
Command to initiate the Update mode and to use its subcommands.


add_configuration_file -f|--filename filename -p|--pathname path -v|--version version -c|--categoryname category -D|-d|--description description -C|--channelname channel
add_file_to_distro -f|--file_path path -C|-o|--channelname|--distro_name distro -a|--category_name category [-s|--security]
add_local_action -a|--actionname action -f|--filename filename -p|--parentname parent_category  -D|-d|--description description -C|-c|--channelname channel -t|--actiontype macro|postaction|preaction|probe
add_local_category -c|--category_name category -p|--parent_name parent_category -D|-d|--description description -C|-o|--channelname|--distro distro
apply_profile_to_gear -g|--gear assetname -y|--policy policyname -f|--profilename profilename [-r|--failure_policy continue|abort_any] [-x|--execution_policy sequential|parallel] [-j|--jobname job_name] [-e|--jobdesc job_description] [-k|--taskname task_name] [-o|--seconds seconds] [-a|--actual]
bulk_upload_directory -C|-D|--channelname|--distribution distribution -d|--directory directory
check_guus [-u|--user username] [-p|--password password] [--proxy proxy_hostname] [--port proxy_port] [--proxyuser proxy_username] [--proxypass  proxy_password]
check_inventory -g|-gear assetname [-a|--allgear] [-t|--snapshot snapshotname] [-f|--filename filename] [-c|--cvs] [-d|--delimiter delimiter] [-e|--enclosure enclosure] [-r|--header] [-p|--append]
create_historical_snapshot -g|--gear assetname -s|--snapshotname snapshotname [-D|--description description]
create_profile [--si search_string] [--su search_string] [--sr search_string] [--ni nodeID] [--nu nodeID] [--nr nodeID] [-f|--profilename  profilename] [-C|-o|--channelname|--distro distro] [-D|-l|--description|--profile_desc description] [-t|--type type] [-a|--all] [-c|--case] [-r|--replace][-p|--loop]
create_profile_from_inventory -g|--gear assetname [-t|--snapshot snapshotname] [-f|--profilename profilename] [-r|--include_removes]
delete_component -i|--nodeid nodeID -C|d|--channelname|--distro distribution [-k|--donotcheckforinstall]
delete_profiles -p|--profilename profilename[,profilename2,...,profilenamen]
delete_snapshots [-g|--gear assetname] [-s|--snapshot snapshotname]
find_nodes -s|--search_string search_string [-a|--all] [-l|-detail] [-c|--case]
get_job_status -i|--jobids jobID[,jobID2,...,jobIDn] [-a|--alljobs] [-l|--detail] [-c|--cvs] [-r|--header] [-f|--filename filename] [-d|--delimiter delimiter] [-e|--enclosure enclosure] [-p|--append]
job_history -g|--gear assetname[,assetname2,..,assetnamen] [-f|--fromdate from_date] [-t|--todate to_date] [-i|--jobids jobID[,jobID2,...,jobIDn]] [-l|--detail] [--fail] [--ok] [--warning] [--nostatus] [--install] [--upgrade] [--uninstall] [--downgrade] [-L|--log]
list_distros  [-a|--all]
list_policies [-l|--detail] [-p|--policyname policyname]
list_profiles [-l|--detail] [-p|--profilename profilename]
list_snapshots -g|--gear assetname
load_kb_bundle -f|--filename path
modify_gear -g|--gear assetname -y|--policy policyname [--si search_string] [--su search_string] [--sr search_string] [--ni nodeID] [--nu nodeID] [--nr nodeID] [-j|--jobname job_name] [-e|--jobdesc  job_description] [-k|--taskname task_name] [-f|--profilename profilename] [-D|--description description] [-r|--failure_policy continue|abort_any] [-x|--execution_policy sequential|parallel] [-o|--seconds seconds] [-c|--case] [-a|--actual] [-d|--desc] [-p]
search_inventory -s|--search_string search_string [-g|--gear assetname] [-a|--allgear] [-t|--snapshot snapshotname] [-D|--description description] [-l|--detail] [-c|--cvs] [-f|--filename filename] [-d|--delimiter delimiter] [-e|--enclosure enclosure] [-p|--append] [-o nb_loop]
set_component_file -n|--componentname componentname -d|--distro distro -f|--filename filename
set_connected_mode [-c|--connected]|[-d|--disconnected]


The Update mode is one of a set of modes provided by the Enterprise Manager Ops Center. Use Update subcommands to manage the local inventory of a host.

Type the update command at the command line prompt to enter Update mode. Type the end command to stop the mode and to return to the command line prompt.


add_configuration_file -f|--filename filename -p|--pathname path -v|--version version -c|--categoryname category -D|-d|--description description -C|--chanelname channel

Adds a configuration file to a category.

add_local_action -a|--actionname action -f|--filename filename -p|--parentname parent_category -D|-d|--description description -C|-c|--channelname channel -t|--actiontype macro|postaction|preaction|probe

Adds an action to a category. The action's type can be macro, postaction, preaction, or probe

add_local_category -c|--category_name category -p|--parent_name parent_category -D|-d|--description description -C|-o|--channelname|--distro distro

Adds a category into the hierarchy of categories in a distribution. Use the -r option to refresh the hierarchy.


Displays the current connection mode.

job_history -g|--gear assetname[,assetname2,..,assetnamen] [-f|--fromdate from_date] [-t|--todate to_date] [-i|--jobids jobID[,jobID2,...,jobIDn]] [-l|--detail] [--fail] [--ok] [--warning] [--nostatus] [--install] [--upgrade] [--uninstall] [--downgrade] [-L|--log]

Displays update jobs for the assets that match the criteria.

get_job_status -i|--jobids jobID[,jobID2,...,jobIDn] [-a|--alljobs] [-l|--detail] [-c|--cvs] [-r|--header] [-f|--filename filename] [-d|--delimiter delimiter] [-e|--enclosure enclosure] [-p|--append]

Displays or creates a file of the status of all jobs or the specified job that match the criteria. The format of the results is columnar by default or in detail if you used the -l option. To get the results in CSV format, use the -c option and then use the -d, -e, and -roptions to control the appearance of the CSV format. To append the results to an existing file, use the -p option with the -f option.

set_connected_mode [-c|--connected]|[-d|--disconnected]

Change the connection mode of the update operation. Use the -d option to set the mode to Disconnected and disallow any updates to assets. Use the -c option to restore the default mode, Connected.

Displaying information

The following command display information about the inventory.

list_distros [-a|--all]

Displays a list of active distribution packages. Use the -a to see all distributions packages.

list_policies [-l|--detail] [-p|--policyname policyname]

Displays a list of all available policies.

list_profiles [-l|--detail] [-p|--profilename profilename]

Displays a list of all available profiles.

list_snapshots -g|--gear assetname

Displays a list of the snapshots. Use the -g option to display the snapshots for the specified asset.

find_nodes -s|--search_string search_string [-a|--all] [-l|-detail] [-c|--case]

Searches for all node identifiers that match the search string. Use the -a option to search for all nodes. Use the -c option to require that the case of the search string match. Use the -l option to include details of the node in the output.


The following commands manage inventory updates.

check_guus [-u|--user username] [-p|--password password] [--proxy proxy_hostname] [--port proxy_port] [--proxyuser proxy_username] [--proxypass proxy_password]

Sends a request for new software to Knowledge Base.

check_inventory -g|-gear assetname [-a|--allgear] [-t|--snapshot snapshotname] [-f|--filename filename] [-c|--cvs] [-d|--delimiter delimiter] [-e|--enclosure enclosure] [-r|--header] [-p|--append]

Determines whether inventory information is available for the specified asset or snapshot. Use the -a option to check all assets. The alternative is to use the -g option to search a specific asset and, optionally, its snapshots by adding the -t option. When you use the -a option, the results are written to a file in comma-separated format (CSV). When you use the -g option, the results are displayed or you can use the -f option to direct the output to a file. The format of the results is columnar by default or in detail if you used the -l option. To get the results in CSV format, use the -c option and then use the -d, -e, and -roptions to control the appearance of the CSV format. To append the results to an existing file, use the -p option with the -f option.

search_inventory -s|--search_string search_string [-g|--gear assetname] [-a|--allgear] [-t|--snapshot snapshotname] [-D|--description description] [-l|--detail] [-c|--cvs] [-f|--filename filename] [-d|--delimiter delimiter] [-e|--enclosure enclosure] [-p|--append] [-o nb_loop]

Searches the inventory of the host for assets that match the search string or use the -a option to search for all assets. The alternative is to use the -g option to search for a specific asset and, optionally, its snapshots by adding the -t option. With either type of search, use the -n option to search within descriptions and the -l option to include the detailed information in the results. When you use the -a option, the results are written to a file in comma-separated format (CSV). When you use the -g option, the results are displayed or you can use the -f option to direct the output to a file. The format of the results is columnar by default or in detail if you used the -l option. To get the results in CSV format, use the -c option and then use the -d and -e options to control the appearance of the CSV format. To append the search results to an existing file, use the -p option with the -f option.

create_historical_snapshot -g|--gear assetname -s|--snapshotname snapshotname [-D|--description description]

Creates a snapshot file for the specified asset.

delete_snapshots [-g|--gear assetname] [-s|--snapshot snapshotname]

Removes all snapshots or a specific snapshot for all assets or for a specific asset.


The following commands manage profile updates.

apply_profile_to_gear -g|--gear assetname -y|--policy policyname -f|--profilename profilename [-r|--failure_policy continue|abort_any] [-x|--execution_policy sequential|parallel] [-j|--jobname job_name] [-e|--jobdesc job_description] [-k|--taskname task_name] [-o|--seconds seconds] [-a|--actual]

Applies a profile to the specified asset, according to the specified policy.

create_profile [--si search_string] [--su search_string] [--sr search_string] [--ni nodeID] [--nu nodeID] [--nr nodeID] [-f|--profilename profilename] [-C|-o|--channelname|--distro distro] [-D|-d|--description description] [-t|--type type] [-a|--all] [-c|--case] [-r|--replace][-p|--loop]

Create a profile for packages that match one or more of the criteria: the name of the distribution, profile, description, or creator and that installs, upgrades, or uninstalls the packages.

create_profile_from_inventory -g|--gear assetname [-t|--snapshot snapshotname] [-f|--profilename profilename] [-D|--description description] [-r|--include_removes]

Create a profile from packages that match one or more of the criteria: the name of the distribution, profile, description, or creator.

delete_profiles -p|--profilename profilename[,profilename2,...,profilenamen]

Removes a profile.


The following commands manage package updates.

modify_gear -g|--gear assetname -y|--policy policyname [--si search_string] [--su search_string] [--sr search_string] [--ni nodeID] [--nu nodeID] [--nr nodeID] [-j|--jobname jobID] [-e|--jobdesc job_description] [-k|--taskname task_name] [-f|--profilename profilename] [-D|--description description] [-r|--failure_policy continue|abort_any] [-x|--execution_policy sequential|parallel] [-o|--seconds seconds] [-c|--case] [-a|--actual] [-d|--desc] [-p]

Installs, upgrades, or uninstalls files that match the criteria.

add_file_to_distro -f|--file_path path -C|-o|--channelname|--distro_name distro_name -a|--category_name category [-s|--security]

Adds the file specified in the path on the Enterprise Controller to the distribution in the specified category. Use the -s option to mark the file for security.

bulk_upload_directory -D|--distribution distribution -d|--directory directory

Uploads the contents of the directory and its subdirectories to the Updates software library.

delete_component -i|--nodeid nodeID -C|-d|--channelname|--distro distribution [-k|--donotcheckforinstall]

Remove a node from a distribution. Use the -k option to prevent checking for an install status.

load_kb_bundle -f|--filename path

Uploads current data from the specified location on the Enterprise Controller system.

set_component_file -n|--componentname componentname -C|-d|--channelname|--distro distro -f|--filename filename

Specifies the component file.


  • With the list_distros, create_profile, find_nodes, and get_job_status commands, this option specifies that all objects or all matching jobs are included. The option can also be invoked as --all with the list_distros, create_profile, and find_nodes, and as --alljobs with the get_job_status command.

  • With the add_files_to_distro commands, this option specifies the name of a category. The option can also be invoked as --category_name.

  • With the add_local_action command, this option specifies the name of an action. The option can also be invoked as --actionname.

  • With the modify_gear and apply_profile_to_gear commands, this option specifies that the command is not simulated and runs to completion. The option can also be invoked as --actual.

  • With the search_inventory and check_inventory commands, this option includes all assets in the inventory. The option can also be invoked as --allgear.

  • With the add_local_action command, this option specifies a channel. The option can also be invoked as --channelname.

  • With the add_configuration_file and add_local_category commands, this option specifies a category name. The option can also be invoked as --category_name with the add_configuration_file command, and as --categoryname with the add_local_category command.

  • With the create_profile, modify_gear, and find_nodes commands, this option specifies that a match is case-sensitive. The option can also be invoked as --case.

  • With the search_inventory, check_inventory, and get_job_status commands, this option creates output in comma-separated format, overriding any other output options. The option can also be invoked as --cvs.

  • With the set_connected_mode command, this option restores the default mode, connected. The option can also be invoked as --connected.

  • With the modify_gear command, this option specifies text that describes the object or that a search includes the description. The option can also be invoked as --desc.

  • With the bulk_upload_directory, this option specifies the full path to the source directory, where the files to be uploaded are located. The contents of the directory and its subdirectories are uploaded. The option can also be invoked as --directory.

  • With the delete_component and set_component_file commands, this option specifies the name of a distribution package. The option can also be invoked as --distro.

  • With the set_connected_mode command, this option changes the update mode to disconnected. In disconnected mode, assets are not updated by the Enterprise Controller. The option can also be invoked as --disconnected.

  • With the check_inventory, search_inventory, and get_job_status commands, this option specifies the starting character for CSV output. The default is the pipe ( | ) character. The option can also be invoked as --delimiter.

  • With the apply_profile_to_gear and modify_gear commands, this option specifies text that describes a job. The option can also be invoked as --jobdesc.

  • With the search_inventory, check_inventory, and get_job_status commands, this option specifies the enclosing character for CSV output. The default is the quote (”) character. The option can also be invoked as --enclosure.

  • With the add_configuration_file, add_file_to_distro, add_local_action, check_inventory, get_job_status, load_kb_bundle, search_inventory, set_component_file commands, this option specifies the name of a file. The option includes the path if there is no path option. The option can also be invoked as --filename with the add_configuration_file, add_local_action, check_inventory, get_job_status, load_kb_bundle, search_inventory, set_component_file commands, and as --file_path with the add_file_to_distro command.

  • With the apply_profile_to_gear, modify_gear, create_profile, and create_profile_from_inventory commands, this option specifies a profile name. The option can also be invoked as --profilename.

  • With the job_history command, this option specifies the start date. The option can also be invoked as --fromdate.


Specifies an asset or a list of assets.

  • With the delete_component command, this option specifies a node ID. The option can also be invoked as --nodeid.

  • With the job_history and get_job_status commands, this option specifies a job ID. The option can also be invoked as --jobids.


Specifies a job name.

  • With the apply_profile_to_gear and modify_gear commands, this option specifies the name of a task. The option can also be invoked as --taskname

  • With the delete_component command, this option sets the command to not check for install status. The option can also be invoked as --donotcheckforinstall.


Specifies that detailed information is included in the search or output.


Specifies a component by name.

  • With the add_local_category, create_profile, and add_file_to_distro commands, this option specifies the name of a distribution package. The option can also be invoked as --distro with the add_local_category, create_profile commands, and as --distro_name with the add_file_to_distro command.

  • With the apply_profile_to_gear and modify_gear commands, this option specifies the time in seconds to wait before running a job. The option can also be invoked as --seconds.

  • With add_local_action and add_local_category commands, this option specifies the parent category. The option can also be invoked as --parentname with the add_local_action command, and as --parent_name with the add_local_category command.

  • With check_guus command, this option specifies a password. The option can also be invoked as --password.

  • With the check_inventory, get_job_status, and search_inventory commands, this option appends the output to an existing file. The option can also be invoked as --append.

  • With the delete_profiles and list_profiles commands, this options specifies a profile name. The option can also be invoked as --profilename.

  • With the list_policies command, this option specifies a policy name. The option can also be invoked as --policyname.

  • With the add_configuration_file command, this option specific a path to a file. The option can also be invoked as --pathname.

  • With the create_profile command, this option replaces an existing profile. The option can also be invoked as --replace.

  • With the create_profile_from_inventory command, this option includes removed packages in the search. The option can also be invoked as --include_removes.

  • With the check_inventory and get_job_status commands, this option includes the header line in the CSV output. The option can also be invoked as --header.

  • With the modify_gear and apply_profile_to_gear commands, this option specifies the action to take on failure, either to continue or to abort. Default is to continue. The option can also be invoked as --failure_policy.

  • With find_nodes and search_inventory commands, this option specifies the string of characters to find in the inventory. The option can also be invoked as --search_string.

  • With delete_snapshots and create_historical_snapshot commands, this option specifies a snapshot by its name. The option can also be invoked as --snapshotname.

  • With add_file_to_distro command, this option identifies a file as secure. The option can also be invoked as --security.

  • With the check_inventory, search_inventory, and create_profile_from_inventory commands, this option specifies a snapshot by name. The option can also be invoked as --snapshot.

  • With add_local_action command, this option specifies the type of action: macro, post-action, pre-action, or probe. The option can also be invoked as --actiontype.

  • With the job_history command, this option specifies the end date of a query. The option can also be invoked as --todate.

  • With the create_profile command, this option specifies the profile type. The option can also be invoked as --type.


Specifies an account name.


Identifies the version of a file


Specifies the action to take on execution, either in parallel or sequentially. Default is sequential.


Specifies the name of a policy.


Specifies a channel.

  • With the add_configuration_file, add_local_action, add_local_category, create_historical_snapshot, create_profile, create_profile_from_inventory, and modify_gear commands, this option specifies text that describes the object. The option can also be invoked as --description.

  • With the bulk_upload_directory, this option specifies the distribution name of uploaded files, such as SOLARIS10_SPARC. The option can also be invoked as --distribution.

  • With the search_inventory command, this option includes the description in the search. The option can also be invoked as --description.


Records the operation of the job.


Specifies that the output is restricted to jobs of this type.


Specifies that the output is restricted to jobs of this type.


Specifies that the output is restricted to jobs of this type.


Specifies the nodes to install.


Specifies that the output is restricted to jobs of this status.


Specifies the nodes to uninstall.


Specifies the nodes to upgrade.


Specifies that the output is restricted to jobs of this status.


Identifies the proxy port of a system.


Identifies the proxy system.


Specifies the string that is the credential for the proxy account.


Specifies the public identifier of the proxy account.


Specifies a search term to add to the install list.


Specifies a search term to add to the uninstall list.


Specifies a search term to add to the upgrade list.


Specifies that the output is restricted to jobs of this type.


Specifies that the output is restricted to jobs of this type.


Specifies that the output is restricted to jobs of this status.



Label for the action of a job: install, uninstall, upgrade, downgrade


Identifier of a asset as displayed in the gear list command.


Identifier of a category in the hierarchy.


Identifier of a distribution, a distribution name.


Identifier for a file in a distribution, a file name.


Text that describes the job or profile.


Character used to separate the columns in an CSV file. Default is ( | ).


Full path of directory or file system.


Name of the OS distribution.


Identifier of a distribution package


Character used to include all items in a list. Default is ( ” ).


File name without a path


The starting date of a search. Uses the format YYYYMMDD.


Identifier for a particular item of gear.


Fully-qualified name of the host.


Text that identifies a job.


Identifier for a job, as shown by the list command.


Identifies a job by its job ID.


Identifies the location of a distribution package.


Identifier for a category in the hierarchy to which a new category belongs.


String that acts as the credential for an account.


Fully-qualified path to the file. Identifies the directory location of a file.


Identifier of a proxy host name.


String that acts as the credential for a proxy account.


Identifier of a proxy port of a system.


Identifier of a proxy account.


Identifier of a policy, as displayed by the list_policies command.


Identifier of a proxy port.


Text that describes the purpose of the profile.


Identifier of a profile, as displayed by the list_profiles command.


Characters to search for in the inventory.


Number of seconds in the interval before repeating the command. Default is 100.


Identifier for a particular snapshot, as shown by the list_snapshots command.


Identifier of a task or the profile name.


The ending date of a search. Uses the format YYYYMMDD.


The type of profile.


Identifier or an account.


The version of a file.


Example 1   Start Update mode and list all the profiles
EnterpriseController/update > list_profiles
Example 2   Find out whether a host has an inventory of assets
EnterpriseController/update > check_inventory -g Research_svr 
Example 3   Search the inventory for assets with ”mysql” in the description or tag
EnterpriseController/update > search_inventory -g Research_svr -s mysql