Oracle® Database Appliance Kit for WebLogic Server

Release Notes

Release 2.9.1


May 2014

This document contains the release notes for Oracle Database Appliance Kit for WebLogic Server version It contains the following sections:

1 Creating a cpu pool with size more than 25 results in error message

Using Oracle Database Appliance for WebLogic Server version 2.9.1 and earlier on ODA X3-2 and X4-2, if you try to create a cpupool with size more than 24, it displays the following error:

OAKERR:8001 OAK Vm Client called with invalid arguemnts:numOfCpus=25

The maxvcpu value is hardware specific. It is 24 in ODA V1, 32 in ODA X3-2 and 48 in ODA X4-2.


Depending on your hardware, enter the following command on ODA_BASE on both the nodes:

cd /opt/oracle/oak/dapters/oakvmclientlib
sed -i 's/MAXVCPUS=.*/MAXVCPUS=48/'

2 User Roles for Applying Patches differ in WebLogic Server Versions

To install the patches, instructions are delivered along with the patches. Note that the user roles for installing patches are different in Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6 and Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.x versions.

2.1 Only oracle User can Install Patches in WebLogic Server 12.1.x Versions

Only oracle user with oinstall group privileges can run the OPatch command in Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.x versions. The root user cannot run the OPatch command. The password for the oracle user is the same as the root user which is used for configuring Oracle WebLogic Server VMs.

2.2 Only root User can Apply Patches in WebLogic 10.3.6 Version

Only root user can run the Smart Update Tool in Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.6 version to install the patch. The oracle user available on Oracle WebLogic Server VMs cannot run Smart Update tool.

3 Gateway and Netmask on the same subnet as ODA_BASE

Gateway and Netmask for Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Traffic Director must be on the same subnet as the ODA_BASE. The configurator will display a warning if you provide invalid values.

  • On ODA X3-2 and X4-2, there is support for both Eth1 and Eth2 network interfaces:

    • If Eth1 network is used, the gateway/netmask details entered must be on the same subnet as the Eth1 of ODA_BASE.

    • If Eth2 network is used, the gateway/netmask details entered must be on the same subnet as the Eth2 of ODA_BASE.

    Eth1 and Eth2 can be on different subnets as long as their subnets match with that of ODA_BASE.

  • On ODA V1, there is support for both Eth1 and Eth4 network interfaces:

    • If Eth1 network is used, the gateway/netmask details entered must be on the same subnet as the Eth1 of ODA_BASE.

    • If Eth4 network is used, the gateway/netmask details entered must be on the same subnet as the Eth2 of ODA_BASE.

    Eth1 and Eth4 can be on different subnets as long as their subnets match with that of ODA_BASE.

4 Running Configurator While Doing a Cleanup Not Allowed

You cannot run the configurator while a cleanup is in process. During cleanup, the state of Oracle Database Appliance will be changing and this might lead to incorrect validation if a resource has not been cleaned up yet.

You cannot run the configurator with an existing deployment if all vCPUs are in use on either dom0. Both dom0s must have at least 1 vCPU available, which can be determined by running oakcli show cpupool -node <0|1> for both nodes. If the output for both nodes includes default-unpinned-pool, you can run the configurator only to create and save a new configuration.

Additionally, do not run provisioning if a deployment already exists.

5 Rebooting Both DOM0 Nodes at the Same Time Can Lead to Bad State

If you reboot both DOM0 nodes at the same time, oak fails to discover the repository.


Restart oak if you rebooted both nodes at the same time accidentally.

6 Datasource Connectivity Fails When Using JMS and Deploying a Large Number of Managed Servers

While using JMS and deploying a large number of Managed Servers, the datasource runs out of usable connections to set up Tlogs by the time the final Managed Server comes up.


If you plan to use JMS and deploy a large number of Managed Servers, make sure that the database instance you provide has enough processes. You can increase the number of allowed processes using one of the following methods:

  • Connect to the running database and increase the number of processes using the following command, and restart the instance:

    SQL > alter system set processes=250 scope=spfile;
  • Increase the value of PROCESSES in the init<SID>.ora file of the instance and restart the instance. You can find the file at this location:


7 Oracle Traffic Director Virtual IP Address Is Not Accessible

If you have two ODA boxes on the same Ethernet and you provision the Oracle Database Appliance for WebLogic Server Kit on each box, the Oracle Traffic Director virtual IP address is not accessible.


Use the following commands to delete the existing failover configuration, and then recreate it using a router ID that is not in use in the network:

delete-failover-group --config wlsoda-otd-config --virtual-ip=OTD_virtual_IP

create-failover-group --config=wlsoda-otd-config --virtual-ip=OTD_virtual_IP --primary-node=Node1_IP_address --backup-node=Node2_IP_address --network-prefix-length=network_prefix_length --router-id=unused_router_ID

8 Unable to Start JConsole from the WebLogic Virtual Machines

JConsole cannot be started from the WebLogic VMs. An UnsatisfiedLinkError exception occurs.


Use either of the following workarounds for this issue.

  • Configure the YUM repository (add to the /etc/yum.repos.d directory), and then install the missing RedHat Package Managers (RPMs):

    yum install libXext

    yum install libXtst

    yum install libXi

  • To use an external JConsole to connect, add the following parameter to the relevant JVM's start arguments:


    You can then connect to this JVM remotely through the specified port.

9 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Database Appliance Kit for WebLogic Server Release Notes, Release 2.9.1


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