Delivery Note Settings

The following table describes the fields and options on the Delivery Note or Del. Note tab (formerly Receipts tab) of the Settings page.

Table 25-4 Delivery Note Settings

Setting Description

Hide Filters on module start

Select this option to prevent the system from showing available filters when first opening the page.

Show VAT/Gross

Select this option show VAT/gross taxes in receipts.

Show VAT Value

Select this option to show the VAT value in receipts.

Allow Change Cost Center

Select this option to enable users to change the cost center on the receipt.

Return to Create New Page

Select this option to return users to the Create New page after closing a document in Receiving.

Show Discrepancies

Select this option to show any discrepancies between the purchase order and the receipt. Select whether to include or exclude discounts.

Booking Preview

Select this option to automatically create a PDF document.

Enable HACCP

Select this option to enable HACCP fields and requirements.

Autogenerate Receipt Number

Select this option to create a receipt number automatically.

Autogenerate Del. Note Number in Return to Vendor

Select this option to create a receipt number for a Return to Vendor automatically.

Show Unit and Vendor Item Number in Search

Select this option to show the unit and vendor item number when searching for items.

Preserve Sort Method of Order in Receipt by Purchase Order

Select this option to use the sort method defined in the Purchase Order.

Mandatory Invoice Total

Select this option to enforce users to enter an invoice total when creating a receipt as an invoice.

If you select Editable Invoice Total, users that have the appropriate user rights can edit the invoice total in the receipt detail.


Select the receipt detail sort order.