Net8 Getting Started
Release 8.0.4 for Windows NT and Windows 95






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Configuring the Network

This chapter describes how to configure your network.

Specific topics discussed are:

Configuration Overview

Before a database server can receive connections from clients, clients must be configured with service names (easy to remember aliases for database addresses) that match the address preconfigured in each server machine's LISTENER.ORA file. These addresses are used by the client to connect to the network listener during a connection. During a connection, a client passes the system ID (SID) of the server to which it wants to connect.

The LISTENER.ORA file identifies and controls the behavior of the network listeners that listen for the databases on the machine. This file includes network listener descriptors and addresses of all network listeners on a machine, the SIDs of the databases they listen for, and various control parameters.

Client configuration is accomplished by creating a list of the service names and addresses of network destinations through a TNSNAMES.ORA client configuration file or an Oracle Names Server. A client (or a server that is part of a distributed database) needs this information to tell it where it can make connections.

Configuration is based upon one of two models:

Network Configuration Model...   Suitable When...   Naming Method...   Configuration Tool...  

Localized management  

Network addresses are mapped in a TNSNAMES.ORA file on each node (no Oracle Names Server).  

Host naming

Local naming

External naming  

Oracle Net8 Easy Config  

Centralized management  

Networks where an Oracle Names Server performs network address resolution. An Oracle Names Server stores client configuration profiles in one location.  

Oracle Names  

Oracle Net8 Assistant  

Naming Methods

Net8 can resolve service names using the following methods:

Naming Methods   Description  

Host Naming  

Resolves service names through a TCP/IP network's Domain Name System (DNS) or in the /ETC/HOSTS file. This method is recommended for simple TCP/IP environments.  

Local Naming (no Oracle Names Server)  

Resolves service names to network addresses by using information configured and stored on each individual client. Local Naming is most appropriate for simple distributed networks with a small number of services that change infrequently.  

Oracle Names  

Oracle Names stores names and addresses of all database services on a network on an Oracle Names Server. Connection requests are routed through an Oracle Names Server, which resolves the service name to a network address. The information is then returned to the client.  

External Naming  

External naming refers to service name resolution by using a supported third-party naming service.

See "Using the External Naming Method" in Chapter 8, "Performing Advanced Configuration".  

Configuration Files

Depending on the naming method you use, the following configuration files may be created or modified in ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN:

Configuration File   Description  


Includes addresses of all network listeners on a server, the SIDs of the databases for which they listen, and various control parameters used by the network listener.  


Includes a list of service names of databases.  


Includes the names resolution method.  


Includes lists of Oracle Names Servers.  

Additional Information:

See Appendix C, "Configuration Files" for more information about these files.


Using the Host Naming Method

The host naming method is enabled by default during installation for TCP/IP network environments only. The LISTENER.ORA has a line which specifies the TCP/IP host name of your server. Clients that use this host name in their connect string, can connect.

Your client machine may connect to a database using the host name of the machine on which the database resides if:

Server Configuration

Ensure GLOBAL_DBNAME = HOSTNAME as specified in the LISTENER.ORA configuration file, where HOSTNAME is the TCP/IP host name or alias of the server system.

During the installation of Net8, the GLOBAL_DBNAME of the default database is set to the system name.

To verify GLOBAL_DBNAME is correctly specified:

Check the LISTENER.ORA file...   Use the Net8 Assistant...  

Ensure the line shown in bold exists:

   (SID_LIST =
      (SID_DESC =
         (SID_NAME = SID)
  1. Choose Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT - HOME_NAME > Oracle Net8 Assistant.

    The Oracle Net8 Assistant starts.

  2. Select Listeners folder.

  3. Select the appropriate network listener from the Listeners folder.

    The network listener details appear on the right side of the screen:

  4. Select Database Services from the drop-down list.

  5. Ensure the TCP/IP host name is correctly specified in the Global Database Field.

  6. Choose Save Network Configuration from the File menu.

  7. Choose Exit from the File menu to exit the Oracle Net8 Assistant application.


Client Configuration

No client configuration is necessary for using the Host Name Adapter. The connection is established by using the default TCP/IP port for the network listener.

Using the Host Naming Method for Multiple Databases On a Server

If you have multiple databases on a server, you can set TCP/IP aliases for the server system, and assign a separate GLOBAL_DBNAME parameter for each different databases in the LISTENER.ORA file.

The client will then connect to the specific database based on the host name used for connection.

Using the Local Naming Method

With the local naming method, service names are added to the TNSNAMES.ORA files on the clients. Service names are mapped to database address. Clients use this service name in their connect string to connect.

Server Configuration

To configure using the local naming method:


Oracle Net8 Easy Config only supports configurations using TCP/IP, SPX/IPX, Named Pipes, and Bequeath Protocol Adapters. To configure a service name using the LU6.2 Protocol Adapter, you must manually edit the configuration files.


  1. Choose Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT - HOME_NAME > Oracle Net8 Easy Config.

    The Oracle Service Name Wizard window appears:

  1. Enter a new service name in the New Service Name field to create a new service name, and click Next. The service name can be any name you choose.

    The next window appears:

  2. Select the network protocol you want to use (this protocol adapter must also installed on the clients), and click Next.

    The window appropriate for your protocol adapter appears; in the example here, TCP/IP is assumed:

  3. Enter the appropriate information for your chosen protocol in the fields, and click Next.

    The next window appears:

  4. Enter the name of the SID of the database to which you want to connect in the Database SID field, and click Next. The default SID is ORCL.

    The following window appears:

  5. Click Next (testing is performed later in this chapter).

  6. Click Finish to save your configuration and dismiss the Oracle Net8 Easy Config.

    Oracle Net8 Easy Config adds the new service names to the TNSNAMES.ORA in ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN.

  7. If you have more than one supported Oracle Protocol Adapter in your ORACLE_HOME directory, use Oracle Net8 Easy Config to configure other services following the same steps.

Client Configuration

After the server is configured, it is best to simply copy over the TNSNAMES.ORA configuration file located at ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN on the server to the same location on the clients. This will ensure the files are consistent. Otherwise, you must use the Oracle Net8 Easy Config tool on every client, introducing possible errors.

Using the Oracle Names Method

Oracle Names simplifies the setup and administration of global, client/server computing networks. Oracle Names makes network address and database link information available to all nodes throughout the network. Each database server's network address is identified with a simple service name. Client applications then can request a database connection with that name rather than a lengthy address.

Oracle Names is made up of Names Servers that store a service's name and network address. Services include databases, database link definitions, and object aliases. Client applications request a connection using a simple name, rather than the lengthy address, and the name is resolved to the address by a Names Server. Oracle Names shields users and applications from changes made to the network infrastructure. It provides for centralized administration of network service names.

The diagram below shows that:

Oracle Names Features

The automatic discovery features of Oracle Names version 8 enable network connectivity with virtually no configuration files.

Oracle Names version 8 includes three features to improve network performance and ease of administration:

Feature   Description  

Dynamic Service Registration  

With dynamic service registration, a Net8 network listener automatically locates a Names Server through the mechanism of a well-known address and registers its services with Oracle Names. A single database network listener can service connection requests for several database instances. At startup, the network listener forwards connect descriptors and global names for each of these services. When the service or network listener is shut down, the network listener automatically deregisters its services with Oracle Names.

The network listener registers with the Oracle Names Servers by looking for a Names Server with a well-known address. The well-known Names Server address on a TCP/IP network is a host aliased to oranamesrvr0, oranamesrvr1,...oranamesrvr4, using port 1575.

Once the service is registered, its address is made available to all other Names Servers in the region. The address information is shared in one of two ways:

  • Service Replication - In service replication, service information is stored in a Names Server's cache and is instantly replicated to the caches of all other Names Servers.
  • Oracle Names database - If an Oracle database is used as the registration repository, the registration information is stored in the database, and from there is accessible to all the Names Servers.

Client Discovery of Names Servers  

The discovery process involves running an REORDER_NS command from the NAMESCTL80 utility or choosing Discover Oracle Names Server (from in the Tools menu) in the Net8 Assistant. This produces a SDNS.ORA file in the ORACLE_HOME\NET80\NAMES directory. This file contains a list of the Oracle Names Servers the client can connect.

The discovery process allows the client to:

  • retrieve a list of all of the existing Names Server addresses with minimal network configuration at installation
  • find out about new Names Servers as they appear in the network.

This allows for dynamic changes in the network topology with minimal involvement on the user's part and with little or no impact on the performance of a normal query.

Clients discover Names Servers in much the same way that services find them for registration:

  1. A client first looks in its own SDNS.ORA client cache file. If it has contacted a Names Server within the past 24 hours, the address of a Names Server may be in the cache.

  2. A client looks for a Names Server with a well-known address. The well-known Names Server address on a TCP/IP network is a host aliased to oranamesrvr0, oranamesrvr1,...oranamesrvr4, using port 1575.

Once a Names Server is found, the addresses of all the other version 8 Names Servers in the region are made available to the client.  

OracleHOME_NAMEClientCache80 service  

After the clients have discovered Oracle Names Servers, the SDNS.ORA client cache file can simply be updated with new Oracle Names Server information by starting the OracleClientCach80 service on the client(s).

OracleHOME_NAMEClientCache80 contacts each of the Names Servers in turn, and orders the list on the basis of the speed of each Names Server's response. Subsequently, when a client makes a query to a Names Server, the Names Server at the top of the list in the SDNS.ORA file is contacted first.

The local client-side cache is particularly advantageous if at some time no Names Server is available. In this case, the local client-side cache has the current list of recently accessed services.

All the information in the client cache has a time to live (TTL). At the end of that TTL, the information is flushed from the cache. The purpose of this feature is to avoid having stale information in the client cache. The default TTL is 86,400 seconds (24 hours). It cannot be changed.  

Differences Between Versions of Oracle Names

There are significant differences between this version of Oracle Names and earlier versions:

Step 1: Configure the Server

On the server, the network listener must be configured to identify a database for an Oracle Names Server.

To configure the network listener:

  1. From the Control Panel window, double-click Services.

    The Services window appears.

  1. Check the status of the network listener OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener. If the network listener is stopped (the status column is blank), go to the Step 3. If the status is Started, stop the network listener:

    To stop the network listener:

    1. From the Control Panel's Services window, select OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener80 (the service name if you are using the default network listener name LISTENER) or OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener80LSNR (where LSNR is the non-default network listener name), and click Stop.

      The Services confirmation dialog box appears, prompting you if it is OK to stop the service.

    2. Click Yes.

      The network listener is stopped. The status column is blank.

  2. Click Close to dismiss the Services window.

  3. Set the global database name and register services with the Oracle Names Server.

    The global database name specifies the name by which the network listener registers the database instance with an Oracle Names Server and the name by which the Oracle Names Server identifies a database. When clients request the connect information for a database from an Oracle Names Server, this is the alias they use. The domain must also be added to the end of this name. The domain is defined in the SQLNET.ORA file by the NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN parameter. The default is set to WORLD.

    Registering services with the Oracle Names Server instructs the network listener to find and register with a well-known Oracle Names Server. When the network listener starts, it looks for hosts with the well-known host names, tries to gather connection information from the Oracle Names Server, and registers its SID(s) with it.

    Use the Net8 Assistant...   Modify the LISTENER.ORA file...  
    1. Choose Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT - HOME_NAME > Oracle Net8 Assistant.

      The Oracle Net8 Assistant starts.

    2. Select Listeners folder.

    3. Select the appropriate network listener from the Listeners folder.

      The network listener details appear on the right side of the screen:

    4. Select Database Services from the drop-down list.

    5. Modify the Global Database Field with the global database name and domain name.

    6. Select General Parameters from the drop-down list.

    7. Click Register Services with Oracle Names.

    8. Choose Save Network Configuration from the File menu.

    9. Choose Exit from the File menu to exit the Oracle Net8 Assistant.

       (SID_LIST =
          (SID_DESC =
             (SID_NAME = SID)
             (GLOBAL_DBNAME = 
    USE_PLUG_AND_PLAY_listener = ON

Step 2: Define a Well-Known Oracle Names Server(s)

To define a well-known Oracle Names Server:

For all clients and servers, ensure your network administrator has named the Oracle Names Servers as a well-known names server, allowing clients to access the Oracle Names Servers using the well-known name.

For example, for TCP/IP, Oracle Names Servers may be made well-known by adding aliases oranamesrvr(0-4) to the Domain Name Service (DNS) or in the
/ETC/HOSTS file.

The /ETC/HOSTS file may include the following entries: host0  oranamesrvr0 host1  oranamesrvr1 host1  oranamesrvr2

This implies you can have as few as one well-known Oracle Names Server (whose alias would be oranamesrvr0) and as many as five (with aliases oranamesrvr0 to oranamesrvr4)

The numbers 0 to 4 indicate the order in which the client tries to contact the Oracle Names Servers, if more than one exists in the network.

The well-known host names for TCP connections   The well-known computer Names for Named Pipes connections1   The well-known service name for an SPX connection  




1 Well-known Names Server names for Names Pipes must be in all uppercase.

Step 3: Create a Well-Known Oracle Names Server(s)

You may use the Oracle Names Control Utility (NAMESCTL80), or the Oracle Net8 Assistant to create a well-known Oracle Names Server.

Prior to creating a well-known Oracle Names Server, you must decide whether:

See Chapter 6, "Oracle Names," of the Oracle Net8 Administrator's Guide to help with these decisions.

Oracle recommends you have at two least Oracle Names Servers, one to act as the Oracle Names Server and one to act as a backup Oracle Names Server.

To create a well-known Oracle Names Server:

Use the Net8 Assistant...   Use the Net8 Assistant...  
  1. If you want to create a region database, follow Steps 1-2 in Section 6.7, "Creating a Database to Store Names Server Information", of the Oracle Net8 Administrator's Guide.

  2. On the machine where Oracle Names software resides, choose Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT - HOME_NAME > Oracle Net8 Assistant.

    The Oracle Net8 Assistant starts.

  3. Select Oracle Names Servers.

  4. Choose Create from the Edit menu, or click on the "+" button to create a new Names Server.

    The Names Wizard starts.

  5. The wizard guides you through the creation and configuration process.

  6. Choose Exit from the File menu to exit the Oracle Net8 Assistant application.

  7. Repeat Steps 2-6 to create additional Oracle Names Servers in a region. The Oracle Net8 Assistant does not support creation of multiple Oracle Names Servers on one machine.

  1. If you want to create a region database, follow Steps 1-2 in Section 6.7, "Creating a Database to Store Names Server Information", of the Oracle Net8 Administrator's Guide.

  2. Start the Oracle Names Server on each machine where Oracle Names software resides:

    From the command line, enter:

    C:\> NAMESCTL80


    Or, from the Control Panel's Services window, select OacleHOME_NAMENamesService80, and click Start.

  3. Create a SDNS.ORA file in ORACLE_HOME\NET80\NAMES.

    This file contains the names of the Oracle Names Server(s) in a particular region. The machine reads this file to find the addresses of other Oracle Names Servers.

    From the command line, enter:



Step 4: Configure Clients and Servers To Use Oracle Names Server

To configure the client and server machines:

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT/Windows 95 - HOME_NAME > Oracle Net8 Assistant.

    The Oracle Net8 Assistant starts.

  1. Create a SDNS.ORA file at ORACLE_HOME\NET80\NAMES.

    This file contains the names of the Oracle Names Server(s). Client machines read this file to find the addresses of Oracle Names Servers.

    Use the Net8 Assistant...   Use the control utility NAMESCTL80...  
    1. Choose Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT/Windows 95 - HOME_NAME > Oracle Net8 Assistant.

      The Oracle Net8 Assistant starts.

    2. Choose Discover Oracle Names Servers from the Tools menu.

      This produces an SDNS.ORA file in ORACLE_HOME\NET80\NAMES. This file contains the names of the Oracle Names Server(s). This file is read to find the addresses of Oracle Names Servers.

      The following message appears:

      "Discovered Oracle Names Server in the region. Please exit the tool and start again."

    3. Choose Exit from the File menu to exit the Oracle Net8 Assistant application.


    From the command line, enter:

    C:\> NAMESCTL80


  2. Ensure Oracle Names is the first method Net8 will use to reconcile service names:

    Use the Net8 Assistant...   Modify the SQLNET.ORA file...  
    1. Choose Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT/Windows 95 - HOME_NAME > Oracle Net8 Assistant.

      The Oracle Net8 Assistant starts.

    2. Select Profiles.

      The profile details appear on the right side of the screen:

    3. Select Naming from the drop-down list.

    4. Click the Methods tab.

    5. Choose ONAMES from the Available Methods list and click <.

    6. Select the ONAMES in the Selected Methods list, and use the Promote button to move the selection to the top of the list.

    7. Choose Save Network Configuration from the File menu.

    8. Choose Exit from the File menu to exit the Oracle Net8 Assistant application.


    Add the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter so it includes ONAMES:


    The order is important. Net8 tries to use the first method. If the first method fails to resolve the service name, Net8 tries to use the next method.  

Configuring Oracle Connection Manager

The Oracle Connection Manager provides three capabilities for Oracle8:

The clients require a TNSNAMES.ORA file or Oracle Names Server, the Oracle Connection Manager requires a CMAN.ORA, and the server requires multiplexing parameters set in the INITSID.ORA if

Conditions for Using Oracle Connection Manager

Client Configuration

To configure the client:

Set the Oracle Connection Manager address through a TNSNAMES.ORA file or Oracle Names Server.

If using Oracle Names Server, the Oracle Connection Manager automatically updates the addresses in the Names Server, inserting the address for the CMAN into the existing address.

If you are using the local naming method, modify the TNSNAMES.ORA file located in ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN.

To modify the TNSNAMES.ORA file:

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT/Windows 95 - HOME_NAME > Oracle Net8 Assistant.

    The Oracle Net8 Assistant starts.

  1. Select Service Names.

    The list of current service name appears:


  3. Modify the Address 1 tab with the address information for the Oracle Connection Manager.

  4. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Options dialog box appears:

  5. Ensure Source Route is checked, and click OK.

    This option creates a source route of addresses through all Oracle Connection Managers to the destination address.

  6. Select the Address 2 tab and modify it with the address information for the server. The second address is used by the Oracle Connection Manager to connect to the server.

  7. You can have multiple CMAN addresses in the ADDRESS_LIST if necessary. The Oracle Connection Managers basically act as routers, pointing the connection request to the next hop.

  8. Choose Save Network Configuration from the File menu.

  9. Choose Exit from the File menu to exit the Oracle Net8 Assistant.

Below is a comparison of a regular TNSNAMES.ORA file and a TNSNAMES.ORA file with an entry to use the Oracle Connection Manager (Connection Manager entries are shown in boldface text):


           (ADDRESS= <---CMAN address
                (PORT=1610) <---must match  port in 

Enabling Multi-Protocol Support

Below is a TNSNAMES.ORA entry set up to use the Oracle Connection Manager with multiple protocols:


In this example, the client will use SPX to connect to the CMAN, then the CMAN will use TCP/IP to connect to the server. This is the same functionality that was provided with the Oracle Multi-Protocol Interchange (MPI) of Oracle7.

Oracle Connection Manager Configuration

Configuration of the Oracle Connection Manager may require the modification of the CMAN.ORA file located in ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN if you are using protocol adapters other than TCP/IP or require additional features.

Non-TCP/IP Protocol Adapters

If you used protocols other than TCP/IP between the client and Oracle Connection Manager, you must modify the line beginning CMAN = (ADDRESS_LIST= to listen to the protocols adapter address the same way you would modify LISTENER.ORA file.

Enabling Connection Concentration

Section 7.3.2, "Enabling Connection Concentration Features," of the Oracle Net8 Administrator's Guide explains how to enable multiplexing.

Enabling Specifying Network Access Control Rules

Section 7.3.3, "Enabling Connection Concentration Features," of the Oracle Net8 Administrator's Guide explains how to enable network access rules.

Enabling Optional Parameters

If you require other optional parameters, you must remove the `#' preceding those parameters from the CMAN.ORA file.

Additional Information:

See "Understanding the CMAN.ORA File" in Appendix C, "Configuration Files" for a complete description of the CMAN.ORA file and it's parameters.


Server Configuration

To use the multiplexing, configure the server for Multi-Threaded Server (MTS) by setting MTS parameters in the INITSID.ORA for each instance. See Appendix B, "Initialization Parameter Files", in your Getting Started guide.

Testing the Configuration on the Server

Once you have configured the network, test the configuration by performing a loopback test on the server.

Test the network configuration by performing a loopback test on the server. A loopback test uses Net8 to go from the server back to itself, bypassing the Interprocess Communication (IPC). Performing a successful loopback verifies that Net8 is functioning on the server side.

Step 1: Start Oracle Names Server(s)

To start an Oracle Names Server:

Use the control utility NAMESCTL80...   Use the Windows NT Control Panel...  
  1. From the command line, enter:

    C:\> NAMESCTL80


    If the STATUS command indicates the Oracle Names Server is running, go to Step 3. If the Oracle Names Server is not running, go to Step 2.

  2. Start the Oracle Names Server. Enter:


  3. Exit from the NAMESCTL utility. Enter:


  1. From the Control Panel window, double-click Services.

    The Services window appears. Look for the OracleHOME_NAMENamesService80 service. A blank in the Status column indicates that the service is not running. If the service is already running, close the window and go to the section "Step 2: Start the Network Listener".

  2. Select the service, and click Start.

    The service starts.

  3. In the Services window, click Close.


Step 2: Start the Network Listener

For Net8 to accept connections on the server, a network listener must be started. If you have started an Oracle Names Server, the network listener upon startup automatically registers the databases specified in the SID_LIST_LISTENER_NAME section of the LISTENER.ORA file with the well-know Oracle Names Servers.

To start the network listener:

Use the control utility LSNRCTL80...   Use the Windows NT Control Panel...  
  1. From the command line enter:

    C:\> LSNRCTL80


    where LISTENER_NAME is the name of the network listener defined in the LISTENER.ORA file with the alias LISTENER. It is not necessary to identify the network listener if you are using the default network listener, named LISTENER.

    If the STATUS command indicates the network listener is running, go to Step 2. If the network listener is not running, go to Step 3.

  2. Even if the network listener is running, Oracle Corporation advises you to stop the network listener, and start it again. To stop the network listener, enter:



    SET PASSWORD is only required if the password is set in the LISTENER.ORA file. The password defaults to ORACLE.

  3. Start the network listener. Enter:


    OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener80LSNR is created if this command is run for the first time against a non-default network listener name.

  4. Exit from the LSNRCTL80 utility. Enter:


  1. From the Control Panel window, double-click Services.

    The Services window appears. Look for OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener80 (the service name if you are using the default network listener name LISTENER) or OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener80LSNR (where LSNR is the non-default network listener name). OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener80LSNR is only created if the following command has been run:


    A blank in the Status column indicates that the service is not running. If the service is already running, close the window and go to the section "Step 3: Start Oracle Connection Manager(s)".

  2. Select the service, and click Start.

    The service starts.

  3. In the Services window, click Close.


Step 3: Start Oracle Connection Manager(s)

To start an Oracle Connection Manager:

Use the control utility CMCTL80...   Use the Windows NT Control Panel...  
  1. From the command line, enter:

    C:\> CMCTL80


  2. Exit from the CMCTL80 utility. Enter:


  1. From the Control Panel window, double-click Services.

    The Services window appears.

  2. If you are using Oracle Names, select the OracleHOME_NAMECMAdminService80 and click Start. If you are not using Oracle Names, do not start this service, and go to Step 3.

    The service starts.

  3. Select the OracleHOME_NAMECManService80, and click Start.A blank in the Status column indicates that the service is not running.

    The service starts.

  4. In the Services window, click Close.


Step 4: Perform a Loopback Test

Perform a loopback test on the server using Oracle Net8 Easy Config.

To perform the loopback test:

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT - HOME_NAME > Oracle Net8 Easy Config.

    Oracle Service Name Wizard window appears.

  1. Select Test, and select a service name from the Existing Services list box.

  2. Click Next.

    The Connection Test window appears:

  3. Enter a valid Username and Password, such as SYSTEM and MANAGER, for the database you want to connect to, and click Test.

    The status of the test appears in the field below the Test button. A successful test display the following message:

    The connection test was successful.
  4. Click Done when the test is complete.

    The final window appears.

  5. Click Finish to save your configuration and dismiss the Oracle Net8 Easy Config.

    Oracle Net8 Easy Config modifies the service name in the TNSNAMES.ORA located in ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN.

Testing the Configuration on the Client

After performing a loopback test, use the mechanisms below to test client connections:

Verify TCP/IP Network Connections

If you are using TCP/IP, follow the instructions below to specify the destination address for TCP/IP and use PING to see if the server is running.

Most TCP/IP transports attempt to use the DNS. DNS is a mechanism used to translate the host name specified in the TNSNAMES.ORA file into the host internet address (IP). If a DNS is present on your network and the TCP/IP vendor supports DNS, the host name is successfully translated to the host address. The host IP address can be determined by using the Control Panel's Network utility to access DNS information.

Depending on your vendor, workstation configuration, and network configuration, your TCP/IP software can also use a HOSTS file to map host names to Internet addresses if DNS is not detected or supported.

If DNS and the HOSTS file are unable to resolve the host name during a remote database connection, the following error message appears:

ORA-12545: TNS: name lookup failure

If your network administrator cannot resolve the problem, the solution to this error message is go around DNS and the HOSTS file by modifying the (HOST = SERVER_NAME) section of the TNSNAMES.ORA so SERVER_NAME is changed to the IP address of the server.

The following sections explain how to determine the server's IP address and verify that DNS and the HOSTS file are working correctly.

Determine the Server's IP Address

If you are not using TCP/IP, go to "Verify Oracle Database Connections Using TNSPING" in this chapter.

The instructions below explain how to determine the IP address from Windows NT 4.0. The instructions are different on Windows NT 3.51. Please see your operating system documentation for specific DNS information.

To determine the server's TCP/IP internet address:


If you are not authorized for access on the server, ask your server administrator for assistance.


  1. From the Control Panel window, double-click Network.

    The Network window appears.

  1. Choose the Protocols tab.

    The Protocols view appears:

  2. From the Protocol view, select the TCP/IP Protocol adapter, and click Properties.

    The Microsoft TCP/IP Properties dialog box appears with the IP Address view:

  3. Obtain the IP address, and click Cancel to close the Microsoft TCP/IP Properties dialog box.

  4. Click Cancel to close the Network window.


If you are using TCP/IP, PING allows you to determine if DNS or the HOSTS file are correctly set up and your network operating system is functioning correctly.

To use PING:

From the client, enter:


where SERVER_NAME is the host name, alias, or Internet address of the server to which you are trying to connect. If your network is functioning correctly, the following message appears:

Reply from SERVER_NAME: bytes=nn time=nnms

If there is a problem, this message appears:

Request timed out


Reply from SERVER_NAME: Destination host unreachable

The following is a partial list of reasons why a host is inaccessible:

If PING returns an error message, ask your network administrator to help you resolve the problem. If the problem is not resolved, and you attempt to make a Net8 connection, you may receive one of the following error messages:

Verify Oracle Database Connections Using TNSPING

Use the TNSPING80 utility to determine whether or not you can reach the network listener service. TNSPING80, however, never actually connects with the network listener. A socket is never created and opened. TNSPING80 only checks to ascertain that a network listener is present on the server side.

When you connect to a network listener using TNSPING80, an estimate of the round trip time in milliseconds appears. If TNSPING80 fails, a network error message appears without the resource use of a database connection.

To use TNSPING80:

From the client, enter:


where SERVICE_NAME is the service name (defined in the TNSNAMES.ORA) and count is the number of times the program attempts to reach the server. count is optional.

The output looks like:

TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 27 
OCT-97 20:20:33

Copyright, 1997(c) Oracle Corporation 1997. All rights reserved.

Attempting to contact 
OK (60 msec)

Verify Oracle Database Connection Using Oracle Net8 Easy Config

Use the Oracle Net8 Easy Config application to determine whether or not you can reach the network listener service.

To verify connectivity for a client machine:

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Oracle for Windows NT/Windows 95 - HOME_NAME > Oracle Net8 Easy Config.

    Oracle Service Name Wizard window appears.

  1. Select Test, and select a service name from the Existing Services list box.

  2. Click Next.

    The Connection Test window appears:

  3. Enter a valid Username and Password, such as SYSTEM and MANAGER, for the database you want to connect to, and click Test.

    The status of the test appears in the field below the Test button. A successful test display the following message:

    The connection test was successful.

  4. Click Done when the test is complete.

    The final window appears.

  5. Click Finish to save your configuration and dismiss the Oracle Net8 Easy Config.

    Oracle Net8 Easy Config modifies the service name in the TNSNAMES.ORA located in ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN.


Copyright © 1997 Oracle Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.



