Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications

Use these instructions to install and configure Oracle BI Applications.

You must perform the following procedures in the order they are listed:

Database Instances for Schemas and Repositories

Before you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU and installer, you must create database instances to hold the following.
  • Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse schema

  • Oracle BI Applications Components Repository (for Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager and Functional Setup Manager (FSM))

  • ODI Repository for Oracle BI Applications (includes Master and Work repositories)

Note these points:

  • For this release of Oracle BI Applications, the following components are supported only on Oracle Database Enterprise Edition:

    • Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse

    • Oracle BI Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP)

    • ODI Repository for Oracle BI Applications

  • To identify the specific version of Oracle Database Enterprise Edition supported for this release of Oracle BI Applications, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations on Oracle Technology Network.

  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition must be configured with UNICODE.

  • The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, Oracle BI Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP), and ODI Repository can be installed on different database servers.

  • The ODI Master and Work repositories are installed into the same schema.

  • Review Guidelines for Setting Up Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Databases for database requirements for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

Creating Schemas Using Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU

You must run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU to create schemas for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, Oracle BI Applications Components, and ODI Repository for Oracle BI Applications.

Before you run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU, perform these prerequisite tasks:

  • Unzip the downloaded RCU .zip file on Windows systems into a directory that does not have spaces in the directory path.

  • Copy the .dmp files for each schema to a directory with the global write access on the appropriate database servers to create the required schemas. Note that the RCU uses .dmp files to create the schemas and writes log files to this directory. You can locate the .dmp files in BIA_RCU_HOME/rcu/integration/biapps/schema.

  • Create schemas from the RCU on Oracle databases by logging in as SYSDBA. You must possess the DBA privilege; for example, you should login as user SYS with the SYSDBA role selected.

  • Run RCU multiple times, once for each database connection to create schemas on different databases, because the database connections are different for the different database servers.

  • Complete these steps before creating schemas using RCU if you have Oracle Database Enterprise Edition with the Partitioning option enabled and you want to use the database partitions:

    1. Unzip the following RCU dump files:





    2. Remove the obia.dmp file, which is a non-partition dump file, from the following location:


To create Oracle BI Applications schemas using the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU:

  1. Access the bin directory in the BIA_RCU_HOME folder.
  2. Start RCU, as follows:
    • UNIX:


    • Windows:


  3. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
  4. On the Create Repository screen, select Create, and then click Next.
  5. On the Database Connection Details screen, specify the connection details for the database in which you want to store the schemas. Note that you must possess the DBA privilege and be logged in as SYSDBA (for example, as user SYS).

    Specify these database connection details:

    Field Name Action

    Database Type

    Select Oracle Database.

    Other database types are not supported in this release.

    Host Name

    Specify the fully qualified host name of the system hosting the database. For example,


    Specify the port number over which the database communicates. The default port number for an Oracle database is 1521.

    Service Name

    Specify the service name for the database. Typically, the service name is the same as the global database name.


    Specify the user name for the database. The default user name is SYS. The user must have DBA or SYSDBA privileges.


    Specify the password for the username specified in the Username field.


    Select SYSDBA.

  6. Click Next to display the Select Components screen.
  7. On the Select Components screen, near the top of the dialog, select Create a new Prefix.

    The default prefix is DEV. You can change the prefix.

    RCU automatically creates the schema owner (schema name) in the format prefix_schemaname.

    Select these options:

    Schema Option Default Schema Owner

    Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse

    <prefix>_DW (required for all deployments).

    Oracle Business Applications Components

    <prefix>_BIACOMP (required for all deployments).

    When you select the Oracle BI Applications Components Repository (BICOMP), RCU creates an additional schema, named BIACM_IO. Do not modify or delete this schema. It is required for metadata access by the different Oracle BI Applications components.

    ODI Master and Work Repository

    <prefix>_BIA_ODIREPO (required for all deployments).

    If you are deploying cloud data sources, then select the option for the applicable Oracle BI Applications SDS schemas as seen in the following image. RCU creates the schemas for the selected cloud source systems.
  8. Click Next to display the Schema Passwords screen.
  9. On the Schema Passwords screen, specify and confirm a password for the schemas, then click Next to proceed to the Custom Variables screen.


    The RCU uses .dmp files to create the required schemas. Before you perform the action in the Custom Variables screen, you must copy the .dmp files for each schema to a directory with global write access on the appropriate database server host. (RCU writes log files to this directory). The .dmp files are located in BIA_RCU_HOME\rcu\integration\biapps\schema.

  10. In the Value field in the Custom Variables screen, for each schema enter the directory path of the folder on the database server that contains the .dmp file.

    Don't include the name of the .dmp file in the directory path.

    Click Next to proceed to the Map Tablespaces screen.

  11. On the Map Tablespaces screen, which displays the default and temporary tablespaces for the schemas:
    1. Leave the default values for Default Tablespace and Temp Tablespace for each schema.
    2. Set the temporary tablespace size for the data warehouse tablespaces according to the values in the following table:
      1. Click Manage Tablespaces.

      2. In the left-side navigation panel, select the appropriate tablespace name.

      3. In the main window, select the tablespace name under the Datafiles heading.

      4. Click the Edit icon to display the Datafile dialog.

      5. In the Edit Datafile dialog, set the temporary tablespace size according to this table:

      Tablespace Value


      Size: 20 GB

      Maximum Size: Unlimited

      Leave the remaining default values.


      Size: 5 GB

      Maximum Size: Unlimited

      Leave the remaining default values.


      Size: 10 GB

      Maximum Size: Unlimited

      Leave the remaining default values.


      Size: 15 GB

      Maximum Size: Unlimited

      Leave the remaining default values.

    Click OK to exit the Edit Datafile dialog. Then, click Next in the Map Tablespaces screen, and click OK in the message dialog to create the tablespaces for the schemas.

  12. On the Summary screen, click Create to start the schema creation process.

    When the schemas are created with no errors, the Completion Summary screen is displayed.

  13. On the Completion Summary screen, click Close.

Installing Oracle BI Applications Using the Business Analytics Applications Suite Installer

Run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer to install Oracle BI Applications. This installer runs in software-only mode. You must run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer on the system where you ran the Oracle BI EE installer. All files are installed to disk in the Oracle Home for BI directory. Note that you must perform post-installation steps to configure Oracle BI Applications in a later procedure.

Prerequisite to Running the Business Analytics Applications Suite Installer:
  • The installer is a generic installer and requires JDK to be installed. See Installing JDK.

  • 35 GB free disk space is required to run the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer. This disk space will be released after the installer finishes.

  1. Launch the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer using the command for your operating system.

    The Business Analytics Applications Suite installer displays the Welcome screen.

    Platform Command


    In a command prompt:

    setup.exe -jreLoc <Drive:\...\jdk location>

    Where jdk location is the directory that contains the bin folder.

    For example:

    setup.exe -jreLoc C:\jdk

    UNIX and Linux

    ./runInstaller -jreLoc <jdk location>


    If you are running the installer on a Linux system that does not have the file /etc/oraInst.loc, the Specify Inventory Location screen displays.
  2. Click Next to display the Prerequisite Checks screen.

    This screen analyzes the host computer to ensure that specific operating system prerequisites have been met. If any of the prerequisite checks fail, then an error message appears in the bottom portion of the screen. Fix the error and click Retry to try again. If you want to ignore the error or warning messages and continue with the installation, click Continue. Click Abort to stop prerequisite checking for all components.

  3. Click Next to display the Specify Installation Location screen.
  4. In the Specify Installation Location screen, specify the details of the Oracle BI EE installation:
    Field Action

    Oracle Middleware Home

    Specify the path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware home where Oracle BI EE has been installed.

    If you do not know the location of the directory, click Browse to locate the directory on your system.

    Oracle Home Directory

    Specify the Oracle Home for BI; for example, Oracle_BI1. Do not specify any other Oracle home or choose to create a new one. The Oracle Home for BI directory is where the software binary files for Oracle BI Applications will be installed.

    If you are installing on a Windows operating system, make sure that the directory paths are valid and do not contain double back-slashes (\\).

  5. Click Next to display the Summary screen.
  6. Review the summary information, and click Next to start the installation.

    The installer installs the Oracle BI Applications folders and files in the Oracle Home for BI directory.


    Even when the progress bar on the installer reports 100% complete, wait until the Finish button is displayed.

  7. Click Finish.

Applying the Oracle Fusion Middleware Platform Patch

Apply the Oracle Fusion Middleware patch.

To apply theOracle Fusion Middleware platform patch:
  1. Download Oracle Fusion Middleware platform patches for Oracle BI Applications for your operating system from the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications media pack on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

    Download all parts.

  2. Extract all .zip files into the same Patch Home directory.

    Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip files containing the patches into the same directory, for example, C:\patches or PATCH_HOME/patches. The directory structure of the extracted contents is not patches4biapps/dist/ps7st. The patches are contained in folders: biappsshiphome, odi, weblogic and oracle_common. You don't have to unzip the individual patches.

  3. Update the parameter input file (apply_patches_import.txt) to reflect the paths as specified in the text file:
    1. Create a writable directory where logs and temporary patch files will be stored. In the apply_patches_import.txt file, set the WORKDIR= variable to point to the path for this directory.
    2. Open apply_patches_import.txt, which is located in the ORACLE_HOME/biapps/tools/bin directory (use backslashes for Windows).
    3. Specify these directory paths:
      Directory Path


      Path of the JDK you installed for your platform.


      Path of the Oracle/Inventory directory.

      For example:

      C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory.


      Path of the Oracle Home for BI directory.


      Path of the Oracle Middleware Home directory.


      Path of the oracle_common directory, which is under the Middleware Home directory.


      Path of the Oracle WebLogic Server Home directory.


      Path of the ODI Home directory.


      If the platform is Windows, then specify an unzip tool EXE file with the complete path. The supported unzip tools are Winzip command line and 7-Zip command line.

      For example, for the Winzip tool:

      c:{PathSep}Program Files{PathSep}WinZip{PathSep}wzunzip.exe

      For example, for the 7-Zip tool:

      c:{PathSep}Program Files{PathSep}7-Zip{PathSep}7z.exe


      Path of a writable directory where logs and temporary patch files are stored.


      Path of the parent patch directory.

      After the zip file is extracted to a location, the following directories are created: biappsshiphome,odi , weblogic, etc. (some or all the directories).

  4. To apply the patch, run this command from ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin.
    "$ ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl"
     ORACLE_HOME/biapps/tools/bin/ ORACLE_HOME/biapps/tools/bin/apply_patches_import.txt

    In case you run into issues during the applying patches procedure, for example, and you are unable to identify the patches directory path on some windows platform, then you can manually apply the patches. For example, after all the patches in the zip file are unzipped to C:\work\patching\patches directory, use the following commands:

    • C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1\OPatch\opatch napply C:\work\patching\patches\biappsshiphome\generic -silent -oh C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1 -jdk C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1\jdk > C:\work\patching\biappshiphome_generic_patches.log

    • C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1\OPatch\opatch napply C:\work\patching\patches\biappsshiphome\win64 -silent -oh C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1 -jdk C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1\jdk > C:\work\patching\biappshiphome_win64_patches.log

    • C:\work\mw333\oracle_common\OPatch\opatch napply C:\work\patching\patches\oracle_common\generic -silent -oh C:\work\mw333\oracle_common -jdk C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1\jdk > C:\work\patching\oracle_common_generic_patches.log

    • C:\work\mw333\Oracle_ODI1\OPatch\opatch napply C:\work\patching\patches\odi\generic -silent -oh C:\work\mw333\Oracle_ODI1 -jdk C:\work\mw333\Oracle_BI1\jdk > C:\work\patching\odi_generic_patches.log

    On other platforms, replace win64 and command path with the corresponding ones.

  5. Apply Weblogic patches manually using the suwrapper command line utility.

    Perform this step after executing the script and before configuring BI Tech. Apply the Weblogic patches on all OS platforms only if it failed to apply in the previous steps.

    Complete these steps:
    1. Create a folder in <MW_HOME>\utils\bsu\cache_dir if it does not exist.

    2. Unzip the Weblogic patch from the patch location to the <MW_HOME>\utils\bsu\cache_dir directory.


      Ensure that the <MW_HOME>\utils\bsu\cache_dir folder has only files (jar, xml, and ReadMe) that you unzipped and no folders.
    3. Create new temp work location such as <SUWRAPPER_TEMP>.

    4. Unzip the suwrapper utility from the patch location to the temporary work location C:\work\patching\suwrapper.

    5. Execute the patching utility jar to apply the patch. Use the following command:
      <MW_HOME>\Oracle_BI1\jdk\bin\java -jar <SUWRAPPER_TEMP>\bsu-wrapper.jar -prod_dir=<MW_HOME>\wlserver_10.3 -install -patchlist=BUNQ -bsu_home=<MW_HOME>\utils\bsu -meta=<SUWRAPPER_TEMP>\suw_metadata.txt -verbose > <SUWRAPPER_TEMP>\weblogic_patching.log


      The param in the above command -patchlist=BUNQ is the comma-separated list of Weblogic patches of the .jar file name in the <MW_HOME>\utils\bsu\cache_dir. In this case there is only one BUNQ.jar file, hence the name is provided in the -patchlist param. If there are more then one jar file, then the param value can be such as patchlist=BUNQ,HYCK,PBQA. If the execution complains for dependent patch, then ensure that the dependent patch name is the first in the comma-separated list of -patchlist param.
    6. Verify the patching logs. The last param is the location of the generated Weblogic patching log, C:\work\patching\weblogic_patching.log.

  6. Confirm that all patches have been applied successfully by reviewing these log files in the directory specified by WORDIR.
    • final_patching_report.log (summary of patch application)

    • biappshiphome_generic_patches.log

    • biappshiphome_<OS specific>_patches.log

    • odi_generic_patches.log

    • oracle_common_generic_patches.log

    • weblogic_patching.log

Updating ATGLite

Upgrade ATGLite schemas to Release before configuring Oracle BI Applications. Use these instructions to update the ATGLite data in the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP) schema.

To update the ATGLite data:

  1. Start the Patch Set Assistant (./psa or psa.bat) from the bin directory in the ORACLE_HOME, based on the operating system.
  2. Click Next in the Welcome screen.
  3. On the Select Component page, select ATGPF Lite, which selects the child option, ATGLITE schema, then click Next.
  4. On the Prerequisites page, select Database backup completed and Database version is certified by Oracle for Fusion Middleware upgrade, then click Next.
  5. On the ATGLite Schema page, follow the instructions at the top of the page to enter the details for the database containing the ATGLite schema, then click Next.
  6. View the Upgrade Summary, then click Upgrade.
  7. Review the information on the Upgrade Success page, then click Close.

Updating FSM

Upgrade FSM schemas to Release before configuring Oracle BI Applications. Use these instructions to update the FSM data in the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP) schema.

To update the FSM data:

  1. Start the Patch Set Assistant (psa or psa.bat) from the bin directory in the ORACLE_HOME, based on the operating system.
  2. Click Next in the Welcome screen.
  3. On the Select Component page, select Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager Lite, which selects the child option, FSM schema, then click Next.
  4. On the Prerequisites page, select Database backup completed and Database version is certified by Oracle for Fusion Middleware upgrade, then click Next.
  5. On the FSM Schema page, follow the instructions at the top of the page to enter the details for the database containing the FSM schema, then click Next.
  6. Verify that the examination process is successful, then click Next.
  7. View the Upgrade Summary, then click Upgrade.
  8. Review the information on the Upgrade Success page, then click Close.

Updating BIACM

Upgrade BIACM schemas to Release before configuring Oracle BI Applications. Use these instructions to update the BIACM data in the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Components Repository (BIACOMP) schema.

To update the BIACM data:

  1. Start the Patch Set Assistant (psa or psa.bat) from the bin directory in the ORACLE_HOME, based on the operating system.
  2. Click Next in the Welcome page.
  3. On the Select Component page, select BIACM, then click Next.
  4. On the Prerequisites page, select Database backup completed and Database version is certified by Oracle for Fusion Middleware upgrade, then click Next.
  5. On the BIACM Schema page, follow the instructions at the top of the page to enter the details for the database containing the BIACM schema, then click Next.
  6. Verify that the examination process is successful, then click Next.
  7. View the Upgrade Summary, then click Upgrade.
  8. Review the information on the Upgrade Success page, then click Close.

Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration

You configure the BI Domain by running the config.bat or file.

The config.bat and files are located in ORACLE_HOME/bin.

When running the script, do these tasks:

  • At path /app/oracle/fmw/Oracle_BI1/bin, run the ./ command.

  • On the Configure Components screen, for Oracle BI Applications, you must select the BI Applications Components option.


Don't scale out the BI Domain.

Configuring Oracle BI Applications

You'll need to run the configApps.bat or file to extend the BI Domain to deploy Oracle BI Applications and to configure the components.

During this phase, these key configurations occur:
  • Configuration Manager, FSM, ODI Java EE Agent, ODI Console, and Load Plan Generator are deployed into WebLogic Server.

  • Component wiring is performed.

  • AnOracle BI Applications Administrator User (with full access to Configuration Manager and access to ODI with the Supervisor role) is created in WebLogic Server embedded LDAP.

  • The ODI for Oracle BI Applications is configured and set to use external authentication (that is, authentication against the WebLogic Server embedded LDAP).

The configApps.bat and files are located in ORACLE_HOME/bin.

  1. Before running the configApps process, ensure that WLS Admin Server, Node Manager, and BI Services are running.
  2. Start the configuration utility from the bin directory in the Oracle home (default folder name is Oracle_BI1), based on the operating system:

    UNIX commands:

    cd ORACLE_HOME/bin


    Windows commands:

    cd ORACLE_HOME\bin


  3. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
  4. On the Prerequisite Checks screen, after the prerequisite checks conclude with no errors, click Next.

    If an error message appears, fix the error and then click Retry to run the prerequisite check again (recommended). Repeat this until all prerequisite checks conclude with no errors. To stop the configuration process while you fix a prerequisite error, click Abort. To ignore an error or warning message, and continue with the configuration process, click Continue (not recommended).


    The configuration might not function normally if you continue without resolving the issue that caused an error or warning message during the prerequisite checks.

  5. On the Extend BI Domain screen, specify these details:
    Field Description

    Host Name

    The host name of the computer on which the WebLogic Server domain exists. This field is read-only.


    Specify the port number over which the WebLogic Server domain communicates. The default is 7001.

    User Name

    Specify the user name for logging into the WebLogic Server.

    User Password

    Specify the password for logging into the WebLogic Server.

    Click Next.

  6. The Specify Installation Location screen displays this information:
    Field Description

    Middleware Home

    Specify the path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware Home where Oracle BI EE has been installed.

    This field is read-only.

    Oracle Home

    The Oracle Home for BI, which is the location where Oracle BI EE, and Oracle BI Applications files are installed.

    This field is read-only.

    WebLogic Server Home

    The directory name for the WebLogic Server.

    The value in this field is read-only and is the host name you specified in the Middleware Home field.

    Domain Home

    The home directory for the domain associated with the Oracle Business Intelligence system. This field is read-only.

    Instance Home

    The path to the Oracle Instance directory.

    The installer installs component configuration files and runtime processes in the Oracle Instance directory. Runtime components write to this directory only. The directory that you identify for the Oracle Instance can be located anywhere on your system, and does not need to be inside the Oracle Middleware Home.

    This field is read-only.

    Instance Name

    The name of the Oracle Business Intelligence instance. By default, the location is based on the value in the Instance Home field. This directory is commonly referred to as ORACLE_INSTANCE.

    The value in this field is read-only.

    Click Next.

  7. On the Configure Components screen, to deploy Oracle BI Applications, select BI Application Components.


    If you are deploying any cloud source systems, then select the check box for the applicable Cloud Extender Sources SDS.

    Click Next.

  8. On the RPD Encryption Password screen, specify these details:
    Field Description

    RPD Password

    Specify the password used to encrypt the repository.

    Confirm RPD Password

    Confirm the password used to encrypt the repository.

    Click Next.

  9. On the BI Applications Administrator User screen, specify these details:
    Field Description


    Specify a user name for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator. Do not enter Administrator, Admin, Sadmin, or Supervisor in upper-case, lower-case, or mixed-case letters. These user names are reserved. Also, do not use the WebLogic Server administrator user name.


    Specify a password for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator.

    Confirm Password

    Confirm the password.

    Note these credentials because this user will be used to perform system setups and is the user that is used for communications between the Configuration Manager and ODI. This user has full access privileges in Configuration Manager and access to ODI with the Supervisor role.

    Click Next.

  10. On the MDS Schema screen, specify these details:
    Field Description

    Database Type

    The type of database that hosts the MDS schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.

    Connect String

    The connect string used to access the MDS schema.

    MDS Schema Username

    The schema name for the MDS schema.

    MDS Schema Password

    The password for the MDS schema.

    Note: The values for user name and password must match the values you entered when you ran the Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility in Running Fusion Middleware RCU.

    Click Next.

  11. On the Oracle BI Applications Components Repository Schema screen, specify these details:
    Field Description

    Database Type

    Select the type of database that hosts the Oracle BI Applications Components Repository (BICOMP) schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.

    Connect String

    Specify the connect string used to access the Oracle BI Applications Components Repository (BICOMP) schema.

    Use the format:


    BIA Components Repository Schema Username

    Specify the schema name for the Oracle BI Applications Components Repository (BICOMP) schema.

    BIA Components Repository Schema Password

    Specify the password for the Oracle BI Applications Components Repository (BICOMP) schema.

    Click Next.

  12. On the Business Analytics Warehouse Schema screen, specify these details:
    Field Description

    Database Type

    Specify the type of database that hosts the Business Analytics Warehouse schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.

    Connect String

    Specify the connect string used to access the Business Analytics Warehouse schema.

    Use the format:


    Business Analytics Warehouse Schema Username

    Specify the schema name for the Business Analytics Warehouse schema.

    Business Analytics Warehouse Schema Password

    Specify the password for the Business Analytics Warehouse schema.

    Click Next.

  13. On the BI Applications ODI Repository Schema screen, specify these details:
    Field Description

    Database Type

    Specify the type of database that hosts the ODI Repository schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.

    Connect String

    Specify the connect string used to access the ODI Repository schema.

    Use the format:


    ODI Repository Schema Username

    Specify the schema name for the ODI Repository schema. The default name is <prefix>_BIA_ODIREPO. This is the repository you created when you ran the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU.

    ODI Repository Schema Password

    Specify the password for the ODI Repository schema.

    Click Next.

  14. If you have selected any cloud extender sources SDS in step 7, then provide details in the applicable schema screen.
  15. On the Configure Ports screen, specify these details:
    Field Description

    Auto Port Configuration

    Select this option if you want Oracle Business Analytics Applications Suite installer to configure the ports for you.

    Specify Ports Using Configuration File

    Select this option to use a configuration file to configure the ports. Optionally, click Browse to specify a configuration file location. Click View/Edit File to view or edit the file.

    A sample configuration file named staticport.ini is provided. The file is stored in the Disk1\stage\Response directory of the Business Analytics Applications Suite installer. You can edit this file to specify the configuration settings for your environment.

  16. On the Summary screen, click Save to save the settings for this configuration in a response file (optional), and then click Configure to start the configuration process.
  17. On the Configuration Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of the software configuration and respond to errors, if any occur.

    After the configuration concludes without any errors, click Next.


    In case of errors, fix them and use the Restart button to progress with the configuration. Do not cancel the install after a failure as you will then need to remove the domain and BI instance to start again.
  18. On the Complete screen, click Save to save the settings for this installation in a response file (optional), and then click Finish to exit the Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration Assistant.

How to Start the BI and ODI Managed Servers

Oracle BI Applications requires the BI and ODI Managed Servers (bi_server1 and odi_server1) to be started using Node Manager. This is required so that parameters, memory, and JVM arguments are appropriately set. If you do not start the BI and ODI Managed Servers, functionality loss and memory issues can occur in Configuration Manager, FSM, and ODI.

To ensure that the BI and ODI Managed Servers are started using Node Manager, start them using the WebLogic Administration Console user interface. Do not start the BI and ODI Managed Servers using the Managed Server start scripts.

Installing ODI Studio

You can design and manage the ODI Repository by using the ODI Studio desktop client. ODI Studio is typically installed on developer systems. The supported operating systems for ODI Studio are Windows 32-bit and 64-bit and Linux 32-bit.

  1. Installing ODI Studio.
  2. Configuring User Access for ODI Studio.

Installing ODI Studio

You install ODI Studio using the ODI installer.

Note these points:
  • On the Select Installation Type screen, select Developer Installation as the installation type and both options under Developer Installation, that is, ODI Studio (with local agent) and ODI SDK.

  • On the Repository Configuration screen, select the Skip Repository Configuration option.

To install ODI Studio, see Installation Overview for Oracle Data Integrator in Installing and Configuring Oracle Data Integrator.

Configuring User Access for ODI Studio

The ODI repository is configured for external authentication against the WebLogic Server embedded LDAP server. ODI Studio must be configured to use the appropriate security files for authentication. You must perform these steps on all installations of ODI Studio.


You must perform these steps even if ODI Studio has been installed on the machine where Oracle Home for BI resides.

To configure user access for ODI Studio:

  1. Copy cwallet.sso and jps-config-jse.xml from:




  2. Edit ODI_HOME/oracledi/client/odi/bin/odi.conf by updating the JPS configuration file name:

    If you do not successfully complete these steps, you will receive the following error message: ODI-10188: Error while login from OPSS<...>/jps-config.xml (No such file or directory).

  3. Perform steps 1 and 2 on all instances of ODI Studio.


    You must perform these steps even if ODI Studio has been installed on the system where Oracle Home for BI resides.

Regenerating the Security Files

If the Oracle BI Applications Administrator password or any ODI users' passwords were changed, administrators need to regenerate security files and redistribute the files to all instances of ODI Studio.

To regenerate security files:
  1. Execute the script:
    ORACLE_HOME/common/bin/ MW_HOME/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/install/ embedded --ADMIN_USER_NAME Administrator --DOMAIN_HOSTNAME Hostname --DOMAIN_PORT 7001 --DOMAIN_HOME_PATH MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain

    Where ADMIN_USER_NAME is the WebLogic Server administrator user.

    The updated JPS configuration file and credential wallet are created at location:

  2. Copy these updated files to ODI_HOME/oracledi/client/odi/bin on all ODI Studio instances.
  3. Make sure that the odi.conf file is edited correctly, as described in step 2 in the previous procedure for configuring user access for ODI Studio.

    The odi.conf file is located in ODI_HOME/oracledi/client/odi/bin.

About Applying the ODI Studio Patch

The ODI Studio patch is available in PATCH_ROOT_DIR/odi/generic.

For an explanation of the PATCH_ROOT_DIR, see Applying Platform Patches.

System administrators must provide this patch to developers who have installed ODI Studio on their systems. Follow the instructions in the Patch Readme to apply the patch on ODI Studio.


If you installed ODI Studio on the BI Domain host machine, you don't have to apply the patch.

Copying Source Files

During installation of Oracle BI Applications, source files are installed in the BI_Oracle_Home/biapps/etl directory. These files are used during the ETL process and will be configured by functional developers. You must copy these files to a location that ODI Agent deployed in WebLogic Server can access but that is outside of the Oracle Home directory; otherwise, when the Oracle BI Applications environment is upgraded or patched, these files will be overwritten.

  1. Navigate to the BI_Oracle_Home/biapps/etl directory.
  2. Copy all files under the BI_Oracle_Home/biapps/etl directory into a location that ODI Agent deployed in WebLogic Server can access but is outside of the Oracle Home directory.

    Note these points:

    • Avoid copying the files to a location with a long directory path.

    • Do not put the files under the ODI Home directory.

    • Depending on your deployment, there may be files in the BI_Oracle_Home/biapps/etl directory that you will not use.

Configuring High Availability in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

You can deploy a high-availability environment for the Weblogic components of BI Applications including ODI. The deployment architecture is a two-node highly available configuration of the BI System with Oracle BI EE, BI Applications and the ODI components running on two Oracle WebLogic servers.

You are required to refer to the following documents while completing the various tasks:
The BI System is configured for high availability as described in Configuring High Availability for Oracle Business Intelligence and EPM in the High Availability Guide. You must modify some steps of this procedure for BI Applications deployment. Additional steps are required to configure the BI Applications components and ODI for high availability. Following are the steps to configure high availability for your BI Applications deployment. It is recommended that you first review the instructions below to understand the process and flow of steps before performing the procedures.
  1. Complete the steps in Prerequisite Steps Before Setting Up a High Availability Configuration for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and BI Publisher and Enabling VIP1 in APPHOST1 and VIP2 in APPHOST2 in High Availability Guide.
  2. Install and set up BI Applications on a single machine (referred to as Machine 1 later in this section) as described in this guide.
    The BI Applications Component Repository, the BI Applications ODI Repository and the Business Analytics Warehouse may be deployed into an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database using the BI Applications Repository Creation Utility (RCU).
    After install and setup is completed, ensure that the BI Applications Configuration Manager, the Functional Setup Manager, ODI Console and the ODI Agent are up and running and are functional.
  3. On a second machine (Machine 2), install BI EE, ODI and BI Applications as follows:
    1. Install Weblogic 10.3.6
    2. Install BI EE in Software-Only mode (do not install in Enterprise Install mode)
    3. Run the ODI Installer
    4. Run the BI Applications Installer.
    5. Apply FMW patches.
      The directory paths you use for binary files and domains when installing on Machine 2 (or any additional nodes) must be identical to those on Machine 1 (first node).


      Do not run config.bat or for BI as described in this guide. Instead run config.bat or Do not run configApps to configure BI Applications or perform any other step for setting up BI Applications on this node.
  4. Complete the steps in Oracle BI EE High Availability Configuration Steps (sections through in High Availability Guide.
  5. Scale out the BI system on Machine 2. See Scaling Out the BI System on APPHOST2 in High Availability Guide.
  6. Complete the steps in Oracle BI EE High Availability Configuration Steps (sections through in High Availability Guide.
  7. Using the Weblogic Administration Console, on Machine 2 add another ODI server to the ODI cluster, for example, ‘odi_server2’. Associate this server to the ODI Cluster; example, ‘odi_cluster’.
  8. Using the Weblogic Administration Console, restart both the ODI Managed Servers, example, odi_server1 and odi_server2.
  9. Enable Oracle HTTP Server to route to bi_cluster and odi_cluster:
    1. For BI, see Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for the BI_SERVERn Managed Servers in High Availability Guide.
    2. For ODI, see Configuring Oracle HTTP Server in High Availability Guide.
      For example:

      # ODI Agent

      <Location /oraclediagent>
       SetHandler weblogic-handler
        WebLogicCluster APPHOST1VHN1:15001, APPHOST2VHN1:15001  
       WLProxySSL ON
        WLProxySSLPassThrough ON
      <Location /odiconsole>
        SetHandler weblogic-handler
        WebLogicCluster APPHOST1VHN1:15001, APPHOST2VHN1:15001
        WLProxySSL ON
        WLProxySSLPassThrough ON


      Replace APPHOST1VHN1:15001 and APPHOST2VHN2:15001 with actual virtual host names and ports.
    3. For BI Applications-specific applications: On WEBHOST1 and WEBHOST2, add the following lines to the ORACLE_BASE/product/fmw/Oracle_WT1/instances/web1/config/OHS/ohs1/mod_wl_ohs.conf file:
      # BIACM
             SetHandler weblogic-handler
             WebLogicCluster APPHOST1VHN1:9704, APPHOST2VHN1:9704
             WLProxySSL ON
             WLProxySSLPassThrough ON
      # FSMLITE
             SetHandler weblogic-handler
             WebLogicCluster APPHOST1VHN1:9704, APPHOST2VHN1:9704
             WLProxySSL ON
             WLProxySSLPassThrough ON


      Replace APPHOST1VHN1:9704 and APPHOST2VHN2:9704 with actual virtual host names and ports)
  10. On all nodes (Machine 1 and Machine 2), update the $DOMAIN_HOME/ config/fmwconfig/biinstances/coreapplication/ file by editing the ODI_SERVER_PORT and ODI_SERVER_HOST parameters to point to the ODI Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) entry point. (This is the load balancer virtual server address and the load balancer virtual address listening port).
  11. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server and the ODI Managed Servers (odi_server1 and odi_server2). Validate that you can access the URLs for the BI Applications Configuration Manager and ODI Console:
    • http://WEBHOST1:7777/biacm
    • http://WEBHOST2:7777/biacm
    • http://WEBHOST1:7777/odiconsole
    • http://WEBHOST2:7777/odiconsole
    Also validate that you can access these URLs using your load balancing router address:


  12. Complete Oracle BI EE High Availability Configuration Steps (sections and in High Availability Guide.
  13. In Copying Source Files, you copied the source files to a location outside of the Oracle Homes for BI and ODI. Copy these source files to a shared location which the ODI agents on Machine 1 and Machine 2 can access.
  14. Update the location of source file for all the three physical schemas — BIAPPS_DW_FILE, DW_LOG_FILE, and DW_SHARED_FILE data server in the ODI Studio. Perform the below steps for all the three file data server types:
    1. Log into ODI Studio. Click Topology Manager, click Technology, and select File
    2. Expand the BIAPPS_DW_FILE/DW_LOG_FILE/DW_SHARED_FILE data server and double-click to open the physical schema.
    3. In the Definition pane, for the Directory (Schema) and Directory (Work Schema) properties, specify the shared location where you copied source files to in step 16 above.
      For example:<Source File Home on Shared Location>/biapps/etl/data_files/src_files/BIA_11.
  15. Log into ODI Console. Click Topology, click Agents, click Physical Agents, and select OracleDIAgent. Update the ODI Agent Host Name and Port Number fields to point to the front end host and port.
  16. Restart all BI and ODI Managed Servers.
BI Applications Configuration Manager, the Functional Setup Manager and the ODI Console and Agent are configured in Active:Active mode. Note that if an ODI Agent fails while in the middle of a session execution, that session will not be recovered on the same or second agent. To restart a load plan, see Restarting Load Plans in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications ETL Guide.

Next Steps After Installation — System Setup

The next steps in the installation and setup process are to perform the system setup tasks and configure BI Applications–ODI Authentication to external (OID).

See Performing Post-Installation System Setup Tasks . These tasks are required to complete integration of the Oracle BI Applications components and to ready the system for functional configurations and data loads.

Steps to Configure BI Applications–ODI Authentication to External (OID)

Oracle Business Intelligence uses the Oracle WebLogic Server LDAP directory for authentication by default. The Oracle BI Applications installation on the BI EE platform requires the use of the embedded Weblogic LDAP. Once Oracle BI Applications has been installed and set up, you can configure it to use an external LDAP for authentication.

Prerequisite: Oracle BI Applications has been installed into the BI Domain where the default Weblogic embedded LDAP is used for authentication.


The Oracle BI Applications installation will fail if an external LDAP system is being used. If you have configured the BI system for use with an external LDAP (for example, Oracle Internet Directory), then you must re-configure to use the default Weblogic embedded LDAP before you perform the Oracle BI Applications installation.
To configure the BI system including Oracle BI Applications to use an external authenticator:
  1. Configure the Business Intelligence system to use an external LDAP for authentication.
    See Using Alternative Authentication Providers in Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 11g Release 1 (11.1.1).
  2. Create the Oracle BI Applications Administrator and BIAppsSystemUser users in the external LDAP system.

    In the external LDAP, create the Oracle BI Applications Administrator user. This user will be granted the Oracle BI Applications Administrator Duty and will be added to the ODI Repository with Supervisor privileges during script execution in step 4 below. This user will have full access to Configuration Manager and to ODI Console and the ODI Repository. In the external LDAP, create a user with name “BIAppsSystemUser”(this is case sensitive) and make sure uid attribute in OID is updated with the same name. This user credentials will be used by the ODI Java EE Agent deployed in Weblogic to connect to the ODI Repository. This user will also be created in the ODI repository with SUPERVISOR privileges during script execution in step 4 below.

  3. Update the oracle.biapps.system credential map to include the BIAppsSystemUser user.

    Run from MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin folder:

    connect('<ADMIN_USER_NAME>', '<ADMIN_PASSWORD>', 't3://<host>:<port>')
    updateCred(map='oracle.biapps.system', key='system.user', user='BIAppsSystemUser', password='<Password_forBIAppsSystemUser>',

    where: <Password_forBIAppsSystemUser> is the password entered for the BIAppsSystemUser in step 2 above

  4. Run script.

    This script associates the Oracle BI Applications Administrator Duty to the Oracle BI Applications Administrator user and adds the Oracle BI Applications Administrator and BIAppsSystemUser users to the ODI repository with Supervisor privileges. The ODI will be configured to use the external LDAP for authentication.

    Run the following command from MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin folder:


    Where the ODI_CONSOLE_USER is the Oracle BI Applications Administrator user.

    Restart the ODI Managed Server using Weblogic Administration Console.

  5. Configure ODI Studio Security files.
    The ODI Repository is configured for external authentication against your external LDAP server. ODI Studio must be configured to use the appropriate security files for authentication. The security files have to be regenerated for login to ODI Studio to be successful.
    1. Run the following command from BI_ORACLE_HOME/common/bin folder in order to generate the ODI client security artifacts.


      Do not run wlst from any other location.
      ./ <MW_HOME>/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/install/ external -- ADMIN_USER_NAME <Administrator> --DOMAIN_HOSTNAME <Hostname> --DOMAIN_PORT <Domain Port, e.g. 7001> --DOMAIN_HOME_PATH <Domain Home Path, e.g. MW Home>/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain> --OID_USER cn=orcladmin --LDAP_URL <ldap://host:port> --USERBASE_PREFIX <User base where users will be searched, e.g., cn=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com> --GROUPBASE_PREFIX <user group, e.g., cn=groups,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com>
      the ‘external’ parameter is used to configure to the external LDAP system.
      --ADMIN_USER_NAME : Weblogic Administrator user Name 
      --DOMAIN_HOSTNAME : BI Domain host name 
      --DOMAIN_PORT: BI Domain port 
      --DOMAIN_HOME_PATH : BI Domain home path 
      --OID_USER: OID user, e.g. cn=orcladmin
      --LDAP_URL: external ldap url; format: ldap://host:port 
      --USERBASE_PREFIX : user base prefix; where users will be searched; e.g. cn=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
      --GROUPBASE_PREFIX : user group prefix; e.g. cn=groups,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
      Example: ./ /scratch/mw6826/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/install/ external --ADMIN_USER_NAME Administrator --DOMAIN_HOSTNAME --DOMAIN_PORT 7001 --DOMAIN_HOME_PATH /scratch/mw6826/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain --OID_USER cn=orcladmin -- LDAP_URL ldap:// --USERBASE_PREFIX cn=users,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com --GROUPBASE_PREFIX cn=groups,dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
    2. Copy the jps-config-jse.xmlfile and cwallet.sso files from DOMAIN_HOME_PATH/odi-client-config/external to ODI_Home/oracledi/client/odi/bin on all machines where ODI Studio clients have been installed.

    3. Open the ODI_Home/oracledi/client/odi/bin/odi.conf file for editing.

      Edit the line starting with AddVMOption to point to the jps- config-jse.xml file and location as follows:


      (where jps-config-jse.xml and cwallet.sso have been copied to the ODI_Home/oracledi/client/odi/bin directory).