Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Getting Started
Release 8.0.4 for Windows NT






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This appendix describes how to troubleshoot problems with Oracle8 Enterprise Edition.

Specific topics discussed are:

Database Connection Issues

This table lists and provides answers to common Oracle8 database connection issues:

If You Receive This Error...   Ensure Your...  
TNS-12203 TNS: unable to connect 
to destination

OracleServiceSID and OracleTNSListener80 services are started. See Managing Oracle Services in Chapter 10, "Administering a Database" and Chapter 10, "Troubleshooting Net8" in Net8 Administrator's Guide.  

ORA-12547 TNS: lost contact

OracleServiceSID, OracleStartSID, and OracleTNSListener801 services are started. You receive this error if you attempt to use any of the Oracle8 Utilities, such as Server Manager. See "Managing Oracle Services" in Chapter 10, "Administering a Database" for instructions.

Note: This error is analogous to the following Oracle7 error:

ORA-09352: Windows 32-bit Two-Task driver unable to spawn new ORACLE task  

ORA-28575: unable to open RPC connection to 
external procedure agent 
ORA-06512: at "APPLICATIONS.OSEXEC", line 0 
ORA-06512: at "APPLICATIONS.TEST", line 4 
ORA-06512: at line 2 

TNSNAMES.ORA and LISTENER.ORA files have been correctly configured to use external procedures. See Chapter 8, "Performing Advanced Configuration" in Net8 Getting Started for Windows NT and Windows 95.  

1 Ensure that OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener is started if you are using an Oracle8 database that has a home name.

Oracle8 Performance Monitor Issues

See "Oracle8 Performance Monitor Troubleshooting Information" in Chapter 12, "Monitoring a Database", for information on Oracle8 Performance Monitor troubleshooting issues.

Migration Issues

This section includes the following topics:

Migration Error ORA-54 with Batch Migration Scripts

If you are migrating from Oracle7 to Oracle8 Enterprise Edition with your own customized batch migration script, and the system seems to be taking unusually long to complete the migration, you may be experiencing an ORA-54 error. Follow these steps to complete migration:

  1. Start Server Manager at the MS-DOS command prompt:


  1. Connect to the Oracle8 database using your user name:


  2. Start up the database by entering one of the following commands:

    Command   Description  

    Uses the default INITSID.ORA file located in your ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE directory to start the Oracle8 database.  


    Uses an initialization file other than the default to start your database. PATH\FILENAME specifies an initialization parameter file other than the default, INITSID.ORA. The following example starts the database using a file named INIT2.ORA.  



  3. Run the following scripts in order using Server Manager:

    • CAT8000.SQL
    • CAT8004.SQL
    • CATREP8M.SQL (if using Advanced Replication)

  4. Exit Server Manager:


Oracle Data Migration Assistant

Note that the migration of replication support renders packages and views invalid.

If you migrate an Oracle7 database that has a different database character set from the NLS_LANG environment variable, the text in the log file is written in English.

When trying to start your database with Server Manager after migrating from a database, ensure that you use the PFILE option to identify the correct INITSID.ORA file. For example:


where SID is the system identifier (SID) for the database you want to start.

Operating System Permission Issues

The permission problem (OS 5 or 3) is typically caused by inadequate configuration of the NTFS permissions. By default, the Oracle8 database service runs using the SYSTEM account instead of a named Windows NT user such as Administrator. In File Manager or Windows NT Explorer, you must grant Full Control on the ORACLE_HOME directory and all of its subdirectories to the SYSTEM user. The SYSTEM user has the full name The operating system and has an icon of a computer chip. For this and other Windows NT problems, consult your Windows NT documentation or contact your Windows NT System Administrator.

After correcting the problem, you must delete any files created as a result of partial completion of the CREATE DATABASE command. The files to delete are the:

Then, run the BUILD_DB.SQL script again in Server Manager.

Using Oracle Trace

Oracle Trace is a general-purpose data collection tool that is part of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Pack (not contained on this CD-ROM disc). Oracle Trace collects data from Oracle applications and databases. This data can include:

This data can be:

See Chapter 2, Using Oracle Trace" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Trace User's Guide for information on starting and using Oracle Trace.

Contacting Oracle Worldwide Customer Support

If after reading this appendix, you still cannot resolve your problems, call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error. For customers in the United States with support contracts, call (1) (650) 506-1500, or call (1) 650 506-5577 to obtain a support contract. For customers in Europe, call (1) (44) (1344) 860-160. For all other customers, call the Oracle Sales Office in your country. Oracle Sales Offices are listed in the Desktop Customer Support Guide booklet in your kit. Please have the following information at hand:


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