Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Getting Started
Release 8.0.4 for Windows NT






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Starter Database Contents

This chapter describes the contents of the Oracle8 Enterprise Edition starter database.

Specific topics discussed are:

Starter Database Guide

During the installation process, you are prompted to install either of two types of database configurations:

This table describes some of the features available with each configuration:

Database Feature   Typical Configuration   Custom Configuration  

Type of Database Created  

Automatically creates a fully preconfigured and ready-to-use starter database with default INITSID.ORA file parameter settings.  

Enables you to create your own database with customized INITSID.ORA parameter settings. This option is only for Oracle database administrators (DBAs) experienced with advanced database creation procedures.  

Database Name  

Automatically named ORCx1.  

Your choice.  

System Identifier (SID) Name  

Automatically named ORCx1.  

Your choice.  

Cartridges and Options  

Both configuration types allow you to select the following cartridges and options for installation:

  • Oracle8 ConText Cartridge
  • Oracle8 Spatial Cartridge
  • Oracle8 Image Cartridge
  • Oracle8 Time Series Cartridge
  • Oracle8 Visual Image Retrieval Cartridge
  • Oracle Parallel Server Option
  • Oracle8 Partitioning Option
  • Oracle8 Objects Option

Advanced replication (updatable snapshots)  

Automatically installed.  

Your choice.


User names, database files, and tablespaces  

Automatically creates the user names, database files, and tablespaces described in "Starter Database Contents".  

Automatically creates the SYS, SYSTEM, SCOTT, DEMO, and DBSNMP user names and INTERNAL alias described in "Starter Database Contents", but enables you to customize tablespace and database file settings and create an extra control file and extra tablespace named INDEX. An Oracle8 Cartridge user name is only created if you select that specific cartridge for installation when running Oracle Database Assistant.  

1 When you install the Oracle8 database for the first time on a computer, your SID and database name are typically named ORCL. For each additional Oracle8 database installation on the same computer, the last letter of ORCL is replaced by a number and automatically incremented (that is, for a second Oracle8 database installation, the SID and database name are ORC1, for a third Oracle8 database installation, the SID and database name are ORC2, etc.).

Additional Information:

You can still create a custom database manually. See Chapter 9, "Creating a Database" for additional information.


Starter Database Contents

The starter database you receive if you select the Typical Configuration database option contains the following features:

User Names

Your starter database contains these user names:

User Name   Passwords   Description  


ORACLE is automatically the password if you installed your Oracle8 database using the Oracle8 Enterprise Edition option. If you installed your Oracle8 database using the Custom option, the password is whatever you entered when prompted during installation.  

DBA user name with which to perform database administration tasks, including starting up and shutting down a database.

Note: INTERNAL is not a true user name; it is an alias for the SYS user name and SYSDBA privilege.

Note: INTERNAL uses the SYS schema, listed below, with additional SYSDBA privileges. See the chapter "The Oracle Database Administrator" of the Oracle8 Administrator's Guide for more information.  



DBA user name with the following database roles:

  • DBA



DBA user name with DBA database role.  



User name with CONNECT and RESOURCE database roles.  



User name with CONNECT and RESOURCE database roles. Oracle Corporation recommends that you drop this account if it is not needed.  



User name with CONNECT, RESOURCE, and SNMPAGENT database roles. If you want to drop this role and user, run CATNSNMP.SQL.  



Oracle8 Spatial Cartridge administrator user name.  



Oracle8 Image, Time Series, and Visual Information Retrieval Cartridges administrator user name with CONNECT and RESOURCE database roles.  

1 MDSYS and ORDSYS are automatically created with the starter database even if you do not select their Oracle8 Cartridges for installation.


Change the passwords for the SYS, SYSTEM, MDSYS, and ORDSYS user names immediately after installation with the following SQL statement at the Server Manager prompt:


See Chapter 3, "Database Tools Overview" for information on starting Server Manager.  


If you create an Oracle8 database through the Custom Configuration option, the Oracle8 Cartridge user names described in the previous table are only created if you select the cartridges for installation with which each are used.  

System Identifier

Each Oracle8 database has a SID. A SID is a unique name for an Oracle database instance that can be up to four alphanumeric characters in length.

For example, if the SID for an Oracle8 database is ORCL, each database file in the ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE directory has ORCL as part of its name (for example, CTL1ORCL.ORA, LOG1ORCL.ORA, and INITORCL.ORA). The new multiple Oracle homes feature enables you to have multiple, active Oracle8 databases installed on a single computer. Each database requires a unique SID. To ensure that each SID is unique, the last letter of ORCL is automatically replaced by a number and incremented each time you install Oracle products into a different home (that is, for a second Oracle8 database installation, the SID is ORC1, for a third Oracle8 database installation, the SID is ORC2, etc.). See Chapter 6, "Using Multiple Oracle Homes" for further information. Because of this, the data files, initialization files, redo log files, and control files described below use a variable of SID in their names. When you see SID, substitute it with the SID for your Oracle8 database.


An Oracle8 database is subdivided into smaller logical areas of space known as tablespaces. Each tablespace corresponds to one or more physical data files. The four tablespaces in the Oracle8 database contain the following types of data:

Tablespace   Consists of This Type of Data...  


The data dictionary, including definitions of tables, views, and stored procedures needed by the Oracle8 database. Information in this area is maintained automatically. The SYSTEM tablespace is present in all Oracle8 databases.  


Your application data. As you create and enter data into tables, you fill this space with your data.  


Temporary tables and/or indexes created during the processing of your SQL statement. You may need to expand this tablespace if you are executing a SQL statement that involves a lot of sorting, such as ANALYZE COMPUTE STATISTICS on a very large table, or the constructs GROUP BY, ORDER BY, or DISTINCT.  


Rolling back transactions that fail to complete normally. You may need to expand this tablespace if you have long-running or high-data-volume transactions.  

Additional Information:

See the chapter "Tablespaces and Datafiles" of Oracle8 Concepts and the chapter "Managing Tablespaces" of the Oracle8 Administrator's Guide.


Data Files

Data files contain the contents of logical database structures such as tables and indexes. One or more data files form a logical unit of storage called a tablespace. A data file can be associated with only one tablespace, and only one database. The starter database contains the following four data files located in the ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE directory:

This Data File...   Is Contained in the Tablespace...  









Additional Information:

See the chapter "Tablespaces and Datafiles" of Oracle8 Concepts and the chapter "Managing Datafiles" of the Oracle8 Administrator's Guide.


Initialization Parameter File

The starter database contains one initialization parameter file located in the ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE directory:

Initialization Parameter File   Description  


The parameter file INITSID.ORA must exist for an instance to start. A parameter file is a text file containing a list of instance configuration parameters. The starter database includes a file called INITSID.ORA that has preconfigured parameters. No edits are required to this file in order to use the starter database.  

Additional Information:

See Appendix B, "Initialization Parameters" of this guide. This appendix lists the Oracle8 database-specific initialization parameters for Windows NT and their default values. See Oracle8 Reference for further information on initialization parameters.


Redo Log Files

The starter database contains four redo log files located in the ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE directory, each 1 MB in size. In previous Oracle8 releases, the starter database only contained two redo log files, each 200 KB in size:

Database Files   Disk Size   Description  





1 MB

1 MB

1 MB

1 MB  

Redo log files hold a record of all changes made to data in the database buffer cache. If an instance failure occurs, the redo log files are used to recover the modified data that was in memory. Redo log files are used in a cyclical fashion. For example, if four files constitute the online redo log, the first two files are filled, the second two files are filled, the first two files are re-used and filled, the second two files are re-used and filled, and so on.  

Additional Information:

See the chapters "Managing the Online Redo Log" of the Oracle8 Administrator's Guide and "Recovering a Database" of Oracle8 Backup and Recovery.


Control File

The starter database contains one control file located in the ORACLE_HOME\ DATABASE directory:

Control Files   Description  



A control file is an administrative file required to start and run the database. The control file records the physical structure of the database. For example, a control file contains the database name, and the names and locations of the database's data files and redo log files.  


Oracle Corporation recommends that you keep at least two control files (on separate physical drives) for each database and set the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter to list each control file. See the chapter "Managing Control Files" of the Oracle8 Administrator's Guide for information on setting this initialization parameter value.


Data Dictionary

The data dictionary is a protected collection of tables and views containing reference information about the database, its structures, and its users. The data stored in the dictionary includes:


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