ASR Activation Overview

The process to activate the Auto Service Request (ASR) feature consists of three main activities. Two of the activities require access to the Oracle FS System Manager (GUI), and the third activity requires access to My Oracle Support (MOS).
Enable ASR

Enabling the ASR feature requires the initial configuration and test of the Call‑Home feature. Call‑Home provides a secure network connection between the Oracle FS System and MOS. If your network does not have direct access to the Internet, you can enter the necessary proxy server information.

The following options enable the ASR feature for your system:
Call‑Home Triggering

The Call‑Home configuration page contains options for when Call‑Home triggers notifications to MOS.

Oracle Server

The default setting for the Call‑Home server connects directly to MOS. Make sure that you do not change the HTTPS name of the Oracle server.

Send an Activation Request

When you use the Test Call‑Home action for the first time, the system sends an ASR activation request to MOS. MOS, then, sends an email to the customer user administrator (CUA) with instructions for completing the activation process. Depending on your network connection, MOS should receive your activation request in a few minutes, but no more than 60 minutes.

The activation request sets the ASR feature to “pending”. The pending state means that the ASR activation request has been received by MOS, but the ASR feature is not activated to receive and to respond to event notifications.

Activate the ASR Asset
The ASR asset is the Oracle FS System that has a valid service contract in MOS. After activation, MOS shows the ASR asset as “active”. Activating the ASR asset allows MOS to receive system event notifications for automated processing.
Note: The CUA should not ignore the ASR activation notice. MOS continues to send notices to the CUA until the CUA responds to the notice.

For information that describes how to complete the activation process, login to My Oracle Support ( Search for the article titled “How to complete Auto Service Request (ASR) asset activation using My Oracle Support.”

After the initial Call‑Home configuration, and the activation of the ASR asset in MOS, the Oracle FS System sends daily and weekly system heartbeats to MOS. The heartbeats keep the ASR feature in an active state. If MOS does not receive these heartbeat events, MOS opens a service request for the heartbeat loss.