Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) > Enrolling and Managing Users >

Enrolling a Company User (Manager)

This use case is for the administrator to enroll (add) company users who are managers.

Table 5 lists and describes the features of the Enrolling a Company User (Manager) use case.

Table 5. Enrolling a Company User (Manager)


Enrolling a Company User (Manager)

Feature Area


Primary User

Business administrator user, CSR (impersonator)


  • The Billing and Payment application has been deployed.
  • A customer service representative has created an administrator for the company.
  • Statements have been loaded into Oracle Self-Service E-Billing using the ETL process.


Company's administrator clicks Company, and then Users.


Assign Service Agreement page: Search for service number

Assign Account Access page: Search for Account Number

Page Tabs

Add New User, Assign Service Agreement, Assign Account Access, and Verify Company User pages:

  • Profile
  • Contacts
  • Users (Active)
  • Settings

Active Hyperlinks (Breadcrumbs)

Add Company User, Assign Service Agreement, Assign Account Access, and Assign Service Agreement Verification pages:

  • My Account. Displays the Dashboard.
  • Company. Displays the Company page.
  • Users. Displays the Users page.

Assign Service Agreement and Assign Account Access pages

  • Add Company User. Displays the Add Company User page.

Page Titles

Page Titles:

  • Add Company User
  • Assign Service Agreement
  • Assign Account Access
  • Verify Company User

Page Content - Add Company User Page

Page Title: Add Company

  • Attributes:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • User Name
    • Role (Administrator, Manager, or Subscriber)
    • Email Address
    • Confirm Address
  • Buttons:
    • Next
    • Cancel

Page Content - Assign Service Agreement Page

Page Title: Assign Service Agreement page

  • Paging Elements (If needed):
    • Page X of Total
    • Paging arrow buttons
  • Attributes:
    • Radio button (for choosing a service number)
    • Service Number
    • Account Number
  • Radio Buttons:
    • Yes
    • No
  • Buttons:
    • Next
    • Back
    • Cancel

Page Content - Assign Account Access Page

Page Title: Assign Account Access

  • Paging Elements (If needed):
    • Page X of Total
    • Paging arrow buttons
  • Attributes:
    • Radio button (for choosing an account number)
    • Account Number
  • Radio Buttons:
    • Yes
    • No
  • Buttons:
    • Next
    • Back
    • Cancel

Page Content - Verify Company User Page

Page Title: Verify Company User

  • Attributes:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • User Name
    • Role (Read-only)
    • Email Address
    • Confirm Email
    • Service Number (Read-only or states: Not Applicable if the user chose not to assign a service agreement)
    • Account Number (Read-only or states: Not Applicable if the user chose not to assign an account)
  • Buttons:
    • Submit
    • Back
    • Cancel

Configuration Points

  • The number of characters in a user name
  • The number of characters in the temporary password that Oracle generated (the validation code).


  • Oracle Self-Service E-Billing-generated validation codes cannot contain the following characters:

    a, A, e, E, 3, o, O, 0, i, I, 1, u, U, y, Y, $, @, !, *

  • Each account that has been created is set to inactive state and expires within four hours; only a CSR administrator can reset the account.
  • Oracle Self-Service E-Billing cannot reuse the validation code for 30 days after the code is initially created.
  • This use case generates a welcome email notification.

Main Path for Enrolling a Company User (Manager)

The following path describes the Administrator Enrolls a Company User (Manager) use case:

  1. The administrator clicks Add New User on the Users page.
  2. On the Add New User page, the administrator enters the following information for the new user:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • User Name
    • Email Address
    • Confirm Address
  3. The administrator selects the Manager role and clicks Next.
  4. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing validates the information on the form for the following:
    • Formatting
    • Completeness
    • Matching email and confirm email
    • User name requirements

      Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Assign Service Agreement page.

  5. The administrator can choose to assign a service agreement (yes or no). If the administrator selects no, then no changes occur and the administrator clicks Next. If the administrator selects yes, then:
    1. Ajax displays the new screen where the administrator enters a service agreement number or searches for one by entering the wildcard character (%) only or a partial number and the wildcard anywhere in the search pattern. The administrator clicks Find.

      Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the available service agreements for the selection criteria.

    2. The administrator selects the radio button next to the service number, and then clicks Next.

      Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Assign Account Access page.

  6. The administrator can choose to assign account access to the manager (yes or no). If the administrator selects no, then no changes occur and the administrator clicks Next. If the administrator selects yes, then:
    1. Ajax displays the new screen where the administrator can enter an account number or search for one by entering the wildcard character (%) only or a partial number and the wildcard anywhere in the search pattern. The administrator clicks Find.

      Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the available account numbers for the selection criteria.

    2. The administrator selects the radio button next to the account number, and then clicks Next.

      Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Verify Company User form.

  7. The administrator can make any changes necessary to the following user information and then click Submit:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • User Name
    • Email Address
    • Confirm Email
  8. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing validates the information on the form for the following:
    • Formatting
    • Completeness
    • Matching email and confirm email
    • User name requirements
  • Oracle Self-Service E-Billing sends the user a welcome email notification to inform the user that he or she has been enrolled and must follow the enclosed link to complete the enrollment process. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the number of records successfully imported on the Import Users page. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the following message on the Users screen after enrollment: User (user name) enrollment has been initiated and an email notification has been sent to the user's email address supplied during the enrollment process.

Alternate Paths for Enrolling a Company User (Manager)

The following alternate paths can occur in this use case.

The Administrator Clicks Cancel on Any Page
  • The administrator clicks Cancel.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the User page.

The Administrator Clicks Back on Any Page
  • The administrator clicks Back.

    Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the previous page in the use case.

Exceptions for Enrolling a Company User (Manager)

Exceptions can occur in this use case.

One of the Form Fields is Left NULL When Submitted

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the populated Enrollment form with the following error message: Please provide a value for ****.

The User Name Field Does Not Meet the Form Validation When Submitted

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the populated Enrollment form with the following error message: Please provide a user name that is eight characters in length.

The Email Address Does Not Have at Least One Valid Character Preceding the at Sign (@) Preceding the Period and Following the Period

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the populated Enrollment form with the following error message: Please provide a valid email address.

Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.