Oracle Parallel Server Getting Started
Release 8.0.4 for Windows NT







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Before You Begin

1 Overview of Oracle Parallel Server

Oracle Parallel Server Software Components
Group Membership Service
Operating System Dependent Layer
Oracle Parallel Server Instances
Database Files
Oracle Parallel Server Features
Integrated Distributed Lock Manager
Parallel Cache Management
Oracle Parallel Query
OPQ Statement

2 System Requirements

Hardware Requirements
Each Oracle8 Parallel Server Node
Oracle Enterprise Manager Repository Database
Oracle Enterprise Manager Console
Software Requirements
Each Oracle8 Parallel Server Node
Oracle Enterprise Manager Repository Database
Oracle Enterprise Console
Shared Disk Subsystem

3 Performing Pre-Installation Tasks

Raw Partition Overview
Step 1: Create an Extended Partition
Step 2: Create Logical Drives In an Extended Partition
Step 3: Unassign Drive Letters

4 Installing Oracle Parallel Server

Oracle Parallel Server and Multiple Oracle Homes
Step 1: Install Oracle8 Enterprise Edition and Oracle Parallel Server on Nodes
Step 2: Install OSD Files

5 Configuring Oracle Parallel Server

Step 1: Copy Initialization Files
Step 2: Assign Symbolic Links to Each Logical Drive
Removing or Ignoring Links
Step 3: Configure OSD Layer
Step 4: Create Services
Step 5: Add the ORACLE_SID Entry to the Registry
Step 6: Configure the Network
Step 6a: Stop the Listener
Step 6b: Configure the Service Names
Step 6c: Start the Listener
Step 6d: Test the Configuration
Step 7: Create an Oracle Parallel Server Database
Step 8: Start the Database in Parallel Mode
Step 9: Verify Instances Are Running

6 Installing and Configuring Oracle Parallel Server Manager

Overview of OPSM
OPSM Requirements
Understanding Oracle Enterprise Manager Console Setup
Step 1: Install Oracle Enterprise Manager
Step 1a: Install Repository Database on Windows NT
Step 1b: Install Oracle Enterprise Manager on Console Workstation
Step 2: Configure Oracle Enterprise Manager
Step 2a: Start Oracle Services
Step 2b: Create a Repository User Account
Step 2c: Create a Windows NT User Account
Step 2d: Create Configuration Files
Step 2e: Create the Repository and Discover Services
Step 3: Configure Oracle Performance Manager
Accessing Oracle Performance Manager

7 Administering Multiple Instances

Understanding the Initialization Files
Purpose of INITSID.ORA
Purpose of INIT_COM.ORA
Setting Initialization Parameters for the Oracle Parallel Server
GC_* Global Constant Parameters
Parameter Notes for Multiple Instances
Identical Parameters on Each Instance
Parameter Descriptions
Location of Initialization Files
Editing Initialization Files
Managing Instances Using OPSM
Using OPSM from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console
Using OPSM from OPSCTL

8 Adding Instances and Nodes

Moving from a Single Instance to Parallel Server
Step 1: Configure Hardware
Step 2: Evaluate Tablespaces and Log Files of Single Instance
Step 3: Create Raw Partitions
Step 4: Install Oracle8 Enterprise Edition and Oracle Parallel Server Option
Step 5: Install OSD Files
Step 6: Move Initialization Files
Step 7: Export Data from Old Database
Step 8: Prepare CREATE DATABASE Script
Step 9: Configure OSD Layer, Create Services, and Configure Network
Step 10: Create an Oracle Parallel Server Database
Step 11: Transfer Data From Old Data to Empty Database
Step 12: Start the Database
Adding Additional Nodes to a Cluster
Assign Symbolic Links to Each Logical Drive
Shut Down Services
Create Rollback Segments For Additional Nodes
Reconfigure Oracle Performance Manager

9 Backing Up and Recovering an Oracle Parallel Server Database

Backup and Recovery

A Directory Structure

Understanding the Oracle Parallel Server Directory Structure

B Troubleshooting

Understanding the Trace Files
Using PhysicalDrive for Raw Partitions
Performing SHUTDOWN


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