
The Installation option installs MySQL Enterprise Edition, MySQL Enterprise Edition Backup, Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF), Java, and Oracle VM Manager on the local system. The following example shows the installation process.


If you have an existing MySQL installation on the system where you intend to install Oracle VM Manager you must backup your databases and uninstall it. Oracle VM Manager requires exclusive use of MySQL due to the specific tuning parameters that it applies to the configuration. Oracle VM Manager uses MySQL Enterprise Edition on a non-standard port. The licensing of the MySQL Enterprise Edition provided with Oracle VM Manager grants exclusive use to Oracle VM. You must not use the MySQL server provided for any other purpose. If MySQL is installed as a result of a previous installation of Oracle VM Manager the installation prompts you to provide the hostname, root password and port number that was used in the previous installation.

Example 3.1 Installation

# ./runInstaller.sh

Oracle VM Manager Release 3.x.x Installer
Oracle VM Manager Installer log file:
Please select an installation type:
   1: Install
   2: Upgrade
   3: Uninstall
   4: Help

   Select Number (1-4): 1

The installation process starts, and the following is displayed:

Starting production with local database installation ...

Verifying installation prerequisites ...

One password is used for all users created and used during the installation.
Enter a password for all logins used during the installation:
Enter a password for all logins used during the installation (confirm): 

A system-wide password is required during installation. This password is used for all components used by Oracle VM Manager including MySQL, Oracle WebLogic and the Oracle VM Manager application itself. Note that the password should at least adhere to the requirements for an Oracle WebLogic password as set out below:

  • Be between 8 and 16 characters in length.

  • Contain at least 1 lower case and 1 upper case letter.

  • Contain at least 1 numeric value or special character.

Enter the system-wide password and then enter it again when you are prompted to confirm your password.

Please enter your fully qualified domain name, e.g. ovs123.us.oracle.com, (or IP address) 
of your management server for SSL certification generation, more than one IP address are 
detected: []:

Enter the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the host where you are installing Oracle VM Manager. This is used to generate the self-signed SSL certificate that is used by Oracle VM Manager to encrypt HTTPS communications. The domain name must either match the domain name returned when running the hostname -f command on your system, or must match a valid IP address for the host. The installer validates the IP address or hostname entered here by attempting to ping the entry before proceeding with the installation. If the ping fails, the installer prompts to re-enter a valid domain name or IP address. It is not possible to enter 'localhost' or '' as a valid hostname.

Verifying configuration ... 

Warnings may occur if not all recommendations are met.

The installer provides a final option to continue or to abort the installation process. Enter 1 to continue. Progress of the installation is output on your screen step by step, as shown below:

Start installing the configured components:
   1: Continue
   2: Abort

   Select Number (1-2): 1

Step 1 of 9 : Database Software...
Installing Database Software...
Retrieving MySQL Database 5.6 ...
Unzipping MySQL RPM File ...
Installing MySQL 5.6 RPM package ...
Configuring MySQL Database 5.6 ...
Installing MySQL backup RPM package ...

Step 2 of 9 : Java ...
Installing Java ...

Step 3 of 9 : Database schema ...
Creating database 'ovs' ...
Creating database 'appfw'
Creating user 'ovs' for database 'ovs'...
Creating user 'appfw' for database 'appfw'

Step 4 of 9 : WebLogic and ADF...
Retrieving Oracle WebLogic Server 12c and ADF ...
Installing Oracle WebLogic Server 12c and ADF ...

Step 5 of 9 : Oracle VM  ...
Installing Oracle VM Manager Core ...
Retrieving Oracle VM Manager Application ...
Extracting Oracle VM Manager Application ...

Retrieving Oracle VM Manager Upgrade tool ...
Extracting Oracle VM Manager Upgrade tool ...
Installing Oracle VM Manager Upgrade tool ...

Step 6 of 9 : Domain creation ...
Creating Oracle WebLogic Server domain ...
Starting Oracle WebLogic Server 12c ...
Creating Oracle VM Manager user 'admin' ...

Retrieving Oracle VM Manager CLI tool ...
Extracting Oracle VM Manager CLI tool...
Installing Oracle VM Manager CLI tool ...

Step 7 of 9 : Deploy ...
Configuring Https Identity and Trust...
Deploying Oracle VM Manager Core container ...
Configuring Client Cert Login...
Deploying Oracle VM Manager UI Console ...
Deploying Oracle VM Manager Help ...

Step 8 of 9 : Oracle VM Tools ...
Retrieving Oracle VM Manager Shell & API ...
Extracting Oracle VM Manager Shell & API ...
Installing Oracle VM Manager Shell & API ...

Retrieving Oracle VM Manager Wsh tool ...
Extracting Oracle VM Manager Wsh tool ...
Installing Oracle VM Manager Wsh tool ...
Copying Oracle VM Manager shell to '/usr/bin/ovm_shell.sh' ...
Installing ovm_admin.sh in '/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin' ...
Installing ovm_upgrade.sh in '/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin' ...

Step 9 of 9 : Start OVM Manager ...
Enabling Oracle VM Manager service ...
Shutting down Oracle VM Manager instance ...
Starting Oracle VM Manager instance ...
Waiting for the application to initialize ...
Oracle VM Manager is running ...

Please wait while WebLogic configures the applications...
Oracle VM Manager installed.

When the installation is complete a summary similar to the following is displayed:

Installation Summary
Database configuration:
  Database type               : MySQL
  Database host name          : localhost
  Database name               : ovs
  Database listener port      : 3306
  Database user               : ovs

Oracle WebLogic Server configuration:
  Administration username     : weblogic

Oracle VM Manager configuration:
  Username                    : admin
  Core management port        : 54321
  UUID                        : 0004fb00000100007c08b684bd203388

There are no default passwords for any users. The passwords to use for Oracle VM Manager, 
Database, and Oracle WebLogic Server have been set by you during this installation. In the 
case of a default install, all passwords are the same.

Oracle VM Manager UI:
Log in with the user 'admin', and the password you set during the installation.

Note that you must install the latest ovmcore-console package for your Oracle Linux 
distribution to gain VNC and serial console access to your Virtual Machines (VMs).
Please refer to the documentation for more information about this package.

For more information about Oracle Virtualization, please visit:

Oracle VM Manager installation complete.

Please remove configuration file /tmp/ovm_configid.


Make sure you delete the temporary configuration file created during the installation:


This file is useful for debugging installation issues, but does contain some sensitive information that may present a security issue if left in place. This file is automatically deleted if you abort an installation.

When you have completed your installation, there are a number of additional steps that you should perform before you start using Oracle VM Manager to manage your deployment. Please see Chapter 6, What Next? to continue configuring your environment.