
Cloud data provider types: Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase

On-premises data provider types: Oracle Essbase


HypModifyRangeGridName() is used to modify the name of any given grid on a multiple-grid worksheet present in the active workbook.


Private Declare PtrSafe Function HypModifyRangeGridName Lib "HsAddin" (vtSheetName, vtGridName, vtNewGridName) As Long

ByVal vtSheetName As Variant

ByVal vtGridName As Variant

ByVal vtNewGridName As Variant


vtSheetName: The name of the worksheet on which to run the function. If vtSheetName is Null or Empty, the active worksheet is used.

vtGridName: Name range of a grid on a multiple-grid worksheet. This parameter cannot be Null or Empty.

vtNewGridName: New name range of a grid on a multiple-grid worksheet. This parameter cannot be Null or Empty.


Sub modifyName()
   s = HypModifyRangeGridName("Sheet1", "Demo15FCFBC11_9D65_4555_94AC_6EDD429438B0_1", "someNewGridName")
End Sub