
Command to initiate the Deploy-setup mode and to use its subcommands.


plan [-v|--version version] plan_name
target [-a|--add] [-d|--delete] [-g|--gear] [-U|--UUID] assetname1[,assetname2...assetnamen]


The Deploy-setup mode is one of a set of modes provided by the Enterprise Manager Ops Center. Use Deploy-setup subcommands to identify the deployment plan and target assets.

Type the deploy-setup command at the command line prompt to enter the mode. When you have completed the requirements of the Deploy-Setup mode, the mode changes to the Deploy mode so that you can test or apply the plan. Type the end to stop the mode and to return to the command line prompt.


plan [-v|--version version] plan_name

Identifies the plan you want to view, modify, or apply. The plan must be created through the browser interface. If more than one version of the plan exists, you can specify the version.

target [-a|--add] [-d|--delete] [-g|--gear] [-U|--UUID] assetname[,assetname2...assetnamen]

Identifies the managed assets for the plan. After you use this subcommand, you can change the current list of targets by adding or deleting assets.



Adds an asset or a list of assets to the current targets of the plan.


Removes an asset or a list of assets from the current targets of the plan.


Identifies the assets by their User Friendly Name.


Identifies the assets by their public Unique Universal ID.


Identifies an earlier version of the current deployment plan.



The name of an existing deployment plan. By default, the most recent version of the plan is used. To see a list of plans, use the browser interface.


The UUID or UFN (User Friendly Name) of the target asset or a comma-separated list of assets. To obtain an asset's UUID, use the gear mode's list subcommand or use the browser interface's Dashboard Summary for the asset.




Example 1   Specify the deployment plan and the targets of the plan.
EnterpriseController/deploy-setup> plan ospS10_dplan
Plan "ospS10_dplan" selected: version 1, description "Install Oracle Solaris 10" 
EnterpriseController/deploy-setup> target