Oracle Parallel Server Getting Started
Release 8.0.4 for Windows NT






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A set of instances, each typically running on different nodes, that coordinate with one another when accessing the shared database residing on disk.

Cluster Manager

Operating System Dependent component that discovers and tracks the membership state of nodes by providing a common view of cluster membership across the cluster.

Also referred to as CM.


An abbreviation for Cluster Manager.


Dynamic Link Libraries. Microsoft Windows operating system executable files.


A set of instances coordinating together that run on only the nodes defined within a cluster. Typically, a domain is comprised of instances that run on some subset of those nodes. Multiple domains can exist with a cluster. Each domain defines the Oracle Parallel Server instance. Each domain name is typically the database name defined in the INIT_COM.ORA file.

extended partition

A type of partition that points to raw space on the disk. An extended partition can be assigned multiple logical drives for the database files. An extended partition avoids the four-partition limit by allowing you to define large numbers of logical partitions to accommodate applications using Oracle8 Server.

fine-grain locks

A type of locking where PCM locks are dynamically allocated at block-access time. The resources for the lock are only allocated during the time the lock is needed and are released when the lock is released.

Group Membership Service

A service called OraclePGMSService that monitors what groups (or domains) are up and its instance members. OraclePGMSService interacts with the Cluster Manager - the vendor software that manages access to shared disks and monitors the status of various cluster resources (including nodes, networks, and the PGMS). The Cluster Manager provides a node monitor service, which each PGMS uses to determine the status of PGMS instances on other nodes.

Also referred to as PGMS.

hashed locks

A type of locks where PCM locks are statically assigned to one or more blocks in the data files.


An abbreviation for the Integrated Distributed Lock Manager.


An abbreviation for Input/Output.


Operating System Dependent component that provides I/O to access shared disks.

Also referred to as IO.


A set of threads and resources required for proper database operation. The pool of threads that make up an instance coordinate their work on the database through shared memory by means of the Shared Global Area (SGA). All processes belonging to the instance exist on the same node. You can connect to any instance to access any information that resides within a parallel server database.

Integrated Distributed Lock Manager

Oracle Parallel Server software that provides locking mechanisms to control allocation and modification of Oracle resources.

Also referred to as the IDLM.

Interprocess Communication

Operating System Dependent component that reliable transfer of messages between instances on different nodes.

Also referred to as IPC.


An abbreviation for Interprocess Communication.

LMDn process

Process that handles remote lock requests (those which originate from another instance).

LMON process

Process that manages instance and processes deaths and associated recovery for the IDLM.


The server process that listens for and accepts incoming connection requests from client applications. Oracle listener processes start up Oracle database processes to handle subsequent communications with the client.


A configuration file that describes one or more TNS listeners on a server.

logical drive

Raw partition created by the Disk Administrator that points to a partition other than Partition0.


A Windows NT server where an instance resides.


A utility to generate configuration files and a script needed for the Oracle Performance Manager.

OPSCTL Utility

OPSM uses the OPSCTL utility (installed on each node) to manage instances. This utility is run directly from the command line on a node, or called by the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console. OPSCTL gathers information about all the instances in a cluster from the TNSNAMES.ORA files.


An abbreviation for Oracle Parallel Server Management.

Oracle Enterprise Manager

A product family consists of system management tools designed to efficiently manage the complete Oracle environment.

Oracle Net8 Easy Config

A GUI application to generate a TNSNAMES.ORA file.

Oracle Parallel Query

Parallel query divides the work of processing certain types of SQL statements among multiple query server processes.

Oracle Parallel Server

An architecture that allows multiple instances to access a shared database. Oracle Parallel Server offers the following (terms will be described later in this chapter):

Oracle Parallel Server Manager

A comprehensive and integrated system management solution for the Oracle Parallel Server. Oracle Parallel Server Manager allows you to manage multi-instance databases running in heterogeneous environments through an open client-server architecture.

Also referred to as OPSM.

Oracle Parallel Server Manager

A single point for starting, stopping, and monitoring the activity of parallel servers and parallel server instances from the command line or from within Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Oracle Performance Manager

A tools that offers a variety of tabular and graphic performance statistics for parallel servers. The statistics represent the aggregate performance for all instances running on a parallel server.

Oracle service

Created and associated with Oracle8 database. Similar to Windows NT services.

Oracle8 database

The software used to create and maintain the database system, as well as the actual data stored in the database.

Oracle8 ORDBMS

The Oracle Object Relational Database Management System. Oracle8 Enterprise Edition for Windows NT is an Oracle RDBMS.

Operating System Dependent layer

A software layer that consists of several software components developed by vendors. The OSD layer maps the key OS/cluster-ware services required for proper operation of Oracle Parallel Server.


An abbreviation for Oracle Parallel Query.


A utility to generate configuration files and a database link SQL script needed by the Oracle Performance Manager.


A utility to start and stop instances from either one node or from Oracle Enterprise Manager.


An abbreviation for Operating System Dependent.


An abbreviation for Performance and Management.

Parallel Cache Management

Oracle Parallel Server software that provides instance locks that cover one or more data blocks (table or index blocks) in the buffer cache. PCM locks ensure that each shared buffer cache in a node remains consistent with the shared buffer caches in other nodes with minimal use of the DLM.

Also referred to as PCM.

parallel coordinator

A process that dispatches the execution of a SQL statement to several parallel server processes and coordinates the results from all of the slave processes to send the results back to the user.

parallel server process

Processes that performs the requested action of the parallel coordinator.

Performance and Management

Operating System Dependent component that supports external performance and management tools.


An abbreviation for Parallel Cache Management.


An abbreviation of Group Membership Service.

physical partition

Partition that points to Partition0. Window NT automatically creates a symbolic link name of \\.\PhysicalDrivex (where x is the physical drive number) to \Device\Harddiskx\Partition0. The x in \\.\PhysicalDrivex matches the x in \Device\Harddiskx\Partition0.

primary partition

A partition into which you can install the files needed to load an operating system. A primary partition is usually formatted for a particular file system and is assigned a drive letter. There can be at most four primary partitions on a physical drive.


A unique name for an Oracle database instance. To switch between Oracle databases, users must specify the desired SID. The SID is included in the CONNECT DATA parts of the connect descriptors in a TNSNAMES.ORA file, and in the definition of the network listener in the LISTENER.ORA file. Also known as system ID.

system ID

A synonym for instance identifier. Often abbreviated to SID.


A utility to map symbolic links to logical partitions.


Operating System Dependent component that provides one-time configuration to startup functionality.

Also referred to as START.


An abbreviation for Startup.


A logical portion of an Oracle database used to allocate storage for table and index data. Each tablespace corresponds to one or more physical database files. Every Oracle database has a tablespace called SYSTEM and may have additional tablespaces. A tablespace is used to group related logical structures together. For example, tablespaces commonly group all of an application's objects to simplify certain administrative operations.


A file that contains connect descriptors mapped to service names. The file may be maintained centrally or locally, for use by all or individual clients.


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