5 Run Pre-Downtime Checks

This section describes how to ensure system reliability by running pre-downtime checks. The following topics are discussed:

5.1 Run the Health Checker Utility

Health Checker is a command line utility that performs a set of validation checks against an Oracle Fusion Applications environment to ensure that the environment meets recommended standards. When Health Checker runs, it uses a specific manifest file that performs the appropriate checks. Health Checker provides a list of corrective actions for any checks that fail validation. The suggested corrective actions must be run manually to fix the issue before proceeding with the upgrade. The following topics are discussed in this section:

5.1.1 Pre-Downtime Health Checker Manifests

When running Health Checker during pre-downtime, the following manifests are run:

  • GeneralSystemHealthChecks.xml: Run on the Primordial, Midtier, and OHS hosts

  • PreDowntimeUpgradeReadinessHealthChecks.xml: Run on the Primordial, Midtier, and OHS hosts

  • DataQualityChecks.xml: Run on the Primordial host only

For more information about the checks performed by Health Checker, see Health Checker Plug-ins.

5.1.2 Check for Supported Perl Versions

Ensure that a supported Perl version is running. The following are the only versions that are supported:

  • 5.8.8 (default in OEL5)

  • 5.10.0 (bundled with MW_HOMEs)

  • 5.10.1 (default in OEL6)

5.1.3 Run Health Checker on the Primordial Host

Before running Health Checker (HC) on the Primordial host, verify that the preupgrade JRE locations is as follows:

After the location has been verified, run Health Checker on the Primordial host by performing the following steps:

  1. Confirm that all Oracle Fusion Applications, database and Oracle Identity Management services are up and running.
  2. Set the following environment variables:
    • APPLICATIONS_BASE: The directory that contains Oracle Fusion Applications. For example, if Oracle Fusion Applications is installed in /u01/APPTOP/fusionapps, then set the APPLICATIONS_BASE environment variable to /u01/APPTOP.

    • DOWNLOAD_PATCH_DIR: The location where post-release patches were downloaded, SHARED_LOCATION/11.12.x.0.0­_post_repo_patches, in Download and Unzip Mandatory Post-Release 12 Patches.

    • HC_OVERRIDE_FILES: The location of any Health Checker overrides that may have been created, as described in Download Patches for the Health Checker Exclusion List. If the HC_OVERRIDE_FILES variable is not set, the default location is APPLICATIONS_BASE/instance/fapatch/healthchecker. Note that when Health Checker is run through orchestration, this environment variable is set by orchestration, to SHARED_UPGRADE_LOCATION/healthchecker/POD_NAME.

      It is possible to skip this environment variable if there are no Health Checker overrides.

    • RUP_OVERRIDE: The location of the override file for RUP Installer, that may have been created in Create an Override File for RUP Installer. If there is not an override file for RUP Installer, skip this environment variable.

    • REPOSITORY_LOCATION: The directory that contains the repository SHARED_LOCATION/11.12.x.0.0/Repository. See Download and Unzip the Release 12 Repository.

  3. Run Health Checker for each manifest:
    Note that this is one command.
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/bin/hcplug.sh -hostType PRIMORDIAL -manifest 
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/config/GeneralSystemHealthChecks.xml [-DlogLevel=log_level] 
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/bin/hcplug.sh -hostType PRIMORDIAL -manifest 
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/config/PreDowntimeUpgradeReadinessHealthChecks.xml [-DlogLevel=log_level] 
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/bin/hcplug.sh -hostType PRIMORDIAL -manifest 
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/config/DataQualityChecks.xml [-DlogLevel=log_level] 
  4. If any health checks fail, refer to the Health Checker log files and reports to find the corrective actions to resolve the issue. The suggested corrective actions must be run manually to fix the issue before proceeding with the upgrade. Then rerun Health Checker to ensure all checks are successful. Optionally, use the -checkpoint true option when restarting Health Checker, so that only the failed plug-ins or the plug-ins that did not run are executed.

    If the failure is a known issue and the check needs to be excluded, see Override Health Checks.

    The following table provides the location of log files and reports on the primordial host. Health Checker log directories are created with reference to version being upgraded from. For example:
    • If the upgrade is from to, the log directory is

    • If the upgrade is from, the log directory is

    • If the upgrade is from, the log directory is

    • If the upgrade is from, the log directory is

    Table 5-1 Health Checker Log Files and Reports on the Primordial Host

    Manifest File Name Log File Location Report Location - html and xml formats













5.1.4 Run Health Checker on the Midtier Host

Before running Health Checker (HC) on the midtier host, verify that the preupgrade JRE locations is as follows:

After the location has been verified, run Health Checker on the midtier host by performing the following steps:

  1. Set the following environment variables:
    • APPLICATIONS_BASE: The directory that contains Oracle Fusion Applications. For example, if Oracle Fusion Applications is installed in /u01/APPTOP/fusionapps, then set the APPLICATIONS_BASE environment variable to /u01/APPTOP.

    • REPOSITORY_LOCATION: The directory where the repository is staged, SHARED_LOCATION/11.12.x.0.0/Repository.

    • HC_OVERRIDE_FILES: The location of any Health Checker overrides that may have been created, as described in Download Patches for the Health Checker Exclusion List. If the HC_OVERRIDE_FILES variable is not set, the default location is APPLICATIONS_BASE/instance/fapatch/healthchecker. Note that when Health Checker is run through orchestration, this environment variable is set by orchestration, to SHARED_UPGRADE_LOCATION/healthchecker/POD_NAME.

      It is possible to skip this environment variable if there are no Health Checker overrides.

  2. Run Health Checker for each manifest as follows:
    Note that this is one command.
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/bin/hcplug.sh  -hostType MIDTIER -manifest 
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/config/GeneralSystemHealthChecks.xml  [-DlogLevel=log_level] 
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/bin/hcplug.sh -hostType MIDTIER -manifest 
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/config/PreDowntimeUpgradeReadinessHealthChecks.xml [-DlogLevel=log_level] 
  3. If any health checks fail, refer to the Health Checker log files and reports to find the corrective actions to resolve the issue. The suggested corrective actions must be run manually to fix the issue before proceeding with the upgrade. Then rerun Health Checker to ensure all checks are successful. Optionally, use the -checkpoint true option when restarting Health Checker, so that only the failed plug-ins or the plug-ins that did not run are executed.

    If the failure is a known issue and the check needs to be excluded, see Override Health Checks.

    The following table provides the location of log files and reports on the Midtier host. Health Checker log directories are created with reference to version being upgraded from. For example:
    • If the upgrade is from to, the log directory is
    • If the upgrade is from, the log directory is

    Table 5-2 Health Checker Log Files and Reports on the Midtier Host

    Manifest File Name Log File Location Report Location - html and xml formats









5.1.5 Run Health Checker on the OHS Host

Before running Health Checker (HC) on the OHS host, verify that the preupgrade JRE locations is as follows:

After the location has been verified, run Health Checker on the OHS host by performing the following steps:

  1. Confirm that ORCH_LOCATION is set up correctly and is ready for running Health Checker on the OHS host by verifying that the ORCH_LOCATION/webtier_mwhome directory exists. If this directory does not exist, run orchsetup.py as described in Set Up Upgrade Orchestrator on a Shared Location.
  2. Set the following environment variables:
    • APPLICATIONS_BASE: The variable APPLICATIONS_BASE is required to point to ORCH_LOCATION to run HC on the OHS host only. This variable was created in Unzip Orchestration.zip.

    • REPOSITORY_LOCATION: The directory where the repository is staged, SHARED_LOCATION/11.12.x.0.0/Repository.

    • JAVA_HOME: The jdk location under the applications base on the OHS host, for example, /APPTOP/webtier_mwhome/webtier/jdk6. Do not use the jdk under the orchestration directory. Note that this same location is used for the -jreloc argument when running the commands in this section.

    • WT_MW_HOME: Location of the Web Tier MW_HOME, for example, /APPTOP/webtier_mwhome.

    • WT_ORACLE_HOME: Location of the Web Tier directory, which is a subdirectory under WT_MW_HOME, for example:/APPTOP/webtier_mwhome/webtier.

    • WT_CONFIG_HOME: Location of the Web Tier instance configuration home, for example: /u01/mw_home/Oracle_WT1/instance/CommonDomain_webtier.

    • OHS_INSTANCE_ID: The OHS instance ID on the host. Normally this is ohs1 and is the value for ias-component id in the opmn.xml file.

    • OHS_UPGRADE_BINARIES_HOSTNAME: A comma separated list of your OHS host names, which do not share binaries. For example, if there are a main OHS host and a scaled out OHS host, both pointing to the same binaries, this environment variable should list only the main OHS host, since the scaled out OHS host is using shared binaries. Note that this parameter is optional.

    • CURRENT_FA_RELEASE_VERSION: The current version on the environment before the upgrade, such as

    • DOWNLOAD_PATCH_DIR: The location of downloaded post-release patches, SHARED_LOCATION/11.12.x.0.0­_post_repo_patches, which was downloaded in Download and Unzip Mandatory Post-Release 12 Patches.

    • HC_OVERRIDE_FILES: The location of any Health Checker overrides that may have been created, as described in Download Patches for the Health Checker Exclusion List. If the HC_OVERRIDE_FILES variable is not set, the default location is APPLICATIONS_BASE/instance/fapatch/healthchecker. Note that when Health Checker is run through orchestration, this environment variable is set by orchestration, to SHARED_UPGRADE_LOCATION/healthchecker/POD_NAME. See Override Health Checks.

      It is possible to skip this environment variable if there are no Health Checker overrides.

  3. Run Health Checker for each manifest as follows:
    Note that this is one command.
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/bin/hcplug.sh -hostType OHS -manifest 
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/config/GeneralSystemHealthChecks.xml [-DlogLevel=log_level] -jreLoc JDK_LOCATION -logDir /u01/logs/OHS 
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/bin/hcplug.sh -hostType OHS -manifest 
    ORCH_LOCATION/fusionapps/applications/lcm/hc/config/PreDowntimeUpgradeReadinessHealthChecks.xml [-DlogLevel=log_level] -jreLoc JDK_LOCATION -logDir /u01/logs/OHS 
  4. If any health checks fail, refer to the Health Checker log files and reports to find the corrective actions to resolve the issue. The suggested corrective actions must be run manually to fix the issue before proceeding with the upgrade. Then rerun Health Checker to ensure all checks are successful. Optionally, use the -checkpoint true option when restarting Health Checker, so that only the failed plug-ins or the plug-ins that did not run are executed.

    If the failure is a known issue and the check needs to be excluded, see Override Health Checks.

    The following table provides the location of log files and reports on the OHS host:

    Table 5-3 Health Checker Log Files and Reports on the OHS Host

    Manifest File Name Log File Location Report Location - html and xml formats









5.2 Run the Prevalidation Check on IDM Hosts

Follow the steps in this section only if the environment meets the following criteria:

  • Runs on a Linux or Solaris platform

  • Supports type 1 and type 2 IDM upgrade scenarios. For more information about these upgrade types, see IDM for FA Upgrade Roadmap.

Otherwise, proceed to Upgrade to Oracle Fusion Applications Release 12 when the upgrade is ready to begin.

5.2.1 Confirm Prerequisite Steps Are Complete

Ensure that the steps in Copy and Unzip idmUpgrade.zip were completed.

5.2.2 Set Environment Variables

The steps for setting the environment variables on each node vary by platform. Refer to one of the following sections that is appropriate for the platform: Environment Variables Required for Linux

On Linux, use the following system Perl:
  • Perl version 5.8.8 on Oracle Enterprise Linux version 5

  • Perl version 5.10.1 on Oracle Enterprise Linux version 6

Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, only if Oracle Identity Management is not installed in the default location of /u01/IDMTOP, as shown in the following example:

  • On OID and OIM nodes:

     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • On the OHS node:

     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH Environment Variables Required for Solaris

On Solaris, use the perl that is part of the OID or OHS home, which is perl version 5.10.0.


    • On the OID and OIM nodes:

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • On the OHS node:

       export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • Set PERL5LIB to the ORACLE_HOME/perl location.

    • On the OID and OIM nodes:

      export PERL5LIB
    • On the OHS node:

      export PERL5LIB
  • Set PATH to ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin to use the 64-bit perl version 5.10.0.

    • On the OID and OIM nodes:

       export PATH
    • On the OHS node

       export PATH
  • Set PATH to /usr/xpg4/bin to use awk for Solaris.

    • On the PRIMORDIAL node:
       export PATH 

5.2.3 Run preValidateOnPremise.pl on Each Node

To run the preValidate scripts on all IDM nodes, choose the procedure that applies to your IDM upgrade environment. You can skip this step now and perform it once you get to Upgrade Oracle Identity Management to Release 12.

5.2.4 Ensure Free Tablespace for OTBI Schema

Before beginning upgrade from Release 11 (11.1.11) to Release 12 (11.12.x.0.0), ensure that the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) schema has at least 2GB free space in FUSION_TS_TOOLS tablespace. For more information about disk space requirements, see Table 2-2.