Oracle Parallel Server Getting Started
Release 8.0.4 for Windows NT






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Configuring Oracle Parallel Server

This chapter describes the configuration tasks to create an operating Oracle Parallel Server.

Specific topics discussed are:

Step 1: Copy Initialization Files

The initialization files, INIT_COM.ORA and INITSID.ORA are installed in the ORACLE_HOME\OPS directory. To use Oracle Parallel Server Manager and to avoid specifying the PFILE parameter when starting the database (STARTUP PFILE=C: ORANT\OPS\INITSID.ORA), copy these file to the ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE file where initialization files are normally located.

To change the location of the initialization files:

  1. Copy INIT_COM.ORA and INITSID.ORA form the ORACLE_HOME\OPS directory to ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE directory.

  1. Modify the INITSID.ORA file so the IFILE points to the new ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE directory.

Step 2: Assign Symbolic Links to Each Logical Drive

The Oracle SETLINKS utility creates symbolic links to raw logical drives.

For example, with the SETLINKS utility, you can create a symbolic link called OPS_log1t1 to the second logical drive on the second physical disk:

OPS_log1t1 \Device\Harddisk2\Partition2

The SETLINKS utility comes with the following ASCII files, with symbolic link names already associated with raw partitions. Each node requires two log files. If you have more than a three to four cluster, additional symbolic link names must be linked to the files.

This File...   Contains...  


symbolic link names already associated with raw partitions for a two-node cluster  


symbolic link names to accommodate a third node's additional log files  


symbolic link names to accommodate a fourth node's additional log files  

Figure 5-1 ORALINK1.TBL

Figure 5-2 ORALINK2.TBL

Figure 5-3 ORALINK3.TBL

Below is a description of the symbolic link names:

Symbolic link name...   File Description   Symbolic link name is used in the file ORACLE_HOME...  


recovery log file  



recovery log file  



system data file  



user data file  



rollback data file  



temporary data file  



first log file for thread 1  



second log file for thread 2  



control file  


To create symbolic links to the logical partitions:
  1. On the primary node, edit the partition and hard disk numbers appropriately in the ORALINK1.TBL file located in ORACLE_HOME\OPS to match the disk numbers and partitions number you wrote down in "Step 3: Unassign Drive Letters" in Chapter 3, "Performing Pre-Installation Tasks". If the cluster has a third and/or fourth node, edit ORALINK2.TBL (for the third node) and ORALLINK3.TBL for the fourth node.

    You can use a worksheet similar the one below to assist with the process:

    Symbolic Link   Node 1   Node 2  


    Harddiskx Partitionx  

    Harddiskx Partitionx  


    Harddiskx Partitionx  

    Harddiskx Partitionx  


    Harddiskx Partitionx  

    Harddiskx Partitionx  


    Harddiskx Partitionx  

    Harddiskx Partitionx  


    Harddiskx Partitionx  

    Harddiskx Partitionx  


    Harddiskx Partitionx  

    Harddiskx Partitionx  


    Harddiskx Partitionx  

    Harddiskx Partitionx  


    Harddiskx Partitionx  

    Harddiskx Partitionx  


    Harddiskx Partitionx  

    Harddiskx Partitionx  

    For example, the worksheet for the two nodes shown in section "Step 2: Create Logical Drives In an Extended Partition" in Chapter 3, "Performing Pre-Installation Tasks" looks like:

    Symbolic Link   Node 1   Node 2  


    Harddisk1 Partition1  

    Harddisk2 Partition1  


    Harddisk1 Partition2  

    Harddisk2 Partition2  


    Harddisk1 Partition3  

    Harddisk2 Partition3  


    Harddisk1 Partition4  

    Harddisk2 Partition4  


    Harddisk1 Partition5  

    Harddisk2 Partition5  


    Harddisk1 Partition6  

    Harddisk2 Partition6  


    Harddisk2 Partition1  

    Harddisk3 Partition1  


    Harddisk2 Partition2  

    Harddisk3 Partition2  


    Harddisk2 Partition3  

    Harddisk3 Partition3  

    Additional Information:

    See Chapter 3, "Performing Pre-Installation Tasks", for further information about the Disk Administrator.



    Do not change the symbolic link names in OPSLINK1.TBL. If you do, symbolic link names must be modified for the following files:


  1. Run the ASCII input file, ORALINK1.TBL through the SETLINKS application as shown below:


    SETLINKS maps the drives to the symbolic label names:

    Oracle Corporation. Copyright (c) 1997. All rights reserved.
    Created Link:
    Created Link:OPS_log1t1 = Device:\Device\Harddisk1\Partition1
    Created Link:OPS_log2t1 = Device:\Device\Harddisk1\Partition2
    Created Link:OPS_sys01 = Device:\Device\Harddisk1\Partition3
    Created Link:OPS_usr01 = Device:\Device\Harddisk1\Partition4
    Created Link:OPS_rbs01 = Device:\Device\Harddisk1\Partition5
    Created Link:OPS_tmp01 = Device:\Device\Harddisk1\Partition6
    Created Link:OPS_log1t2 = Device:\Device\Harddisk2\Partition1
    Created Link:OPS_log2t2 = Device:\Device\Harddisk2\Partition2
    Created Link:OPS_cntr01 = Device:\Device\Harddisk3\Partition3
    Dos devices updated successfully.

    If the cluster has third or fourth node, SETLINKS must be run again with OPSLINK2.TBL (for the third node) or OPSLINK3.TBL for the fourth node.


  2. Make sure the drives have been mapped with the correct names as shown below:


    SETLINKS shows how the symbolic link names have been mapped:

    Oracle Corporation. Copyright (c) 1997. All rights reserved.
    OPS_log1t1  = \Device\Harddisk1\Partition1
    OPS_log2t1  = \Device\Harddisk1\Partition2
    OPS_sys01   = \Device\Harddisk1\Partition2
    OPS_usr01   = \Device\Harddisk1\Partition2
    OPS_rbs01   = \Device\Harddisk1\Partition5
    OPS_tmp01   = \Device\Harddisk1\Partition6
    OPS_log1t2  = \Device\Harddisk2\Partition1
    OPS_log2t2  = \Device\Harddisk2\Partition2
    OPS_cntr01  = \Device\Harddisk2\Partition3

  3. Repeat Steps 1-3 on the other nodes.

Removing or Ignoring Links

Links can be removed or ignored by changing the contents of the ORALINKx.TBL files and running it through SETLINKS again.

Ignore Links

To ignore links:

Insert a `#" at the beginning of a line to denote a comment, which is ignored by SETLINKS.

Remove Links

To remove an existing symbolic link:

List a symbolic link without a device path in the ORALINKx.TBL file.

For example:

OPS_log2t1 \Device\Harddisk1\Partition2
OPS_sys01  \Device\Harddisk1\Partition3
OPS_usr01  \Device\Harddisk1\Partition4
OPS_rbs01  \Device\Harddisk1\Partition5
OPS_tmp01  \Device\Harddisk1\Partition6
OPS_log1t2 \Device\Harddisk2\Partition1
OPS_log2t2 \Device\Harddisk2\Partition2
OPS_cntr01 \Device\Harddisk2\Partition3

This removes the OPS_log1t1 link and creates the other links specified.

Step 3: Configure OSD Layer


When following the steps below, note that some tasks are performed on the primary node only, while other tasks are performed on each node.


To configure the Operating System Dependent (OSD) components:

See your OSD vendor documentation for instructions about configuring the OSD components, making sure the:

Step 4: Create Services

After the OSD components have been configured, an OracleServiceSID for each instance must be created.

To create OracleServiceSID:

  1. On each node, go to the ORACLE_HOME\BIN directory:


  1. On each node, use the CRTSRV batch file to create a unique service corresponding to the instance of the node. This batch file also sets up the service so that each time it started, the OraclePGMSService is started automatically.


    For example, to create OracleServiceOPS1 on the primary node:


  2. Verify OracleServiceSID exists by choosing Services from the Control Panel.

    The Services window appears:

  3. Some vendors may require changing the password for OracleServiceSID and OracleHOME_NAMETNSListener80 to the Administrator's password for the machine:

    Additional Information:

    See Chapter 6, "Using Multiple Oracle Homes," in the Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Getting Started for Windows NT for a description of HOME_NAME and multiple Oracle homes.


    1. Double-click the service.

      The Service dialog box appears:

    2. Select the This Account option button.

    3. Select the "..." button.

      The Add User dialog box appears:

    4. Select Administrator from the Names list box, and click Add.

    5. Click OK.

      The Service dialog box reappears.

    6. Enter the NT administrator's password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.

    7. Click OK.

      The Services window reappears.

    8. Click Close to exit the Services window.

  4. Stop OracleServiceSID:

    • From the MS-DOS command line, enter:
      C:\> NET STOP OracleServiceSID
    • From the Control Panel's Services window, select OracleServiceSID, and click Stop.

Step 5: Add the ORACLE_SID Entry to the Registry

The SID for an instance must be set in the registry to allow instance recognition when you access a database from a node. When you connect to a database, Oracle Parallel Server will be able to resolve the SID name.


If the SID is not set in the registry, Oracle Parallel Server tries to see if the SID is set as an environment variable. If it cannot find it, the SID name defaults to ORCL. ORCL is not a valid SID for an Oracle Parallel Server. Therefore, you cannot connect with it.


Oracle Parallel Server requires the ORACLE_SID registry value to be manually added to the following location:

If you have...   Parameter is located in...  

One Oracle home directory  


Two or more Oracle home directories  


where ID is incremented for each additional Oracle home directory on your machine.  

To add the ORACLE_SID registry value:

  1. From each node, start the registry in either one of two ways:

    • From the command line, enter:
      C:\> REGEDT32
    • Select Run from the Start icon in the Taskbar, enter REGEDT32 in the Open field, and click OK.

    The Registry Editor window appears:

  1. Double-click the SOFTWARE key.

  2. Navigate to the proper Oracle home key.

  3. Choose Add Value from Edit menu.

    The Add Value dialog box appears:

  4. In the Value Name field, enter ORACLE_SID.

  5. In the Data Type box, select REG_SZ.

  6. Click OK.

    The String Editor dialog box appears:

  7. Enter the SID of the instance for the node you are on, and click OK.

    Registry Editor adds ORACLE_SID.

  8. Choose Exit from the Registry menu.

    The registry exits.

Step 6: Configure the Network

Configure the nodes and clients for connections. Net8 clients communicate with Oracle8 servers through service names, which are easy to remember aliases for database addresses.

Each node must have the following configuration files in ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN:

Configuration File   Description   Configuration Requirements  


Includes addresses of all network listeners on a server, the system identifiers (SIDs) of the databases for which they listen, and various control parameters used by the listener.  

The SID_NAME parameter must set to the name of the instance SID on each node.



Includes a list of service names of databases.  

A service name for the name of the node's instance.  

Two tools are available for modifying these files:

Tool   Description  

OPSCONF utility  

Generates a TNSNAMES.ORA file with the service names already configured for all the nodes in a cluster and a LISTENER.ORA file with SID_NAME parameter already set.

Utility must only be run once.

Creates a SQL script needed for configuration of the Performance Manager.  

Oracle Net8 Easy Config wizard  

Allows you to create a TNSNAMES.ORA with a service name for the name a nodes' instance.

Wizard must be run on each node and any clients.  

If you want to use the Oracle Performance Manager in addition to Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle recommends using the OPSCONF utility to generate the needed SQL script for Oracle Performance Manager. Otherwise, you must generate the file manually. See "Step 3: Configure Oracle Performance Manager" in Chapter 6, "Installing and Configuring Oracle Parallel Server Manager".

The steps to perform to configure the network include:

Step 6a: Stop the Listener

To stop the listener:

Step 6b: Configure the Service Names

Configuration files can be created with the OPSCONF utility or Oracle Net8 Easy Config. In order to use Oracle Performance Manager, however, you must use OPSCONF.

Below are instructions for both methods:


The OPSCONF utility creates the following:

The TNSNAMES.ORA created with OPSCONF is not compatible with the TNSNAME.ORA created with Oracle Net8 Easy Config.

To create the configuration files:

  1. On one of the nodes, go to the ORACLE_HOME\BIN directory:


  1. Run OPSCONF:


    OPSCONF runs in interactive mode, prompting you with configuration questions. Bold indicates user input:

    1. Enter the name of the Oracle Parallel Server database.


      The database name is defined in the INIT_COM.ORA file in ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE. The database name is defaulted to OPS.


      If you receive the following error message, the Performance and Management component is not supported by your vendor. You must use SQL*Net Easy Configuration to create the configuration files.

      Failed to load path\pm.dll
      ERROR: Unable to access configuratin 

      Additional Information: See "Using Oracle Net8 Easy Config".


    2. Enter the port number of the listener (Default=1526).


      Press [Enter] to accept the default value.

    3. Enter the port number of the Oracleagent (Default=1748).

      Press [Enter] to accept the default value unless you have changed the port number.

    All the configuration files and the OPS_DBL.SQL script are created in ORACLE_HOME\OPS.

  2. Move each LISTENER_node_hostname.ORA file to the ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN directory to the appropriate node, renaming it to LISTENER.ORA.

  3. Copy TNSNAMES.ORA file to the ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN directory on each of the nodes, all client machines, and the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.

  4. Move TOPOLOGY.OPS to the ORACLE_HOME\NET80\ADMIN directory on the Oracle Enterprise Manager console workstation, renaming it to TOPOLOGY.ORA.

    Or, merge it with your existing TOPOLOGY.ORA.

    Additional Information:

    See Chapter 6, "Configuring the Network", in the Net8 Getting Started for Windows NT and Windows 95.


  5. Continue to "Step 6c: Start the Listener".

Using Oracle Net8 Easy Config

Oracle Net8 Easy Config creates a TNSNAMES.ORA file.

A TNSNAMES.ORA created with Oracle Net8 Easy Config is not compatible a TNSNAME.ORA created with OPSCONF.

To configure service names:

  1. On each node, use the Oracle Net8 Easy Config wizard as described in the Net8 Getting Started for Windows NT and Windows 95 guide to configure create service names to connect to each of the nodes.


    You may find it easier to remember the service name if you make it the same as the SID of the instance. The primary node, for example, would have a service name of OPS1 and a SID of OPS1.


  1. Modify the line (SID_NAME=ORCL) in the LISTENER.ORA file with the name of the instance SID on each node.

    For example, to modify the file for the primary node's OPS1 instance:

       (SID_LIST =
          (SID_DESC =
             (SID_NAME = OPS1)

  2. Continue to "Step 6c: Start the Listener".

Step 6c: Start the Listener

To start the listener:

Step 6d: Test the Configuration

To ensure the files are configured correctly:

  1. On any node or client machine, start Server Manager. Enter:

    C:\> SVRMGR30

  1. Connect to an instance:


  2. Server Manager returns a "Connected" message to the screen.

    If there is an error in connecting, you must troubleshoot your installation. Typically, there is a problem with the IP address, host name, or SID.

Step 7: Create an Oracle Parallel Server Database


The instructions below assume the domain you specified during the OSD configuration is identical to the database name defined in the INIT_COM.ORA file.


Creating an Oracle Parallel Server database involves generating:

To create the Oracle Parallel Server database:

  1. Start the OracleServiceOPS1 service:


    Prior to starting a OracleServiceSID service, the OraclePGMSService service must be running. If you used the CRTSRV script in "Step 4: Create Services", OraclePGMSService automatically starts when the OracleServiceSID service is started.

    If you chose to create your services with another method, you can still have OraclePGMSService start up automatically with a OracleServiceSID service by entering the following at the command for each node:

     C:\> OPSREG80 ADD SID 

    • From the MS-DOS command line, enter:
      C:\> NET START OracleServiceOPS1
    • From the Control Panel's Services window, select OracleServiceOPS1, and click Start.

  1. Connect to the instance and run the OPSALL.SQL script to create the database:


  2. Enter the password for INTERNAL when prompted.

    The OPSALL.SQL script:

    • Calls the OPS.SQL script to create the Oracle Parallel Server database files, rollback segments, and tablespaces
    • Builds a system data dictionary
    • Creates users
    • Creates views
    • Creates redo log files for each instance
    • Shuts down the database


      You may modify the OPS.SQL script in ORACLE_HOME\OPS to better suit your database needs.


  3. Stop the OracleServiceOPS1 service:

    • From the MS-DOS command line, enter:
      C:\> NET STOP OracleServiceOPS1
    • From the Control Panel's Services window, select OracleServiceSID, and click Stop.

Step 8: Start the Database in Parallel Mode

To start the Oracle Parallel Server database in parallel mode:


When following the steps below, note that some tasks are performed on the primary node only, while other tasks are performed on each node.


  1. On each node, delete the ORACLE_HOME\RDBMS80\TRACE\SIDLMON.TRC file.

    This file is re-created with new Oracle Parallel Server messages.

  1. Start OracleServiceSID instance on each node.


    Prior to starting a OracleServiceSID service, the OraclePGMSService service must be running. If you used the CRTSRV script in "Step 4: Create Services" of this chapter, OraclePGMSService automatically starts up when the OracleServiceSID service is started.

    If you chose to create your services with another method, you can still have OraclePGMSService start up automatically with a OracleServiceSID service by entering the following at the command for each node:

     C:\> OPSREG80 ADD SID 

    • From the MS-DOS command line, enter:
      C:\> NET START OracleServiceOPS1
    • From the Control Panel's Services window, select OracleServiceSID, and click Start.

  2. On the primary node, start the database:

    C:\> SVRMGR30

    The first instance to start up in shared mode determines the values of the global constant parameters for the other instances. The control file records the values of the GC_* parameters when the first instance starts up.

    When another instance attempts to start up in shared mode, the Oracle Server compares the values of the global constant parameters in its parameter file with those already in use and issues a message if any values are incompatible. The instance cannot mount the database unless it has the correct values for its global constant parameters.

  3. On the remaining nodes, start the database:

    C:\> SVRMGR30


If PARALLEL_SERVER is set in the INIT_COM.ORA file, you do not have specify STARTUP PARALLEL.

You also do not have specify the PFILE parameter when starting the database (STARTUP PFILE=C: ORANT\OPS\INITSID.ORA) if you followed the procedure in "Step 1: Copy Initialization Files" of this chapter.


  1. On each node, ensure there is a "Reconfiguration complete" message in the ORACLE_HOME\RDBMS80\TRACE\SIDLMON.TRC file for the correct number of node, signifying the cluster was started without errors:

    Below is a sample of the trace file, indicating successful startup for two nodes:

    Thu Oct 30 15:22:59 1997
    Reconfiguration started
    List of nodes: 1,2,
     Lock DB frozen
     Non-local Process blocks cleaned out
     Non-local Group blocks cleaned out
     Resources and locks cleaned out
     Traffic controller Initialized
     Communication channels reestablished
     Submitted all rdomain info
     Submitted all remote-lock requests
     Update rdomain variables
     Dwn-cvts replayed, VALBLKs dubious
     All grantable locks granted
    Thu Oct 30 15:23:02 1997
    Reconfiguration complete

Step 9: Verify Instances Are Running

To verify instances are running:

  1. On any node, enter the following:

    C:\> SVRMGR30

    The following output is returned:

    -----------  ---------
               1 node1:ops1
               2 node2:ops2
               3 node3:ops3
    . . .


    If another node is reconfigured after this table has been accessed and this statement is issued again, only the last node whose database was started displays.


  1. On all the nodes, connect as SCOTT/TIGER, and view the EMP table.

    C:\> SVRMGR30

    The employee table displays:

    EMPNO ENAME      JOB             MGR HIREDATE        SAL      COMM    DEPTNO
--------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
     7369 SMITH      CLERK          7902 17-DEC-80       800                  20
     7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN       7698 20-FEB-81      1600       300        30
     7521 WARD       SALESMAN       7698 22-FEB-81      1250       500        30
     7566 JONES      MANAGER        7839 02-APR-81      2975                  20
     7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN       7698 28-SEP-81      1250      1400        30
     7698 BLAKE      MANAGER        7839 01-MAY-81      2850                  30
     7782 CLARK      MANAGER        7839 09-JUN-81      2450                  10
     7788 SCOTT      ANALYST        7566 19-APR-87      3000                  20
     7839 KING       PRESIDENT           17-NOV-81      5000                  10
     7844 TURNER     SALESMAN       7698 08-SEP-81      1500         0        30
     7876 ADAMS      CLERK          7788 23-MAY-87      1100                  20
     7900 JAMES      CLERK          7698 03-DEC-81       950                  30
     7902 FORD       ANALYST        7566 03-DEC-81      3000                  20
     7934 MILLER     CLERK          7782 23-JAN-82      1300                  10
14 rows selected.

  1. On the one node, increase MILLER's salary by $1000 and commit the change:

    SET SAL = SAL + 1000

  2. On the other nodes, select the EMP table again:


    MILLER's salary should now be $2,300, indicating the all the instances can see the database.

  3. Continue to Chapter 6, "Installing and Configuring Oracle Parallel Server Manager", if you want to configure Oracle Parallel Server Manager with Oracle Enterprise Manager.


Copyright © 1997 Oracle Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.



