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Setting Up Page Layout, Starting Page, and Webmaster Address

The Setup window lets you modify the layout of your web pages, set the start point to which the user is returned when logging out, and set the webmaster's email address.

Lines Per Page

This field sets the maximum number of table rows displayed on a page and is useful, for performance reasons, when the table is large. If the number of rows exceeds the number stated in this field, the table is displayed in sets.

First Set of Rows Display the first set of rows retrieved from the table.
Previous Set Display the previous set of rows.
Next Set Display the next set of rows.
Last Set Display the last set of rows returned from the table.
All Display all rows from the table.
Note that increasing the number of table rows may impede performance.

Starting Page URL

This URL is the page to which the user is returned when the Logout button is chosen. By default, the user is sent to the login page.

Webmaster Email Address

The email address to which all users should forward their questions and comments.

See Also

System Administration

Data Security

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