Advanced Topics

This part covers the more advanced topics of test pack development. These topics do not necessarily apply to every development project. They cover concepts and procedures that are used in special cases.

Chapter 12 describes how to use the Card File Checker tool to verify card files that have been written manually.

Chapter 13 describes how to update a test pack as part of a test pack development cyclical workflow.

Chapter 14 describes how to point the developer’s kit to a different Developer Installation.

Chapter 15 describes how to add security permissions to templates and configurations.

Chapter 16 describes property definition and parameter expansion.

Chapter 17 describes how to edit the file testpack.archive.properties to control the installable zip file created by the pack build target from a test pack.

Chapter 18 describes how to set up a work directory to handle development of multiple test packs.

Chapter 19 describes how to use a tpim script for faster test pack update cycles.

Chapter 20 describes an alternative procedure for specifying the test pack version (the variable TestSuiteVersion), using the file testpack.version.properties.

Chapter 21 describes the Ant build targets in the common build scripts.

Chapter 22 describes the optional feature definition file.

Chapter 23 describes how to optionally filter tests that are irrelevant for a device based on the capabilities specified in a configuration.

Chapter 24 describes card files that can specify properties or required files for multiple test classes stored in different directories.