Executing Load Plans

You can execute a load plan after you generate and schedule it.

Bear these guidelines in mind while executing a load plan:
  • You can have separate load plans for each source, but load plans should not run in parallel.

  • You can only execute a load plan if it was successfully generated. See Generating Load Plans.

To execute a load plan:

  1. In the Tasks pane of Configuration Manager, select Manage Load Plans under Load Plans Administration.

    The Manage Load Plans page is displayed.

  2. In the Load Plans list, select the load plan you want to execute.
  3. In the Load Plans toolbar, click the Execute icon.

    The Execute Load Plan dialog is displayed.

  4. Specify the following information:
    Field Description


    The ODI context to be used when the load plan is run. Note that Global is the only supported context.

    Logical Agent

    The ODI logical agent to be used when the load plan is run.

    Oracle Data Integrator Work Repository

    The name of the ODI Work repository.

  5. Click OK.

    The following icons show the possible execution statuses that are displayed in the Execution Status column in the Load Plan master list. Click the Refresh icon to refresh the display.

    Generation Status Icon Description
    Starting icon


    In Progress icon

    In Progress

    Succeeded icon


    Failed icon


    Not Executed icon

    Not Executed

  6. (Optional) Click Show Execution Status Details to display detailed information about the status of the execution.