Net8 Getting Started
Release 8.0.4 for Windows NT and Windows 95







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Before You Begin

1 Introducing Net8

Net8 Version 8.0 Overview
Oracle Connectivity Overview
Client Request
Server Response to Client Request
Architectural Overview
Oracle Protocol Adapters
Network-Specific Protocol Stack

2 Introducing Net8 Products

Net8 Products
Supported Protocol Stack Vendors
Oracle Advanced Networking Option Products
Net8 Features

3 Understanding Post Installation Tasks

Installation Results
Connection Manager Installation
Verifying Installation and Setup

4 Understanding Coexistence and Migration Issues

Net8 and SQL*Net Differences
Migration and Coexistence Overview
Migration and Coexistence Considerations
Migration Issues
File Names
Service Names
Coexistence Issues
Configuration Files
Oracle Network Products Compatibility

5 Using Net8 with Multiple Oracle Homes

Multiple Oracle Homes Overview
Control Utilities with Multiple Oracle Homes
Specifying the Absolute Path
Changing the Value of PATH
Service Names
Network Listener
Listener Startup Mode
Configuration File Port Numbers
Oracle Names Server
Oracle Connection Manager

6 Configuring the Network

Configuration Overview
Naming Methods
Configuration Files
Using the Host Naming Method
Server Configuration
Client Configuration
Using the Host Naming Method for Multiple Databases On a Server
Using the Local Naming Method
Server Configuration
Client Configuration
Using the Oracle Names Method
Oracle Names Features
Differences Between Versions of Oracle Names
Step 1: Configure the Server
Step 2: Define a Well-Known Oracle Names Server(s)
Step 3: Create a Well-Known Oracle Names Server(s)
Step 4: Configure Clients and Servers To Use Oracle Names Server
Configuring Oracle Connection Manager
Conditions for Using Oracle Connection Manager
Client Configuration
Oracle Connection Manager Configuration
Server Configuration
Testing the Configuration on the Server
Step 1: Start Oracle Names Server(s)
Step 2: Start the Network Listener
Step 3: Start Oracle Connection Manager(s)
Step 4: Perform a Loopback Test
Testing the Configuration on the Client
Verify TCP/IP Network Connections
Verify Oracle Database Connections Using TNSPING
Verify Oracle Database Connection Using Oracle Net8 Easy Config

7 Connecting To a Database

Connection Overview
Step 1: Start Oracle Names Server(s)
Step 2: Start the Network Listener
Step 3: Start Oracle Connection Manager(s)
Step 4: Start Client Cache Service
Step 5: Connect to the Database
Use Server Manager
Use SQL*Plus

8 Performing Advanced Configuration

Using the External Naming Method
NetWare Server Configuration
Configuring Authentication Adapters
NDS Authentication Adapter
Windows NT Native Authentication Adapter
Non-NT Authentication Servers
Configuring Security for the Named Pipes Protocol Adapter
Configuring ANO
CyberSAFE Authentication Adapter
Identix Authentication Adapter
Kerberos Authentication Adapter
SecurID Authentication Adapter
Configuring External Procedure Calls
Oracle8 External Procedures Requirements
Configuring Net8 for External Procedures
How Do External Procedure Calls Work?

9 Performing Administration Tasks

Performing Oracle Names Server Administration Tasks
Starting Oracle Names Server(s)
Stopping Oracle Names Server(s)
Performing Server Administration Tasks
Starting the Network Listener
Stopping the Network Listener
Performing Oracle Connection Manager Administration Tasks
Starting Oracle Connection Manager(s)
Stopping Oracle Connection Manager(s)
Performing Client Administration Tasks
Starting the Client Cache Service
Specifying Naming Methods
Modifying Service Names and Addresses
Enabling Tracing
Using the Oracle Net8 Assistant
Manually Adding Parameters
Using the Control Utilities
Analyzing Trace Files

A Directory Structure

Net8 Directory Structure

B Modifying and Adding Configuration Parameters

Understanding Net8 Registry Parameter and Subkeys
Net80 Parameter
Net8 Service Subkeys
Modifying a Registry Value
Understanding Optional Configuration Parameters
Adding Optional Configuration Parameters
Using the Registry
Using the Control Panel on Windows NT

C Configuration Files

Understanding the Configuration Files
Understanding the TNSNAMES.ORA File
Relationship To Other Configuration Files
Specifying Service Names
Specifying Connect Descriptors
Configuring TNSNAMES.ORA for Oracle Protocol Adapters
TCP/IP Addresses
SPX Addresses
Named Pipes Addresses
LU6.2 Addresses
Bequeath Addresses
Understanding the SQLNET.ORA File
Specifying Dead Connection Detection
Using SQLNET.ORA Logging and Tracing Parameters
Understanding Default Domains
Understanding Client Parameters for Use with Oracle Names Server
Understanding the IPC Parameter
Understanding Authentication, Encryption, and Checksumming Parameters
Understanding the LISTENER.ORA File
Defining the Network Listener Name
Defining the Network Listener Address
Describing the Databases on the Network Listener
Using LISTENER.ORA Control Parameters
Using Oracle Names
Using the Host Naming
Understanding the CMAN.ORA File

D Troubleshooting

Diagnosing Net8
Understanding Proper Net8 Installation
Server Diagnostics
Client Diagnostics
Net8 Logging and Tracing
The Difference Between Logging and Tracing
Tracing for a Oracle Names Server
Oracle Trace for Net8
Trace Assistant
Resolving Common Error Messages
ORA-12154: TNS: Could not resolve service name
ORA-12203:TNS:unable to connect to destination
ORA-3113: end of file communication channel
ORA-3121: No interface driver connection - function not performed
Resolving Oracle Names Server Problems
Client Connections Not Established
Service Is Not Resolved
Resolving Improper Configuration of External Procedures
Net8 Troubleshooting Hints and Tips from the Field
Contacting Oracle Worldwide Customer Support

E Net8 Services and Port Numbers

Port Numbers


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