
Class wsc.DataReceiver

Exposes the capability of a DataTransfer to receive data over the established data channel.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Instance created by DataTransfer.
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
Event handler called when a raw data object is received by the data channel of the DataTransfer object.
Class Detail
Instance created by DataTransfer. An object of this class is created by DataTransfer and set to the member dataReceiver.
The instance of this class can be obtained by calling {DataTransfer.getReceiver()}.
Event Detail
Event handler called when a raw data object is received by the data channel of the DataTransfer object. Application should override this function to handle the received data by itself. If it is not overridden by the application, the received raw data object cannot be passed to the application to handle it.
var receiver = dataTransfer.getReceiver();
receiver.onMessage = function(evt) {
  var rcvdDataElm = document.getElementById("rcvData");
  rcvdDataElm.value =;
{object} evt
The event object received by data channel. It is passed to the function complete and unmodified. The raw data can be fetched by, and supports the following data types:
  • Text string
  • BLOB raw data
  • ArrayBuffer
  • ArrayBufferView
Since other event attributes may be useful this function retains all of them.

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