Oracle® Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39667-01

Geographic Edition Infrastructure Resource Groups

When you enable the Geographic Edition infrastructure, the following Oracle Solaris Cluster resource groups are created:

  • geo-clusterstate – A scalable resource group that the Geographic Edition software uses to distinguish between node failover and cluster reboot scenarios. This resource group does not contain any resources. The resource group contains the following resources:

    • geo-servicetag - A scalable resource that is started on all nodes of a cluster when Geographic Edition is present. When the Geographic Edition software is started, this resource checks for the existence of an Oracle Solaris service tag for the running version of Geographic Edition on each node, and creates a service tag if necessary. The service tag indicates that Geographic Edition has been used on the cluster. This service tag is removed from the node when the Geographic Edition packages are removed.

    • geo-zc-sysevent - (For zone clusters only) Runs resource methods in the global zone when Geographic Edition is started in a non-global zone. It manages the mechanism which transfers cluster events to subscribers in the zone cluster.

  • geo-infrastructure – A failover resource group that encapsulates the Geographic Edition infrastructure. The resource group contains the following resources:

    • geo-cluster-name – The logical hostname for the Geographic Edition software. The Geographic Edition software uses the logical hostname of a cluster for intercluster management communication and heartbeat communication. An entry in the naming services must be the same as the name of the cluster and be available on the namespace of each cluster.

    • geo-hbmonitor – Encapsulates the heartbeat processes for the Geographic Edition software.

    • geo-failovercontrol – Encapsulates the Geographic Edition software itself. The Geographic Edition module uses this resource to load into the common agent container.

These resources are for internal purposes only, so you must not change them.

These internal resources are removed when you disable the Geographic Edition infrastructure.

You can monitor the status of these resources by using the clresource status command. For more information about this command, see the clresource (1CL) man page.