Oracle Parallel Server Getting Started
Release 8.0.4 for Windows NT






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System Requirements

This chapter describes the system requirements of Oracle Parallel Server.

Specific topics discussed are:

Hardware Requirements

Each Oracle8 Parallel Server Node

Each node in a cluster requires the following hardware:

Personal computer (PC) with Pentium/Pentium Pro processor that has passed certification
Windows NT-compatible network interface card (NIC). The NIC must be supported by Microsoft
external hard disk
72 MB RAM minimum; 96 MB RAM recommended

Oracle Enterprise Manager Repository Database

Dedicated PC with Windows NT (fulfilling the above node requirements) as the repository database with a minimum of 32 MB RAM or 64 MB RAM if the repository database is also running Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Console

Additionally, a Windows NT or Windows 95 console (or client machine) where Oracle Enterprise Manager resides requires the following hardware:

Intel 486 PC or better
Windows NT or 95 compatible network adapter
VGA video (SVGA strongly recommended)
32 MB RAM recommended for Oracle Enterprise Manager
16 MB RAM for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Performance Pack (optional)

Software Requirements

Each Oracle8 Parallel Server Node

Each node in a cluster requires the following software:

Windows NT 4.0 Server
Microsoft TCP/IP
Oracle8 Enterprise Edition
Net8 Server and Net8 Client
Oracle8 Parallel Server Option
Oracle8 Parallel Server Manager Server
Operating System Dependent (OSD) layer from a vendor that has passed certification
One of the following Web browsers to view online documentation:
  • Netscape Navigator Version 3.0 or later.


  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 3.0 or later.


Oracle Enterprise Manager Repository Database

Oracle Enterprise Manager repository database machine requires:

Oracle8 Enterprise Edition
Net8 Server and Net8 Client

Oracle Enterprise Console

The Oracle Enterprise Manager console workstation requires:

Net8 Client
Oracle Enterprise Manager
(Optional) Performance Manager Pack for Oracle Performance Manager

Shared Disk Subsystem

Oracle Parallel Server requires a shared disk subsystem to contain shared partitions that are raw. All Oracle8 data, log, and control files are placed on shared raw partitions.


Each instance of an Oracle Parallel Server database has its own log files and control file, but data files are shared by each instance in the cluster. However, log files must be accessible/readable by other instances.



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