can contain a Panel Splitter component:

  • Panel Group Layout

  • Panel Page

  • Popup

  • Iterator

  • Facet

  • Panel Item

A Panel Splitter can contain a Facet (see Section 7.2.6, "How to Use a Facet Component") and Panel Item components. The Panel Item (panelItem) component represents the content area of a Panel Splitter. Since each Panel Splitter component must have a least one Panel Item, the Panel Item is automatically added to the Panel Splitter when the Panel Splitter is created. Each Panel Item component can contain any component that a Panel Group Layout can contain (see Section 7.2.3, "How to Use a Panel Group Layout Component").

The left side of the Panel Splitter is represented by a navigator facet (navigator), which is optional in cases where only multiple content with animations is desired (for example, drawing a multicontent area with a Select Button that requires animation when selecting different buttons to switch content). When in landscape mode, this facet is rendered; in portrait mode, a button is placed above the content area and when clicked, the content of the facet is launched in a popup.

When developing for iOS platform, you can configure the Panel Splitter and Panel Item to accommodate the right-to-left language environment by setting their animation attribute to either slideStart, slideEnd, flipStart, or flipEnd.


You cannot use the flipStart and flipEnd settings on the Android platform. Instead, set the animation attribute to none.

Example 7-24 shows the panelSplitter element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file, with the navigator facet used as a child component.

Example 7-24 Panel Splitter with Navigator Definition

<panelSplitter id="ps1"
   <facet name="navigator">
      <listView value="#{bindings.data.collectionModel}" var="row">
            <outputText value="#{row.description}">
            <setPropertyListener from="#{row.type}"
   <panelItem id="x">
   <panelItem id="y">

Example 7-25 shows the panelSplitter element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The navigator facet is not defined for this panelSplitter. Instead, selection of the layout is enabled through the use of a selectOneButton.

Example 7-25 Panel Splitter with Select Button Definition

<selectOneButton id="sob1" value="#{bindings.listtype.inputValue}">
   <selectItem label="Contacts" value="contacts"/>
   <selectItem label="Accounts" value="accounts"/>

<panelSplitter id="ps1"
   <panelItem id="contacts" animation="fade">
   <panelItem id="accounts">

Example 7-26 shows the panelSplitter element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file, with a navigator facet that is itself a panelSplitter with selectOneButton to enable selection of the layout.

Example 7-26 Panel Splitter with Navigator and Select Button Definition

<panelSplitter id="ps1"
   <facet name="navigator">
      <selectOneButton id="sob1" value="#{bindings.listtype.inputValue}">
         <selectItem label="Contacts" value="contacts"/>
         <selectItem label="Accounts" value="accounts"/>

      <panelSplitter id="sv2"
         <panelItem id="contacts">
               <commandButton ...>
                  <setPropertyListener from="x"
         <panelItem id="accounts">
               <commandLink ...>
                  <setPropertyListener from="y"
   <panelItem id="x">
   <panelItem id="y">

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.2.10 How to Use a Table Layout Component

Use the Table Layout (tableLayout) component to display data in a typical table format that consists of rows containing cells.

The Row Layout (rowLayout) component represents a single row in the Table Layout. The Table Layout component must contain either one or more Row Layout components or Iterator components that can produce Row Layout components.

The CellFormat (cellFormat) component represents a cell in the Row Layout. The Row Layout component must contain either one or more CellFormat components or Iterator components that can produce CellFormat components.

The Table Layout structure does not allow cell contents to use percentage heights nor can a height be assigned to the overall table structure as a whole. For details, see the description of layout, width, and height attributes of the Table Layout, Row Layout, and Cell Format components in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

To add the Table Layout component:

  1. In the Component Palette, drag and drop a Table Layout to the ADF Mobile AMX page.

  2. Insert the desired number of Row Layout or Iterator child components into the Table Layout component.

  3. Insert Cell Format or Iterator child components into each Row Layout component.

  4. Use the Property Inspector to set the attributes of all added components. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

Example 7-27 shows the tableLayout element and its children defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-27 Defining Table Layout

<amx:tableLayout id="tableLayout1"
   <amx:rowLayout id="rowLayout1">
      <amx:cellFormat id="cellFormatA" rowSpan="2" halign="center">
         <amx:outputText id="otA" value="Cell A"/>
      <amx:cellFormat id="cellFormatB" rowSpan="2" halign="center">
         <amx:outputText id="otB" value="Cell B (wide content)"/>
      <amx:cellFormat id="cellFormatC" rowSpan="2" halign="center">
         <amx:outputText id="otC" value="Cell C"/>
   <amx:rowLayout id="rowLayout2">
      <amx:cellFormat id="cellFormatD" halign="end">
         <amx:outputText id="otD" value="Cell D"/>
      <amx:cellFormat id="cellFormatE">
         <amx:outputText id="otE" value="Cell E"/>

7.3 Creating and Using UI Components

You can use the following UI components when developing your ADF Mobile AMX application feature:

You can also use the following miscellaneous components that include operations, listener-type components, and converters as children of the UI components when developing your ADF Mobile AMX application feature:

You add a UI component by dragging and dropping it onto the ADF Mobile AMX page from the Component palette (see Section, "Adding UI Components"). Then you use the Property Inspector to set the component's attributes (see Section, "Configuring UI Components"). For information on attributes of each particular component, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.


On an ADF Mobile AMX page, you place UI components within layout components (see Section 7.2, "Designing the Page Layout"). UI elements are declared under the <amx> namespace.

You can add event listeners to some UI components. For more information, see Section 7.10, "Using Event Listeners." Event listeners are applicable to components for the ADF Mobile AMX run-time description on both iOS and Android-powered devices, but the listeners do not have any effect at design time.

For information on the UI components' support for accessibility, see Section 7.8, "Understanding ADF Mobile Support for Accessibility."

The user interface created for iOS platform using ADF Mobile AMX displays correctly in both the left-to-right and right-to-left language environments. In the latter case, the components originate on the right-hand side of the screen instead of on the left-hand side.

An ADF Mobile sample application called CompGallery demonstrates how to create and configure ADF Mobile AMX UI components. Another sample application called LayoutDemo shows how to lay out components on an ADF Mobile AMX page. The sample applications are located in the PublicSamples.zip file within the jdev_install/jdeveloper/jdev/extensions/oracle.adf.mobile/Samples directory on your development computer.

7.3.1 How to Use the Input Text Component

The Input Text (inputText) component represents an editable text field. The following types of Input Text components are available:

  • Standard single-line Input Text, which is declared as an inputText element in an ADF Mobile AMX file:

    <amx:inputText id="text1" 
                      label="Text Input:" 
                      value="#{myBean.text}" />
  • Password Input Text:

    <amx:inputText id="text1" 
                   label="Password Input:"
                   secret="true" />
  • Multiline Input Text (also known as text area):

    <amx:inputText id="text1" 
                   rows="4" />

Figure 7-25 shows the Input Text component displayed in the Preview pane. This component has its parameters set as follows:

<amx:inputText id="inputText1"
               label="Input Text"

Figure 7-25 Input Text at Design Time

Input Text at Design Time

The inputType attribute lets you define how the component interprets the user input: as a text (default), email address, number, telephone number, or URL. These input types are based on the values allowed by HTML5.

To enable conversion of numbers, as well as date and time values that are entered in the Input Text component, you use the Convert Number (see Section 7.3.22, "How to Convert Numerical Values") and Convert Date Time (see Section 7.3.21, "How to Convert Date and Time Values") components.

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following:

On some mobile devices, when the end user taps an Input Text field, the keyboard is displayed (slides up). If an Input Text is the only component on an ADF Mobile AMX page, the input focus is on this field and the keyboard is displayed by default when the page loads.

A multiline Input Text may be displayed on a secondary page where it is the only component, in which case the multiline Input Text receives focus when the page loads and the keyboard becomes visible.

Input Text components render and behave differently on iOS and Android-powered devices: on iPhone and iPad, Input Text components may be displayed with or without a border.

When creating an Input Text component, consider the following:

  • If a field represented by an Input Text component is displayed with a border, the field has a fixed height and rounded corners.

  • To input or edit content, the end user has to tap in the field, which triggers a blinking insertion cursor to be displayed at the point of the tap, allowing the end user to edit the content. If the field does not contain content, the insertion cursor is positioned at the start of the field.

  • Fields represented by Input Text components may contain default text, typically used as a prompt. When the end user taps a key on the keyboard in such a field, the default text clears when Edit mode is entered.

  • Fields represented by Input Text components do not have a selected appearance. Selection is indicated by the blinking insertion cursor within the field.

  • If the end user enters more text than fits in the field, the text content shifts left one character at a time as the typing continues.

A multiline Input Text component is rendered as a rectangle of any height with rounded corners. This component supports scrolling when the content is too large to fit within the boundaries of the field: rows of text scroll up as the text area fills and new rows of text are added. The end user may flick up or down to scroll rows of text if there are more rows than can be displayed in the given display space. A scroll bar is displayed within the component to indicate the area is being scrolled.

Password field briefly echoes each typed character, and then reverts the character to a dot to protect the password.

7.3.2 How to Use the Input Number Slider Component

The Input Number Slider (inputNumberSlider) component enables selection of numeric values from a range of values by using a slider instead of entering the value by using keys. The filled portion of the trough or track of the slider visually represents the current value.

The Input Number Slider may be used in conjunction with the Output or Input Text component to numerically show the value of the slider. The Input Text component also allows direct entry of a slider value: when the end user taps the Input Text field, the keyboard in numeric mode slides up; the keyboard can be dismissed by either using the slide-down button or by tapping away from the slider component.

The Input Number Slider component always shows the minimum and maximum values within the defined range of the component.


The Input Number Slider component should not be used in cases where a precise numeric entry is required or where there is a wide range of values (for example, 0 to 1000).

Example 7-28 demonstrates the inputNumberSlider element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-28 Input Number Slider Definition

<amx:inputNumberSlider id="slider1" value="#{myBean.count}"/>

Figure 7-26 shows the Input Number Slider component displayed in the Preview pane. This component has its parameters set as follows:

<amx:inputNumberSlider id="inputNumberSlider1"
                       label="Input Number"

Figure 7-26 Input Number Slider at Design Time

Input Number Slider at Design Time

To enable conversion of numbers that are entered in the Input Number Slider component, you use the Convert Number component (see Section 7.3.22, "How to Convert Numerical Values").

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following:

Similar to other ADF Mobile AMX UI components, the Input Number Slider component has a normal and selected state. The component is in its selected state at any time it is touched. To change the slider value, the end user touches, and then interacts with the slider button.

7.3.3 How to Use the Input Date Component

The Input Date (inputDate) component presents a popup input field for entering dates. The default date format is the short date format appropriate for the current locale. For example, the default format in American English (ENU) is mm/dd/yy. The inputType attribute defines if the component accepts date, time, or date and time as an input. The time zone depends on the time zone configured for the mobile device, and, therefore, it is relative to the device. At run time, the Input Date component has the device's native look and feel.

Example 7-29 demonstrates the inputDate element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The inputType attribute of this component is set to the default value of date.

Example 7-29 Input Date Definition

<amx:inputDate id="inputDate1" label="Input Date" value="#{myBean.date}"/>


The value attribute can only be specified as an EL expression.

Figure 7-27 shows the Input Date component displayed in the Preview pane.

Figure 7-27 Input Date at Design Time

Input Date at Design Time

For more information, see the following:

7.3.4 How to Use the Output Text Component

ADF Mobile AMX provides the Output Text (outputText) component for you to use as a label to display text.

Example 7-30 demonstrates the outputText element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-30 Output Text Definition

<amx:outputText id="ot1"

Figure 7-28 shows the Output Text component displayed in the Preview pane.

Figure 7-28 Output Text at Design Time

Output Text at Design Time

You use the Convert Number (see Section 7.3.22, "How to Convert Numerical Values") and Convert Date Time (see Section 7.3.21, "How to Convert Date and Time Values") converters to facilitate the conversion of numerical and date-and-time-related data for the Output Text components.

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following:

7.3.5 How to Use Buttons

The Button (commandButton) component is used to trigger actions (for example, Save, Cancel, Send) and to enable navigation to other pages within the application (for example, Back: see Section, "Enabling the Back Button Navigation" for more information).

You may use the Button in one of the following ways:

  • Button with a text label.

  • Button with a text label and an image icon.


    You may define the icon image and placement as left or right of the text label.

  • Button with an image icon only (for example, the " + " and " - " buttons for adding or deleting records).

ADF Mobile supports one default Button type for the following three display areas:

  1. Buttons that appear in the top header bar: in ADF Mobile AMX pages, the header is represented by the Panel Page component (see Section 7.2.2, "How to Use a Panel Page Component") in combination with the header, primary, and secondary facets, which is typical on iPhones:

    • Header Facet contains the page title.

    • Primary Action Facet represents an area that appears in the left corner of the header bar and typically hosts Button or Link components, but can contain any component type.

    • Secondary Action Facet represents an area that appears in the right corner of the header bar and typically hosts Button or Link components, but can contain any component type.

  2. Buttons that appear in the content area of a page.

  3. Buttons that appear in the footer bar of a page. In ADF Mobile AMX pages, the footer is represented by the Panel Page component (see Section 7.2.2, "How to Use a Panel Page Component") in combination with the footer facet:

    • Footer Facet represents an area that appears below the content area and typically hosts Button or Link components, but can contain any component type.

All Button components of any type have three states:

  1. Normal.

  2. Selected: represents appearance when the Button is tapped or touched by the end user. When a button is tapped (touch and release), the button action is performed. Upon touch, the selected appearance is displayed; upon release, the action is performed. If the end user touches the button, then drags their finger away from the button, the action is not performed. However, for the period of time the button is touched, the selected appearance is displayed.

  3. Disabled.

The appearance of a Button component is defined by its styleClass attribute that you set to an adfmf-commandButton-<style>. You can apply any of the styles detailed in Table 7-6 to a Button placed in any valid location within the ADF Mobile AMX page.

Table 7-6 Button Styles

Button Style Name Description


The default style of a Button placed:

  • In any of the Panel Page facets (Primary, Secondary, Header, Footer). For more information, see Section, "Displaying Default Style Buttons."

  • Anywhere in the content area of an ADF Mobile AMX page. This style is used for buttons that are to perform specific actions within a page, typically based on their location or context within the page.


The back style of a Button placed in any of the Panel Page facets (Primary, Secondary, Header, Footer). This style may be applied to the default Button to give the "back to page" appearance. This button style is typical for "Back to Springboard" or any "Back to Page" buttons.

For more information, see Section, "Displaying Back Style Buttons."


The highlight style of a Button placed in any of the Panel Page facets (Primary, Secondary, Header, Footer) or the content area of an ADF Mobile AMX page. This style may be added to a Button to provide the iPhone button appearance typical of Save (or Done) buttons.

For more information, see Section, "Displaying Highlight Style Buttons."


The Alert style adds the delete appearance to a button. For more information, see Section, "Displaying Alert Style Buttons."

There is an additional Rounded style (adfmf-commandButton-rounded) that you can apply to a Button to decorate it with a thick rounded border. You can define this style in combination with any other style.

There is a particular order in which ADF Mobile AMX processes the Button component's child operations and attributes. For more information, see Section, "What You May Need to Know About the Order of Processing Operations and Attributes." Displaying Default Style Buttons

Various types of default style buttons that are placed within Panel Page facets or content area are displayed on the mobile device as follows:

  • Normal Button with a text label only:

    Normal button
  • Selected Button with a text label only:

    Selected button
  • Disabled Button with a text label only:

    Disabled button
  • Normal Button with an image icon only:

    Normal button with image
  • Selected Button with an image icon only:

    Selected button with image
  • Disabled Button with an image icon only:

    Disabled button with image

Example 7-31 and Example 7-32 demonstrate the commandButton element declared in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-31 Default Button with Text Label Definition

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   .<amx:facet name="primary">
      <amx:commandButton id="cb1" 

Example 7-32 Default Button with Image Icon Definition

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   .<amx:facet name="primary">
      <amx:commandButton id="cb1" 

Example 7-33 shows the commandButton element declared inside the Panel Page's footer facet.

Example 7-33 Default Button with Text Label and Image in Footer Facet Definition

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:facet name="footer">
      <amx:commandButton id="cb2" 
                         text="Move (#{myBean.mailcount})" 

Example 7-34 demonstrates the commandButton element declared as a part of the Panel Page content area.

Example 7-34 Default Button with Text Label Definition in the Page Content Area

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:commandButton id="cb1" 

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following: Displaying Back Style Buttons

Various types of back style buttons that are placed within Panel Page facets or content area are displayed on the mobile device as follows:

  • Normal Button with a text label only:

    Back button
  • Selected Button with a text label only:

    Back button
  • Disabled Button with a text label only:

    Back button
  • Normal Button with an image icon only:

    Back button
  • Selected Button with an image icon only:

    Back button
  • Disabled Button with an image icon only:

    Back button

Example 7-35 demonstrates the commandButton element declared in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-35 Back Button with Text Label Definition

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:facet name="primary">
      <amx:commandButton id="cb1" 

Every time you place a Button component within the primary facet and set its action attribute to __back, ADF Mobile AMX automatically applies the back arrow styling to it.

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following: Displaying Highlight Style Buttons

Various types of highlight style buttons that are placed within Panel Page facets or content area are displayed on the mobile device as follows:

  • Normal Button

    Normal highlight button
  • Selected Button

    Selected highlight button
  • Disabled Button

    Disabled highlight button

Example 7-36 demonstrates the commandButton element declared in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-36 Highlight Button with Text Label Definition

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:facet name="secondary">
      <amx:commandButton id="cb2" 

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following: Displaying Alert Style Buttons

Various types of alert style buttons that are placed within Panel Page content are displayed on the mobile device as follows:

  • Normal Button with a text label only:

    Normal alert button
  • Selected Button with a text label only:

    Selected alert button
  • Disabled Button with a text label only:

    Disabled alert button

Example 7-37 demonstrates the commandButton element declared in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-37 Alert Button with Text Label Definition

<amx:commandButton id="cb1" 
                   styleClass="adfmf-commandButton-alert" />

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following: Using Buttons Within the Application

In your ADF Mobile application, you can use the Button component within the following contexts:

Navigation Bar

Navigation bar buttons

ADF Mobile lets you create standard buttons for use on a navigation bar:

  • Edit button allows the end user to enter an editing or content-manipulation mode:

  • Cancel button allows the end user to exit the editing or content-manipulation mode without saving changes.

  • Save button allows the end user to exit the editing or content-manipulation mode by saving changes.

    save button
  • Done button allows the end user to exit the current mode and save changes, if any.

  • Undo button allows the end user to undo the most recent action.

  • Redo button allows the end user to redo the most recent undone action.

  • Back button allows the end user to navigate back to the springboard.

    back button
  • Back to Page button allows the end user to navigate back to the page identified by the button text label.

    back to page button
  • Add button allows the end user to add or create a new object.

    add button

Content Area

Buttons that are positioned within the content area of a page perform a specific action given the location and context of the button within the page. These buttons may have a different visual appearance than buttons positioned with the navigation bar:

Content button

Action Sheets

The following is an example of buttons placed within an action sheet:

action sheet buttons

Alert Messages

The following is an example of a button placed within a validation message:

alert message button Enabling the Back Button Navigation

ADF Mobile AMX supports navigation using the back button, with the default behavior of going back to the previously visited page. For more information, see Section 6.2.9, "How to Specify Action Outcomes Using UI Components."

If any Button component is added to the primary facet of a Panel Page that is equipped with the __back navigation, this Button is automatically given the back arrow visual styling (see Section, "Displaying Back Style Buttons"). To disable this, set the styleClass attribute to amx-commandButton-normal.

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following: What You May Need to Know About the Order of Processing Operations and Attributes

The following is the order in which ADF Mobile AMX processes operations and attributes when such components as a Button, Link, and List Item are activated:

  1. The following child operations are processed in the order they appear in the XML file:

    • Set Property Listener

    • Action Listener

    • Show Popup Behavior

    • Close Popup Behavior

  2. The Action Listener (actionListener) attribute is processed and the associated Java method is invoked.

  3. The Action (action) attribute is processed and any navigation case is followed.

7.3.6 How to Use Links

You use the Link (commandLink) component to trigger actions and enable navigation to other views.

Similar to the Panel Group Layout, the Link component can have any type of component defined as its child. By using such components as Set Property Listener (see Section 7.3.20, "How to Use the Set Property Listener"), Action Listener (see Section 7.3.19, "How to Use the Action Listener"), Show Popup Behavior, and Close Popup Behavior see Section 7.2.8, "How to Use a Popup Component") as children of the Link component, you can create an actionable area within which clicks and gestures can be performed.

By placing an Image component (see Section 7.3.7, "How to Display Images") inside a Link you can create a clickable image.

Example 7-38 demonstrates the commandLink element declared in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-38 Link Definition

<amx:commandLink id="cl1" 

Figure 7-29 shows the Link component displayed in the Preview pane. This component has its parameters set as follows:

<amx:commandLink id="commandLink1"

Figure 7-29 Link at Design Time

Link at Design Time

There is a particular order in which ADF Mobile AMX processes the Link component's child operations and attributes. For more information, see Section, "What You May Need to Know About the Order of Processing Operations and Attributes."

ADF Mobile AMX provides another component that is similar to the Link, but does not allow for navigation between pages: Link Go (goLink) component. You use this component to enable linking to external pages. Figure 7-30 shows the Link Go component displayed in the Preview pane. This component has its parameters set as follows:

<amx:goLink id="goLink1"
            text="Go Link"

Figure 7-30 Link Go at Design Time

Link Go at Design Time

Image is the only component that you can specify as a child of the Link Go component.

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following:

7.3.7 How to Display Images

ADF Mobile AMX enables the display of images on iOS and Android-powered devices using the Image (image) component represented by a bitmap.

In addition to placing an Image in a Button and List View, you can place it inside a Link component (see Section 7.3.6, "How to Use Links") to create a clickable image.

Example 7-39 demonstrates the image element definition in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-39 Image Definition

<amx:image id="i1"
           source="images/img-big-#{pageFlowScope.product.uid}.png" />

The following are supported formats on Android platform:

  • GIF

  • JPEG

  • PNG

  • BMP

The following are supported formats on iOS platform:

  • PNG

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following:

7.3.8 How to Use the Checkbox Component

The Checkbox (selectBooleanCheckbox) component represents a check box that you create to enable single selection of true or false values, which allows toggling between selected and deselected states.

You can use the label attribute of the Checkbox component to place text to the left of the checkbox, and the text attribute places text on the right.

Example 7-40 demonstrates the selectBooleanCheckbox element declared in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-40 Checkbox Definition

<amx:selectBooleanCheckbox id="check1"
                           label="Agree to the terms:" 

Figure 7-31 shows the Checkbox component displayed in the Preview pane. This component has its parameters set as follows:

<amx:selectBooleanCheckbox id="selectBooleanCheckbox1"

Figure 7-31 Checkbox at Design Time

Checkbox at Design Time

Figure 7-32 shows the visual representation of the Checkbox component in its various states.

Figure 7-32 States of Checkbox

States of Select Boolean Checkbox

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following: Support for Checkbox Components on iOS Platform

iOS does not support a native Checkbox component. The Boolean Switch is usually used in Properties pages to enable a boolean selection (see Section 7.3.12, "How to Use the Boolean Switch Component"). Support for Checkbox Components on Android Platform

Android provides support for a native Checkbox component. This component is used extensively on Settings pages to turn on or off individual setting values.

7.3.9 How to Use the Select Many Checkbox Component

The Select Many Checkbox (selectManyCheckbox) component represents a group of check boxes that you use to enable multiple selection of true or false values, which allows toggling between selected and deselected states of each check box in the group. The selection mechanism is provided by the Select Items or Select Item component (see Section, "What You May Need to Know About Differences Between Select Items and Select Item Components") contained by the Select Many Checkbox component.


The Select Many Checkbox component can contain one Select Items component or one or more Select Item components.

Example 7-41 demonstrates the selectManyCheckbox element declared in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-41 Select Many Checkbox Definition

<amx:selectManyCheckbox id="selectManyCheckbox1"
                        label="Select shipping options"
   <amx:selectItem label="Air" value="#{myBean.shipping.air}"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Rail" value="#{myBean.shipping.rail}"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Water" value="#{myBean.shipping.water}"/>

Figure 7-33 shows the Select Many Checkbox component displayed in the Preview pane. This component has its parameters set as follows:

<amx:selectManyCheckbox id="selectManyCheckbox1"
                        label="Select Many Checkbox"
   <amx:selectItem label="Selection 1" value="value1"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Selection 2" value="value2"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Selection 3" value="value3"/>

Figure 7-33 Select Many Checkbox at Design Time

Select Many Checkbox at Design Time

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following: What You May Need to Know About the User Interaction with Select Many Checkbox Component

ADF Mobile AMX provides two alternative ways for displaying the Select Many Checkbox component: pop-up style (default) and list style that is used when the number of available choices exceeds the device screen size.

The end user interaction with a pop-up style Select Many Checkbox component on both iPhone and iPad occurs as follows: when the end user taps the component, the list of choices is displayed in a popup. To make a choice, the end user taps one or more choices. To save the selections, the end user either taps outside the popup or closes the popup using the close (" x ") button.

Upon closing of the popup, the value displayed in the component is updated with the selected value.

When the number of choices exceed the dimensions of the device, a full-page popup containing a scrollable List View (see Section 7.2.7, "How to Use List View and List Item Components") is generated.

The end user interaction with a list-style Select Many Checkbox component on both iPhone and iPad occurs as follows: when the end user taps the component, the list of choices is displayed. To make a choice, the end user scrolls up or down to browse available choices, and then taps one or more choices. To save the selections, the end user taps the close (" x ") button.

Upon closing of the list, the value displayed in the component is updated with the selected value.


In both cases, there is no mechanism provided to cancel the selection.

7.3.10 How to Use the Choice Component

The Choice (selectOneChoice) component represents a combo box that is used to enable selection of a single value from a list. The selection mechanism is provided by the Select Items or Select Item component (see Section, "What You May Need to Know About Differences Between Select Items and Select Item Components") contained by the Choice component.


The Choice component can contain one Select Items component or one or more Select Item components.

Example 7-42 demonstrates the selectOneChoice element definition with the selectItems subelement in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-42 Choice Definition Using Select Item Component

<amx:selectOneChoice id="choice1"
                     label="Your state:"
   <amx:selectItem label="Alaska" value="AK"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Alabama" value="AL"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="California" value="CA"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Connecticut" value="CT"/>

Example 7-43 Choice Definition Using Select Items Component

<amx:selectOneChoice id="choice1"
                     label="Your state:"
   <amx:selectItems value="myBean.allStates"/>

Figure 7-34 shows the Choice component displayed in the Preview pane. This component has its parameters set as follows:

<amx:selectOneChoice id="selectOneChoice1"
   <amx:selectItem label="Value 1" value="value1"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Value 2" value="value2"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Value 3" value="value3"/>

Figure 7-34 Choice at Design Time

Choice at Design Time

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following: What You May Need to Know About the User Interaction with Choice Component on iOS Platform

ADF Mobile AMX provides two alternative ways for displaying the Choice component: pop-up style and drop-down style.

On an iPhone, the end user interaction with a native Choice component occurs as follows: when the end user taps the component, the list of choices is displayed, with the first option selected by default. To make a choice, the end user scrolls up or down to browse available choices. To save the selection, the end user taps Done in the tool bar.

On an iPad, the user interaction is similar to the interaction on an iPhone, except the following:

  • The list of choices is displayed in a popup dialog.

  • iPad styling is implemented around the list of choices, with a notch used to indicate the source of the list.

To close the list of choices without selecting an item, the end user must tap outside the popup dialog.


The UI to display the list of choices and the tool bar are native to the browser and cannot be styled using CSS.

List values within the Choice component may be displayed as disabled.

When the number of choices exceeds the dimensions of the device display, a list page is generated that may be scrolled in a native way. What You May Need to Know About the User Interaction with Choice Component on Android Platform

The end user interaction with a native Choice component on an Android-powered device occurs as follows: when the end user taps the component, the list of choices in the form of a popup dialog is displayed. A simple popup is displayed if the number of choices fits within the dimensions of the device, in which case:

  • A single tap on an item from the selection list selects that item and closes the popup; the selection is reflected in the Choice component label.

  • A single tap outside the popup or a click on the Back key closes the popup with no changes applied.

If the number of choices to be displayed does not fit within the device dimensions, the popup contains a scrollable list, in which case:

  • A single tap on an item from the selection list selects that item and closes the popup; the selection is reflected in the Choice component label.

  • A click on the Back key closes the popup with no changes applied. What You May Need to Know About Differences Between Select Items and Select Item Components

The Select Items (selectItems) component is patterned after the JSF selectItems element and provides a list of objects that can be selected in multiple-selection components. For more information, see JSF Toolbox website at http://www.jsftoolbox.com.

The Select Item (selectItem) component is patterned after ADF's selectItem element and represents a single selectable item of selection components. For more information, see <af:selectItem> page in Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces.

7.3.11 How to Use the Select Many Choice Component

The Select Many Choice (selectManyChoice) component allows selection of multiple values from a list. The selection mechanism is provided by the Select Items or Select Item component (see Section, "What You May Need to Know About Differences Between Select Items and Select Item Components") contained by the Select Many Checkbox component.


The Select Many Checkbox component can contain one Select Items component or one or more Select Item components.

Example 7-44 demonstrates the selectManyChoice element declared in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-44 Select Many Choice Definition Using Select Item Component

<amx:selectManyChoice id="check1" 
                      label="Select Shipping Options:"
   <amx:selectItem label="Signature Required" value="signature" />
   <amx:selectItem label="Insurance" value="insurance" />
   <amx:selectItem label="Delivery Confirmation" value="deliveryconfirm"/>

Example 7-45 Select Many Choice Definition Using Select Items Component

<amx:selectManyChoice id="check1" 
                      label="Select Shipping Options:"
   <amx:selectItems value="#{myBean.shippingOptions}"/>

At design time, the Select Many Choice component looks identical to the Choice component. For more information, see Figure 7-34 and Section 7.3.10, "How to Use the Choice Component."

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following:

The look and behavior of the Select Many Choice component on all supported devices is almost identical to the Select Many Checkbox component (see Section 7.3.9, "How to Use the Select Many Checkbox Component" for more information).

7.3.12 How to Use the Boolean Switch Component

The Boolean Switch (selectBooleanSwitch) component allows editing of boolean values as a switch metaphor instead of a checkbox.

Similar to other ADF Mobile AMX UI components, this component has a normal and selected state. To toggle the value, the end user taps (touches and releases) the switch once. Each tap toggles the switch.

Example 7-46 demonstrates the selectBooleanSwitch element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-46 Boolean Switch Definition

<amx:selectBooleanSwitch id="switch1" 
                         label="Flip switch:"

Figure 7-35 shows the Boolean Switch component displayed in the Preview pane. This component has its parameters set as follows:

<amx:selectBooleanSwitch id="selectBooleanSwitch1"

Figure 7-35 Boolean Switch at Design Time

Boolean Switch at Design Time

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following: Support for Boolean Switch Components on iOS Platform

On iOS, Boolean Switch components are often used on Settings pages to enable or disable an attribute value. Support for Boolean Switch Components on Android Platform

Android platform does not directly support a Boolean Switch component. Instead, Android provides a toggle button that allows tapping to switch between selected and deselected states.

7.3.13 How to Use the Select Button Component

The Select Button (selectOneButton) component represents a button group that lists actions, with a single button active at any given time. The selection mechanism is provided by the Select Items or Select Item component (see Section, "What You May Need to Know About Differences Between Select Items and Select Item Components") contained by the Select Button component.


The Select Button component can contain one Select Items component or one or more Select Item components.

Example 7-47 demonstrates the selectOneButton element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-47 Select Button Definition

<amx:selectOneButton id="bg1" value="#{myBean.myState}">
   <amx:selectItem label="Yes" value="yes"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="No" value="no"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Maybe" value="maybe"/>

Figure 7-36 shows the Select Button component displayed in the Preview pane. This component has its parameters set as follows:

<amx:selectOneButton id="selectOneButton1"
                     label="Select Button"
   <amx:selectItem label="Value 1" value="value1"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Value 2" value="value2"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Value 3" value="value3"/>

Figure 7-36 Select Button at Design Time

Select Button at Design Time

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following:

7.3.14 How to Use the Radio Button Component

The Radio Button (selectOneRadio) component represents a group of radio buttons that lists available choices. The selection mechanism is provided by the Select Items or Select Item component (see Section, "What You May Need to Know About Differences Between Select Items and Select Item Components") contained by the Radio Button component.


The Radio Button component can contain one Select Items component or one or more Select Item components.

Example 7-48 and Example 7-49 demonstrate the selectOneRadio element definition in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-48 Radio Button Definition Using Select Item Component

<amx:selectOneRadio id="radio1"
                    label="Choose a pet:"
   <amx:selectItem label="Cat" value="cat"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Dog" value="dog"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Hamster" value="hamster"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Lizard" value="lizard"/>

Example 7-49 Radio Button Definition Using Select Items Component

<amx:selectOneRadio id="radio1"
                    label="Choose a pet:"
   <amx:selectItems value="myBean.allPets"/>

Figure 7-37 shows the Boolean Switch component displayed in the Preview pane. This component has its parameters set as follows:

<amx:selectOneRadio id="selectOneRadio1"
                     label="Radio Button"
   <amx:selectItem label="Value 1" value="value1"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Value 2" value="value2"/>
   <amx:selectItem label="Value 3" value="value3"/>

Figure 7-37 Radio Button at Design Time

Radio Button at Design Time

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following:

7.3.15 How to Use Carousel Component

You use the Carousel (carousel) component to display other components, such as images, in a revolving carousel. The end user can change the active item by using either the slider or by dragging another image to the front. For more information, see the "Using the ADF Faces Carousel Component" section of Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

The Carousel component contains a Carousel Item (carouselItem) component, whose text represented by the text attribute is displayed when it is the active item of the carousel. Although typically the Carousel Item contains an Image component, other components may be used. For example, you can use a Link as a child that surrounds an image.


To minimize any negative effect on performance of your application, you should avoid using heavy-weight components as children: a complex structure creates a multiplied effect because several Carousel Items stamps are displayed simultaneously.

In JDeveloper, the Carousel is located under Data Views in the Component Palette (see Figure 7-38).

Figure 7-38 Carousel in Component Palette

Carousel in Components Palette

Example 7-50 demonstrates the carousel element definition in an ADF Mobile AMX file. When defining the carousel element, you must place the carouselItem component inside of a carousel component's nodeStamp facet.

Example 7-50 Carousel Definition

<amx:carousel id="carousel1"
   <amx:facet name="nodeStamp">
      <amx:carouselItem id="item1" text="#{item.name}"
                        shortDesc="Product: #{item.name}">
         <amx:commandLink id="link1" action="goto-productDetails" 
            <amx:image id="image1" styleClass="prod-thumb"
            <amx:setPropertyListener from="#{item}"

Figure 7-39 shows a Carousel component displayed on an iPhone.

Figure 7-39 Carousel Component on iPhone

Carousel Component on iPhone

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following:

7.3.16 How to Use Verbatim Component

You use the Verbatim (verbatim) operation to insert your own HTML into a page in cases where such a component does not exist or you prefer laying it out yourself using HTML.

In JDeveloper, Verbatim is located under General Controls in the Component Palette (see Figure 7-41).

Figure 7-40 Verbatim in Component Palette

Verbatim in Component Palette

For more information, illustrations, and examples, see the following: What You May Need to Know About Using JavaScript and AJAX with Verbatim Component

Inserting JavaScript directly into the verbatim content (within the amx:verbatim element) is not a recommended practice as it may not execute properly on future versions of the currently supported platforms or on other platforms that ADF Mobile might support in the future. Instead, JavaScript and CSS inclusions should be done through the existing adfmf:include elements in the adfmf-feature.xml file, which ensures injection of the script into the page at the startup of the ADF Mobile AMX application feature.

In addition, the use of JavaScript with the Verbatim component is affected by the fact that AJAX calls from an AMX page to a server are not supported. This is due to the security architecture that guarantees that the browser hosting the ADF Mobile AMX page does not have access to the security information needed to make connections to a secure server to obtain its resources. Instead, communication with the server must occur from the embedded Java code layer.

7.3.17 How to Enable Iteration

You use the Iterator (iterator) operation to stamp an arbitrary number of items with the same kind of data, which allows you to iterate through the data and produce UI for each element.

In JDeveloper, the Iterator is located under Operations in the Component Palette (see Figure 7-41).

Figure 7-41 Iterator in Component Palette

Iterator in Component Palette

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.3.18 How to Load a Resource Bundle

The Load Bundle (loadBundle) operation allows you to specify the resource bundle that provides localized text for the ADF Mobile AMX UI components on a page. For more information, see Section 7.7, "Localizing UI Components."

In JDeveloper, the Load Bundle is located under Operations in the Component Palette (see Figure 7-42).

Figure 7-42 Load Bundle in Component Palette

Load Bundle in Component Palette

In your ADF Mobile AMX file, you declare the loadBundle element as a child of the view element.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.3.19 How to Use the Action Listener

The Action Listener (actionListener) component allows you to declaratively invoke commands through EL based on the type of the parent component's usage.

In JDeveloper, the Action Listener component is located under Listeners in the Component Palette (see Figure 7-43).

Figure 7-43 Action Listener in Component Palette

Action Listener in Component Palette

You can add zero or more Action Listener or Set Property Listener components as children of any command component (Button, Link, List Item). Listener attributes, such as actionListener, valueChangeListener, and moveListener, are defined for various components. The type attribute of the Action Listener or Set Property Listener component can denote which event this listener component is to handle and is represented by the first portion of the parent's listener attribute name: action, valueChange, move. Alternatively, the type attribute can also represent a gesture, such as swipeLeft, swipeRight, tapHold, and so on.

For more information, see the following:

7.3.20 How to Use the Set Property Listener

The Set Property Listener (setPropertyListener) component allows you to declaratively move variable values from one location (defined by the component's from attribute) to another (defined by the component's to attribute) without having to write code.

In JDeveloper, the Set Property Listener component is located under Listeners in the Component Palette (see Figure 7-44).

Figure 7-44 Set Property Listener in Component Palette

Set Property Listener in Component Palette

Example 7-51 demonstrates the setPropertyListener element definition in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-51 Set Property Listener Definition

<amx:listView value="#{bindings.products.collectionModel}" var="row" id="lv1">
   <amx:listItem action="details">
      <amx:outputText value="#{row.name}" id="ot1" />
      <amx:setPropertyListener from="#{row}"

You can add zero or more Set Property Listener or Action Listener components as children of any command component (Button, Link, List Item). Listener attributes, such as actionListener, valueChangeListener, and moveListener, are defined for various components. The type attribute of the Set Property Listener or Action Listener component can denote which event this listener component is to handle and is represented by the first portion of the parent's listener attribute name: action, valueChange, move. Alternatively, the type attribute can also represent a gesture, such as swipeLeft, swipeRight, tapHold, and so on.

For more information, see the following:

7.3.21 How to Convert Date and Time Values

The Convert Date Time (convertDateTime) is not an independent UI component: it is a converter operation that you use in conjunction with an Output Text and Input Text component to display converted date, time, or a combination of date and time in a variety of formats following the specified pattern.

In JDeveloper, the Convert Date Time is located under Validators and Converters in the Component Palette (see Figure 7-45).

Figure 7-45 Convert Date Time in Component Palette

Convert Date Time in Component Palette

Example 7-52 demonstrates the convertDateTime element declared in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-52 Using Convert Date Time

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:inputText styleClass="ui-text" value="Order Date" id="it1" >
      <amx:convertDateTime type="both"/>

To convert date and time values:

  1. From the Components palette, drag a Convert Date Time component and insert it within an Output Text or Input Text component, making it a child element of that component.

  2. Open the Property editor for the Convert Date Time component and define its attributes. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.


The Convert Date Time component does not produce any effect at design time.

The Convert Date Time component allows a level of leniency while converting an input value string to date:

  • A converter with associated pattern MMM for month, when attached to any value holder, accepts values with month specified in the form MM or M as valid.

  • Allows use of such separators as dash ( - ) or period ( . ) or slash ( / ), irrespective of the separator specified in the associated pattern.

  • Leniency in pattern definition set by the pattern attribute.

For example, when a pattern on the converter is set to "MMM/d/yyyy", the following inputs are accepted as valid by the converter:


The converter supports the same parsing and formatting conventions as the java.text.SimpleDateFormat (specified using the dateStyle, timeStyle, and pattern attributes), except the case when the time zone is specified to have a long display, such as timeStyle=full or a pattern set with zzzz. Instead of a long descriptive string, such as "Pacific Standard Time", the time zone is displayed in the General Timezone format (GMT +/- offset) or RFC-822 time zones.

The exact result of the conversion depends on the locale, but typically the following rules apply:

  • SHORT is completely numeric, such as 12.13.52 or 3:30pm

  • MEDIUM is longer, such as Jan 12, 1952

  • LONG is longer, such as January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm

  • FULL is completely specified, such as Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST What You May Need to Know About Date and Time Patterns

As per java.text.SimpleDateFormat definition, date and time formats are specified by date and time pattern strings. Within date and time pattern strings, unquoted letters from A to Z and from a to z are interpreted as pattern letters representing the components of a date or time string. Text can be quoted using single quotes ( ' ) to avoid interpretation. " ' ' " represents a single quote. All other characters are not interpreted; instead, they are simply copied into the output string during formatting, or matched against the input string during parsing.

Table 7-7 lists the defined pattern letters (all other characters from A to Z and from a to z are reserved).

Table 7-7 Date and Time Pattern Letters

Letter Date or Time Component Presentation Examples


Era designator


  • AD




  • 1996

  • 96


Month in year


  • July

  • Jul

  • 07


Week in year


  • 27


Week in month


  • 2


Day in year


  • 189


Day in month


  • 10


Day of week in month


  • 2


Day in week


  • Tuesday

  • Tue


Am/pm marker


  • PM


Hour in day (0-23)


  • 0


Hour in day (1-24)


  • 24


Hour in am/pm (0-11)


  • 0


Hour in am/pm (1-12)


  • 12


Minute in hour


  • 30


Second in minute


  • 55




  • 978


Time zone

General time zone

  • Pacific Standard Time

  • PST

  • GMT-08:00


Time zone

RFC 822 time zone

  • -0800

Pattern letters are usually repeated, as their number determines the exact presentation.

7.3.22 How to Convert Numerical Values

The Convert Number (convertNumber) is not an independent UI component: it is a converter operation that you use in conjunction with an Output Text or Input Text component to display converted number or currency figures in a variety of formats following a specified pattern.

The Convert Number component provides the following types of conversion:

  • From value to string, for display purposes.

  • From formatted string to value, when formatted input value is parsed into its underlying value.

When the Convert Number is specified as a child of an Input Text component, the numeric keyboard is displayed on a mobile device by default.

In JDeveloper, the Convert Number is located under Validators and Converters in the Component Palette (see Figure 7-46).

Figure 7-46 Convert Number in Component Palette

Convert Number in Component Palette

Example 7-53 demonstrates the convertNumber element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-53 Using Convert Number

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:inputText styleClass="ui-text" value="Product Price" id="it1" >
      <amx:convertNumber type="percent" groupingUsed="false" integerOnly="true"/>

To convert numerical values:

  1. From the Components palette, drag a Convert Number component and insert it within an Output Text or Input Text component, making it a child element of that component.

  2. Open the Property editor for the Convert Number component and define its attributes. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.


The Convert Number component does not produce any effect at design time.

7.4 Enabling Gestures

You can configure Button, Link, and List Item components to react to the following gestures:

  • Swipe to the right

  • Swipe to the left

  • Swipe up

  • Swipe down

  • Tap-and-hold

  • Swipe to the start: this gesture is used on the iOS platform to accommodate the right-to-left text direction. This gesture resolves as follows:

    • Swipe to the left for the left-to-right text direction.

    • Swipe to the right for the right-to-left text direction.

  • Swipe to the end: this gesture is used on the iOS platform to accommodate the right-to-left text direction. This gesture resolves as follows:

    • Swipe to the right for the left-to-right text direction.

    • Swipe to the left for the right-to-left text direction.

You can define swipeRight, swipeLeft, swipeUp, swipeDown, swipeStart, swipeEnd, and tapHold values for the type attribute of the following operations:

The values of the type attribute are restricted based on the parent component and are supported only for Button, Link, and List Item components.

Swiping from start and end is used on the iOS platform to accommodate the right-to-left text direction. It is generally recommended to set the start and end swipe style as opposed to left and right.

Example 7-54 demonstrates use of the tapHold value of the type attribute in an ADF Mobile AMX file. In this example, the tap-and-hold gesture triggers the display of a Popup component.

Example 7-54 Using Tap-and-Hold Gesture

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:listView id="lv1"
      <amx:listItem action="gosomewhere">
         <amx:outputText id="ot1" value="#{row.description}"/>
         <amx:setPropertyListener from="#{row.rowKey}"
         <amx:showPopupBehavior type="tapHold"
<amx:popup id="pop1">
   <amx:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1" layout="horizontal">
      <amx:commandLink id="cm1" actionListener="#{mybean.doX}">
         <amx:image id="i1" source="images/x.png"/>
         <amx:closePopupBehavior type="action" popupid="pop1"/>
      <amx:commandLink id="cm2" actionListener="#{mybean.doY}">
         <amx:image id="i2" source="images/y.png"/>
         <amx:closePopupBehavior type="action" popupid="pop1"/>
      <amx:commandLink id="cm3" actionListener="#{mybean.doZ}">
         <amx:image id="i3" source="images/y.png"/>
         <amx:closePopupBehavior type="action" popupid="pop1"/>

Example 7-55 demonstrates use of the swipeRight gesture in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-55 Using Swipe Right Gesture

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:listView id="lv1"
      <amx:listItem action="gosomewhere">
         <amx:outputText id="ot1" value="#{row.description}"/>
         <amx:setPropertyListener from="#{row.rowKey}"
         <actionListener binding="#{mybean.DoX}" type="swipeRight"/>

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

An ADF Mobile sample application called GestureDemo demonstrates how to use gestures with a variety of ADF Mobile AMX UI components. This sample application is located in the PublicSamples.zip file within the jdev_install/jdeveloper/jdev/extensions/oracle.adf.mobile/Samples directory on your development computer.

7.5 Providing Data Visualization

ADF Mobile employs a set of Data Visualization Tools that you can use to create various charts, gauges, and maps to represent data in your ADF Mobile AMX application feature. You can declare the following elements under the <dvtm> namespace in an ADF Mobile AMX file:

Chart, gauge, and map elements have a number of attributes that are common to all or most of them. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

In JDeveloper, the chart components are located under DVT Mobile AMX > Chart in the Component Palette (see Figure 7-47), gauge components are located under DVT Mobile AMX > Gauge (see Figure 7-48), and map components are located under DVT Mobile AMX > Map (see Figure 7-49).

Figure 7-47 Chart Components in the Component Palette

Charts in the Component Palette

Figure 7-48 Gauge Components in the Component Palette

Gauge Components in the Component Palette

Figure 7-49 Map Components in the Component Palette

Map Components in the Component Palette

When you drag and drop a chart, gauge, or map, one of the following dialogs opens to display the information about the type of component you are creating:

  • Create Mobile Chart (see Figure 7-50)

    Figure 7-50 Creating Chart Components

    Creating Chart Components
  • Create Mobile Gauge (see Figure 7-51)

    Figure 7-51 Creating Gauge Components

    Creating Gauge Components
  • Component Gallery (see Figure 7-52)

    Figure 7-52 Creating Map Components

    Creating mobile map


After you created the component, you can relaunch the creation dialog by selecting the component in the Source editor or Structure view, and then clicking Edit Component Definition in the Property Inspector.

You can use the same editing functionality available from the Property Inspector to edit child components (for example, the Data Point Layer) of some data visualization components.

An ADF Mobile sample application called CompGallery demonstrates how to use various data visualization components in your ADF Mobile AMX application feature. This sample application is located in the PublicSamples.zip file within the jdev_install/jdeveloper/jdev/extensions/oracle.adf.mobile/Samples directory on your development computer.

For more information on ADF Mobile AMX data visualization components, see the following:

7.5.1 How to Create an Area Chart

You use the Area Chart (areaChart) to visually represent data where sets of data items are related and categorized into groups and series. The series are visualized using graphical elements with some common style properties (such as, for example, an area color or pattern). Those properties have to be applied at the series level instead of per each individual data item. You have an option to use the default or custom series styles. For information about defining custom series styles, see Section 7.5.6, "How to Create a Line Chart."

Example 7-56 shows the areaChart element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. To create a basic area chart with default series style, you pass it a collection and specify the dataStamp facet with a nested chartDataItem element.

Example 7-56 Area Chart Definition with Default Series Styles

<dvtm:areaChart id="areaChart1"
                inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
                title="Chart Title" 
                animationDuration="1500" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}"
                          value="#{row.value}" />
   <dvtm:yAxis axisMaxValue="80.0" majorIncrement="20.0" title="yAxis Title" />
   <dvtm:legend id="l1" position="end" />

Figure 7-53 Area Chart at Design Time

Area Chart at Design Time

Data items are initialized in the collection model and equipped with the stamping mechanism. At a minimum, each collection row must include the following properties:

  • series: name of the series to which this data item belongs;

  • group: name of the group to which this data item belongs;

  • value: the data item value.

The collection row might also include other properties, such as color or shape, applicable to individual data items.

You can use attribute groups (attributeGroups element) to set style properties for a group of data items based on some grouping criteria, as Figure 7-53 shows. In this case, the data item color and shape attributes are set based on the additional grouping expression.

Example 7-57 Area Chart Definition with Default Series Styles and Grouping

<dvtm:areaChart id="areaChart1"
                inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
                title="Chart Title" 
                animationDuration="1500" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}"
                          value="#{row.value}" />
         <dvtm:attributeGroups id="ag1" 
                               type="color shape" 
                               value="#{row.brand}" />
   <dvtm:yAxis axisMaxValue="80.0" majorIncrement="20.0" title="yAxis Title" />
   <dvtm:legend id="l1" position="end" />


In Example 7-56 and Figure 7-53, since custom styles are not set at the series level, series are displayed with the colors based on the default color ramp.

For information on attributes of the areaChart element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child elements for the areaChart:

In addition, you can define a facet child element from the amx namespace. The facet can have a chartDataItem as its child (see Section, "Defining Chart Data Item").

For more information on child elements of the areaChart, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.2 How to Create a Bar Chart

You use a bar chart (barChart) to visually display data as vertical bars, where sets of data items are related and categorized into groups and series. The series are visualized using graphical elements with some common style properties that you have to apply at the series level instead of per each individual data item.

Example 7-58 shows the barChart element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The dataStamp facet is specified with a nested chartDataItem element.

Example 7-58 Bar Chart Definition

<dvtm:barChart id="barChart1"
               inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
               title="Bar Chart"
               animationDuration="3000" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}"
                          value="#{row.value}" />
   <dvtm:yAxis axisMaxValue="80.0" majorIncrement="20.0" title="yAxis Title" />
   <dvtm:legend id="l1" position="start" />

Figure 7-54 Bar Chart at Design Time

Bar Chart at Design Time

The data model for a bar chart is represented by a collection of items (rows) that describe individual bars. Typically, properties of each bar include the following:

  • series: name of the series to which this bar belongs;

  • group: name of the group to which this bar belongs;

  • value: the data item value (required).

Data must include the same number of groups per series. If any of the series or data pairs are missing, it is passed to the API as null.

For information on attributes of the barChart element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child elements for the barChart:

In addition, you can define a facet child element from the amx namespace. The facet can have a chartDataItem as its child (see Section, "Defining Chart Data Item").

For more information on child elements of the barChart, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.3 How to Create a Horizontal Bar Chart

You use a horizontal bar chart (horizontalBarChart) to visually display data as horizontal bars, where sets of data items are related and categorized into groups and series. The series are visualized using graphical elements with some common style properties that you have to apply at the series level instead of per each individual data item.

Example 7-58 shows the horizontalBarChart element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The dataStamp facet is specified with a nested chartDataItem element.

Example 7-59 Horizontal Bar Chart Definition

<dvtm:horizontalBarChart id="horizBarChart1"
                   inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
                   title="Horizontal Bar Chart"
                   stack="#{pageFlowScope.stack}" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}"
                          value="#{row.value}" />
   <dvtm:yAxis axisMaxValue="80.0" majorIncrement="20.0" title="yAxis Title" />
   <dvtm:legend id="l1" position="start" />

Figure 7-55 Horizontal Bar Chart at Design Time

Horizontal Bar Chart at Design Time

The data model for a horizontal bar chart is represented by a collection of items (rows) that describe individual bars. Typically, properties of each bar include the following:

  • series: name of the series to which this bar belongs;

  • group: name of the group to which this bar belongs;

  • value: the data item value (required).

Data must include the same number of groups per series. If any of the series or data pairs are missing, it is passed to the API as null.

For information on attributes of the horizontalBarChart element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child elements for the horizontalBarChart:

In addition, you can define a facet child element from the amx namespace. The facet can have a chartDataItem as its child (see Section, "Defining Chart Data Item").

For more information on child elements of the horizontalBarChart, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.4 How to Create a Bubble Chart

A bubble chart (bubbleChart) displays a set of data items where each data item has x, y coordinates and size (bubble). In addition, each data item can have various style attributes, such as color and markerShape. You can either set properties of each data item individually, or categorize the data items into groups based on various criteria. You may use multiple grouping criteria at the same time, and may also use different style attributes to visualize the relationships of the data items. However, unlike line charts (see Section 7.5.6, "How to Create a Line Chart") or area charts (see Section 7.5.1, "How to Create an Area Chart"), bubble charts do not have a strict notion of the series and groups.

Example 7-60 shows the bubbleChart element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The dataStamp facet is specified with a nested chartDataItem element. The color and markerShape attributes of each data item are set individually based on the values supplied in the data model. In addition, the underlying data control must support the respective variable references of row.label, row.size, and row.shape.

Example 7-60 Bubble Chart Definition with Custom Data Item Properties

<dvtm:bubbleChart id="bubbleChart1"
                  inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
                  title="Bubble Chart"
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem group="#{row.label}" 
                          markerShape="#{row.shape}" />

Figure 7-56 Bubble Chart at Design Time

Bubble Chart at Design Time

In Example 7-61, the attributeGroups element is used to set common style attributes for a related group of data items.

Example 7-61 Bubble Chart Definition with Attribute Groups

<dvtm:bubbleChart id="bubbleChart1"
                  title="Bubble Chart"
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem group="#{row.label}" x="#{row.x}" y="#{row.y}" >
         <dvtm:attributeGroups id="ag1" type="color" value="#{row.category}" />
         <dvtm:attributeGroups id="ag2" type="shape" value="#{row.brand}" />

Example 7-62 shows a Bubble Chart with all the possible child elements (chartDataItem, xAxis, yAxis, and legend) defined.

Example 7-62 Bubble Chart Definition with All Attributes

<dvtm:bubbleChart id="bubbleChart1"
                  inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
                  title="Chart Title"
                  animationDuration="3000" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem group="#{row.group}" 
                          z="#{row.z}" >
         <dvtm:attributeGroups type="color" value="#{row.series}" id="ag1" />
         <dvtm:attributeGroups type="shape" value="#{row.group}" id="ag2" />

The data model for a bubble chart is represented by a collection of items (rows) that describe individual data items. Typically, properties of each bar include the following:

  • label: data item label (optional);

  • x, y: value coordinates (required);

  • z: the size of data item (required).

The data must include the same number of groups per series. If any of the series or data pairs are missing, it is passed to the API as null.

For information on attributes of the bubbleChart element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child elements for the bubbleChart:

In addition, you can define a facet child element from the amx namespace. The facet can have a chartDataItem as its child (see Section, "Defining Chart Data Item").

For more information on child elements of the bubbleChart, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.5 How to Create a Combo Chart

A combo chart (comboChart) represents an overlay of two or more different charts, such as a line and bar chart.

Example 7-63 shows the comboChart element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The dataStamp facet is specified with a nested chartDataItem element. The seriesStamp facet overrides the default style properties for the series and sets custom series styles using the seriesStyle elements.

Example 7-63 Combo Chart Definition

<dvtm:comboChart id="comboChart1"
                 inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
                 title="Combo Chart"
                 animationDuration="1500" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}"
                          value="#{row.value}" />
   <amx:facet name="seriesStamp">
      <dvtm:seriesStyle series="#{row.series}" type="bar"
                        rendered="#{(row.series eq 'Series 1') or
                                    (row.series eq 'Series 2') or
                                    (row.series eq 'Series 3')}" />
      <dvtm:seriesStyle series="#{row.series}" type="line" lineWidth="5"
                        rendered="#{(row.series eq 'Series 4') or
                                    (row.series eq 'Series 5')}" />
   <dvtm:yAxis axisMaxValue="80.0" majorIncrement="20.0" title="yAxis Title" />
   <dvtm:legend position="start" id="l1" />

Figure 7-57 Combo Chart at Design Time

Combo Chart at Design Time

For information on attributes of the comboChart element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child elements for the comboChart:

In addition, you can define a facet child element from the amx namespace. The facet can have a chartDataItem as its child (see Section, "Defining Chart Data Item").

For more information on child elements of the comboChart, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.6 How to Create a Line Chart

You use the line chart (lineChart) to visually represent data where sets of data items are related and categorized into groups and series. The series are visualized using graphical elements with some common style properties (such as, for example, a line color, width, or style). Those properties have to be applied at the series level instead of per each individual data item. You have an option to use the default or custom series styles.

Example 7-64 shows the lineChart element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. To create a basic line chart with default series style, you pass it a collection and specify the dataStamp facet with a nested chartDataItem element.

Example 7-64 Line Chart Definition with Default Series Styles

<dvtm:lineChart id="lineChart1"
                inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
                title="Line Chart" 
                var="row" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}"
                          color="#{row.color}" />

Figure 7-58 Line Chart at Design Time

Line Chart at Design Time

Data items are initialized in the collection model and equipped with the stamping mechanism. At a minimum, each collection row must include the following properties:

  • series: name of the series to which this line belongs;

  • group: name of the group to which this line belongs;

  • value: the data item value.

The collection row might also include other properties, such as color or shape, applicable to individual data items.

You can use attribute groups (attributeGroups element) to set style properties for a group of data items based on some grouping criteria, as Example 7-65 shows. In this case, the data item color and shape attributes are set based on the additional grouping expression.

Example 7-65 Line Chart Definition with Default Series Styles and Grouping

<dvtm:lineChart id="lineChart1"
                inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
                title="Line Chart" 
                var="row" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}"
                          value="#{row.value}" />
         <dvtm:attributeGroups id="ag1" 
                               type="color shape" 
                               value="#{row.brand}" />


In Example 7-64 and Example 7-65, since custom styles are not set at the series level, series are displayed with the colors based on the default color ramp.

To override the default style properties for the series, you can define an optional seriesStamp facet and set custom series styles using the seriesStyle elements, as Example 7-66 shows.

Example 7-66 Line Chart Definition with Custom Series Styles

<dvtm:lineChart id="lineChart1"
                inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
                title="Line Chart" 
                var="row" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}"
                          value="#{row.value}" />
   <amx:facet name="seriesStamp">
      <dvtm:seriesStyle series="#{row.series}"
                        lineWidth="#{row.lineWidth}" />

In the preceding example, the seriesStyle elements are grouped based on the value of the series attribute. Series with the same name are supposed to share the same set of properties defined by other attributes of the seriesStyle, such as color, lineStyle, lineWidth, and so on. When ADF Mobile AMX encounters different attribute values for the same series name, it applies the value which was processed last.

Alternatively, you can control the series styles in a ADF Mobile AMX charts using the rendered attribute of the seriesStyle element, as Example 7-67 shows.

Example 7-67 Line Chart Definition with Filtered Series Styles

<dvtm:lineChart id="lineChart1"
                inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
                title="Line Chart"
                var="row" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem series="#{row.series}"
                          color="#{row.color}" />
   <amx:facet name="seriesStamp">
      <dvtm:seriesStyle series="#{row.series}"
                        rendered="#{row.series == 'Coke'}" />
      <dvtm:seriesStyle series="#{row.series}"
                        rendered="#{row.series == 'Pepsi'}" />

For information on attributes of the lineChart element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child elements for the lineChart:

In addition, you can define a facet child element from the amx namespace. The facet can have a chartDataItem as its child (see Section, "Defining Chart Data Item").

For more information on child elements of the lineChart, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.7 How to Create a Pie Chart

You use a pie chart (pieChart) to illustrate proportional division of data, with each data item represented by a pie segment (slice). Slices can be sorted by size (from largest to smallest), and small slices can be aggregated into a single "other" slice.

Example 7-68 shows the pieChart element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The dataStamp facet is specified with a nested pieDataItem element.

Example 7-68 Pie Chart Definition

<dvtm:pieChart id="pieChart1"
               inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
               title="Pie Chart"
               animationDuration="3000" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:pieDataItem label="#{row.name}" value="#{row.data}" />
   <dvtm:legend position="bottom" id="l1" />

Figure 7-59 Pie Chart at Design Time

Pie Chart at Design Time

The data model for a pie chart is represented by a collection of items that define individual pie data items. Typically, properties of each data item include the following:

  • label: slice label;

  • value: slice value.

The model might also define other properties of the data item, such as the following:

  • borderColor: slice border color;

  • color: slice color;

  • explode: slice explosion offset.

For information on attributes of the pieChart element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child elements for the pieChart:

In addition, you can define a facet child element from the amx namespace. The facet can have a pieDataItem as its child (see Section, "Defining Pie Data Item").

For more information on child elements of the pieChart, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.8 How to Create a Scatter Chart

A scatter chart (scatterChart) displays data as unconnected dots that represent data items, where each item has x, y coordinates and size. In addition, each data item can have various style attributes, such as color and shape. You can either set properties of each data item individually, or categorize the data items into groups based on various criteria. You may use multiple grouping criteria at the same time, and may also use different style attributes to visualize the data items relationships. However, unlike line charts (see Section 7.5.6, "How to Create a Line Chart") or area charts (see Section 7.5.1, "How to Create an Area Chart"), scatter charts do not have a strict notion of the series and groups.

Example 7-69 shows the scatterChart element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The dataStamp facet is specified with a nested chartDataItem element. The color and shape attributes of each data item are set individually based on the values supplied in the data model.

Example 7-69 Scatter Chart Definition

<dvtm:scatterChart id="scatterChart1"
                   inlineStyle="width: 400px; height: 300px;"
                   title="Scatter Chart"
                   var="row" >
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp">
      <dvtm:chartDataItem group="#{row.group}"
         <dvtm:attributeGroups type="color shape"
                               id="ag1" />
   <dvtm:xAxis title="X Axis Title" />
   <dvtm:yAxis title="Y Axis Title" />
   <dvtm:legend position="bottom" id="l1" />

Figure 7-60 Scatter Chart at Design Time

Scatter Chart at Design Time

The data model for a scatter chart is represented by a collection of items (rows) that describe individual data items. Attributes of each data item are defined by stamping (dataStamp) and usually include the following:

  • x, y: value coordinates (required);

  • size: the size of the marker (optional).

The model might also define other properties of the data item, such as the following:

  • borderColor: data item border color;

  • color: data item color;

  • tooltip: custom tooltip.

For information on attributes of the scatterChart element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child elements for the scatterChart:

In addition, you can define a facet child element from the amx namespace. The facet can have a chartDataItem as its child (see Section, "Defining Chart Data Item").

For more information on child elements of the scatterChart, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.9 How to Create a Spark Chart

A spark chart (sparkChart) is a simple, condensed chart that displays trends or variations, often in the column of a table. The charts are often used in a dashboard to provide additional context to a data-dense display.

Example 7-70 shows the sparkChart element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file. The dataStamp facet is specified with a nested sparkDataItem element.

Example 7-70 Spark Chart Definition

<dvtm:sparkChart id="sparkChart1"
                 inlineStyle="width:400px; height:300px; float:left;">
   <amx:facet name="dataStamp"> 
      <dvtm:sparkDataItem value="#{row.value}" />

Figure 7-61 Spark Chart at Design Time

Spark Chart at Design Time

The data model for a spark chart is represented by a collection of items (rows) that describe individual spark data items. Typically, properties of each data item include the following:

  • value: spark value.

For information on attributes of the sparkChart element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child element for the sparkChart:

In addition, you can define a facet child element from the amx namespace. The facet can have a sparkDataItem as its child (see Section, "Defining Spark Data Item").

For more information on child elements of the sparkChart, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.10 How to Create a LED Gauge

Unlike charts, gauges focus on a single data point and examine that point relative to minimum, maximum, and threshold indicators to identify problem areas. A LED (lighted electronic display) gauge (ledGauge) graphically depicts a measurement, such as key performance indicator (KPI). There are several styles of LED gauges. The ones with arrows are used to indicate good (up arrow), fair (left- or right-pointing arrow), or poor (down arrow). You can specify any number of thresholds for a gauge. However, some LED gauges (such as those with arrow or triangle indicators) support a limited number of thresholds because there is a limited number of meaningful directions for them to point. For arrow or triangle indicators, the threshold limit is three.

Example 7-71 shows the ledGauge element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-71 LED Gauge Definition

<dvtm:ledGauge id="ledGauge1"
               inlineStyle="width: 100px; height: 80px; float: left;
                            border-color: navy; background-color: lightyellow;">
   <dvtm:threshold text="Low" maxValue="40" />
   <dvtm:threshold text="Medium" maxValue="60" />
   <dvtm:threshold text="High" maxValue="80" />

Figure 7-62 LED Gauge at Design Time

Led Gauge at Design Time

The data model for a LED gauge is represented by a single metric value which is specified by the value attribute.

For information on attributes of the ledGauge element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child elements for the ledGauge:

In addition, you can define the following amx child elements:

For more information on child elements of the ledGauge, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.11 How to Create a Status Meter Gauge

A Status Meter Gauge (statusMeterGauge) indicates the progress of a task or the level of some measurement along a horizontal rectangular bar. An inner rectangle shows the current level of a measurement against the ranges marked on an outer rectangle. In addition, thresholds can be displayed behind the indicator whose size can be changed.

ADF Mobile DVT provides support for the reference line (referenceLine) on its status meter gauge component. You can use this line to produce a bullet graph.

Example 7-72 shows the statusMeterGauge element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-72 Status Meter Gauge Definition

<dvtm:statusMeterGauge id="meterGauge1"
                       inlineStyle="width: 300px; height: 30px; float: left;
                                    border-color: black;
                                    background-color: lightyellow;"
   <dvtm:threshold text="Low" maxValue="40" />
   <dvtm:threshold text="Medium" maxValue="60" />
   <dvtm:threshold text="High" maxValue="80" />

Figure 7-63 Status Meter Gauge at Design Time

Status Meter Gauge at Design Time

The data model for a status meter gauge is a single metric value which is specified by the value attribute. In addition, the minimum and maximum values can also be specified by the minValue and maxValue attributes.

For information on attributes of the statusMeterGauge element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child elements for the statusMeterGauge:

In addition, you can define the following amx child elements:

For more information on child elements of the statusMeterGauge, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.12 How to Create a Dial Gauge

A Dial Gauge (dialGauge) specifies ranges of values (thresholds) that vary from poor to excellent. The gauge indicator specifies the current value of the metric while the graphic allows for evaluation of the status of that value.

Example 7-72 shows the dialGauge element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-73 Dial Gauge Definition

<dvtm:dialGauge id="dialGauge1"

Figure 7-64 Dial Gauge at Design Time

Dial Gauge at Design Time

The data model for a dial gauge is a single metric value which is specified by the value attribute. In addition, the minimum and maximum values can be specified by the minValue and maxValue attributes.

For information on attributes of the dialGauge element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following dvtm child elements for the dialGauge:

  • metricLabel

  • tickLabel

Example 7-74 shows the definition of dialGauge element with the dark background theme and custom tick labels setting a range from -5000 to 5000.

Example 7-74 Defining Metric and Tick Labels

<dvtm:dialGauge id="dialGauge1"
   <dvtm:metricLabel scaling="thousand" 
                     labelStyle="font-family: Arial, Helvetica; 
                                 font-size: 20; color: white;"/>
   <dvtm:tickLabel scaling="thousand"
                   labelStyle="font-family: Arial, Helvetica;
                               font-size: 18; color: white;"/>

In addition, you can define the following amx child elements for the dialGauge:

For more information on child elements of the dialGauge, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.13 How to Create a Rating Gauge

A Rating Gauge (ratingGauge) provides means to view and modify ratings on a predefined visual scale. By default, a rating unit is represented by a star. You can configure it as a circle, rectangle, or diamond by setting the shape attribute of the ratingGauge.

Example 7-75 shows the ratingGauge element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-75 Rating Gauge Definition

<dvtm:ratingGauge id="ratingGauge1"

Figure 7-65 Rating Gauge at Design Time

Rating Gauge at Design Time

The data model for a rating gauge is a single metric value which is specified by the value attribute. In addition, the minimum and maximum values can be specified by the minValue and maxValue attributes.

For information on attributes of the ratingGauge element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

You can define the following amx child elements for the ratingGauge: Applying Custom Styling to the Rating Gauge Component

Depending on the action performed by the user on a rating gauge component, its units (images) can acquire one of the following states:

  • selected: the unit is selected.

  • unselected: the unit is not selected.

  • hover: the unit is being hovered over.


    On mobile devices with touch interface, the hover state is invoked through the tap-and-hold gesture.

  • changed: the unit has been changed.

Each state can be represented by two attributes: color and borderColor. By default, the shape attribute of the ratingGauge determines the selection of the hover and changed states. The unselected state can be set separately using the unselectedShape attribute of the ratingGauge.

You can style the Rating Gauge component by overwriting the default CSS settings. For more information on how to extend CSS files, see Section 7.6.3, "How to Style Data Visualization Components."

Example 7-76 shows the default CSS style definitions for the color and borderColor of each state of the rating gauge unit.

Example 7-76 CSS Styling

.dvtm-ratingGauge {

.dvtm-ratingGauge .dvtm-ratingGaugeSelected {
   border-width: 1px;
   border-style: solid;
   border-color: #FFC61A;
   color: #FFBB00;

.dvtm-ratingGauge .dvtm-ratingGaugeUnselected {
   border-width: 1px;
   border-style: solid;
   border-color: #D3D3D3;
   color: #F4F4F4;

.dvtm-ratingGauge .dvtm-ratingGaugeHover {
   border-width: 1px;
   border-style: solid;
   border-color: #6F97CF;
   color: #7097CF;

.dvtm-ratingGauge .dvtm-ratingGaugeChanged {
   border-width: 1px;
   border-style: solid;
   border-color: #A8A8A8;
   color: #FFBB00;

7.5.14 How to Define Child Elements for Chart and Gauge Components

You can define a variety of child elements for charts and gauges. The following are some of these child elements:

For more information on these and other child elements, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

In JDeveloper, the chart and gauge child components are located under DVT Mobile AMX > Chart and Gauge Child Tags in the Component Palette (see Figure 7-47).

Figure 7-66 Creating Chart and Gauge Child Components

Creating Chart and Gauge Child Components Defining Chart Data Item

The Chart Data Item (chartDataItem) element specifies the parameters that chart data items use in all supported charts, except the pie chart.

For information on attributes of the chartDataItem element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile. Defining Legend

The Legend (legend) element specifies the legend parameters.

For information on attributes of the legend element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile. Defining X Axis, YAxis, and Y2Axis

X Axis (xAxis) and Y Axis (yAxis) elements define the X and Y axis for a chart. Y2Axis (y2Axis) defines an optional Y2 axis. These elements are declared as follows in an ADF Mobile AMX file:

<dvtm:xAxis scrolling="on" axisMinValue="0.0" axisMaxValue="50.0" />

For information on attributes and child elements of xAxis, yAxis, and y2Axis elements, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile. Defining Pie Data Item

The Pie Data Item (pieDataItem) element specifies the parameters of the pie chart slices (see Section 7.5.7, "How to Create a Pie Chart").

For information on attributes of the pieDataItem element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile. Defining Spark Data Item

The Spark Data Item (sparkDataItem) element specifies the parameters of the spark chart items (see Section 7.5.9, "How to Create a Spark Chart").

For information on attributes of the sparkDataItem element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile. Defining Reference Object

The Reference Object (referenceObject) element specifies the reference objects for the axis of the spark chart (see Section 7.5.9, "How to Create a Spark Chart").

For information on attributes of the referenceObjects element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile. Defining Threshold

The Threshold (threshold) element specifies the threshold ranges of a gauge (see Section 7.5.10, "How to Create a LED Gauge" and Section 7.5.11, "How to Create a Status Meter Gauge").

For information on attributes of the threshold element, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.5.15 How to Create a Geographic Map Component

A Geographic Map (geographicMap) represents business data in one or more interactive layers of information superimposed on a single map. You can configure this component to use either Google or Oracle maps as the underlying map provider (see Section, "Configuring Geographic Map Components With the Map Provider Information").

Example 7-77 shows the geographicMap element defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-77 Geographic Map Definition

<dvtm:geographicMap id="g1" mapType="ROADMAP" 
                    centerX="-98.57" centerY="39.82" 
                    zoomLevel="2" initialZooming="auto">
   <dvtm:pointDataLayer id="pdl1"
      <dvtm:pointLocation id="pl1" type="address" address="#{row.address}">
         <dvtm:marker shortDesc="#{row.shortDesc}" id="m1" />

You can define a pointDataLayer child element for the geographicMap. The pointDataLayer allows you to display data associated with a point on the map.The pointDataLayer can have a pointLocation as a child element. The pointLocation specifies the columns in the data layer's model that determine the location of the data points. These locations can be represented either by address or by X and Y coordinates.

The pointLocation can have a marker as a child element. The marker is used to stamp out predefined or custom shapes associated with data points on the map. The marker supports a set of properties for specifying a URI to an image that is to be rendered as a marker. The marker can have a convertNumber as its child element (see Section 7.3.22, "How to Convert Numerical Values").

For information on attributes of the geographicMap element and its child elements, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile. Configuring Geographic Map Components With the Map Provider Information

To configure a Geographic Map component to use a specific provider for the underlying map (Google or Oracle), you can set the following properties as name-value pairs in the application's adf-config.xml file:

  • mapProvider: specify either oraclemaps or googlemaps.

  • geoMapKey: specify the license key if the mapProvider is set to googlemaps.

  • geoMapClientId: if the mapProvider is set to googlemaps, specify the client ID for Google maps business license.

  • mapViewerUrl: if the mapProvider is set to oraclemaps, specify the map viewer URL for Oracle maps.

  • baseMap: if the mapProvider is set to oraclemaps, specify the base map to use with Oracle maps.


To configure the Geographic Map component to use Google maps, you must obtain an appropriate license from Google.

Example 7-78 shows the configuration for Google maps.

Example 7-78 Google Maps Configuration

<adf-properties-child xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/config/properties">
   <adf-property name="mapProvider" value="googlemaps"/>
   <adf-property name="geoMapKey" value="your key"/>

Example 7-79 shows the configuration for Oracle maps.

Example 7-79 Oracle Maps Configuration

<adf-properties-child xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/config/properties">
   <adf-property name="mapProvider" value="oraclemaps"/>
   <adf-property name="mapViewerUrl"
   <adf-property name="baseMap" value="ELOCATION_MERCATOR.WORLD_MAP"/>

If you do not specify the map provider information, the ADF Mobile AMX Geographic Map component uses Google maps for its map, but without the license key.

For information on the adf-config.xml file, see the following:

7.5.16 How to Create a Thematic Map Component

A Thematic Map (thematicMap) represents business data as patterns in stylized areas or associated markers. Thematic maps focus on data without the geographic details.

ADF Mobile AMX supports most of the functionality, child elements, and properties of the Oracle ADF Thematic Map component. For more information, see the chapter on using map components in Oracle Fusion Middleware Web User Interface Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework. The following is not supported:

  • Drag and drop functionality.

  • Control panel.

  • Context menu.

  • Custom regions (customAreaLayer).

  • Drilling.

  • Collapsible groups of legend sections.

  • Collapsible legend.

  • Patterns (pattern) on areas and markers.

  • Images (ADF Mobile AMX Image (image) component). Instead, you can use images with the Marker (marker) child component. For more information, see Section, "Defining Custom Markers."

  • The actionListener attribute of the marker. Instead, the same functionality can be achieved by using the selectionListener or a combination of the action and setPropertyListener (see Section 7.10, "Using Event Listeners").

ADF Mobile AMX Thematic Map has the following functionality that is not available in Oracle ADF:

Example 7-80 shows the thematicMap element and its children defined in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-80 Defining Thematic Map

<dvtm:thematicMap id="tm1" 
   <dvtm:areaLayer id="areaLayer1"
      <dvtm:areaDataLayer id="areaDataLayer1"
         <dvtm:areaLocation id="areaLoc1" name="#{row.name}">
            <dvtm:area action="sales" id="area1" shortDesc="#{row.name}">
               <amx:setPropertyListener to=
               <dvtm:attributeGroups id="ag1" type="color" value="#{row.cat1}" />
   <dvtm:legend id="l1" position="end">
      <dvtm:legendSection id="ls1" source="ag1"/>

Figure 7-67 Thematic Map at Design Time

Thematic Map at Design Time

For information on attributes of the thematicMap element and its child elements, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile. Defining Custom Markers

ADF Mobile AMX Thematic Map does not support ADF Mobile AMX Image component. To use an image in the map's pointLocation, you can specify an image within the pointLocation's marker child element by using its source attribute. If the source attribute is set on the Marker, its shape attribute is ignored by ADF Mobile AMX.

The sourceHover, sourceSelected, and sourceHoverSelected attributes allow you to specify images for hover and selection effects. If one of these is not specified, the image specified by the source attribute is used for that particular marker state. If sourceSelected is specified, then its value is used if sourceHoverSelected is not specified. The image can be of any format supported by the mobile device's browser, including PNG, JPG, SVG, and so on. Defining Isolated Areas

You can configure the ADF Mobile AMX Thematic Map component to render and zoom to fit on a single isolated area of the map by using the isolatedRowKey attribute of the areaDataLayer, in which case the rest of the areas in the area or area data layers is not rendered.


You can isolate only one area on a map. Enabling Initial Zooming

The initial zooming allows the map component to be rendered as usual, and then zoom to fit on the data objects which includes both markers and areas. To enable this functionality, you use the initialZooming attribute of the Thematic Map. Defining a Custom Base Map

As part of the custom base map support, ADF Mobile AMX allows you to specify the following for the Thematic Map component:

  • Layers with images for different resolutions.

  • Point layers with named points that can be referenced from the Point Location (pointLocation).

  • The Thematic Map's source attribute that points to the custom base map metadata XML file.


ADF Mobile AMX does not support resource bundles for custom base maps. If you want to add locale-specific tool tips, you can use EL in the shortDesc attribute of the Marker (marker).

To create a custom base map, you specify an area layer which points to a definition in the metadata file (see Example 7-81). To define a basic custom base map, you specify a background layer and a pointer data layer. In the metadata file, you can specify different images for different screen resolutions and display directions, similar to ADF Mobile AMX gauge components. Just like a gauge-type component, the Thematic Map chooses the correct image for the layer based on the screen resolution and direction. The display direction can be either left-to-right or right-to-left. The default direction for the image is left-to-right, which you can change to right-to-left by setting the dir attribute of the image element to rtl.

Example 7-81 Metadata File With List of Images

<basemap id="car" >
   <layer id="exterior" >
      <image source="/maps/car-800x800.png" 
             height="1920" />
      <image source="/maps/car-800x800-rtl.png" 
             dir="rtl" />
      <image source="/maps/car-200x200.png"
             height="480" />
      <image source="/maps/car-200x200-rtl.png"
             dir="rtl" />

Example 7-82 shows an ADF Mobile AMX file that declares a custom area layer with points. The ADF Mobile AMX file points to the metadata file shown in Example 7-81 containing a list of possible images.

Example 7-82 Declaring Custom Area Layer With Points

<dvtm:thematicMap id="tm1" basemap="car" source="customBasemaps/map1.xml" >
   <dvtm:areaLayer id="al1" layer="exterior" >
      <dvtm:pointDataLayer id="pdl1" 
                           value="{bindings.thematicMapData.collectionModel}" >
         <dvtm:pointLocation id="pl1" 
                             pointY="#{row.y}" >
            <dvtm:marker id="m1" fillColor="#FFFFFF" shape="circle" />

In the preceding example, the base map ID is matched with the basemap attribute of the thematicMap, and the layer ID is matched with the layer attribute of the areaLayer. The points are defined through the X and Y coordinates (just like for a predefined base map) to accommodate dynamic points that can change at the time the data are updated.

Example 7-83 shows an alternative way to declare a custom area layer with points. In this example, the pointDataLayer is a direct child of the thematicMap. Despite this variation, Example 7-83 renders the same result as the declaration demonstrated in Example 7-82.

Example 7-83 Declaring Custom Area Layer With Points Using Direct Child Element

<dvtm:thematicMap id="demo1" basemap="car" source="customBasemaps/map1.xml" >
   <dvtm:areaLayer id="al1" layer="exterior" />
   <dvtm:pointDataLayer id="pdl1" 
                        value="{bindings.thematicMapData.collectionModel}" >
      <dvtm:pointLocation id="pl1" 
                          pointY="#{row.y}" >
         <dvtm:marker id="m1" fillColor="#FFFFFF" shape="circle" />

To create a custom base map with static points, you specify the points by name in the metadata file shown in Example 7-84. This process is similar to adding city markers for a predefined base map.

Example 7-84 Metadata File With List of Named Points

<basemap id="car" >
   <layer id="exterior" >
      <image source="/maps/car-800x800.png" 
             height="1920" />
      <image source="/maps/car-800x800-rtl.png" 
             dir="rtl" />
      <image source="/maps/car-200x200.png" 
             height="480" />
      <image source="/maps/car-200x200-rtl.png"
             dir="rtl" />
   <points >
      <point name="hood" x="219.911" y="329.663" />
      <point name="frontLeftTire" x="32.975" y="32.456" />
      <point name="frontRightTire" x="10.334" y="97.982" />

Example 7-85 shows an ADF Mobile AMX file that declares a custom area layer with named points. The ADF Mobile AMX file points to the metadata file shown in Example 7-81 containing a list of points and their names.

Example 7-85 Declaring Custom Area Layer With Named Points

<dvtm:thematicMap id="demo1" basemap="car" source="customBasemaps/map1.xml" >
   <dvtm:areaLayer id="al1" layer="exterior" />
   <dvtm:pointDataLayer id="pdl1"
                        value="#{bindings.thematicMapData.collectionModel}" >
      <dvtm:pointLocation id="pl1" type="pointName" pointName="#{row.name}" >
         <dvtm:marker id="m1" fillColor="#FFFFFF" shape="circle" />
</dvtm:thematicMap> Applying Custom Styling to the Thematic Map Component

You can style the Thematic Map component by overwriting the default CSS settings or using a custom JavaScript file. For more information on how to extend these files, see Section 7.6.3, "How to Style Data Visualization Components."

Example 7-86 shows the default CSS styles for the Thematic Map component.

Example 7-86 CSS Styling

.dvtm-thematicMap {
   background-color: #FFFFFF;
   -webkit-user-select: none;
   -webkit-touch-callout: none;
   -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
.dvtm-areaLayer {
   background-color: #B8CDEC;
   border-color: #FFFFFF;
   border-width: 0.5px;
   /* border style and color must be set when setting border width */
   border-style: solid;
   color: #000000;
   font-family: tahoma, sans-serif;
   font-size: 13px;
   font-weight: bold;
   font-style: normal;
.dvtm-area {
   border-color: #FFFFFF;
   border-width: 0.5px;
   /* border style and color must be set when setting border width */
   border-style: solid;
.dvtm-marker {
   background-color: #61719F;
   opacity: 0.7;
   color: #FFFFFF;
   font-family: tahoma, sans-serif;
   font-size: 13px;
   font-weight: bold;
   font-style: normal;

Some of the style settings cannot be specified using CSS. Instead, you must define them using a custom JavaScript file. Example 7-87 shows how to apply custom styling to the Thematic Map component without using CSS.

Example 7-87 Non-CSS Custom Styling


   CustomThematicMapStyle = {
      // selected area properties
      'areaSelected': {
         // selected area border color
         'borderColor': "#000000",
         // selected area border width
         'borderWidth': '1.5px'

      // area properties on mouse hover
      'areaHover': {
         // area border color on hover
         'borderColor': "#FFFFFF",
         // area border width on hover
         'borderWidth': '2.0px'
      // marker properties
      'marker': {
         // separator upper color
         'scaleX': 1.0,
         // separator lower color
         'scaleY': 1.0,
         // should display title separator
         'type': 'circle'

      // thematic map legend properties
      'legend': {
         // legend position, such as none, auto, start, end, top, bottom
         'position': "auto"


Note that you cannot change the name and the property names of the CustomThematicMapStyle object. Instead, you can modify specific property values to suit the needs of your application. For information on how to add custom CSS and JavaScript files to your application, see Section 5.10, "Defining the Content Types for an Application Feature."

When the attributeGroups attribute is defined for the Thematic Map component, you can use the CustomThematicMapStyle to define a default set of shapes and colors for that component. In this case, the CustomThematicMapStyle object must have the structure that Example 7-88 shows, where styleDefaults is a nested object containing the following fields:

  • colors: represents a set of colors to be used for areas and markers.

  • shapes: represents a set of shapes to be used for markers.

Example 7-88 Defining Default Custom Shapes and Colors for Thematic Map

window['CustomThematicMapStyle'] =
   // custom style values 
   'styleDefaults': { 
      // custom color palette
      'colors': ["#000000", "#ffffff"],
      // custom marker shapes 
      'shapes' : ['circle', 'square'] 

7.5.17 How to Create Databound Data Visualization Components

You can declaratively create a databound chart, gauge, or map using a data collection inserted from the Data Controls panel (see Chapter 6, "Creating ADF Mobile AMX Pages"). The Component Gallery dialog that Figure 7-71 shows allows you to choose from a number of data visualization component categories, types, and layout options.

Figure 7-68 Component Gallery

Component Gallery


Some data visualization component types require very specific kinds of data. If you bind a component to a data collection that does not contain sufficient data to display the component type requested, then the component is not displayed and a message about insufficient data appears.

To trigger the display of the Component Gallery, you drag and drop a collection from the Data Controls panel onto the ADF Mobile AMX page, and then select either ADF Mobile Chart, ADF Mobile Gauge, ADF Mobile Geographic Map, or ADF Mobile Thematic Map from the context menu that appears (see Figure 7-69).

Figure 7-69 Creating Databound DVT Components

Creating Databound DVT Components

After you select the category, type, and layout for your new databound component from the Component Gallery and click OK, you can start binding the data collection attributes in the DVT component using data binding dialogs. The name of the dialog and the input field labels depend on the category and type of the DVT component that you selected. For example, if you select Horizontal Bar as the category and Bar as the type, then the name of the dialog that appears is Create Mobile Horizontal Bar Chart, and the input field is labeled Bars, as Figure 7-70 shows.

Figure 7-70 Specifying Data Values for Databound Chart

Specifying Data Values for Databound Chart

The attributes in a data collection can be data values or categories of data values. Data values are numbers represented by markers, like bar height, or points in a scatter chart. Categories of data values are members represented as axis labels. The role that an attribute plays in the bindings (either data values or identifiers) is determined by both its data type (chart requires numeric data values) and where it is mapped (for example, Bars or X Axis).

After completing the data binding dialog, you can use the Property Inspector to specify settings for the component attributes. You can also use the child elements associated with the component to further customize it (see Section 7.5.14, "How to Define Child Elements for Chart and Gauge Components").

For more information, see the following sections of Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework:

7.6 Styling UI Components

ADF Mobile enables you to employ CSS to apply style to UI components.

7.6.1 How to Use Component Attributes to Define Style

You style your UI components by setting the following attributes:

  • styleClass attribute defines a CSS style class to use for your layout component:

    <amx:panelPage styleClass="#{pageFlowScope.pStyleClass}">

    You can define the style class for layout, command, and input components in an ADF Mobile AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, in which case a certain style is applied to all components within the ADF Mobile AMX application feature (see Section 7.6.2, "What You May Need to Know About Skinning"). Alternatively, you can use the public style classes provided by ADF Mobile.


    The CSS file is not accessible from JDeveloper. Instead, ADF Mobile injects this file into the package at build or deploy time, upon which the CSS file appears in the css directory under the Web Content root directory.

  • inlineStyle attribute defines a CSS style to use for any UI component and represents a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component:

    <amx:outputText inlineStyle="color:red;">

    You should use this attribute when basic style changes are required.


    Some UI components are rendered with such subelements as HTML div elements and more complex markup. As a result, setting the inlineStyle attribute on the parent component may not produce the desired effect. In such cases, you should examine the generated markup and, instead of defining the inlineStyle attribute, apply a CSS class that would propagate the style to the subelement.

    For information on how to configure JavaScript debugging, see Section 19.3.4, "How to Enable Debugging of Java Code and JavaScript."

These attributes are displayed in the Style section in the Property Inspector, as Figure 7-71 shows.

Figure 7-71 Style Section of the Property Inspector

Style section

ADF Mobile AMX provides a drop-down editor that you can use to set various properties of the inlineStyle attribute (see Figure 7-72).

Figure 7-72 Inline Style Editor

Inline Style Editor

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Mobile.

7.6.2 What You May Need to Know About Skinning

Skinning allows you to define and apply a uniform style to all UI components within an ADF Mobile AMX application feature to create a theme for the entire feature.

For more information, see Section 5.12, "Skinning ADF Mobile Applications."

7.6.3 How to Style Data Visualization Components

Most of the style properties of ADF Mobile AMX data visualization components are defined in the dvtm.css file located in the css directory. You can override the default values by adding a custom CSS file with custom style definitions at the application feature level (see Section 5.12.7, "Overriding the Default Skin Styles").

Some of the style properties cannot be mapped to CSS and have to be defined in custom JavaScript files. These properties include the following:

You should specify these custom JavaScript files in the Includes section at the application feature level (see Section 5.10.1, "How to Define the Application Content"). By doing so, you override the default style values defined in the XML style template. Example 7-89 shows a JavaScript file similar to the one you would add to your ADF Mobile project that includes the ADF Mobile AMX application feature with data visualization components which require custom styling of properties that cannot be styled using CSS.

Example 7-89 Defining Custom Style Properties


   CustomChartStyle = {

      // common chart properties
      'chart': {
         // text to be displayed, if no data is provided
         'emptyText': null,
         // animation effect when the data changes
         'animationOnDataChange': "none",
         // animation effect when the chart is displayed
         'animationOnDisplay': "none",
         // time axis type - disabled / enabled / mixedFrequency
         'timeAxisType': "disabled"

      // chart title separator properties
      'titleSeparator': {
         // separator upper color
         'upperColor': "#74779A",
         // separator lower color
         'lowerColor': "#FFFFFF",
         // should display title separator
         'rendered': false

      // chart legend properties
      'legend': {
         // legend position none / auto / start / end / top / bottom
         'position': "auto"

      // default style values
      'styleDefaults': {
         // default color palette
         'colors': ["#003366", "#CC3300", "#666699", "#006666", "#FF9900",
                    "#993366", "#99CC33", "#624390", "#669933", "#FFCC33",
                    "#006699", "#EBEA79"],
         // default shapes palette
         'shapes': ["circle", "square", "plus", "diamond",
                    "triangleUp", "triangleDown", "human"],
         // series effect
         'seriesEffect': "gradient",
         // animation duration in ms
         'animationDuration': 1000,
         // animation indicators - all / none
         'animationIndicators': "all",
         // animation up color
         'animationUpColor': "#0099FF",
         // animation down color
         'animationDownColor': "#FF3300",
         // default line width (appllicable to line chart)
         'lineWidth': 3,
         // default line style (appllicable to line chart) 
         // solid / dotted / dashed
         'lineStyle': "solid",
         // should markers be displayed (appllicable to line and area charts)
         'markerDisplayed': false,
         // default marker color
         'markerColor': null,
         // default marker shape
         'markerShape': "auto",
         // default marker size
         'markerSize': 8,
         // pie feeler color (appllicable to pie chart only)
         'pieFeelerColor': "#BAC5D6",
         // slice label position and text type (appllicable to pie chart only)
         'sliceLabel': {
            'position': "outside",
            'textType': "percent" }

   CustomGaugeStyle = {
      // default animation duration in milliseconds
      'animationDuration': 1000,
      // default animation effect on data change
      'animationOnDataChange': "none",
      // default animation effect on gauge display
      'animationOnDisplay': "none",
      // default visual effect
      'visualEffects': "auto"

After the JavaScript file has been defined, you can uncomment and modify any values. You add this file as an included feature in the adfmf-feature.xml file, as Example 7-90 shows.

Example 7-90 Including Custom Style File in the Application Feature

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<adfmf:features xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
   <adfmf:feature id="feature1" name="feature1">
      <adfmf:content id="feature1.1">
         <adfmf:amx file="feature1/untitled1.amx">
               <adfmf:include type="StyleSheet" file="css/custom.css"/>
               <adfmf:include type="JavaScript" file="feature1/js/my-custom.js"/>

7.7 Localizing UI Components

In your ADF Mobile AMX page, you can localize the text that UI components display by using the standard resource bundle provided by JDeveloper. You do so by selecting a component and one of its text-presenting properties whose value you intend to localize, and then choosing Select Text Resource in the Value box in the Property Inspector (see Figure 7-73).

Figure 7-73 Selecting Text Resource

Selecting Text Resource

This will display the standard ADF Select Text Resource dialog that Figure 7-74 shows. You use this dialog to enter or find a string reference for the property you are modifying.

Figure 7-74 Select Text Resource Dialog

Select Text Resource Dialog

After you have defined a localized string resource, the EL for that reference is automatically placed in the property from which the Select Text Resource dialog was launched.

Figure 7-75 shows the changes in the ADF Mobile AMX file.

Figure 7-75 Localized String in ADF Mobile AMX File

Localized String in ADF Mobile AMX File

For more information, see Section 5.11, "Working with Resource Bundles."

7.8 Understanding ADF Mobile Support for Accessibility

When developing ADF Mobile applications, you may need to accommodate visually and physically impaired users by addressing accessibility issues. User agents, such as web browsers rendering to nonvisual media (for example, a screen reader) can read text descriptions of UI components to provide useful information to impaired users. ADF Mobile AMX UI and DVT components are designed to be compliant with the following accessibility standards:

Accessible components do not change their appearance nor is the application logic affected by the introduction of such components.

To enable the proper functioning of the accessibility in your ADF Mobile AMX application feature, follow these guidelines:

  • The navigation must not be more than three levels deep and it must be easy for the user to traverse back to the home screen.

  • Keep scripting to a minimum.

  • Do not provide direct interaction with the DOM.

  • Do not use JavaScript time-outs.

  • Avoid unnecessary focus changes

  • Provide explicit popup triggers

  • If needed, utilize the WAI-ARIA live region (see Section 7.8.2, "What You May Need to Know About the Basic WAI-ARIA Terms").

  • Keep CSS use to a minimum.

  • Try not to override the default component appearance.

  • Choose scalable size units.

  • Do not use CSS positioning.

For more information, see the following:

7.8.1 How to Configure UI and DVT Components for Accessibility

ADF Mobile AMX UI and DVT components have a built-in accessibility support, with most components being subject to the accessibility audit (see Figure 7-77).

Table 7-8 lists components and their attributes that you can set through the Accessibility section of the Property Inspector.

Table 7-8 UI Components with Configurable Accessibility Attributes

Component Accessibility Attribute Accessibility Audit Message

Button (commandButton)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the action that will take place.

Select Button (selectOneButton)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the action that will take place.

Link (commandLink)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the action that will take place.

Link Go (goLink)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the action that will take place.

Carousel (carousel)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the action that will take place.

CarouselItem (carouselItem)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the action that will take place.

List Item (listItem)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the action that will take place.

Popup (popup)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the action that will take place.

Image (image)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be specified. If the image is used for decorative purposes, it can be empty.

Input Text (inputText)

Hint Text (hintText)

The hintText attribute should be present and describe what the field should contain.

Panel Group Layout (panelGroupLayout)

Landmark (landmark)

NA Foot 1 

Area Chart (areaChart)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Bar Chart (barChart)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Horizontal Bar Chart (horizontalBarChart)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Bubble Chart (bubbleChart)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Combo Chart (comboChart)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Line Chart (lineChart)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Scatter Chart (scatterChart)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Spark Chart (sparkChart)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Led Gauge (ledGauge)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Status Meter Gauge (statusMeterGauge)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Dial Gauge (dialGauge)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Rating Gauge (ratingGauge)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Geographic Map (geographicMap)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Thematic Map (thematicMap)

Short Desc (shortDesc)

The shortDesc attribute should be present and describe the displayed data.

Footnote 1 The landmark attribute has a default value (none) and is not subject to the accessibility audit.

You use the shortDesc attribute for different purposes for different components. For example, if you set the shortDesc attribute for the Image component, in the ADF Mobile AMX file it will appear as a value of the alt attribute of the image element.

The value of the shortDesc attribute can be localized.

For the Panel Group Layout component, you define the landmark role type (see Table 7-13, "Landmark Roles") that is applicable as per the context of the page. You can set one of the following values for the landmark attribute:

  • default (none)

  • application

  • banner

  • complementary

  • contentinfo

  • form

  • main

  • navigation

  • search

Table 7-9 lists UI components whose accessible attributes defined by WAI-ARIA specification are automatically applied at run time and that you cannot modify.

Table 7-9 UI Components with Static Accessibility Attributes

Component Accessibility Attribute Accessibility Audit Message

Input Date (inputDate)

Label (label)

inputDate is not labeled. The label attribute of inputDate should be specified.

Input Number Slider (inputNumberSlider)

Label (label)

inputNumberSlider is not labeled. The label attribute of inputNumberSlider should be specified.

Panel Label and Message (panelLabelAndMessage)

Label (label)

panelLabelAndMessage is not labeled. The label attribute of panelLabelAndMessage should be specified.

Select Item (selectItem)

Label (label)

selectItem is not labeled. The label attribute of selectItem should be specified.

Checkbox (selectBooleanCheckbox)

Label (label)

selectBooleanCheckbox is not labeled. The label attribute of selectBooleanCheckbox should be specified.

Boolean Switch (selectBooleanSwitch)

Label (label)

selectBooleanSwitch is not labeled. The label attribute of selectBooleanSwitch should be specified.

Radio Button (selectOneRadio)

Label (label)

selectOneRadio is not labeled. The label attribute of selectOneRadio should be specified.

Select Many Checkbox (selectManyCheckbox)

Label (label)

selectManyCheckbox is not labeled. The label attribute of selectManyCheckbox should be specified.

Choice (selectOneChoice)

Label (label)

selectOneChoice is not labeled. The label attribute of selectOneChoice should be specified.

Output Text (outputText)

Value (value)

NA Foot 1 

Footnote 1 The value attribute is not subject to the accessibility audit.

You can configure the accessibility audit rules using JDeveloper's Preferences dialog as follows:

  1. In JDeveloper, select Tools > Preferences from the main menu.

  2. From the list of preferences, select Audit > Profiles.

  3. On the Audit: Profiles pane, expand the Application Development Framework (ADF) node from the tree of rules, and then select ADF Mobile Framework > Accessibility.

  4. Select the accessibility audit rules to apply to your application, as Figure 7-76 shows.

Figure 7-76 Setting Accessibility Audit Rules

Setting Accessibility Audit Rules

Figure 7-77 shows the accessibility audit warning displayed in JDeveloper.

Figure 7-77 Accessibility Audit Warning

Accessibility Audit Warning

For information on how to test your accessible ADF Mobile AMX application feature, see Section 19.2.1, "How to Perform Accessibility Testing on iOS-Powered Devices."


WAI-ARIA accessibility functionality is not supported on Android for DVT components.

Other ADF Mobile AMX UI components might not perform as expected when the application is run in the Android screen reader mode.

7.8.2 What You May Need to Know About the Basic WAI-ARIA Terms

As stated in the WAI-ARIA 1.0 specification, complex web applications become inaccessible when assistive technologies cannot determine the semantics behind portions of a document or when the user is unable to effectively navigate to all parts of it in a usable way. WAI-ARIA divides the semantics into roles (the type defining a user interface element), and states and properties supported by the roles. The following semantic associations form the base for the WAI-ARIA terms:

  • Role

  • Landmark

  • Live region

For more information, see "Important Terms" at http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/terms.

The following tables list role categories (as defined in the WAI-ARIA 1.0 specification) that are applicable to ADF Mobile.

Table 7-10 lists abstract roles that are used to support the WAI-ARIA role taxonomy for the purpose of defining general role concepts.

Table 7-10 Abstract Roles

Abstract Role Description


A generic type of widget that allows the user input.


A region of the page intended as a navigational landmark.


A form widget that allows the user to make selections from a set of choices.


An interactive component of a graphical user interface.

Table 7-11 lists widget roles that act as standalone user interface widgets or as part of larger, composite widgets.

Table 7-11 Widget Roles

Widget Role Description Widget Required States


A type of dialog that contains an alert message, where initial focus moves to an element within the dialog.

aria-labelledby, aria-describedby


An input that allows for user-triggered actions when clicked or pressed.

aria-expanded (state), aria-pressed (state)


A checkable input that has three possible values: true, false, or mixed.

aria-checked (state)


A dialog represented by an application window that is designed to interrupt the current processing of an application in order to prompt the user to enter information or require a response.

aria-labelledby, aria-describedby


An interactive reference to an internal or external resource that, when activated, causes the user agent to navigate to that resource.

aria-disabled (state), aria-describedby


A selectable item in a select list.

aria-labelledby, aria-checked (state), aria-selected (state)


A checkable input in a group of radio roles, only one of which can be checked at a time.

aria-checked (state), aria-disabled (state)


A user input where the user selects a value from within a given range.

aria-valuemax, aria-valuemin, aria-valuenow, aria-disabled (state)


A widget that allows the user to select one or more items from a list of choices.



A group of radio buttons.

aria-disabled (state)


A single item in a list or directory.



Input that allows free-form text as its value.

aria-labelledby, aria-readonly, aria-required, aria-multiline, aria-disabled (state)

Table 7-12 lists document structure roles that describe structures that organize content in a page. Typically, document structures are not interactive.

Table 7-12 Document Structure Roles

Document Structure Role Description


A container for a collection of elements that form an image.


A group of non-interactive list items.


A single item in a list or directory.

Table 7-13 lists landmark roles that represent regions of the page intended as navigational landmarks.

Table 7-13 Landmark Roles

Landmark Role Description


A region declared as a web application (as opposed to a web document).


A region that contains mostly site-oriented content (rather than page-specific content).


A supporting section of a document designed to be complementary to the main content at a similar level in the DOM hierarchy, but that remains meaningful when separated from the main content.


A large perceivable region that contains information about the parent document.


A region that contains a collection of items and objects that, as a whole, combine to create a form.


The main content of a document.


A collection of navigational elements (usually links) for navigating the document or related documents.


A region that contains a collection of items and objects that, as a whole, combine to create a search facility.

For the majority of ADF Mobile UI components, you cannot modify accessible WAI-ARIA attributes. For some components, you can set special accessible attributes at design time, and for the Panel Group Layout, you can use the WAI-ARIA landmark role type. For more information, see Section 7.8.1, "How to Configure UI and DVT Components for Accessibility."

7.8.3 What You May Need to Know About the Oracle Global HTML Accessibility Guidelines

The Oracle Global HTML Accessibility Guidelines (OGHAG) is a set of scripting standards for HTML that Oracle follows. These standards represent a combination of Section 508 (see http://www.section508.gov) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 level AA (see http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10), with improved wording and checkpoint measurements.

For more information, see Oracle's Accessibility Philosophy and Policies at http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/accessibility/policies/index.html.

7.9 Validating Input

ADF Mobile allows you to inform the end user about data input errors and other conditions that occur during data input. Depending on their type (error or warning), validation messages have a different look and feel.

The user input validation is triggered when an input is submitted: Input Text components are automatically validated when the end user leaves the field; for selection components, such as a Checkbox or Choice, the validation occurs when the end user makes a selection. For validation purposes, UI components on an ADF Mobile AMX page are grouped together within a Validation Group operation (validationGroup) to define components whose input is to be validated when the submit operation takes place. A Validation Behavior (validationBehavior) component defines which Validation Group is to be validated before a command component's action is taken. A command component can have multiple child Validation Behavior components. Validation does not occur if a component does not have a Validation Behavior defined for it.


You cannot define nested Validation Group operations.

The following is an invalid definition of a Validation Group:


The following is a valid definition:


If an ADF Mobile AMX page contains any validation error messages, the end user is prevented from navigating off the page using command components, such as List Item, Link, and Button, unless those components have their immediate attribute set to true. Messages containing warnings do not halt the navigation.

Example 7-91 shows how to define validation elements, including multiple Validation Group and Validation Behavior operations, in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-91 Defining Input Validation

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:facet name="header">
      <amx:outputText id="outputText1" value="Validate"/>
   <amx:facet name="secondary">
      <amx:commandButton id="commandButton2" action="go" text="Save">
         <amx:validationBehavior disabled="#{pageFlowScope.myPanel ne 'panel1'}"
         <amx:validationBehavior disabled="#{pageFlowScope.myPanel ne 'panel2'}"
         <!-- invalid, should be caught by audit rule but for any reason
         if group not found at run time, this validate is ignored -->
         <amx:validationBehavior disabled="false" group="groupxxx"/>
         <!-- group is not found at run time, this validate is ignored -->
         <amx:validationBehavior disabled="false" group="group3"/> 
   <amx:panelSplitter selectedItem="#{pageFlowScope.myPanel}">
      <amx:panel id="panel1">
         <amx:validationGroup id="group1">
            <amx:panelFormLayout id="pfl1">
               <amx:inputText value="#{bindings.first.inputValue}" 
               <amx:inputText value="#{bindings.last.inputValue}"
      <amx:panel id="panel2">
         <amx:validationGroup id="group2">
            <amx:panelFormLayout id="pfl2">
               <amx:inputText value="#{bindings.salary.inputValue}"
               <amx:inputText value="#{bindings.last.inputValue}"
   <amx:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1" rendered="false">
      <amx:validationGroup id="group3">
         <amx:panelFormLayout id="pfl4">
            <amx:inputText value="#{bindings.salary.inputValue}"
            <amx:inputText value="#{bindings.last.inputValue}"

Example 7-92 shows how to define a validation message displayed in a popup in an ADF Mobile AMX file.

Example 7-92 Defining Input Validation with Popup Message

<amx:panelPage id="pp1">
   <amx:facet name="header">
      <amx:outputText id="outputText1" value="Login Demo"/>
   <amx:facet name="secondary">
      <amx:commandButton id="btnBack" action="__back" text="Back"/>
   <amx:panelGroupLayout id="panelGroupLayout1">
      <amx:validationGroup id="group1">
         <amx:panelGroupLayout id="panelGroupLayout2">
            <amx:inputText value="#{bindings.userName.inputValue}"
            <amx:inputText value="#{bindings.password.inputValue}"
            <amx:outputText id="outputText2"
                            #{bindings.timeToStayLoggedIn.inputValue} minutes"/>
      <amx:commandButton id="commandButton2" 
         <amx:validationBehavior group="group1"/>

Validation messages are displayed in a Popup component (see Section 7.2.8, "How to Use a Popup Component"). You cannot configure the title of a validation popup, which is automatically determined by the relative message severity: the most severe of all of the current messages becomes the title of the validation popup. That is, if all validation messages are of type WARNING, then the title is "Warning"; if some of the messages are of type WARNING and others are of type ERROR, then the title is set to "Error".

Figure 7-78 shows a popup validation message produced at run time.

Figure 7-78 Validation Message on iPhone

Validation Message on iPhone

7.10 Using Event Listeners

To invoke Java code from your ADF Mobile AMX pages and perform the application logic, you define listeners as attributes of UI components in one of the following ways:

You may use the following listeners to add awareness of the UI-triggered events to your ADF Mobile AMX page:

  • valueChangeListener: listens to ValueChangeEvent that is constructed with the following parameters:

    • java.lang.Object representing an old value

    • java.lang.Object representing a new changed value

  • actionListener: listens to ActionEvent that is constructed without parameters;

  • selectionListener: listens to SelectionEvent that is constructed with the following parameters:

    • java.lang.Object representing an old row key

    • java.lang.String[] representing selected row keys

  • moveListener: listens to MoveEvent that is constructed with the following parameters: of the RowKey type representing an old row key;

    • java.lang.Object representing the moved row key

    • java.lang.String[] representing the row key before which the moved row key was inserted

  • rangeChangeListener: listens to RangeChangeEvent that is constructed with the following parameters:

    • int representing an old start range

    • int representing an old end range

    • int representing a new start range

    • int representing a new end range

The value for your listener must match the pattern #{*} and conform to the following requirements:

  • Type name: EL Expression

  • Base type: string

  • Primitive type: string

For information on EL events, see Section 8.2.3, "EL Events."

Most ADF Mobile AMX event classes extend the oracle.adfmf.amx.event.AMXEvent class. When defining event listeners in your Java code, you need to pass the oracle.adfmf.amx.event.AMXEvent class.

For more information, see the following:

ADF Mobile allows you to create managed bean methods for listeners so that your managed bean methods use ADF Mobile AMX-specific event classes. Example 7-93, Example 7-94, and Example 7-95 demonstrate a Button and a Link component calling the same managed bean method. The source value of the AMXEvent determines which object invoked the event by showing a message box with the component's ID.

Example 7-93 Calling a Bean Method from ADF Mobile AMX File

<amx:commandButton text="commandButton1" id="commandButton1"
<amx:commandLink text="commandLink1" id="commandLink1"

Example 7-94 Using AMXEvent

private void actionListenerMethod(AMXEvent amxEvent) {
   Component source = (Component) amxEvent.getSource();
   MessageBox.show("actionListener called for " + source.getId());

Example 7-95 Invoking the Event Method

public Object invokeMethod(String methodName, Object[] params) {
   if (methodName.equals("actionListenerMethod")) {
      actionListenerMethod((AMXEvent) params[0]);
   return null;

For additional examples, see an ADF Mobile sample application called JavaDemo located in the PublicSamples.zip file within the jdev_install/jdeveloper/jdev/extensions/oracle.adf.mobile/Samples directory on your development computer. This sample demonstrates how to call listeners from Java beans.

7.10.1 What You May Need to Know About Constrained Type Attributes for Event Listeners

You can define event listeners as children of some ADF Mobile AMX UI components. The listeners' type attribute identifies which event they are to be registered to handle. Since each parent UI component supports only a subset of the events (suitable for that particular component), these supported events are presented in a constrained list of types that you can select for a listener.

Table 7-14 lists parent UI components, event listeners they can have as children, and event types they support.

Table 7-14 Supported Event Listeners and Event Types

UI Component (parent) Action Listener (child) Set Property Listener (child) Show Popup Behavior (child) Close Popup Behavior (child) actionListener attribute valueChangeListener attribute moveListener attribute selectionListener attribute







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List Item






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Input Date

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Input Number Slider

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Input Text

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List View

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Checkbox (Select Many)

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Choice (Select Many)

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Select Button

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Radio Button

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Link (Go)

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Carousel Item

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Area Chart

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Bar Chart

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Bubble Chart

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Combo Chart

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Horizontal Bar Chart

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Led Gauge

Not supported

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Dial Gauge

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Rating Gauge

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Line Chart

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Pie Chart

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Scatter Chart

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Spark Chart

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Status Meter Gauge

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Not supported



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Not supported

Geographic Map

Not supported

SupportedFoot 1 

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

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Thematic Map

Not supported

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Not supported

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Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

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Footnote 1 The Set Property Listener can be specified as a child of the Geographic Map's Marker of Area.

Footnote 2 The selectionListener attribute can be set on the Geographic Map's Area Data Layer or Point Data Layer.

Footnote 3 The Set Property Listener can be specified as a child of the Thematic Map's Marker of Area.

Footnote 4 The selectionListener attribute can be set on the Thematic Map's Area Data Layer or Point Data Layer.

The type attribute (see Figure 7-79) of each of the child event listeners has a base set of values that match the listener events. These values are filtered based on the information presented in Table 7-14 such that when the child event listener is within the context of the identified parent UI component, only the events that the parent supports are shown. For example, under a Button component, the Action Listener or Set Property Listener child would show only the action Type value, as well as gestures.

Figure 7-79 shows values available in the constrained Type list of the Set Property Listener for a parent List Item component.

Figure 7-79 Selecting Event Type

Selecting Event Type