Deploying JavaFX Applications


7 Deployment in the Browser

This page explains how to deploy JavaFX applications in the browser using the Deployment Toolkit. The chapter includes an API overview, information about the callback methods, and typical examples of use.

The recommended way to embed a JavaFX application into a web page or launch it from inside a web browser is to use the Deployment Toolkit library.

The Deployment Toolkit provides a JavaScript API to simplify web deployment of JavaFX applications and improve the end user experience with getting the application to start.

In addition to providing functionality to add HTML tags needed to insert JavaFX content into the web page, the Deployment Toolkit also does the following:

  • Detects whether the user environment is supported

  • Offers to install the JavaFX Runtime if needed

  • Provides visual feedback to the user while the application is loaded

  • Reports to the user in case of unexpected error

  • Provides other helper APIs to the developer, which can be used to simplify deployment and integration with the web page

The recommended way to use the Deployment Toolkit is to import the Deployment Toolkit JavaScript file from a shared location at

This way your application always uses the latest recommended way to integrate into a web page. If you cannot use the shared location, you can include the necessary files with your application by using the includeDT option in the <fx:deploy> Ant task.

Note that for the majority of simple use cases, most if not all of the code needed for deployment is generated by JavaFX packaging tools (see Section 5.3.1, "JavaFX Packaging Tools"), and you can use callbacks to tune default behavior further. However, if you need more flexibility, you can use the Deployment Toolkit APIs directly.

This page contains the following topics:

7.1 API Overview

The Deployment Toolkit API provides several important methods:

  • dtjava.embed(app, platform, callbacks)

    Embeds the application into the browser based on a given application descriptor. If Java Runtime or JavaFX Runtime installation is required, by default it will guide the user to click to install it or click to redirect to the page to download the installer.

  • dtjava.launch(app, platform, callbacks)

    Launches applications that are deployed outside the browser, based on a given application descriptor. If Java or JavaFX Runtime installation is required, then by default it performs the following actions:

    • It attempts to start the Java or JavaFX Runtime installer.

    • If automated installation of the Runtime is not possible, it presents a popup request for the user to install manually.

  • dtjava.install(platform, callbacks)

    Initiates installation of required components according to platform requirements.

  • dtjava.validate(platform)

    Validates that the user environment satisfies platform requirements (for example, if a required version of JavaFX is available). Returns PlatformMismatchEvent describing problems, if any.

  • dtjava.hideSplash(id)

    Hides the HTML splash panel for an application with a given id. If the splash panel does not exist, this method has no effect. For JavaFX applications, this method is called automatically after the application is ready.

See the following sections for more information about arguments taken by these methods.

7.1.1 Application Descriptor (dtjava.App)

The application launch descriptor is an instance of the dtjava.App object. It contains all of the details describing what needs to be launched. The dtjava.App constructor takes the following two parameters:

dtjava.App(url, {attribute_map});

The first parameter contains the required url attribute, which contains a URL or a relative link to the JNLP file. The second parameter contains a subset of the attributes described in the following list.

  • id

    Identifier of the application. Expected to be unique on the web page. If null, then it is autogenerated. Later it can be used to get the handle of the application in JavaScript code.

  • jnlp_content

    (optional) Content of the JNLP file in BASE64 encoding.

  • params

    The set of named parameters to pass to an application, if any. This attribute takes the following form:

    params: { variable: 'value' }

  • width and height

    Dimensions used to reserve space for an embedded application. The values can be absolute (in pixels) or relative (for example, 50 or 50%).

  • placeholder

    Reference to a DOM node, or an identifier of a DOM node, in which to embed an application.


The width, height, and placeholder attributes are required for applications that run in the browser (in other words, applications that use the dtjava.embed() method, but not for other types of deployment (applications that use the dtjava.launch() method).

Example 7-1 shows an example of application launch descriptor code for an application that will run in the browser.

Example 7-1 Creating a dtjava.App Object

var app = new dtjava.App(
        id: 'SSH',
        width: 100,
        height: 25,
        placeholder: 'SSH_application_container', 
        params: { 
            config: 'ssh_application.conf', 

7.1.2 Platform (dtjava.Platform)

Platform requirements for an application to launch are defined by the dtjava.Platform object. The following attributes are supported:

  • javafx

    The minimum JavaFX version needed. Default is null.

  • jvm

    Minimum version of Java Runtime needed. Default is 1.6+.

  • jvmargs

    List of requested JVM arguments. The default is null.

Version strings are treated according to the following rules:

  • The null version string is treated as if there is no requirement to have it installed. Validation passes whether this component is installed or not.

  • The version pattern strings are of the form #[.#[.#[_#]]][+|*], which includes strings such as "1.6", "2.1*", and "1.6.0_18+".

  • An asterisk (*) means any version within this family, where family is defined by a prefix.

  • A plus sign (+) means any version greater or equal to the specified version.

  • If the version pattern does not include all four version components but does not end with an asterisk or plus sign, it will be treated as if it ended with an asterisk.

To clarify differences, consider the following examples:

  • "1.6.0*" matches 1.6.0_25 but not 1.7.0_01, whereas "1.6.0+" or "1.*" matches both.

  • "2.1" is equivalent to "2.1*",and will match any version number beginning with "2.1".

  • Both asterisk and plus sign patterns will match any installed version of the component. However, if the component is not installed, then validation fails.

Example 7-2 shows a dtjava.Platform object:

Example 7-2 Example of a dtjava.Platform Object

var platform = new dtjava.Platform({
                    javafx: "2.1+",
                   jvmargs: " ? -Xmx1024m"

If platform requirements are not met, then dtjava.PlatformMismatchEvent is returned, either as a return value from the validate() method or passed to the onDeployError callback. This object provides a set of helper methods to identify root causes:

  • javafxStatus()

    Returns ok if the error was not due to a missing JavaFX Runtime. Otherwise, this method returns one of the following error codes characterizing the problem:

    • none

      No JavaFX runtime is detected on the system.

    • old

      A version of JavaFX Runtime is detected, but it does not match the platform requirements.

    • disabled

      A matching version of JavaFX Runtime is detected, but it is disabled.

    • unsupported

      JavaFX is not supported on this platform.

  • jreStatus()

    Returns ok if the error was not due to a missing JRE. Otherwise, this method returns one of the following error codes characterizing the problem:

    • none

      No JRE was detected on the system.

    • old

      A version of the JRE is detected, but it does not match the platform requirements.

    • oldplugin

      A matching JRE was found, but it is configured to use a deprecated Java plug-in.

  • canAutoInstall()

    Returns true if the installation of missing components can be triggered automatically or if there are no missing components.

  • isRelaunchNeeded()

    Returns true if a browser must be restarted before the application can be loaded. This often is true in conjunction with the need to perform an installation.

  • isUnsupportedBrowser()

    Returns true if the current web browser is not supported (for example, if it is out of date).

  • isUnsupportedPlatform()

    Returns true if this platform (OS/hardware) does not satisfy the supported platform requirements. For example, a JavaFX 2.0 application attempts to launch on Solaris, which is not supported.

  • javafxInstallerURL (locale)

    Returns the URL of a page to download and install the required version of JavaFX Runtime manually. If a matching JavaFX Runtime is already installed or not supported, then the return value is null.

  • jreInstallerURL (locale)

    Returns the URL of a page to visit to install the required version of Java. If a matching Java Runtime is already installed or not supported, then the return value is null.

7.2 Callbacks

The Deployment Toolkit provides a set of hooks that can be used to customize startup behavior. To use the hook, the developer must provide a callback function. The following hooks are supported:

  • onDeployError: function(app, mismatchEvent)

    Called when platform requirements are not met.

  • onInstallFinished: function(placeholder, component, status, relaunchNeeded)

    Called after the installation of a required component is completed, unless installation was started manually.

  • onInstallNeeded: function(app, platform, cb, isAutoinstall, needRelaunch, launchFunc)

    Called if embedding or launching an application needs additional components to be installed.

  • onInstallStarted - function(placeholder, component, isAuto, restartNeeded)

    Called before installation of the required component is triggered.

The following hooks are specific to embedded applications:

  • onGetNoPluginMessage function(app)

    Called to get content to be shown in the application area if the Java plug-in is not installed and none of the callbacks have helped.

  • onGetSplash: function(app)

    For embedded applications, called to get the content of the splash panel.

  • onJavascriptReady: function(id)

    Called after the application is ready to accept JavaScript calls.

  • onRuntimeError: function(id)

    Called if the application failed to launch.

7.2.1 onDeployError

This handler can be utilized to customize error handling behavior, such as showing messages in the user's language. See the example in Section 7.3.8, "Create a Handler for an Unsupported Platform" for an example of the onDeployError handler.

A callback function is called if the application cannot be deployed because the current platform does not match the given platform requirements. It is also called if a request to install missing components cannot be completed due to platform incompatibility.

Function signature:

onDeployError : function(app, mismatchEvent)

The problem can be a fatal error or a transient issue, such as a required relaunch. Further details can be extracted from the mismatchEvent that is provided. Here are some typical combinations:

  • The browser is not supported by Java.

    mismatchEvent.isUnsupportedBrowser() returns true

  • The browser must be restarted before the application can be launched.

    mismatchEvent.isRelaunchNeeded() returns true

JRE-specific codes:

  • JRE is not supported on this platform.

    mismatchEvent.jreStatus() == "unsupported"

  • JRE is not detected and must be installed.

    mismatchEvent.jreStatus() == "none"

  • The installed version of JRE does not match application requirements.

    mimatchEvent.jreStatus() == "old"

  • A matching JRE is detected, but a deprecated Java plug-in is used.

    mimatchEvent.jreStatus() == "oldplugin"

JavaFX-specific codes:

  • JavaFX is not supported on this platform.

    mismatchEvent.javafxStatus() == "unsupported"

  • JavaFX Runtime is missing and must be installed manually.

    mismatchEvent.javafxStatus() == "none"

  • The installed version of JavaFX Runtime does not match application requirements.

    mismatchEvent.javafxStatus() == "old"

  • JavaFX Runtime is installed but is disabled.

    mismatchEvent.javafxStatus() == "disabled"

The default error handler handles both application launch errors and embedded content.

7.2.2 onGetNoPluginMessage

This handler is called to get content to be shown in the application area if the Java plug-in is not installed and none of the callbacks helped to resolve this.

Function signature:

onGetNoPluginMessag : function(app)

7.2.3 onGetSplash

This handler gets the content of the splash panel when the application is embedded in a browser.

Function signature:

onGetSplash: function(app)

Gets the application launch descriptor as input. If null is returned, then the splash panel is disabled. A non-null return value is expected to be an HTML snippet to be added into the splash overlay. Note that the splash overlay does not enforce any specific size. You must ensure that the custom splash image is sized to fit the area in which the application will run.

For examples of customizing the splash panel, see Section 7.3.7, "Add a Custom HTML Splash Screen" and Section 7.3.6, "Disable the HTML Splash Screen."


Autohiding the splash panel is only supported by JavaFX applications. If you are deploying a Swing applet, then the application must call dtjava.hideSplash() explicitly to hide the splash panel. See Example 10-6 on the Swing deployment page.

7.2.4 onInstallFinished

This handler is called after the installation of a required component is completed. This method will not be called if the installation is performed in manual mode.

Function signature:

onInstallFinished: function(placeholder, component, status, relaunchNeeded)


  • placeholder: A DOM element that was passed to onInstallStarted to insert visual feedback.

  • component: String "jre" or "javafx"

  • status: The status code is a string categorizing the status of the installation.

    ("success", "error:generic", "error:download" or "error:canceled")

  • relaunchNeeded: Boolean value to specify whether a browser restart is required to complete the installation

7.2.5 onInstallNeeded

This handler is called if the embedding or launching application needs additional components to be installed. This callback is responsible for handling situations such as reporting to the user the need to install something, initiating installation using install(), and hiding the splash panel for embedded applications (if needed). After installation is complete, the callback implementation may retry the attempt to launch the application using the provided launch function.

This method is not called if the platform requirement could not be met (for example, if the platform is not supported or if installation is not possible).

The default handler provides a click to install solution for applications embedded in a browser and attempts to perform installation without additional questions for applications that have been started using launch().

If the handler is null, then it is treated as a no-op handler.

Function signature:

onInstallNeeded: function(app, platform, cb, isAutoinstall, needRelaunch, launchFunc)


  • app: Application launch descriptor. For embedded applications, app.placeholder refers to the root of the embedded application area in the DOM tree (to be used for visual feedback).

  • platform: Application platform requirements.

  • cb: The set of callbacks to be used during the installation process.

  • isAutoinstall: True if the installation can be launched automatically.

  • needRestart: True if restarting the browser is required after installation is complete.

  • launchFunction: Function to be executed to retry launching the application after the installation is finished.

7.2.6 onInstallStarted

This handler is called before the installation of the required component is triggered. For a manual installation scenario, it is called before the installation page is opened.

This hook can be used to provide visual feedback to the user during the installation. The placeholder points to the area that can be used for visualization. For embedded applications it will be the area into which the application will be embedded. If null, then the callee must find a place for display on its own.

In case of automatic launch of the installation, onInstallFinished will be called after installation is complete (successfully or not).

If the handler is null, then it is treated as no-op handler.

Function signature:

onInstallStarted: function(placeholder, component, isAuto, restartNeeded)


  • placeholder: The DOM element to insert visual feedback into. If null, then the callee must add visual feedback to the document on its own (for example, embedding the application into a web page).

  • component: String "Java", "JavaFX", or "Java bundle".

  • isAutoInstall: True if the installer will be launched automatically.

  • restartNeeded: Boolean value to specify whether a browser restart is required.

7.2.7 onJavascriptReady

This handler is called after the embedded application is ready to accept JavaScript calls.

Function signature:

onJavascriptReady: function(id)

7.2.8 onRuntimeError

This handler is called if the embedded application fails to launch.

Function signature:

onRuntimeError: function(id)

7.3 Examples

This section shows examples of deployment that use the Deployment Toolkit.


Some of the Deployment Toolkit methods may not be fully operational if used before the web page body is loaded, because the Deployment Toolkit plug-ins cannot be instantiated. If you intend to use the Deployment Toolkit before the web page DOM tree is constructed, then dtjava.js must be loaded inside the <body> element of the page and called before any other Deployment Toolkit APIs.

The recommended way to initiate deployment is to use onload handlers to add the application after the HTML content is loaded, for the following reasons:

  • The DOM tree must exist when the application content is inserted. The DOM tree is created after the HTML content page loads.

  • The Deployment Toolkit's detection code does not prevent loading of the HTML page.

  • It avoids loading concurrently with other resources that are needed for the page.

7.3.1 Embedded Application Starts After the DOM Tree Is Constructed

Example 7-3 shows the default deployment scenario for applications embedded in a web page. The application is added to the web page in the deployIt() function. This function is called after the page is loaded and its DOM tree is constructed. The position of the application in the DOM tree is determined by the value of the placeholder parameter. In this case, the application will be inserted into a <div> tag with id="place".

Adding the application to a web page after the main page is loaded helps to get a complete web page (including the embedded application) to load faster, because the application starts concurrently with loading other resources required by the web page.

Note that the value of the placeholder element can be a string or a JavaScript variable pointing to the container DOM node. If that node is detached from the document DOM tree, then the application is not initialized until the parent node is attached to the DOM tree.

Example 7-3 Insert the Application into the HTML Body with a Placeholder

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        function deployIt() {
                    {         id: "myApp",
                             url: "Fish.jnlp",
                           width: 300,
                          height: 200,
                     placeholder: "place"
                    { javafx: "2.1+" },
    <div id="place"></div>           

7.3.2 Launch a Web Start Application from a Web Page

The canonical form for the link to launch a Web Start application is shown in Example 7-4. Either relative or absolute links are acceptable.

Example 7-4 Canonical Link to Launch a Web Start Application

<a href="my.jnlp" 
   onclick="dtjava.launch(new dtjava.App('my.jnlp')); 
   return false;">Launch me!</a>

An alternative simplified syntax is shown in Example 7-5.

Example 7-5 Link to Launch a Web Start Application, Simplified

<a href="my.jnlp" 
   onclick="dtjava.launch({url: 'my.jnlp'}); 
   return false;">Launch me!</a>

A third form for simple applications is shown in the following example.

Example 7-6 Link to Launch a Web Start Application, Third Example

<a href="my.jnlp" 
   return false;">Launch me!</a>

If JavaScript is disabled in the browser, the Deployment Toolkit does not work. In this case, the browser tries to use the href attribute. If JavaFX Runtime is installed, then the application will still launch. The return false; statement ensures that the browser will not leave the current page if the launch is successful.

7.3.3 Pass Parameters to a Web Application

You can pass dynamic parameters to JavaFX applications from a web page. For this you need to add a set of named parameters as the params attribute of the application descriptor.

In Example 7-7, the embedded application gets two dynamic parameters from the web page. Note that the "zip" parameter is assigned with the value of the JavaScript variable.

Example 7-7 Pass Parameters to an Embedded Application

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        function deployIt() {
            var zipcode = 95054;
                {            id: "myApp",
                            url: "Map.jnlp",
                          width: 300,
                         height: 200,
                    placeholder: "place",
                    params: {
                              mode: "streetview",
                              zip: zipcode
                { javafx: "2.1+" },
    <div id="place"></div>

The same approach works for Web Start applications if the user has JavaFX Runtime 2.2 or later. Here is an example:

Example 7-8 Pass Parameters to a Web Start Application

    var zipcode = 95054;
    function launchApp() {
            {   url: 'my.jnlp',
                params: {
                           mode: "streetview",
                           zip: zipcode
            {   javafx : '2.2+'  },
        return false;
<a href="my.jnlp" onclick="launchApp(); return false;">
    Launch me!

To access parameters in the application code, use the getParameters() method of the Application class. For example:

String zipcode = app.getParameters().getNamed("zip");

7.3.4 Specify Platform Requirements and Pass JVM Options

Use the second argument group of the dtjava.embed() function to specify platform requirements for the application.

In Example 7-9, JRE 1.6 or later is specified in the jvm parameter; JavaFX 2.1 or later is specified in the javafx parameter; and the jvmargs parameter indicates that the application should be executed in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) with a 1 gigabyte heap size and given options.

Example 7-9 Specify Platform Requirements and Passing JVM Properties

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        function deployIt() {
                {            id: "my",
                            url: "app.jnlp",
                          width: 300,
                         height: 200,
                    placeholder: "place"
                        jvm: "1.6.0+",
                     javafx: "2.1+",
                    jvmargs: " -Xmx1024m"
    <div id="place"></div>

7.3.5 Access JavaFX Code from JavaScript

To access a Java or JavaFX application from JavaScript, you must get a reference to the JavaScript object representing the application. The best way to do this is to specify an id parameter in the first argument group of the dtjava.embed() function, as shown in Example 7-3

For example, if an id parameter is set to my, then a public method of the application can be accessed with the script shown in Example 7-10.

Example 7-10 Access an Application Method with an id Parameter

    var a = document.getElementById("my");

Attempts to call application methods may not work until the application finishes the initialization phase. (For a description of startup phases, see Application Startup Process, Experience, and Customization.) To access an application while it is loading, use an onJavascriptReady callback, as shown in Example 7-11.

Example 7-11 Access an Application Method While the Application Is Loading

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        function callApp(id) {
            //it is safe to call now
            var a = document.getElementById(id);
        function deployIt() {
                {            id: "my",
                            url: "fxapp.jnlp",
                          width: 300,
                         height: 200,
                    placeholder: "place"
                        onJavascriptReady: callApp
    <div id="place"></div>

7.3.6 Disable the HTML Splash Screen

To disable the HTML splash screen for a JavaFX application, add an onGetSplash handler that returns null:, as shown in Example 7-12. For information about application startup phases, see Section 4.1, "Application Startup Process, Experience, and Customization."

Example 7-12 Disable the HTML Splash Screen

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        function deployIt() {
                {            id: "my",
                            url: "app.jnlp",
                          width: 300,
                         height: 200,
                    placeholder: "place"
                       jvm: "1.6.0+",
                    javafx: "2.1+",
                    onGetSplash: function(app) {return null;}
    <div id="place"></div>

7.3.7 Add a Custom HTML Splash Screen

Example 7-13 shows how to replace the default HTML splash screen with a green rectangle, defined in a JavaScript function.

Example 7-13 Replace the Splash Screen with a Custom One

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        function getSplash(app) {
            //custom splash - green rectangle
            var p = document.createElement('div');
    = app.width;
   = app.height;
            return p;             
        function deployIt() {
                {            id: "my",
                            url: "app.jnlp",
                          width: 300,
                         height: 200,
                    placeholder: "place"
                       jvm: "1.6.0+",
                    javafx: "2.1+",
                    onGetSplash: getSplash
    <div id="place"></div>

7.3.8 Create a Handler for an Unsupported Platform

Example 7-14 shows the use of JavaScript to handle an unsupported browser.

Example 7-14 Handle an Unsupported Browser with JavaScript

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        function reportError(app, r) {
            //ovewrite behavior for unsupported browser
            var a = app.placeholder;
            if (a != null && r.isUnsupportedBrowser()) {
                var p = document.createElement('div');
       = "splash";
        = app.width;
       = app.height;
                  document.createTextNode("This browser is not supported."));
                //clear embedded application placeholder
                while(a.hasChildNodes()) a.removeChild(a.firstChild);
                //show custom message
            } else {
                //use default handlers otherwise
                var def = new dtjava.Callbacks();
                return def.onDeployError(app, r);
        function deployIt() {
                {       id: "my",
                       url: "app.jnlp",
                     width: 300,
                    height: 200
                       jvm: "1.6.0+",
                    javafx: "2.1+",
                    onDeployError: reportError
    <div id="place"></div>

7.3.9 Check for Presence of JavaFX Runtime

Example 7-15 shows the use of JavaScript to replace the default text offering to install JavaFX. It is replaced with an offer to start the application only if the correct version of JavaFX is found on the user's system.

Example 7-15 Launch Only If JavaFX Is Installed

        <script type="text/javascript" 
            function mayBeOfferLaunch() {
                var platform = new dtjava.Platform({'javafx' : '2.1+'});
                //check if validate find any problems
                if (dtjava.validate(platform) == null) {
                    var t = document.getElementById("text");
                    t.innerHTML = "<a href='my.jnlp' " +
                    "onclick='dtjava.launch({url: 'my.jnlp'}); return false;'>" +
                    "Launch me!</a>";
        <div id="text">To view this content you need 
       <a href="">to install 
           JavaFX Runtime 2.1</a>.</div>