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Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Information Library (简体中文) Published: 2013-09-27

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Collapse details buttonImportant Information for the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Release

Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 发行说明   Oracle Solaris 10 发行说明记录了重要的安装和运行时问题及错误。此外这些发行说明还包含了软件支持终止声明、文档问题以及此前所记录错误的修复列表。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Release Notes (English)  Provides late-breaking news, known issues, and similar information.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 新增功能  《Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 新增功能》概述了 Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 发行版中新增或增强的 Oracle Solaris 10 操作系统 (Operating System, OS) 功能。包含的功能描述适用于基于 SPARC 和 x86 的系统(适合的系统)。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 What's New (English)  Identifies important changes in this release.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Patch List (English)  Provides a list of patches pre-applied to the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 release.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Package List (English)  Lists the packages in the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 operating system (OS), including the packages used for languages support.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris OS: Hardware Compatibility List and Testing Suite (English)  Links to the HCL site, which identifies hardware (servers, desktop and laptop systems, and a variety of peripheral devices) that are compatible with the Oracle Solaris OS, and which provides links to the compatibility testing suite.
Access to Open Source Code (English)  Provides information about how to request source code for GPL/LGPL Code in Oracle Solaris 10.
Instructions for Accessing Third-Party Notices in Oracle Solaris 10 (English)  Describes how to find third-party notices from either an installed system or from the installation media.Download PDF

Collapse details buttonInstalling and Updating Oracle Solaris 10 1/13

Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 安装指南:规划安装和升级  本书指导您如何在使用安装程序时规划 Solaris 操作系统的安装或升级。本书还对以下与安装相关的功能进行了概述:GRUB(开放源代码引导装载程序)、Solaris Zones 分区技术以及可在安装时创建的 RAID-1 卷。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: Planning for Installation and Upgrade (English)  Lists requirements that you must meet and decisions that you must make before you upgrade or install the Oracle Solaris OS.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 安装指南:基本安装  本书介绍如何使用 CD 或 DVD 介质在未联网的系统上安装 Oracle Solaris 操作系统。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: Basic Installations (English)  Describes how to use CD or DVD media to install the Oracle Solaris OS on a non-networked system.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 安装指南:基于网络的安装  本书介绍如何通过局域网或广域网远程安装 Solaris 操作系统 (Solaris OS)。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations (English)  Describes how to install the Oracle Solaris OS remotely over a local area network or a wide area network.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 安装指南:Live Upgrade 和升级规划  本书介绍了如何使用 Live Upgrade 创建和升级新的引导环境。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning (English)  Describes how to use the Live Upgrade feature of Oracle Solaris to create and upgrade new boot environments.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 安装指南:JumpStart 安装  本书介绍如何创建执行无人参与的 JumpStart 安装所需的文件和目录。本书还讲述如何在 JumpStart 安装期间创建 RAID-1 卷。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations (English)  Describes how to create the files and directories that are necessary to perform an unattended JumpStart installation, and how to create RAID-1 volumes during a JumpStart installation Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 安装指南:Flash 归档文件(创建和安装)  本书介绍如何创建和管理 Solaris Flash 归档文件。使用此安装功能可以创建 Solaris 操作系统的单个参考安装,然后可以将此安装复制到多个克隆系统上。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: Flash Archives (Creation and Installation) (English)  Describes how to use the Flash Archives feature of Oracle Solaris to create a single reference installation of the OS which you can then use to replicate that installation on several clone systems.Download PDF

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Oracle Solaris 管理:基本管理  本书适用于负责管理运行 Oracle Solaris 操作系统 (Operating System, OS) 的单一或多个系统的所有用户。本书涵盖广泛的 Solaris 系统管理主题,例如,管理用户帐户、管理无盘客户机、引导系统、使用服务管理工具 (Service Management Facility, SMF) 以及管理软件和修补程序。本书包括的主题适用于基于 SPARC 和 x86 的系统。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Basic Administration (English)  Explains how to perform basic and common administration tasks, such as managing users, using diskless clients, booting a system, using the Oracle Service Management Facility (SMF) feature, and managing software and patches.Download PDF
系统管理指南:设备和文件系统  本书适用于所有负责管理一个或多个运行 Solaris 10 发行版的系统的人员。本书介绍了一系列与管理可移除介质、磁盘和设备、文件系统,以及备份和恢复数据相关的 Solaris 系统管理主题。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Devices and File Systems (English)  Explains the use of removable media, disks and devices.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 管理:IP 服务  说明如何管理网络接口。网络接口相关主题包括管理单一网络接口、DHCP、VLAN、IPMP 组、IPQoS、链路聚合以及 IP 安全。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: IP Services (English)  Describes administration of TCP/IP networks, IPv4 and IPv6, DHCP, IPsec, IKE, IPFilter, Mobile IP, and IPQoS.Download PDF
系统管理指南:Oracle Solaris Containers-资源管理和 Oracle Solaris Zones  本书适用于所有负责管理一个或多个运行 Oracle Solaris 10 发行版系统的人员。本书涵盖 Oracle Solaris 资源管理、Oracle Solaris 10 上的区域(也称为容器)和 lx 标记区域等主题。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Oracle Solaris Containers-Resource Management and Oracle Solaris Zones (English)  Discusses zones technology, which enables you to virtualize operating system services to create isolated environments for running applications.Download PDF
系统管理指南:安全性服务  本书适用于运行 Oracle Solaris 操作系统的(一个或多个)系统的安全要求管理人员。本书介绍了大量与 Oracle Solaris 安全相关的主题,例如审计、加密服务、管理公钥技术、BART(基本审计报告工具)、Kerberos、PAM(可插拔验证模块)、特权、RBAC(基于角色的访问控制)、SASL(简单验证和安全层)和 Oracle Solaris 安全 Shell。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Security Services (English)  Explains the use of secure services such as auditing, file security, BART, Kerberos, PAM, Secure Shell, Cryptographic Framework, RBAC, and SASL.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris ZFS 管理指南  本书适用于负责设置和管理 Oracle ZFS 文件系统的任何用户。在需要的时候,分别针对基于 SPARC 的系统和基于 x86 的系统介绍了这些主题。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: ZFS Administration (English)  Provides detailed information about managing ZFS, including creating file systems, storage pools, snapshots, clones, and backups.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: SAN Configuration and Multipathing Guide (English)  Provides detailed information about managing Storage Area Networks.Download PDF
Solaris 可调参数参考手册  本书提供有关 Solaris 可调参数的参考信息。本书适用于在特定情况下可能需要更改 Solaris 可调参数的有经验的 Solaris 系统管理员。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Tunable Parameters Reference Manual (English)  Provides reference information about the Oracle Solaris OS kernel and network tunable parameters for both SPARC and x86 based systems.Download PDF
Oracle VTS (Validation Test Suite) (English)  Links to information about Oracle Validation Test Suite, diagnostic software for SPARC and x86 systems.
Solaris Volume Manager 管理指南  《Solaris Volume Manager 管理指南》介绍了如何使用 Solaris Volume Manager 管理磁盘存储,包括创建、修改和使用 RAID–0(串联和条带)卷、RAID–1(镜像)卷、RAID–5 卷和软分区。Download PDF
Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide (English)  Provides instructions on using Solaris Volume Manager to manage disk storage, including creating, modifying, and using RAID-0 (concatenation and stripe) volumes, RAID-1 (mirror) volumes, RAID-5 volumes, and soft partitions.Download PDF

Collapse details buttonRelevant Administration Information From Previous Releases

系统管理指南:高级管理  本书适用于负责管理运行 Oracle Solaris 操作系统 (Operating System, OS) 的单一或多个系统的所有用户。本书涵盖大量系统管理主题,如管理打印服务、管理终端和调制解调器、管理系统资源(磁盘配额、记帐和 crontab)、管理系统进程以及解决 Solaris 软件问题。本书包括的主题适用于基于 SPARC 和 x86 的系统。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Advanced Administration (English)  Links to previously released information that explains how to perform more advanced administration tasks, such as managing terminals and modems, managing resources (quotas, accounting, and crontab files), managing system processes, and troubleshooting.Download PDF
系统管理指南:网络服务  本书适用于所有负责管理一个或多个运行 Oracle Solaris 10 发行版系统的人员。本书涵盖广泛的 Solaris 网络管理主题,如远程文件系统、邮件、SLP 以及 PPP。介绍的主题适用于 SPARC 和 x86 系统(适合的系统)。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Network Services (English)  Links to previously released information that discusses web cache servers, time-related services, network file systems (NFS and autofs), mail, SLP, and PPP.Download PDF
系统管理指南:打印  本书适用于运行 Oracle Solaris 操作系统的(一个或多个)系统的管理人员。本书介绍有关管理打印服务和打印机的 Oracle Solaris 系统管理主题。本书包括的主题适用于基于 SPARC 和 x86 的系统。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Printing (English)  Links to previously released information that discusses printing, tools, and protocols and describes how to set up and administer printing services and printers.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Naming and Directory Services (NIS+) (English)  Links to previously released information that discusses use of the NIS+ directory service, including how to transition from NIS+ to LDAP. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
系统管理指南:命名和目录服务(DNS、NIS 和 LDAP)  《系统管理指南:命名和目录服务(DNS、NIS 和 LDAP)》介绍了有关设置和管理 DNS、NIS 和 LDAP 的内容。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) (English)  Links to previously released information that discusses the use of these directory services, including how to transition from NIS to LDAP. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: System Management Agent Administration (English)  Links to previously released information that explains how to install, configure, and work with the System Management Agent (SMA) feature of Oracle Solaris. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Font Administrator User's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that describes use of the Font Administrator tool. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Solaris SmartCard (English)  Links to previously released information that describes use of the Solaris SmartCard to log in securely to the Solaris 8, Solaris 9, or Oracle Solaris 10 desktop environment. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Solaris 10 Sun 硬件平台指南  《Solaris 10 Sun 硬件平台指南》包含有关 Solaris 10 操作系统所支持的 Sun 硬件的重要信息。本指南介绍了安装资源、SPARC® 平台类型和以前通过 Supplement CD 提供的软件的当前位置。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 Sun Hardware Platform Guide (English)  Links to previously released information about Oracle Sun hardware support for Oracle Solaris 10 releases. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF

Collapse details buttonSecuring the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Operating System

Oracle Solaris 10 安全准则  概述了 Oracle Solaris 10 安全功能以及使用这些功能来强化和保护已安装系统及其应用程序的准则,并提供了相应的链接。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 Security Guidelines (English)  Describes how to run Oracle Solaris securely.Download PDF
系统管理指南:安全性服务  本书适用于运行 Oracle Solaris 操作系统的(一个或多个)系统的安全要求管理人员。本书介绍了大量与 Oracle Solaris 安全相关的主题,例如审计、加密服务、管理公钥技术、BART(基本审计报告工具)、Kerberos、PAM(可插拔验证模块)、特权、RBAC(基于角色的访问控制)、SASL(简单验证和安全层)和 Oracle Solaris 安全 Shell。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Administration: Security Services (English)  Explains the use of secure services such as auditing, file security, BART, Kerberos, PAM, Secure Shell, Cryptographic Framework, RBAC, and SASL.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 开发者安全性指南  本书是为使用安全服务的应用程序开发者以及为 Oracle Solaris 操作系统提供安全服务的应用程序开发者编写的。该指南针对以下服务对编程接口进行了说明:PAM、SASL、GSS-API、Oracle Solaris 加密框架和进程特权。Download PDF
Developer's Guide to Oracle Solaris 10 Security (English)  Explains how to develop applications that provide security services or that consume security services.Download PDF
Trusted Extensions 管理员规程  介绍如何在一个或多个系统上维护 Oracle Solaris 的 Trusted Extensions 功能。Download PDF
Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures (English)  Provides procedures for managing users, zones, devices, and hosts that are labeled with Trusted Extensions, a feature of Oracle Solaris.Download PDF
Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide (English)  Describes how to use the available application programming interfaces to write trusted applications for systems that are configured to use the Trusted Extensions feature of Oracle Solaris.Download PDF

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Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions 配置指南  本书适用于其职责包括在系统上启用和初始配置 Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions 功能的系统管理员和安全管理员。Download PDF
Trusted Extensions Configuration Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that provides procedures for enabling and initially configuring the Trusted Extensions feature of Oracle Solaris.Download PDF
Trusted Extensions Label Administration (English)  Links to previously released information that provides background information for creating and modifying the label_encodings file, which specifies Trusted Extensions behavior.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions 用户指南  本书适用于使用 Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions 功能的用户。Trusted Extensions 软件是安装在 Oracle Solaris 操作系统 之上的安全层,用于创建有标签的多级别操作系统。Download PDF
Trusted Extensions User's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that introduces how to work in the Oracle Solaris OS with the Trusted Extensions feature enabled.Download PDF
Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format (English)  Links to previously released information that describes the format of the standard encoding specification processed by release 2.2 of the labeling software (documented in DIA publication DDS-2600-6215-93) and gives examples of its use.Download PDF

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Oracle Solaris 开发者文档介绍  Oracle Solaris 操作系统为开发者提供了大量的接口、框架和工具,以便充分利用操作系统中的各项技术。本书对 Oracle Solaris 10 OS 开发环境进行了概括介绍,并提供了对开发者而言极为重要的一些手册的摘要信息以及指向详细信息来源的链接。Download PDF
Introduction to the Oracle Solaris Developer Documentation (English)  Provides an overview of development tools and processes in the Oracle Solaris environment.Download PDF
链接程序和库指南  本书介绍了 Solaris 操作系统 (Solaris Operating System, Solaris OS) 链接编辑器和运行时链接程序的操作,以及这些链接编辑器所操作的目标文件。本书中的内容涉及链接编辑器 (ld(1))、运行时链接程序 (、共享目标文件(有时称作共享库)以及 ELF 目标文件格式。Download PDF
Linker and Libraries Guide (English)  Describes the link editor and runtime linker features of Oracle Solaris, along with the objects on which they operate.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 10 开发者安全性指南  本书是为使用安全服务的应用程序开发者以及为 Oracle Solaris 操作系统提供安全服务的应用程序开发者编写的。该指南针对以下服务对编程接口进行了说明:PAM、SASL、GSS-API、Oracle Solaris 加密框架和进程特权。Download PDF
Developer's Guide to Oracle Solaris 10 Security (English)  Explains how to develop applications that provide security services or that consume security services.Download PDF
应用程序包开发者指南  本书提供设计、生成和验证软件包的逐步说明以及相关的背景信息。该文档还包括在软件包创建过程中可能非常有用的高级技术信息及其示例。Download PDF
Application Packaging Developer's Guide (English)  Explains how to develop applications that provide security services or that consume security services.Download PDF
编程接口指南  《编程接口指南》介绍了应用程序开发者使用的网络接口和系统接口。本书介绍了共享内存、传输选择和实时管理等方面使用的接口。此外,还介绍了与 API/ABI 符合性相关的应用程序,例如 appcert。《ONC+ 开发者指南》介绍了较高层面的联网接口。Download PDF
Programming Interfaces Guide (English)  Describes system and network interfaces used for developing applications.Download PDF
编写设备驱动程序  《编写设备驱动程序》提供了有关为 Oracle Solaris 操作系统开发适用于面向字符的设备、面向块的设备、网络设备、SCSI 目标和 HBA 设备以及 USB 设备的驱动程序的相关信息。本书讨论了如何为符合 Solaris OS DDI/DKI(Device Driver Interface/Driver-Kernel Interface,设备驱动程序接口/驱动程序内核接口)的所有体系结构开发多线程可重入设备驱动程序。介绍了一种常用的驱动程序编写方法,该方法允许在编写驱动程序时忽略特定于平台的问题,如字节存储顺序 (endianness) 和数据排序等。其他主题包括:强化 Solaris 驱动程序;电源管理;驱动程序自动配置;程控 I/O;直接内存访问 (Direct Memory Access, DMA);设备上下文管理;编译、安装和测试驱动程序;调试驱动程序以及将 Solaris 驱动程序移植到 64 位环境。Download PDF
Writing Device Drivers (English)  Explains how to design and build device drivers for various device types, include character-oriented, block-oriented, network-based, SCSI, HBA, and USB devices.Download PDF

Collapse details buttonRelevant Developer Information From Previous Solaris Releases

SPARC Assembly Language Reference Manual (English)  Links to previously released information that describes the assembler that runs on the SPARC architecture and translates source files that are in assembly language format into object files in linking format. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Device Driver Tutorial (English)  Links to previously released information that provides hands-on information about how to develop device drivers for the Oracle Solaris Operating System. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
DTrace 用户指南  本书介绍了在 Solaris 10 中引入的动态跟踪功能。介绍了 DTrace 框架的基本功能。本书包含基本 DTrace 功能的大量示例。Download PDF
DTrace User's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that serves as an introduction to the dynamic tracing capabilities introduced in Oracle Solaris 10. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
JavaHelp System User's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that explains how to use the JavaHelp system to create help for Java-based GUI applications. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.
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JDK for Oracle Solaris Developer's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that describes features in the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5 for the Oracle Solaris OS. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
多线程编程指南  本书介绍了 POSIX 和 Solaris 线程 API,以及如何使用同步对象编程和如何编译多线程程序。 本指南适用于希望使用多线程将一个进程分成多个独立的执行线程,以此来提高应用程序性能和改善应用程序结构的开发者。 Download PDF
Multithreaded Programming Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that explains how to improve application performance and structure by using POSIX and Oracle Solaris threads APIs. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
ONC+ Developer's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that explains how to develop applications within the ONC+ open systems distributed computing technologies, including TI-RPC, XDR, NFS, and NIS+. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
SIP API Developer's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that provides reference information for the Session Initiation Protocol AP and library. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Solaris(64 位)开发者指南  本书主要针对应用程序开发者编写,在选择使用 32 位还是 64 位 Solaris 应用程序编程环境方面提供了指导。 本书说明了 32 位应用程序环境和 64 位应用程序环境的相似之处和不同之处,以及如何编写可在两种环境之间进行移植的代码。本书还介绍了一些操作系统提供的用于开发 64 位应用程序的工具。Download PDF
Solaris 64-bit Developer's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that provides guidance on choosing whether to use the 32-bit or 64-bit Oracle Solaris application programming environment. Also explains how to write code that is portable between the two environments. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Solaris 10 资源管理器开发者指南  《Solaris 10 资源管理器开发者指南》介绍了如何编写对系统资源(例如处理器集和调度类)进行分区和管理的应用程序。本书参考了编程 API,提供这些 API 的目的是为了对系统资源进行分区、调度以及设定其使用限制并持久保留资源配置。本书还提供了编程示例,并对编写应用程序时要考虑的编程问题进行了讨论。Download PDF
Solaris Containers: Resource Management and Solaris Zones Developer's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that describes how to write applications that partition and manage system resources. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Solaris DHCP Service Developer's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that explains the DHCP data access framework and how to write a module to connect a new data storage facility to DHCP. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Solaris 动态跟踪指南  DTrace 是一个用于 Solaris 操作系统的全面的动态跟踪框架。DTrace 提供一个强大的基础结构,使管理员、开发者和服务人员能简明地回答有关操作系统和用户程序行为的任意问题。《Solaris 动态跟踪指南》介绍如何使用 DTrace 观察、调试和调优系统行为。本书还包含一套完整的关于捆绑的 DTrace 观察工具和 D 编程语言的参考资料。Download PDF
Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that explains how to use the dynamic tracing framework to observe, debug, and tune system behavior. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Solaris 模块调试器指南  本书介绍 Solaris 模块调试器 (Modular Debugger, MDB),该调试器是用于 Solaris 操作系统的通用调试工具。MDB 的主要特性是可扩展性。 本书介绍如何使用 MDB 调试复杂的软件系统,尤其着重介绍了可用于调试 Solaris 内核以及关联的设备驱动程序和模块的工具。 本书还提供了 MDB 语言语法、调试器功能和 MDB 模块编程 API 的完整参考并对它们进行了讨论。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that describes the general-purpose modular debugging tool. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Solaris System Management Agent Developer's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that provides information for developers who want to create MIB modules to extend the functionality of the System Management Agent (SMA), which is based on the open source Net-SNMP agent. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Solaris WBEM Developer's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that describes the components of the Oracle Solaris WBEM Software Development Kit (SDK) and explains how to use these components to develop WBEM-based applications. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
Solaris X Window System Developer's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that provides detailed information for software developers interested in interfacing with the Oracle Solaris X server. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
STREAMS Programming Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that explains how to use STREAMS in designing and implementing applications and STREAMS modules and drivers. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
ToolTalk User's Guide (English)  Links to previously released information that describes the ToolTalk service and how to modify applications to send and receive ToolTalk messages. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF
x86 Assembly Language Reference Manual (English)  Links to previously released information that describes the syntax of the Oracle Solaris x86 assembly language to enable experienced assembly language programmers to understand disassembled output of Oracle Solaris compilers. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 information library.Download PDF

Collapse details buttonOracle Solaris 10 1/13 Reference Manuals

man pages section 1: User Commands (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris user commands.Download PDF
man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris administration commands.Download PDF
man pages section 2: System Calls (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris system calls.Download PDF
man pages section 3: Library Interfaces and Headers (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris library interfaces and headers.Download PDF
man pages section 3: Basic Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris basic library functions.Download PDF
man pages section 3: Networking Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris network-specific library functions.Download PDF
man pages section 3: Realtime Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for realtime library (librt) and related functions.Download PDF
man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for asynchronous I/O (libaio), security and auditing (libbsm), configuration administration (libcgfadm), contract management (libcontract), CPU performance counters (libcpc), direct access transport (libdat), device ID (libdevid), device information (libdevinfo), executable and linking format (libelf), extended accounting file access (libexacct), and file system type identification (libfstyp).Download PDF
man pages section 3: Curses Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for libraries that provide graphics and character screen updating capabilities.Download PDF
man pages section 3: Multimedia Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for the multimedia processing library (libmlib).Download PDF
man pages section 4: File Formats (English)  Reference information (man pages) for various file formats.Download PDF
man pages section 5: Standards, Environments, and Macros (English)  Reference information (man pages) for various miscellaneous subjects, including headers, environments, macro packages, character sets, and standards.Download PDF
man pages section 7: Device and Network Interfaces (English)  Reference information (man pages) for device and network interfaces.Download PDF
man pages section 9: DDI and DKI Driver Entry Points (English)  Reference information (man pages) for entry-point routines for calling and return syntax from the kernel to the device driver.Download PDF
man pages section 9: DDI and DKI Kernel Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for calling and return syntax from the a device driver to the kernel.Download PDF
man pages section 9: DDI and DKI Properties and Data Structures (English)  Reference information (man pages) for kernel properties that device drivers and data structures use to share information between the kernel and device drivers.Download PDF

Collapse details buttonRelated Information

Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Product Center (English)  Links to product technical marketing information for Oracle Solaris.
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Articles and White Papers (English)  Links to product technical marketing articles and white papers for Oracle Solaris 10.
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Training (English)  Links to Oracle University training for Oracle Solaris 10.
Documentation for Previous Solaris 10 Products (简体中文)  Links to the information library that contains previously released documentation for initial Solaris 10 through Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 releases.
Documentation for Previous Solaris 10 Products (English)  Links to the information library that contains previously released documentation for initial Solaris 10 through Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 releases.

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