Net8 Getting Started
Release 8.0.4 for Windows NT and Windows 95






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Before You Begin

This guide is your primary source of introductory, post installation, configuration and administration information for Net8.

Specific topics discussed are:

Intended Audience

This user guide is for both end-users and network administrators who install, configure, and use Net8.


This guide assumes that you are familiar with:

How This Manual Is Organized

This manual is organized as follows:

Chapter 1, "Introducing Net8"

Describes the connectivity architecture of Net8.

Chapter 2, "Introducing Net8 Products"

Describes Net8 products and features.

Chapter 3, "Understanding Post Installation Tasks"

Describes the results of installation.

Chapter 4, "Understanding Coexistence and Migration Issues"

Describes implications of migrating from SQL*Net to a Net8, and installing Net8 into the same Oracle home as SQL*Net.

Chapter 5, "Using Net8 with Multiple Oracle Homes"

Describes Net8 implications when using multiple Oracle homes.

Chapter 6, "Configuring the Network"

Describes how to configure and test your network using various Net8 methods.

Chapter 7, "Connecting To a Database"

Describes how to make database connections.

Chapter 8, "Performing Advanced Configuration"

Describes how to use optional configuration tools for specialized configurations.

Chapter 9, "Performing Administration Tasks"

Describes basic administrative tasks for the server, Oracle Names Server, Connection Manager, and client. Also, describes enabling tracing.

Appendix A, "Directory Structure"

Shows the installed directory structure as it relates to Net8.

Appendix B, "Modifying and Adding Configuration Parameters"

Describes how to add and modify Net8 configuration parameters.

Appendix C, "Configuration Files"

Describes the contents and parameters of the configuration files.

Appendix D, "Troubleshooting"

Describes diagnosing Net problems and resolving common error messages.

Appendix E, "Net8 Services and Port Numbers"

Lists the Window NT services and their port numbers.


Provides brief descriptions of terms used throughout this manual.

Related Documents

For more information, see the following user guides:


The following conventions are used in this guide:

Convention   Example   Meaning  

All uppercase plain  


Indicates command names, SQL reserved words, and keywords, as in ALTER DATABASE. All uppercase plain is also used for directory names and file names  


Italic used to indicate a variable:


Italic used for emphasis:

The WHERE clause may be used to join rows in different tables.  

Indicates a value that you must provide. For example, if a command asks you to type filename, you must type the actual name of the file.

Italic is also used for emphasis in the text and to indicate the titles of other guides.  



Represents the Windows NT command prompt of the current hard disk drive. Your prompt reflects the subdirectory in which you are working. Referred to as the MS-DOS command prompt in this guide.  

Backslash (\) before a directory name  


Indicates that the directory is a subdirectory of the root directory.  


Go to the ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE directory.


Oracle home is represented as the hard drive letter and the top level directory where your Oracle software is installed. In this guide, the convention ORACLE_HOME is used to indicate your Oracle home directory, which may be:

  • C:\ ORANT for Windows NT
  • C:\ ORAWIN95 for Windows 95

or whatever you may have called your Oracle home.

In Server Manager commands, you may see %ORACLE_HOME%. Server Manager is able to locate your Oracle Home directory using the %ORACLE_HOME% variable. This convention can be used in Server Manager, SQL*Plus, Export, and Import.  



Represents the Oracle home name if you use multiple Oracle homes. This convention is not applicable for the first Oracle home.

The home name can be up to sixteen alphanumeric characters. The only special character allowed in the home name is the underscore.  



Represents a unique registry subkey for each Oracle home directory in which you install products. A new HOMEID is created and incremented each time you install products to a different Oracle home directory on one machine. Each HOMEID contains its own configuration parameter settings for installed Oracle products.  


period .
comma ,
hyphen -
semicolon ;
colon :
equal sign =
backslash \
single quote `
double quote "
parentheses ()  

Symbols other than brackets and vertical bars must be entered in commands exactly as shown.  


Copyright © 1997 Oracle Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.



