C H A P T E R  12

Checking Card Files

In Java Device Test Suite releases prior to version 2.1, card files were authored directly by the test developer. Beginning with version 2.1, card files are (by default) generated automatically from comments you embed in the source code. For more information, refer to Chapter 4.

This chapter describes how to use the Card File Checker tool to verify the required file entries of manually coded or generated card files.

After building the test pack, use the Card File Checker to verify that the required files that appear in the card file corresponds with the required files that appear in the bytecode of the test classes. For information about marking up your Java source files to create a card file, see Chapter 4. For information about directly editing a card file, refer to Chapter 25.

The Card File Checker is not fool proof, however, sometimes it does present you with cause for investigation.

procedure icon  Running the Card File Checker

1. Change directory to your test pack’s build/ directory.

2. Enter one of the following command:

ant run.cardfilechecker

The command generates the following standard output:

FIGURE 12-1 shows Card File Checker output from the example runtime test pack.

FIGURE 12-1 Card File Checker Output Screen - Windows

Card File Checker Output

Note - A test can execute properly with a redundant requirement. However, a missing requirement can cause a test to fail with unpredictable results.